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DVB-H long time interleaving profiles, achieving a bet-

End-to-End Digital Video

DVB-H (Handheld) is the evolution of DVB-T for ter performance in both fixed and mobile sce-
narios. It implements time slicing in order to iTEAM is a
the provision of mobile TV services. DVB-H reuti-
lizes the physical layer of DVB-T and implements allow power saving in the user terminals. In or- full member

Broadcasting Test-bed several modifications in the link layer in order to der to counteract the characteristic long fades of the digital
adapt the transmission to mobile devices. Con- of satellite reception, DVB-SH incorporates the TV standard-
trary to DVB-T, DVB-H encapsulates the video, possibility of long interleaving at the physical ization
audio and data information into IP datagrams layer and at the link layer by means of MPE-iFEC forum DVB
D. Gmez-Barquero, D. Gozlvez, P. Olivas, F. Camar, Pedro F. Gmez, J. Puig, and N. Cardona that are transmitted in a busty manner known as (Multi Protocol Encapsulation inter burst FEC).
time slicing. By doing this, it is possible to achieve Currently, there are two DVB-SH satellites in or-
Mobile Communications Group bit covering Western Europe and the USA, which
power saving figures up to 90%. In order to coun-
iTEAM Research Institute teract the impairments of mobile reception (in are being used to validate the performance of
Universidad Politcnica de Valencia particular fast fading), DVB-H also implements the DVB-SH satellite link. Commercial services
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain MPE-FEC (Multi Protocol Encapsulation - FEC) are expected to start late 2010.
protection at the link layer. Commercial DVB-H
Corresponding author: 2.5. DVB-T2
services are already on air in more than ten coun-
tries in Europe, South East Asia, and Africa. DVB-T2 is the second generation European stand-
ard for the provision of digital terrestrial televi-
2.3. DVB-S/S2 sion. It is the most advanced DTT system. DVB-T2
DVB-S (Satellite) is the first generation European was originally designed for the transmission of
standard for the transmission of satellite servic- high definition TV (HDTV). It achieves up to 70%
es. At present, DVB-S is the most popular system more capacity than DVB-T. Based on the same
for the transmission of digital satellite services FEC scheme employed in DVB-S2, it implements
with more than 100 million receivers deployed a series of improvements such as a very flexible
around the world. Contrary to DVB-T, DVB-S em- time interleaving or the use of rotated constel-
ploys TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) modula- lations. Because of this, DVB-T2 achieves a good
tion that is better suited than OFDM for satellite performance in both fixed and mobile terrestrial
transmissions. The high peak to average power scenarios. DVB-T2 can also provide per service
ratio of multi carrier modulations such as OFDM QoS by means of PLPs (Physical Layer Pipes). This
Abstract forces the on board high power amplifiers to op- characteristic allows the accommodation of dif-
laboratory supports the following technologies:
erate quite below the saturation point (for which ferent user cases (fixed, portable or mobile) in
DVB-T (digital terrestrial TV standard), DVB-H
This article presents the research and develop- the transmitted power is maximized) in order the same frequency channel. MIMO techniques
(mobile terrestrial TV standard), DVB-SH (mo-
ment activities on digital video broadcasting to avoid non linear distortions. Single carrier requiring more than one receive antenna are
bile satellite TV standard), and DVB-T2 (second
carried by the Mobile Communications Group of modulations like TDM can operate closer to the not implemented in DVB-T2 in order to maintain
generation digital terrestrial TV standard). The
the iTEAM research institute of the Universidad saturation point and therefore may provide bet- backwards compatibility with existent antenna
pilot supports DVB-T and DVB-H. iTEAM has a
Politcnica de Valencia. iTEAM is a full member ter spectral efficiency. The FEC mechanisms im- installations. However, a MISO technique based
proprietary multi-standard DVB encapsulation,
of the DVB standardization forum, and is actively plemented in DVB-S are very similar to those of on the Alamouti code is introduced in DVB-T2.
simulation, and measurement platforms, which
participating in the standardization process of the DVB-T and thus, DVB-S does not achieve a good Although time-frequency slicing is also included
is currently being upgraded to DVB-T2.
next generation mobile TV standard DVB-NGH. performance in mobile scenarios. in DVB-T2, its usage is optional and will probably
iTEAMs DVB facilities include a complete end-to- not be used extensively in commercial networks.
DVB-S2 is a second generation standard de- The first commercial DVB-T2 transmissions start-
end DVB-T/H/SH/T2 lab, and a DVB-T/H pilot at the 2. Overview DVB Technologies ed in UK in December 2009, and more countries
main campus of the Universidad Politcnica de signed as an evolution of DVB-S for the transmis-
Valencia. iTEAM has developed a proprietary mul- sion of satellite services. It implements a new FEC are expected to follow during 2010.
2.1. DVB-T
ti-standard DVB encapsulation, simulation, and scheme based on LDPC+BCH codes that achieve
DVB-T (Terrestrial) is the first generation Euro-
measurement platforms. On-going work aims at a better performance against noise and interfer- 2.6. DVB-NGH
pean standard for the transmission of digital
upgrading the platforms with the second genera- ence. However, DVB-S2 was also designed for DVB-NGH is the acronym received by the second
terrestrial TV (DTT). DVB-T has been adopted
tion digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 standard. fixed reception and does not incorporate time generation mobile TV European standard. The
by many countries worldwide. It is planned that
interleaving. Because of this, a protection mech- standardization process of DVB-NGH started at
DTT services completely replace analogue TV in
Keywords Digital video broadcasting, digital TV, anism in the link layer called LL-FEC (Link Layer the end of February 2010, and is currently under
many European countries by latest 2012. Sev-
mobile TV. FEC) has been standardized in order to improve way. The standard is expected to be completed
eral European countries such as Luxemburg, the
mobile reception. by the end of 2011. DVB-NGH will probably rely
Netherlands, Finland, Andorra, Sweden, Norway,
1. Introduction Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and
on MIMO technology (with several transmit and
Spain have already completed the analogue 2.4. DVB-SH receive antennas) and time frequency slicing in
This article presents the research and develop- DVB-SH (Satellite to Handheld) is the European order to further improve the performance of DVB-
switch off. Spain stopped the transmission of
ment activities on digital video broadcasting standard for the provision of mobile TV serv- T2. It is expected that the video, audio or data net
analogue TV signals in April 2010. DVB-T em-
carried by the Mobile Communications Group ices by means of a hybrid satellite and terres- throughput will be maximized by decreasing the
ploys OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division
of the iTEAM research institute of the Univer- trial network. The satellite component provides transmitted overhead in the form of packet head-
Multiplexing) modulation, which makes it very
sidad Politcnica de Valencia. iTEAM is a full nationwide coverage while the terrestrial com- ers and metadata. The extensive usage of SVC
resilient against multi path propagation. OFDM
member of the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) ponent reinforces the signal in urban scenarios. (Scalable Video Codec) is also expected to become
usage allows as well the deployment of SFN (Sin-
standardization forum, where it is actively par- The terrestrial component operates exclusively an important addition. SCV allows the video to
gle Frequency Networks) networks that achieve
ticipating in the standardization process of the with OFDM, but the satellite component can be transmitted as a base layer along with several
a very high spectral efficiency. However, DVB-T
next generation mobile TV standard DVB-NGH. transmit either with OFDM or TDM. TDM modu- enhancement layers that improve the frame rate,
was designed for fixed and portable reception
iTEAMs DVB facilities include a complete end- lation is better suited for satellite transmissions. resolution or quality of the base layer. By means of
and generally does not provide enough robust-
to-end lab and a test pilot at the main campus The physical layer of DVB-SH is improved with SVC it is possible to improve the efficiency of the
ness in mobile environments since it does not
of the Universidad Politcnica de Valencia. The respect to DVB-H by means of turbo codes and network and achieve graceful degradation.
implement time interleaving.

134 ISSN 1889-8297 / Waves 2010 year 2 Waves 2010 year 2 / ISSN 1889-8297 135
3. iTEAM DVB facilities ing the possibility of completely automate the
measuring process.
facilities 3.1. DVB Lab participates
The iTEAM research institute has a complete 3.2. DVB Pilot
include a At the beginning of 2009, the iTEAM installed a
in the main
end-to-end DVB-T/H/SH/T2 laboratory. The labo-
complete end- DVB-T/H pilot at the main campus of the Univer- R&D projects
ratory is mainly used to evaluate the perform-
to-end DVB- ance of the different technologies. The most sidad Politcnica de Valencia. The pilot basically on DVB at
T/H/SH/T2 lab, commonly used assemblies schemes are depict- consists of a DVB-T/H encapsulation platform national
and a DVB-T/H ed in Figure 1. and a professional transmitter with two sector (FURIA) and
pilot at the antennas. The coverage map of the pilot and its international
main campus The DVB encapsulation platform is the content basic scheme can be seen in Figure 2. The trans- (ENGINES)
of UPV provider of the information that is going to be mission frequency assigned to the pilot corre- Figure 3. Generic architecture of the DVB measurement system for making field measurements. level
transmitted. It consists of a stream writer device, sponds to the UHF Channel 36 (594 MHz).
together with the DVB encapsulator that is be- ures process in a DVB network. The system can first DVB-SH laboratory and field trials organized
ing developed by the iTEAM (Section 4.2), to be employed form making field measurements in Spain in 2009 as part of the FURIA project.
generate the transport streams for the different or laboratory measurements for DVB-T/H/SH/
DVB technologies. The generated DVB transport T2 technologies. iTEAM is also developing an 4.2. DVB Encapsulation Platform
stream is then modulated and transmitted by independent DVB-T/H measurement system in- In a DVB system, the encapsulator is the respon-
the DVB-T/H/SH/T2 laboratory modulator by two stalled on a PDA, to ease the acquisition of in- sible of generating the MPEG-2 transport stream
possible transmission schemes. door measures. by taking into account the information and multi-
media data provided by the content servers. Basi-
The first transmission option makes use of a The general architecture setting of the DVB cally this implies protocol adaptation, signalling,
DVB-T/H modulator which generates IQ base- measurement system for making field measure- and FEC schemes at link and application layers.
band signal that be connected with the channel ments is depicted in Figure 3. It consists of one
emulator. This device is able to simulate different or several DVB receivers which demodulate the iTEAM is cworking in the development of a mul-
transmission channels in different reception con- received signal, and a GPS receiver. The trans- ti-standard DVB encapsulator that could be used
ditions, providing a RF up converted signal. The port stream adapter is employed to process the for different DVB standards. The encapsulator
second transmission option consists of a physical streams demodulated by the DVB demodulator, runs over a conventional PC station with GNU/
layer simulator developed by iTEAM (Section 4.3). while the step attenuator and the noise genera- Linux O.S. within a special Java Virtual Machine
This simulator generates by software offline (no Figure 2. Coverage and basic scheme of the DVB- tor are used to modify the detected CNR. The oriented to real time applications. The encap-
real-time) DVB base-band signals, giving also the T/H pilot. iTEAM DVB measurement system incorporates sulator already supports DVB-T/H/SH, and it is
possibility to emulate the radiofrequency chan- two professional DVB-T/H receivers, one profes- being extended to DVB-T2. In Figure 4, a block
nel offline. The generated IQ base-band signals Nowadays, the MCG group exploits the pilot sional DVB-SH receiver, and one professional diagram of the encapsulator is depicted. The
are finally transmitted by an IQ Player available to take vehicular and pedestrian DVB-T/H field DVB-T2 receiver. building blocks are described next.
in the laboratory. This device acts as a frequency measures in the university area, employing the
up-converter and transmits the baseband signals DVB measurement system described in Section When making laboratory measurements, the The signalling block provides information to
generated with a physical layer simulator in RF. 4.1. These measures permit to evaluate the per- DVB signal demodulators are directly connected discover and locate services within the MPEG-2
The iTEAM has already developed a DVB-T/H/SH formance of DVB-T/H technologies and the qual- to the rest of the components of the DVB labo- streams.
physical layer simulator, and is currently working ity of service experienced by users. The iTEAM ratory, as can be seen in Figure 1. The system is
on the DVB-T2 technology. aims to evaluate new applications and services capable of controlling and automating the dif- The signalling block is divided into two blocks:
in the near future, including the possibility of ferent devices that integrate the DVB laboratory: the PSI/SI and the ESG blocks. The PSI/SI block
Finally, the RF signal is received, registered and transmitting DVB-T2 signals. the DVB platform, the modulator, the I/Q player, deals with the signalling in terms of MPEG-2
processed by the DVB measurement system de- the channel emulator and the physical channel services. The ESG block provides location infor-
veloped by the group (Section 4.1), which also simulator. It also simplifies the later processing mation at IP level.
extracts the transmitted information for its anal- 4. DVB development activities of the stored information, including the option
ysis or visualization. Furthermore, the measure- of generating coverage maps. The encapsulation block encapsulates PDUs of
ment system can control all the devices that are 4.1. DVB Measurement System the network level (IP datagrams) iteratively into
part of the laboratory measurements, changing The iTEAM is developing a DVB measurement The system application software, installed in a PDUs of lower layers until the physical layer
their configuration when needed, and bring- system to ease the real-time acquisition of meas- laptop, reads all the physical layer information
(RSSI, CNR, MER, etc) and the link layer informa-
tion (FER, MFER, MiFER, etc.) provided by the
DVB receivers. This information is then stored
synchronously with the GPS speed and position
data. When using the TS adapter, a vector with
the reception state of each TS packet (correct /
incorrect reception) is also stored together.

The main applications of the DVB measure-

ment system are: coverage studies and calibra-
tion of the propagation models considered on
a network, evaluation of quality of service ex-
perienced by users and optimization of the data
transmission of these technologies. In addition
to the iTEAMs DVB facilities, the measurement
system has been successfully employed in DVB-T
Figure 1. Common assembly of the components of the DVB laboratory. measurement campaigns in Valencia, and in the Figure 4. DVB encapsulator block diagram.

136 ISSN 1889-8297 / Waves 2010 year 2 Waves 2010 year 2 / ISSN 1889-8297 137
is reached. This generic block can be used for others. One way to do it is by using hierarchical
DVB-T, DVB-H and DVB-SH by instancing the cor- modulation to transmit the different video layer
iTEAM is
responding PDUs. Within this block, there is the streams.
actively FEC block which is used to provide the MPE-FEC
participating and MPE-iFEC protection schemes. Zapping time: the zapping time between chan-
in the stan- nels becomes critical for QoE when using MPE-
dardization The scheduler block manages the encapsulation iFEC with high interleaving depth, which is
process of the times of each service and the moments for their frequent in DVB-SH. With the encapsulator we
next transmition to the MPEG-2 stream. It is the most can study the impact of this zapping time in the
generation critical for an efficient usage of the bandwidth. user experience, and test several techniques to
mobile TV The encapsulator has been developed in Java, smooth it.
standard and runs over the special Java Real Time System Figure 5. DVB-H field measurement and corres-
DVB-NGH virtual machine. The reasons for this are: integra- ponding simulation results. Transmission mode FFT 5.3. Upper Layer FEC & Cross-Layer Figure 6. Display block diagram.
tion with Java content server providers already 8K, GI 1/4, 16-QAM 1/2. Optimization
developed in our group, and to accomplish time Physical layer FEC mechanisms are commonly rors, namely error concealment. In order to study
restrictions requirements of the standards taked designed to counteract the degradation caused this impact on the users, iTEAM have developed
into account. The performance model developed at iTEAM by noise and interference. In every instant they some assistance applications.
uses a four-state aggregated Markov model ensure a quasi error free reception as long as the
to approximate the error behavior of receivers received signal strength is above a certain thresh- To emulate the quality of a video streaming
4.3. DVB Physical Layer operating in varying reception conditions. To old. However, mobile reception is characterized service, iTEAM has developed a tool called dis-
Simulation Platform develop performance Markov models it is neces- by slow and fast fluctuations of the received sig- play, which creates corrupted videos with the
sary to obtain using laboratory measurements or nal strength over time (known as shadowing and same visualization errors as if the original video
The multi-standard DVB physical layer simula- physical layer simulations statistics correspond- fast fading respectively). In order to repair the er- had been transmitted in a real DVB scenario,
tion platform is an end-to-end transmission chain ing to a given transmission scenario. The advan- rors cause by shadowing and fast fading it is nec- and received by a real terminal. These resultant
which simulates DVB technologies. The platform tage to use laboratory measurements is that the essary to incorporate interleaving mechanisms videos are later presented to the users through
combines a set of hardware and software blocks performance predicted is the hardware receiver along with FEC protection. Interleavers perform a web application, in which their opinion is
which produce cost saving in comparison with a performance. Once error traces at the physical an averaging of the received signal strength over stored in a database for a future study. The dis-
transmission chain form by only hardware equip- layer are obtained it is possible to reproduce the a period of time referred to as interleaving depth. play parts from a physical layer error pattern
ment. The DVB physical layer simulation platform quality experienced by the measuring terminals However, the implementation of long time inter- to propagate its errors until the video itself. To
takes into account the physical layer signaling for any type of service emulating the upper lay- leaving at the physical layer involves an increase do it properly, it uses the arrival time of the IP
and the RF modulation of the simulated system ers in software (time-slicing, FEC mechanisms in the memory requirements, which has an im- datagrams, their size, the maximum size of the
as it can be seen in Figure 1. The simulation plat- and protocol decapsulation). portant impact in the hardware complexity and time-sliced bursts, and the cycle time, to emu-
form has been developed in Matlab for DVB-T/H/ cost of user terminals. On the contrary, the imple- late its streaming through the network with the
T2 and in C++ for DVB-SH. As an example, Figure 5 shows validation re- mentation of long time interleaving at upper lay- objective to determine which MPEG-2 packets
sults (in terms of MPEG-2 TS packet error rate) ers allows the provision of extended interleaving of the error pattern affect each datagram. Fur-
Several studies can be carried out with the de- obtained by comparing simulations using per- depths with significantly lower hardware require- thermore, it also can emulate the performance
veloped platform, for example at the first stages formance models developed at iTEAM with field ments. Moreover, upper layer FEC mechanisms of the FEC mechanisms: MPE-FEC and MPE-iFEC,
of DVB development technologies, where there measurements for DVB-H with 16-QAM modula- can use the general purpose memory of the user and provide some objective QoS measurements
are no receivers available, system performance tion mode, 1/4 OFDM guard interval length, 8K terminals for interleaving purposes. Because of like PSNR and others belonging to lower layers.
can be analyzed. Other studies are comparison FFT length, and 1/2 physical layer convolutional this, it is possible to implement long time inter- The display follows architecture similar to a real
performance of different real receivers, coverage code rate performed at DVB pilot of the Univer- leaving at upper layers without the need of ad- DVB-H/SH system, which is depicted in Figure 6.
maps, performance evaluation of higher system sidad Politcnica de Valencia (Section 3.2). It is ditional hardware. Notice that we have used the framework for the
layers and user experience evaluation amongst illustrated the good fitting between the meas- quality evaluation of a video streamed through
others. The encapsulation platform already sup- ured and simulated packet error rates. Several upper layer FEC mechanisms have been a packet network, named EVALVID, to deal with
ports DVB-T/H/SH, and the support of DVB-T2 is standardized inside the DVB at the link or applica- the issues above the IP layer.
ongoing. tion layer, including MPE-FEC, MPE-iFEC, LL-FEC,
5.2. DVB Platform Research Lines
In addition to the basic functionalities, there are and AL-FEC. The MCG has been researching up- These tools are being used to study how some
some advanced features that the encapsula- per layer FEC since its incorporation in DVB-H. The issues impacts the quality experienced by the
5. DVB Research Activities tor can perform in order to optimize the usage main focus of these activities is the performance users, and experiment with new techniques in
bandwidth, the protection, etc. These are cur- evaluation of upper layer FEC in the presence order to relax the needed reception conditions.
5.1. Physical Layer Performance Mod- rent research topics covered in these concrete of shadowing and fast fading by means of field For example, one aspect of interest is the de-
eling lines: transmission with statistical multiplexing, measurements and dynamic system-level simula- termination of the biggest amount of errors ac-
Simulations are an essential tool in analysis of the Scalable Video Coding (SVC) with hierarchical tions. Another important topic is the cross layer ceptable for each typical error pattern over time.
performance of communication systems. With modulation, and zapping time analysis. optimization of physical and link layer FEC in or- Another one is the preliminary study of different
simulations different systems can be compared der to provide the best protection with the mini- smooth zapping time techniques, before a final
and the parameters of transmission systems or Statistical multiplexing is thought to exploit mum hardware complexity and latency issues. implementation in the DVB platform.
receiver algorithms can be tuned to maximize the bandwidth available and improve encoding
performance. The main issue of physical layer schemes by taking advantage of the variability 5.4. Quality of Experience Estimation
simulations is the computational inefficiency of video rate. for Mobile TV Services 6. References
to simulate a large amount of bits. For that, the In the particular case of video streaming servic-
goal of this research activity is to provide practi- Scalable Video Coding joint with hierarchical es, the quality of service (QoS) has an important [1] G. Faria, J. A. Henriksson, E. Stare, and P. Tal-
cal and efficient error models that allow approxi- modulation: drawing that in scalable video cod- subjective factor. The quality experienced by the mola, DVB-H: Digital Broadcast Services to
mating the physical layer performance accord- ing there is a critical base layer referenced for users is determinate by a lot of factors, from the Handheld Devices, Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 94,
ing to time-variant reception conditions as the other quality extender layers; it is preferable to physical layer with the errors, to the video de- no. 1, pp. 194-209, Jan. 2006.
received signal strength and receiver velocity. protect more robustly this base layer than the coder with its behaviour in the presence of er- [2] P. Kelley and C. Rigal, DVB-SH - Mobile Dig-

138 ISSN 1889-8297 / Waves 2010 year 2 Waves 2010 year 2 / ISSN 1889-8297 139
ital TV in S band, EBU Technical Review, July David Gozlvez Fernando R&D engineer at the Mo-bile Communications
2007. received his M.S. degree Camar Nogus Group in UPV. Actually, his research focuses on
[3] H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, Over- in electrical engineer- received his M.Sc. degree physical layer modelling in DVB systems. He
view of the Scalable Video Coding Extension ing from the Universidad in telecommunications collaborates with other companies in the study
of the H.264/AVC Standard, IEEE Trans. on Politcnica de Valencia from the Universidad and research of DVB technologies. As a fruit of
Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, (UPV) in 2007. He was Politcnica de Valencia this collaboration, he participates in several
vol. 19, no.7, pp. 1103-1120, Sep. 2007. the recipient of the Ct- (UPV) in 2008. From 2008, R&D projects. Can be noted his participation in
[4] L. Vangelista, et al. Key Technologies for edra Telefnica prize for he has been working as a the FURIA (FUtura Red Integrada Audiovisual)
Next-Generation Terrestrial Digital Television his Master Thesis in the R&D Engineer in the Mo- project where he developed a DVB-H/SH system
Standard DVB-T2, IEEE Communications same year. Currently he holds a PhD student bile Communications Group (MCG) of the Tele- level simulator.
Magazine, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 146-153, Oct. Grant from the Spanish Government to research communications and Multimedia Applications
2009. on transmission optimization of DVB broadcast- Institute (iTEAM) in Valencia (Spain). During this
[5] DVB CM-NGH, Commercial Requirements for ing systems. In 2008 he undertook an internship period, he has actively participated in the span- Jordi Puig Bou
DVB-NGH, June 2009. in NOMOR research (Munich, Germany) and in ish FURIA project in QoE topics related to video was born in Castelln,
2009 he was a guest researcher in the Univer- streaming services. His interests and activities Spain, on March 16, 1985.
sity of Turku. He has collaborated in the FURIA focus on DVB encapsulation platform architec- He received his M.Sc. de-
7. Biographies project investigating the utilization of upper tures, QoE and QoS related topics for video gree in Telecommunica-
layer FEC mechanisms in DVB-H and DVB-SH streaming services, and scalable video codecs tions engineering from
broadcasting systems. He collaborated with utilization in broadcast systems. the Universidad Politc-
David Gmez-Barquero Qualcomm for the development of a DVB-T pro- nica de Valencia (UPV),
is currently a post-doc totype receiver optimized for mobile environ- Spain, in 2009. He is cur-
guest researcher at the ments. David Gozlvez is an active participant in Pedro Fernando rently working as an R&D engineer at the Mobile
Fraunhofer HHI research the standardization process of DVB-NGH inside Gmez Molina Communications Group in UPV. His research
institute of Berlin, Germa- the CCI (Constellation, coding and interleaving) studied Telecommunica- focuses on the study of statistical multiplexing
ny. He received a double and MIMO working groups. tions Engineering and techniques in the new second generation broad-
M.Sc. degree in Telecom- received the M.Sc. Degree casting standards, DVB-T2 and DVB-NGH.
munications engineering from the Universidad
from the Universidad Pablo Olivas Politcnica de Valencia
Politcnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain, and the received his M.Sc. degree (UPV), Spain, in 2008. Narcs Cardona
University of Gavle, Sweden, in 2004; and a Ph.D. in telecommunications See page 95
in Telecommunications from UPV in 2009. Dur- from the Universidad His M.Sc. thesis was award-ed by the Ctedra TE-
ing his doctoral studies he was a guest research- Politcnica de Valencia CATEL prize of UPV and the COIT prize of the Of-
er at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, (UPV) in 2008. His final ficial College of Telecommunications Engineers
the University of Turku, Finland, and the Univer- thesis was awarded by of Spain. He joined the Institute of Telecommu-
sity of Braunschweig, Germany. He also did an the Official College of nications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM)
internship at Ericsson Eurolab, Aachen, Germa- Telecommunication En- in February 2008 and is currently working as an
ny. His main research interests are in the area of gineering. During 2008 and 2009 he worked as
mobile multimedia broadcasting, in particular a R&D Engineer in the Mobile Communications
radio resource management, forward error cor- Group (MCG) of the Telecommunications and
rection, and network planning issues in DVB and Multimedia Applications Institute (iTEAM) In
MBMS systems. Currently, he is the chairman of Valencia (Spain). In this period, he collaborated
the special interest group on hybrid cellular and in the FURIA project in the designing and devel-
broadcasting networks in the COST2100 action, opment of DVB measurements systems. He cur-
and he is actively participating in the standardi- rently works in the Institute for Communications
zation process of the next generation mobile Technology (IfN) of TU Braunschweig (Germany).
broadcasting DVB-NGH standard.

140 ISSN 1889-8297 / Waves 2010 year 2 Waves 2010 year 2 / ISSN 1889-8297 141

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