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To comprehend the complexity of Public Relations in the service sector and

develop understanding and skills of Public Relations.


 To obtain work culture in a Service organization for 30 working days.

 To gather knowledge of the culture of the Service organization.

 To gain practical experience of the functioning of the Service organization.

 To cultivate the right attitudes to work in a service organization.

 To document observations, perceptions and work experience into a report.

 To present the internship report in a Viva Voce and face questioning.

The internship aims to provide facilities for students of M.B.A Human Resource to

transform the various learning experiences.


Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people to destination outside

the places where they normally live and work and their activities during the stay at

each destination. It includes movements for all purposes. The World Tourism

Organization defines tourist as people who “travel to stay in places outside their

usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and

other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within

the place visited”.

Tourist expenditure generates multiple effects with extensive outreach along its

value chain. Adding to the demand for a variety of goods and services, tourist

offers potential to exploit synergies across a large number of sectors such

agriculture, horticulture, poultry, handicrafts, transport, construction, the sectors,

where growth of income has favorable impact on poverty alleviation.


* Integrated development of high-priority tourism infrastructure in high

potential tourism circuits.

* Enhanced connectivity and improved environment, utilities and tourist


* Improvement of institutional and regulatory frameworks that will ensure

coordinated efforts of multiple agencies.

* Promotion of environmentally and culturally sustainable and socially

inclusive tourism development.

* Encouragement of private sector and community participation in tourism.

* Capacity building and human resources development for sustainable tourism

and destination management through employment generation, poverty

alleviation, environmental regeneration, advancement of women and

disadvantaged groups.


Tourism and tourist are the words that are commonly heard or mentioned in

everyday life .Tourism have also become as state symbol in modern society. These

statistics reflect the truth that many new tourist sites are opening all over the world

and tourism is now a global phenomenon.

According to Hunziker and Krapf tourism is the phenomena and relationship

arising from the travel and stay of non – resident is far as it permanent residence

and is not connected to any earning activity.


The systematic and comprehensive effects taken in 2003-04 have enabled Tamil

Nadu to make its presence strongly felt in tourism sector internationally. About

600 delegates from 38 countries and India assembled in Chennai, making it the

largest congregation of foreign delegates in an international conference in Chennai

in recent years. The prestigious tourism magazine Long Haul, in its ITB Berlin

issue in March 2004, has described Tamil Nadu .Tamil Nadu Tourism received the

award “Tourism Event of the Year” at the prestigious South Asian Travel and

Tourism Exchange (SATTE) held at New Delhi in the last week of March 2004.


Tamil Nadu is a unique and fascinating state, where technology co-exists with

tradition, old architecture blends with contemporary vitality and where nature is at

its unsullied best, these makes Tamil Nadu a year round destination. Its boasts of

abundant tourist wealth, which can be broadly grouped under following heads:-

 Hill Resorts

 Beach Resorts

 Water falls

 Wild life sanctuaries

 Zoological parks

 Bird sanctuaries

 Botanical/Horticultural Gardens

 Temples /Churches /Mosques

 Heritage Monuments

 Mangroves

 Lakes.


The kinds of Tourism commonly prevalent in Tamil Nadu are

 Leisure Tourism

 Pilgrimage Tourism

 Heritage Tourism

 Adventure Tourism

 Cruise Tourism

 Rural Tourism

 Responsible Tourism

 Business Tourism

 Medical Tourism

 Eco Tourism


Some tourists visit Tamil Nadu only for fun and enjoying their leisure. They

usually visit hill stations, beaches, waterfalls, zoological parks and the like.


Tourists especially senior citizens are interested only in visiting temples and

offering worship to their favorable deity. They move to tourist centers if time

permits and provided the trip is easy on the purse. It requires planning and

meticulous follow up.


Tourists irrespective of their varied interests, have one thing common i.e. they

would like to go around heritage monuments which are in plenty in Tamil Nadu,


 5 world heritage monuments identified by the UNESCO.

 48 centers declared as heritage towns by the government of Tamil Nadu.

 Innumerable heritage monuments declared by the Archaeological survey of

India and the Archaeology Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.


Tamil Nadu Tourism is promoting adventure tourism activities in all tourist spots.

Adventure boats are available at Muttukadu and Mudaliarkuppam. Trekking

equipments are given on hire to the tourists by Tamil Nadu Tourism. Apart from

providing adventure sports activities, Tamil Nadu is also coordinating with Youth

Hostels Association of India in conducting Trekking programs in the hilly region.

Water scooters, speed boats, kayaks and Banana boats in Mudaliarkuppam provide

thrill to the youngsters. Variety of adventure sports have been introduced in island

grounds with private participation. Paragliding in Yelagiris attracted tourists in the

large numbers. Parasailing is going to be introduced shortly in Mudaliyarkuppam.


Rail and road transport are very common among the people. Some tourists

go in for Air/Cruise mode of transport even if it is costlier. At any cost, the tourists

desire to enjoy the holiday even before they reach the actual tourist spot. Tourists

who are reaching Chennai and Thoothukudi ports by cruise are taken to the

nearby destinations i.e Mamallapuram and Madurai.


To showcase rural life, art, culture and heritage of rural locations in

villages and to benefit the local community economically and socially as well as to

enable interaction between tourists and local population for a mutually enriching

experience, the Tamil Nadu tourism has decided to develop and promote rural


The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has partnered with UNDP for

Endogenous Rural Tourism as pilot projects for capacity building. Within

prescribed limits, the hardware projects are funded by the Ministry of Tourism,

Government of India and the funds for capacity building are provided by the

UNDP through Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

The software component was implemented with the involvement of an NGO

identified by the UNDP in co-ordination with the District Collector and the local

community. The Government of India also extends the scheme of Capacity

Building for Service Providers (CBSP) to other rural sites beyond those covered

under partnership with the UNDP.


The aim of Responsible Tourism is to inculcate the responsibility of the local

populace (hosts) towards fragile eco-system, best practices and caring the guests
and also make the visiting tourists more responsive towards culture, conventions

and customs to avoid exploitation.


Top business executives toil throughout the year to make more and more profits.

They rarely find time to go anywhere except where the business demands their

presence. Whenever they find even a small gap, they will not hesitate to make a

short visit to the nearest tourist spot.


Tamil Nadu provides a very good health care to people from all over the world.

Ultra modern corporate hospitals, talented medical professionals, state-of-the art

medical facilities and a large number of Government hospitals have helped patients

from various parts of the country and the world to come, Convalesce and return

with good health. The Department of Tourism has realized that it is essential to

provide facilities for them to visit places of tourists’ importance, so that they can

recuperate and get rejuvenated to normalcy in a short period of time.

Further, the Department of Tourism in association with

the hospitals has embarked on the mission of spreading the concept of Medical

Tourism. Considering the importance of Medical Tourism, a Medical Tourism

Information Centre has been established in the Tamil Nadu Tourism Complex.

Travel Desks in various hospitals were set up in Chennai and Madurai.


Some of the tourists evince keen interest in nature. There is abundant natural

wealth in Tamil Nadu viz., hill stations, waterfalls, forest, bird sanctuaries,

beaches, etc. A separate Eco-Tourism wing is being set up by Tamil Nadu Tourism

by posting an officer from the Forest Department. The vision is to make Tamil

Nadu a world renowned destination specializing in sustainable tourism through

focused effort on creating synergy among all the stake holders, encouraging

capacity building and public – private partnerships with revenue generating



Tamil Nadu Tourism Development corporation (TTDC) was incorporated in 1971

with the main object of promoting tourism in Tamil Nadu by building tourism

related infrastructure facilities on commercial basis TTDC made a modest

beginning by taking over 5 government bungalows and operated 2 coaches .It had

made rapid strides since then and today it has earned the proud distinction of

owning the largest chain of hotels in south India numbering 55.The bed strength

has increased from 235 in 1971 to 250 in 1998,24 fleets of coaches are in use at

present. Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation has established the

following amenities in the state.

 Hotels

 Youth Hostels

 Restaurants

 Boat Houses

 Telescope Houses

 Lake Park

 Petrol Bunk


Hotels 56 Out of 56 hotels under the control of

TTDC, two hotel units have been

Boat Houses 11
handed over on long term lease of
Telescope Houses 04
30 years during the year 1995. The
Restaurants 03 Government of Tamil Nadu have

Snack Bar 03 already approved proposal of

franchising 30 hotel units of TTDC

Landscaping & Gardening 02
and 7 Restaurants. Efforts are being
Tourist service centre 01
taken to franchise these hotels on

Total 80 long term basis for 10 years in

respect of small hotels with 5 rooms

and 15 years in respect of other hotels.

The youth Hostels cater to the needs of budget tourists with low tariff of Rs.50/-

per bed.

Franchising of the hotel units would improve the overall profitability of the hotels

division and help TTDC to concentrate on the major hotels at Ooty, Kodaikanal,

Yercaud, Madurai, Thanjavur, Coimbatore, Rameswaram, Kanniyakumari and



 To preserve our glorious heritage and culture

 To give authoritative historical information to the tourists

 To treat the tourists as our “Guests”

 To build infrastructure facilities in tourists centre.

 To identify new areas of tourists centre and popularize its specialties to the


 To encourage private investments in tourism project

 To create tourism awareness among the youth and public

 To extent certain benefits for industries to tourism projects

 To create tourism as an effective tools to bring and establish friendship

among the people of various states/nationals

 To create employment opportunities and

 To protect the environment.


To make Tamil Nadu a world renowned destination specializing in sustainable

tourism through focused efforts on creating synergy among all stakeholders,

encouraging capacity building and public private partnerships with revenue

generation strategies. Also use eco tourism as a tool to stimulate and nature natural

and cultural conservation with phenomenal socio economic growth and showcase

Tamil Naidu’s uniqueness throughout the world.


* To select eco tourism spots in the State and conduct activities such as rock

climbing, forest visits and trekking for youth.

* To evolve an action plan to promote awareness on preserving the unique

aspects of a place.

* To take steps to prevent the usage of plastic and other non-biodegradable

products around water bodies, parks, zoos and reserves.



CHAIRMAN : Thiru.Sanwat Ram, I.A.S. (Retd.)


DIRECTORS : Dr.V.Irai Anbu, I.A.S.

: Thiru.Debendranath Sarangi, I.A.S.

: Thiru. T.Pitchandi, I.A.S.

: Thiru. Ambuj Sharma, I.A.S.

: Thiru. R.Rajagopal, I.A.S.

: Dr. N.Sundaradevan, I.A.S.

: Thiru. S.Audiseshiah, I.A.S.

: Thiru. Praveen Kumar, I.A.S.

: Thiru. Dama Subhash

: Thiru. R.sundraraju, I.F.S,

: Thiru. S.Raja Mohan


Memorandum of association is a basic document on which the entire

constitution of the company is built. It includes the scope and power of the

company. It is a public document in the sense that everyone who want to have

dealing with the company is expected it’s know the contents of Memorandum of


 The name of the company is Tamil Nadu development Corporation Limited.

 The registered office of the company shall be situated in the state of Tamil


 The Objects for which the company is established are the following:-



 To start operate and promote establishment, undertaking enterprise

and activities of any description whatever which in the opinion of

the company are likely to facilitate or accelerate the development

of tourism, handicrafts and cottage industries in Tamil Nadu.

 To take over, develop and maintain all places of tourist interest like

wildlife sanctuaries. Open place parks, beaches, avenues, beauty

and recreational sports etc., in the state of Tamil Nadu and


 To acquire and take over any or all of the assets and liabilities of

the department of information publicity and tourism or of any other

department of the government of Tamil Nadu and in particular to

take over as a going concern all or any of the tourist homes/State

guest houses/travelers bungalows and catering establishment

already established and maintained by the government to Tamil

Nadu in various places and to run the same efficiently with the

object of promoting tourism.



 To plan and execute schemes for development of tourist complexes

and tourist resorts.

 To establish art galleries for the exhibition of paintings,

engravings, sculptures jeweler and other work of art., to buy sell

and deal in work of art of all kinds.

 To establish and administer a hotel development fund and to render

financial and other assistance to those establishing hotels, motels,

travelers lodges etc., in tourist centers.

 To carry on the business as proprietors and publishers of

newspaper, journals, magazines, book and other literary works,

protecting the images of the Tamil Culture and the state of Tamil

Nadu, to print and publish road maps, guides, brochures, picture

post cards and such other pamphlets and book needed by tourists

and travelers.

 To carry on the business of producers, distributors and exhibitions

of cine films, documentaries and the like.

 To establish, mange, run, construct, lease out or acquire hotels,

café, clubs, restaurants, casinos, cinemas, tourist home, travelers

bungalow, guest houses, house boats, shikaras and the like to

afford facilities for boarding and lodging to tourists.

 To organize or conduct all inclusive tours by road, rail, sea, air or

otherwise and to enter into agreements for this purpose.

 To provide entertainment by way of culture shows, dramas, dance,

concerts, cabarets, ballets, film shows, sports and games, son – et-

limier spectacles and others.

 To import, purchase, lease, sell and run or otherwise operate cars,

cabs buses, truck, launches, ropeway, air-crafts, helicopters and

other modes of transport.

 To run tourist information centers.

 To act as caters dealing in catering goods, incensed victallers,

wine, beer and spirit merchant, bar keepers and importers of

aerated minerals and artificial waters and other things.

 To deals in foreign and Indian goods of all kinds connected with of

having a bearing on promotion of tourism, especially textiles,

perfumery, drugs, novelty articles and handicrafts.

 To undertake the running of hair dressing and beauty salons baths,

dressing rooms, laundries and chemist shops.

 To carry on business of running boats, yachts, night clubs

swimming pools, bakeries and confectionaries and doing of all

such other things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment

of the objects.

 To promote and operate anywhere schemes for development of

tourism and handicrafts and for that purpose to operate and get

prepared reports, blue prints, statistics and other information.

 To act as travel agents for air-lines, railways, shipping , companies,

road transport etc.,

 To own operate, acquire by purchase or donation or in exchange,

lease or rent, building equipment, hotels, restaurants, rest houses,

holidays and health resorts, golf courses, sports grounds and

establishments, outdoor as well as indoor including fishing, sea

bathing etc., theatres amusement parks, swimming pools or other

structures of whatever description for the purpose of developing



If memorandum of association is said to be constitution of the company, the

Articles are said to be the rules, regulations and bye-laws. The Articles are meant

for implementing the objectives of the memorandum in the management of the

affairs of the company. A company cannot enter into a contract with regards to any

transacts unless. It is authorized under the Articles of Association. The scope of the

authority the company is the scope of the power given to it under the Articles of


 In these articles unless there be something in the subject or context

inconsistent herewith:-

 The act means the companies act, 1956 (Central act of 1956)

 Board means the board of directors for the time being of the company.

 Bye – laws mean the bye-law which may be made by the directors of

the company under these articles and which may for the time being in


 Capital means the capital for the time being raised of authorized to be

raised for the purpose of the company

 Chairman means the chairman of the board of directors for the time

being of the company.

 The company means the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development

Corporation limited
 Directors mean the director for the time being of the company.

 Dividend includes bonus.

 Month means a calendar month (according to Gregorian calendar)

 Office means the registered office for the time being of the company.

 The register of members means the register of members to be kept

pursuant to the act.

 Table “A” not to apply.

 Company to be a private company.

 Share capital.

 Power to increase share capital.

 Issue of new shares.

 Reduction of capital etc.,

 Classification of shares etc.,

 Share certificate.

 Company’s lien on shares.

 Forfeiture of share.

 Transfer and Transmission of share.

 Quorum

 Holding of annual general meeting.

 Poll.

 Joint holders.

 Voting by proxy.

 Voting by members


An organizational structure explains the positions and official relationships

between the various individuals working in organization. It helps to understand and

organization better. It provides answers to the following question, who is the top

most official in an organization? Who are the departmental heads? What are their

functions? Who are the subordinate staffs in each department?


Diagrammatic presentation of the organizational structure is what is known as an

“Organizational chart”. It shows the names, designations, and functions of the

personnel in an organization.


The merits of an organizational chart may be stated follows:

 It shows the official positions if each individual in an organization.

 From the organization chart, it is possible to make out who the superior and


 It gives identity to the personnel in an establishment.

 It helps an outsider to understand the different designation in an



A sound organizational structure should adhere to the following principles:

Objective:-The various activities performed in an organization should

help to attain the goal of the enterprise. The goal of each individual and

department must synchronize with that of the concern.

Division of work: - The total work of the enterprise should be divided

into identifiable functions like production, purchases, marketing, finance,

etc., for better performance and control. This leads to specialization.

Authority and Responsibility: - Authority is the official right of a

manger responsibility is the duty of a subordinate, to whom some work has

been assigned, to report to the superior on the work done.

Unity of direction: - It means structure must not be rigid. It should be

capable of being adjusted according to the required in future.

Simplicity: - The organization structure must not be a complicated one. It

should have only few levels of authority so that there is free flow of

communication between persons.

Flexibility: - The organization structure must not be rigid. It should be

capable of adjusted according to the required in future.












Office layout is the determination of the space requirement and the detailed

utilization of space in order to provide practical arrangement of the physical factors

considered necessary for the execution of the office work within reasonable cost.


o The space should be used to the greatest extend.

o Service should be available where headed including power and telephone.

o Good working conditions should be provided for everyone.

o A Supervisor must be able to see the staff at work.

o A Sense of belonging and loyalty to the working group should be furthered.

o Communication and work flow should be facilitated.

o The movement of clerks between clerks filing cabins etc. should be made


o Noisy and distracting operations between clerks should be segregated.


The office of TTDC Chennai is comfortable for the employees to work as the

company is situated in such a place that is it easily accessible by road. It is an open

office system but cabins are provided to the managers, assistants, staffs and

executives good artificial lighting is provided. The office is decorated so as to

provide a good atmosphere for the staff.


Safety precautions if an office provides conditions which are conclusive to mental

concentration. Safety involves seeking that the premises and equipments which

are dangerous. Adequate fine existing wishers, equipment, are installed in each

floor of the office.


In TTDC, the process of conveying information from one office to another is

through post by telephone by messenger services. The intercom is place at all

departments for the better communications between in different departments.



Lighting is the most important physical conditions of the office. Without light

there is no sight. The principle function of an office is supply of information and

preservation of records. As such this function cannot be performed efficiently with

proper lighting inside the office.

There are two types of lighting:

 Artificial

 Natural


Proper ventilation is another important aspect of office management. Ventilation in

the office is the supply of clean and fresh air in the right quantity and the right

temperature and humidity.

There are some ventilation equipments in TTDC

 Air coolers

 Air –conditioning

 Exhaust fans

Office is considered as an intermediary between the outsiders and the management.

The visitors form an opinion about the firm only by seeing the environment and the

interior appearance of the office room.

Aspects of interior decorations are

 Coloring of walls.

 Pictures of tourist places.

 Maps of the places cover the Tamil Nadu.

 Floor covering, hangings, calendars.


Most people one of the opinions that the office is a safe place to work when

compared with factory.

Some of the safety precautions used in the office,

 First aid box.

 Fire exhaust.


Office machines and equipments have become an integral part of a modern office

while the human being can be described as brain behind all office activity adequate

and proper equipment and machines and tools with which office is carried out.


Type Writer


Xerox Machine

Fax Machine

Punching machine



Tele printer


Type Writer is the most commonly used equipments and best known office

machine. It enables the business man to produce better which one neat.

Duplication through carbon papers is made easier with the help of type writers that

with pens.


Telephone is an instrument for faster communication of information. It is less

expensive also when compared with dictating, typing and dispatch of letter. It

helps personal contact and direct exchange of ideas and information and it is

convenient and speedy form of communication device.

In this modern world of satellite connections one can talk from one corner of

the world of another through telephone. It is also one of the most commonly used

office appliance.


Xerox machine helps to get exact copies of a document. It is an electrically

operated machine. Manual layout required is minimum several copies of a

document can be had very quickly with the help of the Xerox machine. Here no

chance of mistake being committed me the subject matter. The size of the copies

can be enlarged or reduced with the help of their machines.


Fax machine is the fastest means of communication, the message being quickly

transmitted from one corner of the world to another. Each fax machine is assigned

with a member.

A diagram or chart is inserted into the machine and when pressed the message

sent to the place to which it is intended to be communicated. Immediately with in

a second the exact of the message is reproduces at the other end.


This machine is used for punching the holes in the punch cards. Corresponding to

the information, this needs to be preferred. A punched cards machine may also be

fitted with a mark serving device. This allows for the holes to be punched

automatically corresponding with the pencil mark made on the cards.


This machine used in accounts departments for doing arithmetic operation to error

is human mistake may accrued when dealing with figures. These machines

contribute greatly to business efficiency by eliminating error. These machines can

perform four or five times faster than the work done by man.


Computer is an electronic data processing machine keyboard; monitor system,

mouse and printer are the major parts of a computer. With the use of computer one

can do numeric and non-numeric data processing in a large scale and store same in

it for future use. The data so processed in a large scale and store same in it for

future. The data so processed shall be printed and stored as a hard copy also. The

processed data shall be carried with case to other locations in a floppy/compact



While telephone transmits the voice, telex transmits the written word. It is a

machine by which message can be sent to a distant place under the system at the

touch of the fingers. The message goes across the continent in seconds. The

message is printed in triplicate at both the message transmitted via this machine is

build by the portal departmental on bimonthly basic.


Tamil Nadu Tourism Corporation, in it’s of 38 years, has come a long way

updated with latest technologies and services, TTDC is competition to many other

private organizations. This entity has exceeded expectations in various dimensions.

TTDC plays a crucial role in Tamil Nadu Tourism. It has been the back bone of

the state’s tourism department. TTDC has not only identified potential tourism

spots but also ventured in to potential type of tourism such as medical and eco

tourism. TTDC, by the day, has been developing new avenues for tourism.

With development, comes the responsibility of communication TTDC publicizes

its tours and packages using best medium available. Media is used broadly to

disseminate information. Broachers, leaflets, stickers and other such literatures are

published to advertise TTDC.

TTDC has always considered community development and responsibility. They

have associate themselves with several campaigns and have taken steps to provide

hygiene at tourist places. Campaigns like clean Marina, clean Mahabalipuram are

to name a few. They have also involved themselves in providing better services to

devotees to encourage more visitors.

Awareness on social issues has also been a key field of involvement.

TTDC has always been Media savvy. The media has respected them and they

respect the media. The company has effectively used the various Mediums of

Media to communicate with the stake holders.


TTDC has already taken steps to outsource the work of D category workmen in

hotels who already retired on VRS. This would improve the service standards in

hotel significantly. TTDC has also succeeded in franchising most of the hotels and

restaurant already approved by the government by making suitable and endowment

providing for reduction in the exhalation of franchise fee with the purchase of

additional boats, significant increase in boating sector is anticipated during the year

2008-09. It has also been proposed refurbish the bars of TTDC to augment the

income of bars.

TTDC has laid down emphasis in improving the maintenance standards in major

hotels and to improve the service standards by outsourcing the services in hotels.

Most of existing fleet of 20 coached has already been replaced with new high

tech coaches with air suspension and 50% of the fleet is air conditions.

With implementation of several refurbishment works such as Rooms, Bars,

purchase of boats and introduction of novel ventures, TTDC is anticipating

Significant increasing in profits during the year 2009-10.


My experience at Tamil Nadu Tourism development Corporation was remarkable.

30 days in a service environment allowed me to observe, learn and mimic things. I

could observe the theory taught in class, giving me hands on experience. My

internship began with reading materials about the company. We were given house

journals, Annual reports and other publications of the company. Going through

journals gave me an idea of the change in style and other factors the publications

has gone through reading the website thoroughly gave me adequate information

about the company and keep me updated.

All in all, my relationship at TTDC was experimental. I have learnt a lot

from internship and hope to apply my learning’s in practical life. It was a privilege

to work under Mr.N.RAVI, Public Relations Manager, TTDC. I would once again

like to thank him for allowing us intern at TTDC.


The environment in TTDC was such that we felt as we were in the home and every

action we put forth was closely guided by the staff members. Now we feel

confident to work in any organization without hesitation.

The period spent on training was interesting and the officers in charge of

various sections of works were good to extend their full co-operation and explain

about the details of the work.

On conclusion, this training helped us to know about the activities of a concern

as well as the future prospects of company and job opportunities in corporate field.


Increase in arrival of tourists

The arrival of tourists that declined to 7.7% (335.18) in 2005 has increased steeply

to 21% (405.49) in 2006; in 2009 it further enhanced to 29.2% (524.00) and had

increased to 23.4% (646.58) in 2008. In Tamil Nadu Rs. 177.14 crore has been

spent for the development of tourist centers. Due to this, the arrival of international

tourists stands at the 2nd position and the arrival of domestic tourists, stands at 3 rd


Increase in allocation of central government funds

Tourism developmental activities were undertaken by getting financial assistance

from the central government, of up to RS. 1,841.41 lakh in 2006-07, Rs. 2,748.91

lakh in 2007-08 and Rs. 3,223.05 lakh in 2008-09.

Tourism development from the state government assistance

Tourism developmental activities are being undertaken by getting financial

assistance from the state government of up to of Rs. 1,206.18 lakh in 2006-07, Rs.

1,212.14 lakh in 2007-08 and RS 1, 601.69 lakh in 2008-09.

Tourism development in the Western Ghats section

For the development of tourist centers in Western Ghats section a sum of Rs. 45/-

lakhs in 2006-07 and Rs. 114.52 lakhs was allocated in 2007-08. In 2008-09, Rs.

80.00 lakhs was sanctioned and the works are being undertaken.

Development of tourist centers

For the development of lesser know tourist centers and district tourist centers a

sum of Rs. 192.95 lakhs was allocated and all the work has been completed.

During the year 2007-08 the allotment was increased to Rs. 233.65 lakh and Rs.

194.22 lakhs was sanctioned during 2008-09 and developmental activities are in



(The Queen of Hill stations)

During the year 2006-07 a sum of Rs. 205.00 lakhs was allotted for tourism

development and works were completed. In 2007-08, Rs.306.25 lakhs has been

allotted and the works are in progress. Due to this uthagamandalam has become the

most attractive tourist hill station in India with all facilities.

Four national awards for Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu tourism bagged three national awards for 2006 & 2007. For 2007-08

won one more National Award under Best Collateral Publicity.

Implementation of tourism

Development activities

From the beginning of the financial year 2005 till 2008, the tourism developmental

schemes numbering about 77 were implemented at the cost of Rs. 2,130.335 lakhs.

Training for the Tourist guides

A government order for imparting training to approximately 400 youth, who

graduated through Anna institute of management was issued and in the first phase

training was given to 184 graduates. In phase II, during 2007-08, 211 people

attended the training, of which 14 people were retired government officials.

Development of tourist centers

For the development of tourist centers in kanniyakumari, Madurai, Thanjavur,

Pulyancholai, Chettinad, Srirangam, Marina, Vellore Fort, Elagiri and

Kumbakonam, a sum of Rs4, 589/- lakhs has been allotted and the work is in


Scheme for development of Village Tourism

Under the village tourism development schemed works to the extent of Rs.386.83

lakhs wre completed at kazhuguimalai, Theerthamalai, Thirukurungudi, Kurangani

and Thadiyankudisai. Funds amounting to Rs. 475.35 lakhs wre allocated during

the year 2007-08 under Chettinadu Village Touism Development Scheme and the

works are in progress.

Increase in arrival of tourists

The arrival of tourists that declined to 7.7% (335.18) in 2005 has increased steeply

to 21% (405.49) in 2006; In 2009 it further enhanced to 29.2% (524.00) and had

increased to 23.4% (646.58) in 2008. In Tamil Nadu Rs. 177.14 crore has been

spent for the development of tourist centers. Due to this, the arrival of international

tourists stands at the 2nd position and the arrival of domestic tourists, stands of 3rd


Sound and light show in Thanjavur Big Temple

works are likely to commence for implementing the ‘Sound and Light show’ in the

Thanjavur Temple Complex at an estimated cost of Rs. 150.00 lakhs.

Development of Kazhugumalai

For the development of kazhugumalai in Toothukudi District a sum of Rs. 61.68

lakhs has been sanctioned and the work is in progress.

Audio Guide Facilities

For the implementation of audio guide facilities in the world heritage monuments

sites like Thanjavur, Dharasuram and Gangaikonda Cholapuram, a sum of

Rs.61.46 lakhs has been sanctioned.

Production of short films

For Advertising about the important tourism centers of Tamil Nadu through the

domestic and international publicity campaign, short films on Navagraha Temples

and Arupadai Veedugal, Tourist Friendly Autos and Mamallapuram Monuments

have been produced.

Hand-Book on Jain Temples

A Hand-Book about Jain temples in Tamil Nadu was released for the first time.

Tourism advertisements and publicity Materials

To increase the number of tourists, Tourist information Handbooks, CDs and

Thematic Posters and Coffee Table Books were released at a cost of Rs. 55.00

lakhs. Further, advertisements in dailies, weeklies and monthlies were also released

at a cost or Rs. 37.50 Crores.

Touch Screens

To facilitate immediate access regarding information relating to tourism, touch

screens have been installed by the Department of Tourism at various important

tourist centers at a cost of Rs. 9.91 lakhs.

News Letters

Releasing the importance of dissemination of information to the stakeholders, a

monthly newsletter is being brought out.

Tourist Friendly Campaign

Tamil Nadu tourism has embarked upon a novel programme called, “Virunthinar

Potruthum, Virunthinar Potruthum” – for inculcating as high degree of

sophistication and practice for tourist friendly culture among stakeholders in the

state. The training programmers were conducted in Chennai, Dharmapuri, Salem,

Erode, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Villupuram, Vellore, Kancheepuram,

Cuddalore, Kanniyakumari, Madurai, Coimbatore, Thiruchurappalli and


Tourist friendly Auto-Rickshaw

Tourist friendly autos were launched in Chennai with 63, at Kanniyakumari with

18, at Thirunelveli with 28 and 7 at Madurai.

Mamallapuram Dance Festival

In the Mamallapuram Dance Festival held during the period from 27.12.2007 to

27.1.08 due importance was given to the classical arts and folk arts for the first

time. Around 2,200 foreigners enjoyed the festival paying the prescribed fees. In

the year 2008, Mamallapuram dance festival was named as Indian dance festival

held at mamallapuram from 25.12.2008 to 25.1.2009 onwards. Nearly, 4,683

foreigners enjoyed the festival paying the prescribed fees.

Concession for conversion of heritage buildings into hotels

A government order granting 10% subsidy (not exceeding 100 lakh) for converting

heritage buildings into hotels in Tamil Nadu has been issued.

Creation of new tourist offices

The Tourism Department has created four more tourist offices at karaikudi in

Sivaganga District, Vellore in Vellore District, Thiruvannamalai in

Thiruvannamalai District and Coimbatore in Coimbatore District.

Filled-Up Postings Details

In Tamil Nadu Tourism and TTDC, Junior Assistants and Office Assistants

appointments were made on compassionate grounds.

Allotment of Vehicles

Tourism Department has allotted five vehicles for tourist offices Chennai,

Mamallapuram, Madurai, Thanjavur and Trichy.

Electronics and digital products

Laptops and Digital Cameras have been provided to the Tourist officers to keep

abreast with the latest development with the use of electronics.

Launching of Bed & Breakfast Scheme

Tamil Nadu Tourism launched the Bed & Breakfast scheme – A Home Stay


Installation of Medical Tourism Desk

Tamil Nadu Tourism created a Medical Tourism Information Center at Tamil Nadu

Tourism Complex, Chennai-2.

Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation New Volvo Buses

The Tamil Nadu tourism Development Corporation purchased 2 Volvo buses at a

cost of Rs. 122.5 lakh and is being operated exclusively for Thirupathi package


Development of TTDC Hotels

The Hotels owned by the TTDC are being renovated at a cost of Rs 3.00 crores.

Generator at Mamallapuram Beach Resort complex

To facilitate uninterrupted supply of power at the beach resort complex in

Mamallapuram, a generator with a capacity of 250Kv has been purchased at a cost

of Rs 18/- lakh. 20 budget accommodations are being renovated at a cost of Rs

2.00 crores.

Development of Muttukadu Boat House

For the development activities at Muttukadu, a sum of Rs. 45/- lakhs has been


Purchase of New Mattresses for important TTDC Hotels

For the use in important TTDC hotels 1,066 Latex, Pincor type Mattresses have

been purchased at a cost of Rs.59/- lakh.

Purchase of new Boats

For the use of Boat Houses 68 new boats have been purchased at a cost of

Rs.30.00 lakhs.

Platinum and Gold cards

TTDC has launched the platinum and Gold Cards to attract tourists. Tourists can

avail up to 10% discount in room rents for three days at all Tamil Nadu Tourism

Hotels during the summer season 20% discount is offered.

Tamil Nadu Tourism website in Tamil version

TTDC has launched the Tamil version of the Tamil Nadu Tourism website for the

benefit of Tamils residing outside India.

Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour

TTDC launched the Hop-On, Hop-Off tour from Chennai to Mamallapuram and

for the Chennai City tour.

Financial Position of TTDC

The total revenue of TTDC for the year 2007-08 was at Rs. 59Cr and total revenue

for the year 2008-09 is estimated at Rs.69 Cr, enhanced 17%.

Four National awards for Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Tourism bagged Three National Awards for 2006&2007.For 2007-08

won one more National Award under Best Collateral Publicity.


1. TTDC has entered in to an Agreement with a private sector company for

establishment of Adventure Sports at Island Grounds, Chennai, and at Boat

house, Mudaliarkuppam. Bunjee Run, Zorbing, Rock Climbing and

Trampoline have already been introduced at Island Grounds. Parasailing was

launched on 8th July 2009 at Rain Drop Boat House, Mudaliarkuppam.

2. The India tourist, Anna Centenary and Industrial Fair 2009 was organized

through an Event Manager.

3. Summer fair was organized during May 2008 for the first time with Private

Event Manager fetching revenue of Rs.70 lakh.



1. 10 cottages at Hotel Tamil Nadu, Hosur, 16 Rooms at Krishnagiri, 12

Cottages at Kanyakumari, 8 Cottages at Ooty, 19 Rooms at Thiruchendur,

11Rooms at Rameswaram and 29 Rooms at Coimbatore will be refurbished

at a cost of Rs.2.76 crore.

2. Green car parking facility will be provided at the rear side of Island Grounds

(Manroe statue side) at a cost of Rs.45 lakh.

3. Bars at Ooty, Coimbatore and Rameswaram will be refurbished at a total

cost of Rs.72 lakh.

4. Four mini coaches will be replaced at accost of Rs.50 lakh.

5. Additional Rooms to be constructed at Tiruchy and Thanjavur.





1 Office Management Dr. Radha, Kathiresan.


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