12 Car Park Designers' Handbook

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3 Two-way-ow with reduced aisle widths

When the anticipated trac ow is tidal, such as occurs in facilities
dedicated to oce sta, two-way-ow layouts have been used success-
fully with aisle widths little more than those recommended for one-
way-ow circulation. Consideration, however, should be given to the
possibility of future changes in parking use that could aect the
continued eectiveness of the building.

Fig. 3.6 Comparison of the deck area per stall for three angles of parking (exc. ramps and access-ways)

12 Car park designers handbook

3.4.4 Manoeuvring on aisles
Recommended minimum aisle widths (2.400 m-wide stalls):
908 with two-way-ow 7.000 m
908 with one-way-ow 6.000 m
808 5.250 m
708 4.700 m
608 4.200 m
508 3.800 m
458 3.600 m
908 with one-way-ow.
2.500 m wide stalls 5.800 m
2.600 m 5.650 m
2.700 m 5.500 m
It is not recommended that reduced aisle widths should be adopted as
a general rule, but it shows that in extreme situations some dimensional
exibility is available to the designer. Where intensive use by pedes-
trians is anticipated (Cats 1 and 2), aisle widths of less than 5.000 m
cannot be recommended, regardless of the parking angle.

3.4.5 Turning between aisles

A factor to be considered is that as the parking angle decreases so, also,
does the dimension available for turning between adjacent aisles. For
908 parking, the clear turning dimension overall two trac aisles and
the pair of stalls between them is 21.600 m, but at 458 it reduces to
15.684 m and is below the recommended minimum turning diameter
(see Fig. 3.6).

3.5 Bin 3.5.1 Discussion

dimensions Bin widths are the sum of the aisle width and the adjacent stalls meas-
ured normal to the aisle. With angled parking this dimension will vary,
dependent upon the width of stall chosen. Where multi-span at decks
incorporate angled parking, bins on the external rows will dier in
width from those on the internal rows due to the interlocking eect
of the stalls. They will also dier from those bin widths generated by
a single parking deck (see Fig. 3.6 and Section 3.13).

3.5.2 Recommended minimum bin dimensions for parking with

2.400 m-wide stalls (in metres)
Angle Single External Internal
90 15.600 15.600 15.600
80o 15.530 15.328 15.120
70o 15.362 14.952 14.540
60o 14.914 14.314 13.714
50 14.240 13.469 12.697
45o 13.782 12.939 12.085
For two-way-ow, the only logical angle is 908 and the recommended
minimum bin width is 16.600 m.

3.6 Ramps and 3.6.1 Discussion

access-ways Cross-ramps and access-ways linking adjacent parking decks are one of
the most important elements governing driver appreciation. If they are
too narrow or too steep, motorists will shun the car park. The entrance
should be of a width that will enable drivers of average ability to enter
at 10 mph from the optimum position on an aisle without the need to
make ne judgements on driving accuracy (see Figs 3.73.9). In the
middle section, and where they exit into a wider trac aisle, the ramp

Design elements 13

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