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Shorebased Trainingplan 2007 LNG vessels

Shorebased Trainingplan 2007 LNG vessels

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The main objective for Hegh Fleet Services AS in providing training is;

-To improve the competency of all shipboard personnel regarding safety & environmental awareness and professional duty.-

In compliance with HFS' policy of building and maintaining a high level of competency for all personnel categories, a Training Framework has been
established. The main part of this framework is the on-the-job-training on board the vessels. HFS offers varied types of training ranging from shore-based,
practical hands-on courses, via class room type courses to computer based training.

For details about Hegh Fleet Services AS' training policy, please consult the Vessel Manual and/or the Manning Agents Manual.
Recognizing that instructor resources on board are scarce, HFS is offering shore-based training in areas such as:
Mandatory courses (STCW 95, GMDSS and GAS familiarization)
Environmental and management courses
Ship handling courses
Other HFS recommended courses
Operation of on board systems and equipment - both deck and engine

As shown in the course matrix, most of the courses are tied either to specific career plans or certain positions.
The courses are divided into two columns and the following policy is established:
Required courses are to be completed before first sea-service on HFS vessels. Selected courses can be done during first trip onboard or as soon as possible
during the seafarers' first vacation.
Recommended courses can be offered when required courses are completed and if candidates are recommended by HFS Fleet Personnel/Manning Agents.

If a course is of common interest, it may be permanently implemented in the Shore Based Training Plan.
The Shore Based Training Plan is an important part of the CD (Career Development) Plan.

Planning and execution of the shore based training is done by our Manning Agents in co-operation with each participant and in accordance with the
recommendation in Crew Evaluation Report (CER) given by the Captains and the department heads. A direct involvement from the vessels, in selecting
candidates and relevant training course, is of vital importance for the efficiency in building up a high quality, professional crew.

Shorebased Trainingplan 2007 LNG vessels

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Second Engineer

Fourth Engineer
Cargo Engineer

Cadet Engineer
Third Engineer
Chief Engineer
Second Officer

Chief Steward

Rating Engine
Third Officer
Chief Officer

Rating Deck
Deck Cadet


Coursename Code Justification

Advanced Environmental Course ENVIRO06 Company Requirement x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Advanced Fire Fighting ADVFIR STCW-95 VI/3 x x x x x x x x x x x x
Advanced First Aid/ Medical Care MEDICA STCW-95 VI/4 para. 2 x x
Advanced First Aid/ Medical First Aid ADVFAI STCW-95 VI/4 para. 1 x x x x x x x
NMD - FOR 2003-05-09 nr 687
Automated Information System INSAIS x x x x

Required (Mandatory) courses

Automatic Radar Plotting Aid ARPA STCW-95 A-II/3 x x x x
Basic Safety BASAFE STCW-95 VI/1 x x x x x x x
Bridge Resource Management BRMAN Company Requirement x x x x
Electronic Chart Display Information NMD - FOR 2003-05-09 nr 687
ECDIS x x x x
System 3.2-11
Fire Fighting Tanker Personnel GASFIR STCW-95 A-V/1 para. 25 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
General tanker familiarization GASLOW STCW-95 V/1 para. 1 x x x x x x x x x
Global Maritime Distress Safety System GMDSS STCW-95 IV/1 para. 1 x x x x
NMD - FOR 2003-05-09 nr 687
High Voltage Safety HIGHV (x)
Medical Emergency ADVFAI STCW-95 VI/4 para. 1 x x x x x x x x x
Norwegian Maritime Law NISRUL STCW-95 I/10 para. 2 (x)
ISPS code part A11 and part
Ship Security Officer SSO x x
B13.1and SOLAS ch XI-2
Survival Craft/Rescue Boats RESCUE STCW-95 VI/2 para. 1 x x x x x x x x x
Tankerman highest grade GASHIG STCW-95 V/1 para. 2.2 x x x x x x
Safety and Environmental Management
SEMS05 Company Requirement x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
System introduction
(x) Conditional, vessel, nationality or function

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Second Engineer

Fourth Engineer
Cargo Engineer

Cadet Engineer
Third Engineer
Chief Engineer
Second Officer

Chief Steward

Rating Engine
Third Officer
Chief Officer

Rating Deck
Deck Cadet


Coursename Code Justification

AMOS M&P AMOSIN Company Requirement x x x x x x x x x x

Assessor ASSESS STCW-95 A-I/6 x x x x x
Automatic Radar Plotting Aid ARPA STCW-95 A-II/4 (x)
Fast Rescue Boats RESCUF STCW-95 VI/2 para. 2 (x) (x) (x)
SOLAS 74 Ch 7 and Annex III
Hazardous Materials HAZMAT x x x
of MARPOL 73/78
Heart Starter Operator Course DHLR Company Requirement (x) (x)
NMD - FOR 2003-05-09 nr 687
High Voltage Safety HIGHV (x) (x)

Recommended courses
LNG Familiarization course LNGFAM STCW-95 A-V/1-1 x x x
LNG Simulator Course (LICOS) GASSIM Company Requirement x x x x x x
LNG Operator Course (Kongsberg) IAS Company Requirement x x x x x x x x x x
LNG Technical course (Kongsberg) IASTEC Company Requirement x
Marinfloc MARFLO MARPOL 73/78 R Reg. 10 x x x x
Maritime English MARENG Company Requirement x x x
Membrane Tank Course GTT Company Requirement (x) (x) (x) (x)
Protection and Environmental (PEC) PRENV Company Requirement (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) x x x
Senior Officer Qualifying Course SOQC Company Requirement x x
Shiphandling phase 1 SHDLG1 Company Requirement x x x x
Shiphandling phase 2 SHDLG2 Company Requirement x x x
Shiphandling phase 3 SHDLG3 Company Requirement x x
Shiphandling Hammerfest SHIPHF Company Requirement (x) (x) (x) (x)
Simulator Training In Critical Situations STIKS Company Requirement x x
Surface treatment and Paint course PAINT Company Requirement x x x
TIG Welding WELD4 Company Requirement x (x)
Valmarine valve control course ALCON Company Requirement (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
(x) Conditional, vessel, nationality or function

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General information Course descriptions

Coursename: Advanced Environmental Course Coursename: Advanced Fire Fighting

General information: The course is designed to give the participant knowledge of the General information: Trainees who successfully complete the course will be able to
environmental impact, regulations, operation and routines and demonstrate the required minimum standard of competence set
reporting for the operations that have or may have an effect to out in Table A-VI/3 of STCW'95 for seafarers who may be
the environment. The course consists of the modules: General designated to control fire fighting operations.
Environment and EMS/CP, Oil, Sewage, Garbage, Air pollution
and Ballast.

Coursename: Advanced First Aid/ Medical Care Coursename: Advanced First Aid/ Medical First Aid
General information: Trainees who successfully complete the course will be able to General Trainees who successfully complete the course will be able to
demonstrate the required minimum standard of competence set information: demonstrate the required minimum standard of competence set
out in Table A-VI/4-2 of STCW'95 for seafarers who may be out in Table A-VI/4-1 of STCW'95 for seafarers who may be
designated to take charge of medical care on board ships. designated to be in charge of medical care.

Coursename: AMOS M&P Coursename: Assessor

General information: After 3 days of training all attendants should manage to handle General Trainees who successfully complete the course will be able to
their daily work in Amos M&P in accordance with HFS policies information: demonstrate the required minimum standard of competence set
and guidelines. As the course is an internal course, the AMOS out in Section A-I/6-6 of STCW'95 for officers who are
group is relatively free to cover updated information from designated to assess other seafarers.
course to course.

Coursename: Automated Information System Coursename: Automated Radar Plotting Aid

General information: This course provides theoretical and practical training for ship General information: This course provides training in the basic theory and use of
navigators in safe and efficient use of Automated Information Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA), and covers the
Systems. The Seagull AIS course meets the STCW requirements minimum training requirements recommended in Annex 2 of
in regulation I/14 paragraph 1.4. IMO Assembly resolution A.482 (XII) and STCW Code Table A-

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Coursename: Basic Safety Coursename: Bridge Resource Management
General information: Trainees who successfully complete the course will be able to General information: The BRM (Bridge Resource Management) course provides
demonstrate the required minimum standard of competence set training on leadership, teamwork and communication.
out in STCW'95 Table A-VI/1-1 to 1-4. Standards of competence are set out in STCW-95 Section B-
VIII/2 part 3-1.

Coursename: Heart starter operator course Coursename: Electronic Chart Display Information System
General information: After attending the course the participant should be able to General information: Those who successfully complete this training package should
demonstrate proficiency in basic heart-and lung rescue (BHLR), be able to undertake the duties as OOW on ships equipped with
use of semi-automatic heartstarter (DHLR), basic lifesaving first an ECDIS according to Table A-II/1.
aid and treatment of patient after revival.

Coursename: Fire Fighting for Tanker Personnel Coursename: General tanker familiarization
General information: A trainee successfully completing this course will be able to take General information: This course covers IMO's requirements for junior deck and
the necessary immediate action to control and extinguish fires engine officers and ratings that are on board oil, chemical and
involving flammable liquids, to the extent possible utilizing the gas tankers (in accordance with STCW-1978, as amended 1995).
normal fire-fighting equipment found on board tankers. The course is designed to provide general knowledge of the
Competence requirement is based on Section A-V/1-22 of specialties of oil, chemical and gas tankers. Those successfully
STCW'95. completing the course will have adequate knowledge to fulfill
the requirements given in Section A-V/1-1 of STCW'95.

Coursename: Global Maritime Distress Safety System Coursename: Hazardous Materials

General information: This course covers the requirements specified by Regulation IV General information: Objective of the course is to provide the necessary knowledge,
in the International Convention of Standards of Training, skills and abilities to personnel handling dangerous goods in
certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers 1978 (STCW), and relation to the provisions of SOLAS 74 Chapter 7 and Annex III
the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio of MARPOL 73/78 as amplified in the IMDG Code and an
Regulations Art. 55 for General Operator Certificate, and is understanding of the dangers and hazards onboard. The course
designed for Deck Officers with responsibility for both Distress should give proficiency in Classification, Packaging, Marking,
and Commercial Radio Communication on board ships. Labeling, Placarding, Documentation and Stowage
Requirements, Hazard Communication, First Aid, Emergency
Procedures Involving Dangerous Goods.

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Coursename: High Voltage Safety Coursename: Liquid Natural Gas Operator Course
General information: The course content is in accordance to actual standards, rules General information: Give the participants basic understanding of the Integrated
and regulations. Equipment related hands on skills are to be Automation System (IAS) which controls the process onboard
deepened in ELE31 Marine Switchgear course. After the course LNG carriers, and how to operate the system. The course is also
the participant can manage risks of high voltage, and has an entry requirement for the LNG Technical Course. The course
adopted safe working methods for high voltage marine documentation is written in English and the course will be held
environment according to safety rules on Marine HV in English unless otherwise agreed.
environment, regulations and recommendations like Solas,
STCW95, IMO, flag state and others.

Coursename: Liquefied Natural Gas Simulator course (LICOS) Coursename: Liquid Natural Gas Technical Course
General information: The objectives is to meet the IMO training requirements for General information: Give the participants basic knowledge of the Integrated
service onboard liquefied gas tankers and put focus on the Automation IAS system: hardware design, location of hardware
relation between human attitude and a safe and efficient components, use of the system in faultfinding, and maintenance
operation of liquefied gas tankers. Competence requirement is of the system. The teaching will be presented in a combination
based on Section A-V/1-22 of STCW'95. Courses are different of theoretical lessons and practical exercises. The focus will be
for spherical- and membrane tank LNGs. on hardware module descriptions, cabling of loop typicals and
configuration of I/O cards. The course documentation is written
in English and the course will be held in English unless
otherwise agreed.

Coursename: LNG Familiarization Course Coursename: Marinfloc

General information: The course consists of basic introduction to LNG cargo General information: After the course the participants will be able to demonstrate
equipment precautions, design and construction, cargo proficiency in use of Marinfloc Pre-treatment units and the
operations and LNG as a product with properties, hazards, principals the equipment work upon. The requirements for such
precautions and emergency procedures. By the end of the equipment is stated in MARPOL 73/78 R Reg. 10 (page
course the rating should be able to show proficiency in safe 53) Regulation for using a bilge water separator.
practices on LNG ship operation procedures. They should have
knowledge of health hazards and emergency procedures as well
as a safety and environmental awareness focus.

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Coursename: Maritime English Coursename: Membrane Tank Course
General information: This course provides theoretical and practical training in General information: Introduction to Gaztransport und Technigaz Membrane tank
English language. As the course progress the participant is system installed on Matthew. The course provides knowledge of
expected to be increasingly proficient in both oral and written the Membrane tank system provided by Gaztransport &
English. As far as possible the participants should practice their Technigaz S.A.s. This course is to be taken by the appropriate
English onboard. positions sailing on Matthew. An overlapping competence is
obtained by attending LICOS for membrane tank LNG. The
training is free of charge, however they ask for a contribution of
400 for expenses (lunches, local transportation). We can only
request seats and are usually given maximum 2 seats each year.

Coursename: Norwegian Maritime Law Coursename: Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats

General information: To provide knowledge on pertinent Norwegian rules and General information: Candidates who successfully complete the course will be able to
regulations regarding shipboard management and demonstrate the required minimum standard of competence set
administration and give exercises in attaining and using out in Table A-VI/2-2 of STCW'95 for seafarers who may be
relevant information and procedures to arrive at adequate designated to launch and take charge of a fast rescue boat in an
decisions. Competence requirement is given in STCW-95 emergency.
Regulation I/10.

Coursename: Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Coursename: Protection and environment committee
General information: Candidates who successfully complete the course will be able to General information: The purpose of this course is to give Supervisors and Committee
demonstrate the required minimum standard of competence set members knowledge of the Applicable Laws and Regulations
out in Table A-VI/2-1 of STCW'95 for seafarers who may be governing protection and environment (P&E) work on board
designated to take charge of the preparation, embarkation, Norwegian Vessels. To be able to recognize hazards and
launching and handling of survival craft. implement appropriate safety measures. To implement and
utilize the resources available in decision making and achieving
the overall objective of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate and
the Shipping Companies.

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Coursename: Safety and Environmental Management System introduction Coursename: Senior Officer Qualifying Course
OCS code SEMS05 OCS code SOQC
General information: To provide the participants the basic as well as more General information: This program is purpose built for Bergesen dy, Hegh Fleet
comprehensive knowledge of the company safety management Services and JO Tankers, emphasizing further development for
system. The course will demonstrate how the company safety Senior Officers. Especially focused on Master and Chief
management system will play an important role affecting the Engineer positions - without doubt, the most demanding within
company, and will supplement the participants' knowledge in the shipping industry of today and not the least in future to
developing and implementing company's strategies. come. The main intention of the SOQC is to put focus on
important aspects related to the roles in order to form the basis
for further development for top officers.

Coursename: Shiphandling Hammerfest Coursename: Shiphandling phase 1

General information: Familiarization with terminal characteristics, tugmaster and General information: Improve understanding of the forces acting on hull, rudder and
pilots. Build competence on maneuvering of vessel in various propeller. Improve skills in handling a gas vessel with emphasis
weather and current conditions. Including emergency on using/controlling main engine(s), rudder(s), and thrusters.
procedures to be followed on equipment failure. Get knowledge of gas operations, procedures and maneuvering
in ports and restricted waters.

Coursename: Shiphandling phase 2 Coursename: Shiphandling phase 3

General information: Improve understanding of the forces acting on hull, rudder and General information: Improve skills in handling a gas vessel with emphasis crisis
propeller. Improve skills in handling a gas vessel with emphasis management. The simulator course provides training on
on using/controlling main engine(s), rudder(s), and thrusters. handling critical situations. These courses are two or three days
Get knowledge of gas operations, procedures and maneuvering long and alternate between simulator operation and theory.
in ports and restricted waters.

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Coursename: Ship security officer course Coursename: Simulator Training In Critical Situations
General information: This course consists mainly of introduction into the ISPS code General information: A very demanding course carried out on a "full mission" bridge
and the companys security manual and regulations. The simulator. The course is designed to focus on bridge team
candidates are given sufficient knowledge of the ISPS Code to training and crisis management issues. The participants will
conduct the on board Familiarization to ISPS code for all other during several simulator incidents face various workload levels
staff. The objective is to make the Ship Security Officer able to from normal to crisis. The competence requirements concerning
perform the planning and training of security related activities bridge procedures, as described in STCW 95 are important in all
in accordance with the ISPS Codes part A/12.2 AND B/13.2 phases of the course. The Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork
and IMO model course 3.19. course provides a full SAS/BRM (Bridge Resource
Management) Certificate (ref. STCW '95 section A-I/12). and a
Shiphandling certificate.

Coursename: Surface treatment and paint course Coursename: Tankerman highest grade
General information: The purpose of this course is to give those leading or inspecting General information: The objectives is to meet the IMO training requirements for
surface treatment works onboard knowledge and proficiency in service onboard liquefied gas tankers with focus on the relation
the company procedures and how to follow best practice using between human attitude and a safe and efficient operation of
the equipment onboard. liquefied gas tankers. Those successfully completing this course
should be able to serve as master, chief engineer officer, chief
mate, second engineer officer or take immediate responsibility
for loading, discharging and care in transit or handling of cargo
onboard liquefied gas tanker. The Administration will issue a
Tankerman Certificate-Highest Grade. Competence requirement
is based on Section A-V/1-22 of STCW'95.

Coursename: TIG Welding Coursename: Valmarine valve control course

General information: This course offers specialized training in TIG welding and Silver General information: Basic training courses are available for individuals. The course is
Soldering for the repair of Yorcalbro (Aluminum-brass alloy) based on a standard package, and can be held for Damatic
and Cunifer (Copper-Nickel alloy) pipes. These are two of the XD/DNA or Classic, consisting of:
accepted methods for the Repair and Maintenance Work of Basic System Knowledge
these alloys. The course will also give training in TIG welding of Maintenance / Fault Finding
Stainless Steel. Operator Training

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