Job Cover Letter

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[Replace bracketed text with your own information and writing.

Best of luck! Email me at with any questions!]

[Your Name
Your Address
67 Azad Colony
Wagoora, Baramulla, J&K 193103

[Dr. Roomi Rather

Chief Executive Officer
Roomis Group]

[February 22, 2017]

Dear [Dr. Roomi]:

I am pleased to find an opportunity to work with your renowned brand - Name. I have previously worked on a
project of then Fortune Global No. 1 company - ExxonMobil in 2009. As an intern I worked as market analyst and
reported then market conditions in Delhi NCR. The concerned company was planning to hit the Indian market and
needed fair understanding of competitor presence. My work with other team members helped them know the
potential market opportunities and level of competition they need to tackle.(Relate your previous project
experience with the one you are applying for)].

I believe my skills will help you achieve the company goals [specific link between your skills and company goals].
[Write more about why are you the best fit for them].

I am about to finish my academic engagements and am ready to join you any time after (Date). I want to kick off my
career straight away with your company and hereby make it known that my appointment is not under consideration
at any other company. Should you find my skills and enthusiasm appropriate fit for your company and should you
like to know more about me, I suggest the following persons be contacted:

[list your references]

Thank you for your consideration!


[Your Name, MBA

University Concerned]

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