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Schedule, ChE 30600, Fall 2017

1 8/21 M Introduction & Overview Separations. Lecture FRNY B124, 9:30-10:20 Chapt. 1
2 8/23 W LECTURE/WORK SESSION Phase equil./Flash Sections 2.1 to 2.4
Bring textbook to all labs & lecture/work sessions except tests.
3-Th 8/24 Th FRNY 1033, Lab A. Introduction (Lab 1 in SPE) & Flash Distillation (Lab 2 in
SPE) C2 App, pp 67-76. Before lab find and make a copy of Furfural (a cyclic alcohol)-Water VLE
data. This data is your ticket to lab if you do not have the data, you will be told to leave, go find the data
by yourself, and then return to lab.
4 8/25 F Flash Distillation 2.5 & 2.6
Note: University standard for a 3 credit MWF course is 3 required meetings/week (3 lectures/wk or 2
lectures + lab), with a typical total of (44 sessions + final)/semester..
- 8/28 M Flash Distillation
3-W 8/30 W 3:30-5:20, FRNY 1022 Lab A. Introduction (Lab 1 in SPE) & Flash Distillation
(Lab 2 in SPE) C2 App, pp 67-76. Before lab find and make a copy of Furfural (a cyclic alcohol)-Water
VLE data. This data is your ticket to lab if you do not have the data, you will be told to leave, go find the
data by yourself, and then return to lab.
5 8/30 W HW1A* due. Distillation balances C3
6 9/1 F Finish chapter 3. Quiz 1. Flash Distillation &/or Equilibrium.
A double sided 3x5 card is allowed during all quizzes and exams.
7 9/6 W Distillation McCabe-Thiele 4.1 & 4.2
8-Th 9/7 Th Lab B - Distillation Lab 3, SPE, pp. 179-183, FRNY 1022
9 9/8 F McCabe-Thiele 4.3, 4.4 & 4.5
10 9/11 M HW2A due. McCabe-Thiele 4.6 & 4.7 & 4.8, Reread 4.3 to 4.5
8-W 9/13 W 3:30 Lab B Distillation Lab 3, SPE, pp. 179-183, FRNY 1033
11 9/13 W Quiz 2 (McCabe-Thiele, 3x5 card)
9/14 Th No lab
12 9/15 F Lecture/Work Session McCabe-Thiele 4.9 to 4.11
13 9/18 M HW2B due. Multi-component distil balances & profiles 5.1 &5.2
15-W 9/20 W 3:30 Lab C Multi-component Distillation, Lab 4, pp. 241-243
14 9/20 W Quiz 3 McCabe-Thiele, 3x5 card)
15-Th 9/21 Th Lab C Multi-component Distillation, Lab 4, pp. 241-243
16 9/22 F Exam 1. Distillation. McCabe Thiele & flash 3x5 card
17 9/25 M Stage-by-stage calc. 5.3 & 5.4 Diameter calculations, Sects. 10.2 & 10.3
18-W 9/27 W 3:30 Lab D MC distillation: pressure effects, optimum feed, diameter calc &
practice for mastery lab quiz, Lab 5, pp. 243-246
19 9/27 W Stage-by-Stage calculation. Short cut solutions Section 7.1
18-Th 9/28 Th Lab D MC distillation: pressure effects, optimum feed, diameter calc & practice for
mastery lab quiz, Lab 5, pp. 243-246
20 9/29 F HW3A due MC short cut solutions Sections 7.2 & 7.3
21 10/2 M Distillation short cut solutions, Dilute absorbers and strippers 12.1 to 12.3
22-W 10/4 W 3:30 Lab E. Mastery Lab Quiz Aspen Plus distillation
23 10/4 W Finish distillation, absorption/stripping
22-Th 10/5 Th Lab E. Mastery Lab Quiz Aspen Plus distillation
24 10/6 F Work session on HW 3B. HW3B due at end of period.
25 10/13 F Quiz 4 (multi-component distillation, 3x5 card)
25 10/16 M Optional help review for exam
26 10/18 W Exam 2. Distillation. May include absorption/stripping and/or McCabe-Thiele, 3x5
27 10/20 F Start membrane separations 18 Intro, 18.1 to 18.2
28 10/23 M Membranes gas permeation 18.2
29 10/25 W Membrane work session on HW 4a. HW 4A due at end of period (May be
handed in early)
30 10/27 F Membranes & membrane flow patterns 18.7 Intro, 18.7.1
31 10/30 M Spreadsheets & VBA Chapter 4 Appendix B parts 1 and 2, Chapter 5 appendix,
& chapter 18. Appendix.
32-W 11/1 W 3:30 Lab F. Membrane Design lab Spreadsheet/VBA Lab F handout
33 11/1 W Multicomponent gas permeation, 18.3
32-Th 11/2 Th Lab F. Membrane Design lab Spreadsheet/VBA Lab F handout
34 11/3 F HW 4B due (A multicomponent problem will be graded). Quiz 5 Membranes (will
NOT include multicomponent gas permeation, 3x5 card)
35 11/6 M Membrane Design Group work session
36-W 11/8 W 3:30 Lab F - Part 2. Membrane Design lab
37 11/8 W Crystallization Equilibrium, Sections 17.1, 17.8.2, 17.9.
36-Th 11/9 Th Lab F - Part 2. Membrane Design lab
38 11/10 F Crystallizer calculations . 17.2.
39 11/13 M HW 5A due. Comments on writing lab reports Crystallization 17.3 .
40 11/15 W Quiz 6 Crystallization 3x5 card
41 11/17 F Membrane Design lab reports due. Discussion of designs, Crystallization
42 11/20 M Crystallization work session on HW 5B. HW 5B due at end of period
43 11/27 M Review for Exam 3
44 11/29 W Exam 3 Membranes and Crystallization 3x5 card Crystallization
12/1 F No class
- 12/4 M Course Review (Optional)
12/6 W Course Review (Optional)
12/8 F No Class
Finals TBD W Final Examination.
A double sided 3x5 card with information is allowed; otherwise, closed book/closed notes.

Readings are in SPE = Separation Process Engineering, 4th US edition. The fourth edition has quite different
problems than the third edition, and the 4th edition contains a new chapter on crystallization.

In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are
subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Go to
Blackboard to get information about changes in this course.

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