21º Simpósio Internacional de Neonatologia - Compilado

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A Deus.

A todos que foram para o Simposio e contribuiram com material para confeccao deste compilado,
em especial a Dra. Suerda, Dra. Andrea Sueli e a Dra. Ana Caroline.
Saturacao-Alvo de Oxigenio para Prematuros Extremos apos
o Estudo NeOProM

Neonatology 2016;109:352358 Published online: June 3, 2016

DOI: 10.1159/000444913

Oxygen Saturation Targets for Extremely

Preterm Infants after the NeOProM Trials
Ben J. Stenson
Neonatal Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Key Words below 90% and indicate the importance of more trials to see
Extremely preterm infants Neonatal Oxygen Prospective if a further survival advantage can be identified. The safety
Meta-Analysis Pulse oximeter saturation of targets above 95% has not been evaluated. The five trials
were designed to be similar to facilitate an individual patient
data meta-analysis, and this Neonatal Oxygen Prospective
Abstract Meta-Analysis (NeOProM) may provide further insights.
Five randomized controlled trials comparing lower (8589%) 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel
versus higher (9195%) pulse oximeter saturation (SpO2) tar-
gets for extremely preterm infants have now been reported
from the United States of America, Canada, the United King- Historical Evidence
dom, Australia and New Zealand. These trials included more
than 4,800 infants, and they provide robust evidence to per- Prior to the recent randomized controlled trials of low-
mit comparison of these target ranges and consider the next er versus higher oxygen saturation (SpO2) target ranges,
steps for clinicians and researchers. The lower SpO2 range the evidence base to guide oxygen therapy in extremely
was associated with a significant increase in the risk of death. preterm infants was very weak. When oxygen therapy was
There was no significant difference between the two target first introduced into neonatal care, there was no way to
ranges in the rate of disability at 1824 months, including measure arterial oxygen levels. Oxygen was administered
blindness. A significant difference between groups in the to preterm infants at high inspired percentages for long
risk of the composite primary outcome of death or disability periods according to clinical judgements and it was in this
in favour of the higher SpO2 range was mainly attributable context that retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) was linked
to the difference between groups in the risk of death. The with prolonged exposure to high inspired oxygen (FiO2).
lower target range did not reduce bronchopulmonary dys- Trials conducted without measurements of oxygenation
plasia or severe visual impairment, but it did increase the risk demonstrated that a restrictive approach to oxygen sup-
of necrotizing enterocolitis requiring surgery or causing plementation could reduce the number of infants with
death. The trials provide no reason to prefer SpO2 targets retinopathy [13], but the oxygen restriction that fol- - 6/9/2016 6:22:01 AM
Univ. of California Santa Barbara

2016 S. Karger AG, Basel Ben J. Stenson

16617800/16/10940352$39.50/0 Neonatal Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
51 Little France Crescent, Old Dalkeith Road
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E-Mail karger@karger.com
Edinburgh EH16 4SA (UK)
E-Mail ben.stenson@luht.scot.nhs.uk
lowed came with a cost of increased mortality and cere- values at any individual SpO2 is wide. The 95% confidence
bral palsy [48]. intervals for PO2 in oxygen-dependent preterm infants for
When it became possible to measure oxygen tension, the SpO2 range 8595% in the first week after birth include
first by intermittent arterial puncture and then by mea- a PO2 range of 2967 mm Hg (3.88.9 kPa) [13]. In other
surement of transcutaneous oxygen tension (PO2), con- words, the shift to SpO2 monitoring with a range of 85
trolled oxygen therapy began. Oxygen was titrated to 95% from transcutaneous PO2 monitoring was associated
achieve various PO2 ranges, but there were no trials to with an unevaluated and substantial shift downwards in
determine the upper and lower PO2 limits associated with the permitted range of PO2 values that preterm infants
the best outcomes. were being targeted to from previous limits of 5080 mm
A trial published in 1987 aimed to show whether using Hg (6.710.7 kPa) to a range of around 2967 mm Hg
continuous transcutaneous PO2 monitoring, in addition (3.88.9 kPa). Encouragingly, observational studies sug-
to intermittent arterial sampling, would improve out- gested the possibility that targeting lower SpO2 values
comes in comparison with intermittent arterial sampling might allow a reduction in ROP and bronchopulmonary
alone [9]. PO2 targets of 5070 mm Hg (6.79.3 kPa) were dysplasia (BPD), without an increase in the risk of mortal-
used in both groups. There were 296 infants with birth ity or disability [1417], giving rise to wide interest in the
weight <1,300 g randomized. The addition of transcuta- evaluation of different SpO2 targets.
neous monitoring was associated with an 8% decrease in
all stages of ROP (51 vs. 59%). However, there was no dif-
ference in more concerning severe retinopathy. There Recent Trial Evidence
were 8% more deaths in the transcutaneous monitoring
group (32 vs. 24%). These differences were not statisti- Five randomized controlled trials have now been un-
cally significant and may be chance findings, but in retro- dertaken since 2005 to compare the outcomes of infants
spect they may represent further early evidence that tight- targeted to lower (8589%) versus higher (9195%) SpO2
ening up the control of oxygen administration reduced targets [1821]. These trials were conducted as separately
retinopathy at a cost of increased mortality. In a later funded and managed components of a prospective indi-
analysis of the same study, ROP was associated with PO2 vidual patient data meta-analysis known as the Neonatal
levels greater than 80 mm Hg (10.7 kPa) [10]. The Amer- Oxygen Prospective Meta-Analysis (NeOProM) Collabo-
ican Academy of Pediatrics recommended a PO2 target ration [22]. The trials used Masimo Radical oximeters
range of 5080 mm Hg (6.710.7 kPa) [11]. (Masimo Corporation, Irvine, Calif., USA) that were in
Pulse oximetry gradually became the most widely used widespread use clinically at the time. In order to mask the
monitoring method, probably because of its ease of ap- group allocation from the caregivers, the trial oximeters
plication and not because of its demonstrated superiority were offset to read either 3 percentage points higher or
in optimizing clinical outcomes. There were no trials to lower than the underlying true SpO2 reading in the range
determine that using SpO2 monitoring improved out- 8595%, so that in the lower SpO2 target group a SpO2
comes when compared with transcutaneous PO2 moni- reading of 90% would be displayed at an underlying SpO2
toring. It remains an open question whether oxygen ten- of 87% and in the higher target group a SpO2 reading of
sion or oxygen saturation represents the safer measure for 90% would be displayed at an underlying SpO2 of 93%. If
guiding oxygen treatment in preterm infants. A small nursing staff targeted the displayed SpO2 range 8892%,
crossover study suggested that transcutaneous monitor- this was expected to achieve the intended ranges of 85
ing may facilitate avoidance of high and low oxygen ten- 89% and 9195% in the two randomization groups, re-
sion more effectively than saturation monitoring [12]. spectively, and in the middle of the target ranges there was
In the absence of trials to determine the optimal satura- expected to be a 6% difference between groups in mean
tion target range for preterm infants there was widespread SpO2. In order that clinical staff could be confident that
variation in practice. A survey of practice in UK neonatal they were not allowing what they might consider clini-
units interested in participating in the BOOST-II UK trial cally significant hypoxia or hyperoxia at SpO2 above 95 or
suggested that a SpO2 range of 8595% was broadly rep- below 85%, the oximeter transitioned back to displaying
resentative of practice before the recent trials; however, the underlying true reading. An oximeter offset of plus or
some units were using higher or lower limits [unpubl. minus 2% was effective in achieving separation in SpO2
data]. The relationship between PO2 and saturation varies distributions between randomization groups in the first
within and between infants, and the range of possible PO2 BOOST trial in 2003 [23]. - 6/9/2016 6:22:01 AM
Univ. of California Santa Barbara

Oxygen Saturation Targets for Extremely Neonatology 2016;109:352358 353

Preterm Infants DOI: 10.1159/000444913
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A relevant factor for the interpretation of the trials was as the infants still needed supplemental oxygen and were
the discovery by the UK trial team that the Masimo Rad- being monitored. Conducting these trials with such a
ical pulse oximeters used for the trials had an artefact in lengthy intervention was a major logistical challenge.
their calibration [24]. This was a feature of Masimo ox- There were some differences among the trials. In the
imeters in general use at the time and was not specific to SUPPORT trial [18] consent was obtained before deliv-
the trial oximeters. The oximeter returned fewer values ery, the infants were randomized from birth and outborn
than expected in the SpO2 range 8790% and shifted val- infants were not included. Infants from multiple births
ues above 87 upwards by 12%. This affected the higher received the same intervention. The SUPPORT trial did
and lower SpO2 target ranges in the trials, but particu- not enroll infants born before 24 weeks gestation. In the
larly the lower target range. The Masimo Corporation other trials [1921] randomization took place in the first
provided revised calibration software for the oximeters 24 h after birth, infants were not enrolled if they were al-
which eliminated the issue and the revised oximeters re- ready considered to be unlikely to survive and outborn
turned saturation distributions that were similar to in- infants were enrolled. Infants from multiple births were
struments from other manufacturers [24]. Revised oxim- randomized individually. Infants born before 24 weeks
eters were introduced into the UK and Australian gestation were eligible for inclusion.
BOOST-II trials and into the Canadian Oxygen Trial All of the trials targeted the same SpO2 ranges, but
(COT) during enrollment. Therefore, these three trials they varied in their approaches to the application of
each have populations of infants treated with the original alarm limits, in the amount of detail gathered about oxy-
and the revised oximeters. The UK trial was at an earlier gen administration and in the detail that has been re-
stage in its intended enrollment than the other trials when ported about their achieved SpO2 distributions. Follow-
the issue was identified and decided to make infants treat- up assessments of cognitive function in the SUPPORT
ed with the revised oximeters its primary analysis popula- trial [18] and COT [19] used only Bayley-III assessments.
tion. Data from the UK, Australian and New Zealand In the UK, Australian and New Zealand BOOST-II trials
BOOST-II trials showed consistently that the oximeter the Bayley-III was used in the majority of cases but, blind
artefact affected the achieved SpO2 distributions in both to trial group allocation, some alternative measures of
randomization groups and that the oximeter revision rec- cognitive function were substituted in infants when a
tified this, allowing clearer separation between groups in Bayley-III examination could not be achieved in order to
saturation patterns and resulting in the infants allocated avoid post-randomization exclusions from missing data
to the lower SpO2 target range spending more time in [21, 25].
their intended target range [21]. It was therefore feasible The trials overlapped one another in terms of their en-
to consider that if SpO2 ranges affect clinical outcome that rollment periods, but were not completed simultaneous-
the oximeter revision could have an important effect on ly. The first trial to report outcomes was the SUPPORT
the trial outcomes. Masimo eliminated the calibration ar- trial [18], which showed an increased risk of mortality in
tefact from oximeters sold after it was identified. The is- infants randomized to the lower SpO2 target range. At
sue does not invalidate the trial data gathered using the this time, recruitment to the New Zealand BOOST-II tri-
original oximeters. The original oximeters performed al [20] and COT [19] was almost complete, but the UK
within the required standards of accuracy and allowed and Australian BOOST-II Trials [21] had longer to run.
infants to be managed with higher or lower SpO2, albeit In response to the SUPPORT trial findings and in keeping
with less separation between groups. It is reasonable to with the trial protocols, their data monitoring commit-
pool data that were gathered using oximeters of both tees undertook a pooled safety analysis combining mor-
types, but as the revised oximeters allowed greater separa- tality data from the SUPPORT trial with data from the
tion of the groups in saturation patterns and returned sat- UK, Australian and New Zealand BOOST-II trials. When
uration distributions more like those obtained with ox- this analysis showed an increased risk of death in infants
imeters from other manufacturers, the trial data gathered targeted to the SpO2 range 8589% that was statistically
using the revised oximeters may be more generalizable to significant at the pre-specified 99.73% level of statistical
current practice, making it important also to consider confidence, the results were revealed to the investigators.
them separately. The UK and Australian trial investigators considered the
The NeOProM trials recruited infants born before 28 mortality risk to be beyond reasonable doubt and the
weeks gestation within 24 h of birth. The intervention BOOST-II UK and Australian trials were stopped early
was continued until 36 weeks postmenstrual age as long [26]. - 6/9/2016 6:22:01 AM
Univ. of California Santa Barbara

354 Neonatology 2016;109:352358 Stenson

DOI: 10.1159/000444913
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Study or subgroup Lower SpO2 Higher SpO2 Weight, RR RR
% Mantel-Haenszel, Mantel-Haenszel,
events total events total fixed (95% CI), year fixed (95% CI)

SUPPORT 140 633 118 648 27.9 1.21 (0.981.51), 2012

COT 97 585 88 577 21.2 1.09 (0.831.42), 2013
BOOST-II New Zealand 25 170 27 170 6.5 0.93 (0.561.53), 2014
BOOST-II UK 122 484 98 483 23.5 1.24 (0.981.57), 2015
BOOST-II Australia 100 561 87 562 20.8 1.15 (0.891.50), 2015

Total (95% CI) 2,433 2,440 100.0 1.16 (1.031.31)

Total events 484 418
Heterogeneity: 2 = 1.51, d.f. = 4 (p = 0.83), I2 = 0%
0.2 0.5 1 2 5
Test for overall effect: Z = 2.50 (p = 0.01)
Favours Favours
lower SpO2 higher SpO2

Fig. 1. Meta-analysis of mortality at 1824 months for all infants reported, using both the original and revised
oximeters. Analysed using RevMan version 5.3, Cochrane Collaboration.

Summary Outcomes (43.7%) infants in the low SpO2 target group versus
967/2,372 (40.8%) infants in the high target group (RR
A meta-analysis of some of the outcomes from the 5 1.07, 95% CI 1.001.14; p = 0.04). When this analysis is
NeOProM trials was published in 2014 [27]. At this time restricted to infants treated with the revised oximeters,
the UK, Australian and New Zealand BOOST-II trials had death or disability occurred in 430/852 (50.5%) low target
reported their outcomes to hospital discharge, but their group infants versus 372/829 (44.9%) high target infants
2-year outcome data were not available. The 2014 meta- (RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.021.24; p = 0.02). A test for interac-
analysis reported data for 4,911 infants. The analyses tion was not statistically significant for the 2 different ox-
showed that there was a lower risk of severe ROP in infants imeter types for this composite outcome (p = 0.24).
targeted to lower SpO2 (10.7%) compared to the higher Considering the components of the primary outcome
SpO2 (14.5%), with a relative risk (RR) of 0.74 and 95% separately, death before 1824 months occurred in
confidence interval (CI) of 0.590.92. Infants randomized 484/2,433 (19.9%) low target infants and 418/2,440
to the lower SpO2 range had a higher risk of necrotizing (17.1%) of high target infants (RR 1.16, 95% CI 1.031.31;
enterocolitis (11.2 vs. 9.0%; RR 1.25, 95% CI 1.051.49). p = 0.01; fig.1). When this analysis was restricted to the
There was no significant difference between groups in in- results obtained using the revised oximeters, death before
cidence of BPD when this was defined physiologically or 1824 months occurred in 190/860 (22.1%) low target in-
as severe disease (37.6 vs. 39.7%; RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.86 fants versus 137/856 (16.0%) high target infants (RR 1.38,
1.04). There was no significant difference between groups 95% CI 1.131.68; p = 0.001). A test for interaction showed
in brain injury (14.2 vs. 14.1%; RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.881.19) that the results obtained using the revised oximeters were
or in treatment for patent ductus arteriosus (49.2 vs. 49%; significantly different from those obtained with the orig-
RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.951.08). There was no heterogeneity inal oximeters (p = 0.009). The effect of the change in ox-
between trials for any of these outcomes. imeters on mortality was similar in all 3 trials which
Data on outcomes to 1824 months have now been changed to the revised oximeters during enrollment
reported for all 5 trials [19, 20, 25, 28]. Data are available (fig.2).
for the composite outcome of death or disability in 4,751 There was no significant difference between groups in
infants, 2,379 who were treated with the lower SpO2 tar- the composite measure of disability. One or more of the
get and 2,372 who were treated with the higher SpO2 tar- measures of disability was identified in 566/1,895 (29.9%)
get. A fixed effects meta-analysis of the 5 trials combining infants randomized to the low SpO2 target and 539/1,954
the results of infants who were treated with the original (28.1%) infants randomized to the high SpO2 target (RR
and the revised oximeters shows that the composite out- 1.04, 95% CI 0.941.14). The results were similar when
come of death or disability occurred in 1,040/2,379 the analysis was restricted to the infants treated with re- - 6/9/2016 6:22:01 AM
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Oxygen Saturation Targets for Extremely Neonatology 2016;109:352358 355

Preterm Infants DOI: 10.1159/000444913
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Study or subgroup Lower SpO2 Higher SpO2 Weight, RR RR
% Mantel-Haenszel, Mantel-Haenszel,
events total events total fixed (95% CI) fixed (95% CI)

1.6.1 Original oximeters

COT 49 281 48 268 18.0 0.97 (0.681.40)
BOOST-II UK 21 113 29 114 10.6 0.73 (0.441.20)
BOOST-II Australia 57 345 57 345 20.9 1.00 (0.721.40)

Subtotal (95% CI) 739 727 49.6 0.93 (0.751.16)

Total events 127 134
Heterogeneity: 2 = 1.15, d.f. = 2 (p = 0.56), I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: Z = 0.62 (p = 0.54)

1.6.2 Revised oximeters

COT 46 273 38 270 14.0 1.20 (0.811.78)
BOOST-II UK 101 371 69 369 25.4 1.46 (1.111.91)
BOOST-II Australia 43 216 30 217 11.0 1.44 (0.942.21)

Subtotal (95% CI) 860 856 50.4 1.38 (1.131.68)

Total events 190 137
Heterogeneity: 2 = 0.69, d.f. = 2 (p = 0.71), I2 = 0%
Test for overall effect: Z = 3.20 (p = 0.001)

Total (95% CI) 1,599 1,583 100.0 1.16 (1.001.34)

Total events 317 271
Heterogeneity: 2 = 8.70, d.f. = 5 (p = 0.12), I2 = 43% 0.2 0.5 1 2 5
Test for overall effect: Z = 1.97 (p = 0.05)
Favours Favours
Test for subgroup differences: 2 = 6.75, d.f. = 1 (p = 0.009), I2 = 85.2%
lower SpO2 higher SpO2

Fig. 2. Meta-analysis of mortality at 1824 months in the BOOST-II UK and Australian trials and COT, sub-
grouped according to whether infants were treated with the original or the revised oximeters. Analysed using
RevMan version 5.3, Cochrane Collaboration.

vised oximeters (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.921.23). Disability that context, targeting SpO2 below 90% significantly in-
outcomes for COT are not in the trial outcomes paper and creased mortality and necrotizing enterocolitis. There was
were estimated by subtracting the number of infants who no reduction in BPD with lower SpO2 targets. Although
died from the published results for death or disability. there were fewer infants treated for ROP with lower SpO2
Severe visual impairment was present in 25/1,910 in- targets, ROP treatment is usually successful and there was
fants targeted to lower SpO2 and 24/1,965 infants targeted no long-term difference in severe visual impairment or any
to higher SpO2 (RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.651.97). Most of the other disability between groups. The hope that lower SpO2
trials did not report blindness due to retinal damage sep- targets might reduce ROP and BPD without any conse-
arately to that resulting from cortical visual impairment. quence was not fulfilled. The fact that higher SpO2 targets
In the BOOST-II UK trial [25] there were 4 infants (2 in increased survival without increasing morbidity should be
each group) whose severe visual impairment was due to considered quite exciting. At least in a developed world set-
retinal damage from a total of 18 cases (12 cortical, 4 ret- ting, there is no longer (as there was in the past) a trade-off
inal, 2 unknown). between mortality and blindness from ROP only between
mortality and a need for ROP treatment. This should not
be a difficult choice given the success of ROP treatment.
Discussion The advantage of higher SpO2 targets is clear. The message
is similar when the data from all oximeters combined are
The recent oxygen trials took place in a developed world considered and when the analysis is restricted to the re-
setting where SpO2 monitoring is universally available and vised oximeters; however, the difference in mortality ob-
ROP screening and treatment is carefully organized. In served after the oximeters were revised was greater. - 6/9/2016 6:22:01 AM
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356 Neonatology 2016;109:352358 Stenson

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Individual patient data meta-analysis of the trials will corporate some transcutaneous PO2 monitoring. Servo-
allow further useful subgroup analyses to evaluate the ef- controlled systems are increasingly being demonstrated
fects of other characteristics on outcomes, such as gender, to enable improved oxygen saturation targeting with re-
gestation, antenatal steroid exposure, intrauterine growth duced time outside the target range and can operate with
restriction and multiple births. quite narrow targets [30]. As these devices become more
A meta-analysis of the NeOProM trials published in widespread, it may be possible to conduct future trials of
2015 [29] prior to the availability of the follow-up out- different target ranges with improved protocol compli-
comes of the UK and Australian BOOST-II trials down- ance, greater discriminatory power and enhanced patient
graded the quality of the evidence on the basis that the safety.
mortality data available at the time were assessed at dis-
charge from hospital and this was not pre-specified, the
difference in saturation patterns between the trials was Conclusions
less than expected, and because there were concerns
about the oximeters. The mortality data to 2 years were In trials conducted in a developed world setting with
pre-specified and are now available. The finding of sig- continuous SpO2 monitoring and protocols for screening
nificant differences in mortality between groups despite for and treating ROP, targeting SpO2 below 90% in ex-
smaller than expected separation in saturation patterns tremely preterm infants increased mortality and did not
does not downgrade the evidence, but instead gives rise reduce the risk of blindness or other disabilities and can-
to a concern that a bigger difference in mortality may not be recommended.
have been observed if there had been more success in
keeping the low target group in their intended range. The
mortality effect of targeting lower SpO2 is apparent when Acknowledgment
the results from all oximeters are considered and becomes
I am grateful to Andy King for advice about the statistical anal-
stronger when the analysis is restricted to the infants
treated with oximeters with the revised calibration algo-
rithm. A strikingly similar effect was observed in all 3 tri-
als that changed their oximeters, despite these trials being Disclosure Statement
conducted independently on 3 different continents.
There can be little doubt that correcting the oximeter al- Ben Stenson is an investigator on the BOOST-II UK trial. This
gorithm strengthened the results. The UK and Australian commissioned article represents his individual views and has been
trials were stopped early because of an extremely strong written without input from the trial group or from the members of
the NeOProM Collaboration.
mortality signal. Trials of interventions that influence
mortality are likely to be stopped early if they are showing
a statistically strong effect because of the gravity of the
outcome. Conversely, trials showing smaller effects are
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358 Neonatology 2016;109:352358 Stenson

DOI: 10.1159/000444913
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Hipoglicemia Neonatal - Fatos, Ficcao e Estado da Ciencia e
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