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Emily Crozier

EDUC 359

Learning Styles

Summary of 5 learning styles

Prior to this assignment, I thought there were only three types of learners; however, after taking

this quiz it is determined that I learn five different ways.

1- Visual- is a style of learning that utilizes visual aids. Being this type of learner versus

auditory means I comprehend information when it is in the form of graphs, diagrams,

or reading.

2- Applied- is when realistic objects and situations. As a learner, I apply examples to

real life situations.

3- Spatial- is another type of visual learning. This is when a learner visualizes through

pictures. A learner could depict how something works by mentally seeing it be done

in their minds.

4- Social- means I prefer to work in a group rather than alone. This also relates to

interactions with other students, teachers, and others.

5- Creative- apply your imagination and ingenious ideas towards concepts. This type of

learner learns best through experiment.

Knowing students learning styles

As a teacher, it is important to know the ways your students learn. Learning and comprehending

information in the classroom is vital for the students to achieve to the best of their ability. To
accomplish this, teachers should be able to teach in various ways that every student is able to


Learning styles in ELL students

Teaching English Language Learners can be challenging. For this it is important to know the

types of students you will have in the classroom. ELL students may or may not know the best

way to take in knowledge therefore, it is up to the teacher to find out. This can be done through

testing and trial and error. Giving the students a variety of methods to on a lesson is a good way

to determine which learning style fits them. This should be done in the beginning of the school

year or the student may fall behind. Transitioning into a new school can be difficult so engaging

the student amongst their classmates could give them a sense of comfort socially and


Effective strategies/methods

As a teacher, it is possible to have students that learn in the five learning styles that I do. For

visual and spatial learners, I would provide visual presentations, handouts, and illustrations.

Applied learners will learn the material when I make the material personable. The information

can be processed from real objects and situations. Since social learners prefer to interact with

others, I will instruct students work with one another closely and directly. Finally, creative

learners work best through discovery or experimentation. Students will be allowed to take risks

and follow their own hunches regarding approaches to take towards learning. Being able to

provide the students with the correct instruction is important to his or her comprehension levels.

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