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JDE Configuration

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To activate the license for the adapter, just provide the iSeries serial number and the Model number.
A key will be generated to apply to the actual License data-area in the IMJDE library.


PeopleSoft World Integration

The Implementer Adapter for PeopleSoft World manages PeopleSoft World applications. The
interface is available by purchasing and installing the separately licensed Implementer Adapter
for PeopleSoft World. The integration requires a specific license key for activation.
Implementer supports the management of PeopleSoft World soft coding items: User Defined
Code, DreamWriters, Data Dictionary, Vocabulary Override, WorldWriter, FASTR, and
Processing Option. Implementer also manages the PeopleSoft World traditional objects: PF, LF,
DSPF, PRTF, CLP, and RPG. Implementer updates the PeopleSoft World Software Version
Repository (SVR) and supports using the SVR for compiling.
Implementer provides object codes specifically for checking out and promoting PeopleSoft World
soft coding items. The check out function locks the name of the PeopleSoft World soft coding item,
allowing you to develop and promote PeopleSoft World items in a controlled method.
Implementer supports deployment of PeopleSoft World soft coding items to remote locations.
Implementers reports and inquiries track the PeopleSoft World items it manages.
Perform the following tasks to configure the host system.
Configuring the Interface
The interface objects ship in the Implementer product library in save file IMJDESAVF. You must
restore the save file to the PeopleSoft World interface library IMJDE. This library is referred as
IMJDE or the interface library throughout this chapter.

The setup instructions assume both Implementer and PeopleSoft World are installed on the
system. The additional set up activities include the following:
Install the interface.
Apply the license key.
Change the MWIJOBD job description.
Activate the PeopleSoft World interface in Implementer.
Set up environments to handle PeopleSoft World applications and archiving.
Activate object codes specific to PeopleSoft.
Configure remote systems, if applicable.
IMPORTANT To manage PeopleSoft World soft coding items, you must add the PeopleSoft
World product libraries to your interactive library list. The default library names are
JDFSRC, JDFDATA, and JDFOBJ. For more information, see the Implementer 2010 User
To install the interface
IMPORTANT The IMJDE library must be on the system prior to restoring the save file
objects. If it does not exist, use the Create Library (CRTLIB) command to create it, and then
issue the Restore Object (RSTOBJ) command as indicated.
After installing Implementer, sign on to the system as the security officer, and issue command:
To apply the license key
Follow the instructions provided with your license keys for the Implementer PeopleSoft World
To change the MWIJOBD job description
Add or verify the following libraries exist in the MWIJOBD library list:
Implementer PeopleSoft World Interface library (IMJDE).

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Implementer PeopleSoft World Interface library (IMJDE).
PeopleSoft World product libraries. The default product library names are JDFSRC,
JDFDATA, and JDFOBJ (these names may be different in your organization).
Your interactive library list must have the IMJDE library above the PeopleSoft World
product libraries.
Ensure the user profile MWIPROD has data management authority to all files in all
PeopleSoft World libraries on the host and remote systems.
To enable PeopleSoft World support in Implementer
In System Control Maintenance, set the PeopleSoft installed field to Y.

Environment Setup
After you create standard environments to manage PeopleSoft World applications, you must
associate the environment with a PeopleSoft World common library, and optionally, a PeopleSoft
World archive library. You must also modify the compile library list for the environment to
include the PeopleSoft World product libraries. These tasks are described next.
To define a PeopleSoft World environment
1 From Work with Environments, type option 16=PeopleSoft World in the Opt field next to the
PeopleSoft World environment. The Change Environment panel displays.
a) In the PeopleSoft World common library field, specify the common library name. The
library name you specify must exist (Implementer does not create a common library). This
establishes the environment as a PeopleSoft World environment.
b) In the PeopleSoft World archive library field, optionally specify a valid archive library
name for archiving the soft coding items. The library should be the same name as the
Implementer archive library assigned to the environment.
2 To save the changes, press ENTER. The Work with Environments panel displays.
3 To define the number of archive versions, type option 2=Change next to the PeopleSoft World
environment, and press ENTER. The Change Environment panel displays.
4 In the Archive Versions field for the default source library, specify the number of archive
versions to retain for PeopleSoft World soft coding items. These fields establish the archiving
of PeopleSoft World soft coding items.
5 Press F13=Library List. The Edit Environment Library List - Local panel displays.
6 Change the environments compile library list to include the following libraries:
Implementer PeopleSoft World Interface library IMJDE.
PeopleSoft World product libraries. The default product library names are JDFSRC,
JDFDATA, and JDFOBJ (these names may be different in your organization).
7 To save all changes, Press ENTER.

Your interactive library list must have library IMJDE above the PeopleSoft World
product libraries. The PeopleSoft World common library does not need to be on the
environment library list; when it is defined on the PeopleSoft World setup panel,
Implementer adds it when needed.
If you create an environment group for PeopleSoft World soft coding items, the primary
environment must be a PeopleSoft World environment.
Object Code Setup
Once you define environments for PeopleSoft World applications, any new object codes you
create support the PeopleSoft World compiles. The environments include both PeopleSoft World
object codes (that call the PeopleSoft World compiler) and standard object codes (that call the
IBM i compiler).
You can optionally deactivate the standard object codes if they are not used. For details, see
Deactivating Standard Object Codes on page 334.

Object Codes for Soft Coding Items

Use the following object codes and matching special characteristics delivered with Implementer to

JDE Configuration Page 2

Use the following object codes and matching special characteristics delivered with Implementer to
manage PeopleSoft World soft coding items. You must first activate the object codes (in Work with
Object Codes) for all PeopleSoft World environments. For information on activating and
deactivating object codes, see Object Codes on page 140.
If needed you can override the common library for specific PeopleSoft World soft coding items.
On the object code overrides panel, select the PeopleSoft World environment with option
2=Change, and press F8=Object Codes. Change the object library to override the location of the
specific soft coding item.

Object Codes for Traditional Objects Managed With SVR

Use the following object codes delivered with Implementer to manage PeopleSoft World
traditional objects. You must first activate the object codes (in Work with Object Codes) for all
applicable environments.
All traditional objects managed by Implementer with these object codes update the Software
Version Repository (SVR) in PeopleSoft World during check out and promotion to the local
system. The objects must exist as member IDs in the SVR file. When working with a new object,
you must first create the member ID in the SVR file to enable Implementer updates.
IMPORTANT Only one copy of JDE files F9801 and F9802 can exist across your
environments. In other words, the production, QA, and development environments share
these two files; multiple copies of these files cause incorrect SVR updates.

Object Code Description

JDEDDC Data Dictionary.
JDEDWR DreamWriter.
JDEMBM Member Master.
JDEPRO DreamWriter Processing Option.
JDEUDE User Defined Code (UDC).
JDEUDS User Defined Code table. Use to set up or change update authorization for
specific users, PeopleSoft World user class/group, or *PUBLIC. Allows you
to control which users are authorized to change certain UDC tables.
JDEVOV Vocabulary override.
JDEWCS World Case.
JDEWWR WorldWriter.

Object Codes for Traditional Objects Managed With SVR

Use the following object codes delivered with Implementer to manage PeopleSoft World
traditional objects. You must first activate the object codes (in Work with Object Codes) for all
applicable environments.
All traditional objects managed by Implementer with these object codes update the Software
Version Repository (SVR) in PeopleSoft World during check out and promotion to the local
system. The objects must exist as member IDs in the SVR file. When working with a new object,
you must first create the member ID in the SVR file to enable Implementer updates.
IMPORTANT Only one copy of JDE files F9801 and F9802 can exist across your
environments. In other words, the production, QA, and development environments share
these two files; multiple copies of these files cause incorrect SVR updates.

Object Code Description

PFJDE Physical file.

LFJDE Logical file.
DSPFJDE Display file.
PRTFJDE Printer file.

JDE Configuration Page 3

PRTFJDE Printer file.
CLPJDE CL program.
RPGJDE RPG program.

Deactivating Standard Object Codes

You can deactivate the corresponding standard object codes not needed for PeopleSoft World
environments. Typically, you deactivate the PF, LF, DSPF, PRTF, CLP, and RPG object codes to
correspond to the object codes that were activated in the previous step.
To deactivate standard object codes for PeopleSoft World environments
1 From the Implementer Menu, type option 42, Environments, and press ENTER.
2 In the Opt field, type 2=Change, and press ENTER. The Change Environment panel displays.
3 Press F8=Object Codes. The Change Environment Object Code Overrides panel displays.
4 In the Act Flg field, type N next to each object code to deactivate in the environment.
5 Press ENTER to save the changes.
Installing the Interface on Remote Systems
Implementer supports the deployment of PeopleSoft World soft coding items such as User
Defined Code, and DreamWriters to remote systems. This section pertains to deploying
PeopleSoft World soft coding items to remote systems using the Implementer Receiver.
The interface objects ship with Implementer in save file IMJDESAVF, which installs automatically
when you install the Implementer Receiver. You must restore the save file to the Implementer
Receiver product library, MKSIR. After installing the Implementer Receiver, perform the
following tasks to configure the remote system.
Your interactive library list must have the IMJDE library above the PeopleSoft World
product libraries.
Ensure the user profile MWIPROD has data management authority to all files in all
PeopleSoft World libraries on the host and remote systems.
To restore interface save file objects on the Implementer Receiver
1 Sign on to the remote system as the system security officer.
2 Issue command:
On the Implementer Receiver, restore the interface objects into the Implementer
Receiver library MKSIR. If you changed the name of the Implementer Receiver library,
replace MKSIR with the new name.
Subsequent upgrades to the MKSIR library overwrite the restored save file objects; thus,
after upgrading the Implementer Receiver you must perform these tasks again to
reinstall the interface objects.
To apply the license key
Follow the instructions provided with your license keys for the Implementer PeopleSoft World

To change the IMPJOBD job description

NOTE This task is only applicable for SNA distribution.
Add or change the library list in the job description (IMPJOBD) of the communications entry to
include the PeopleSoft World product libraries. The default product library names are JDFSRC,
JDFDATA, and JDFOBJ (these names may be different in your organization).
Ensure the user profile MWIPROD has data management authority to all files in all
PeopleSoft World libraries on the host and remote systems.
Enroll MWIPROD as part of GROUP within PeopleSoft World.


JDE Configuration Page 4

Using the Interface
The interface requires the following libraries in your interactive library list:
Implementer PeopleSoft World interface library IMJDE.
PeopleSoft World product libraries. The default library names are JDFSRC, JDFDATA, and
To ensure your interactive library list is correct, start your PeopleSoft World software first. Once
you are in PeopleSoft World product, you can start Implementer.
IMPORTANT The IMJDE library must be above the PeopleSoft World product libraries in
your interactive library list.
Managing PeopleSoft World Soft Coding Items
To manage PeopleSoft World soft coding items, you use object codes with specific characteristics
as described in Object Codes for Soft Coding Items on page 380. For information on the setup
requirements, see the Implementer 2010 Installation and Administration Guide.
For DreamWriters, Implementer supports multiple versions in a form ID. This allows you to check
out and promote single versions or all versions in a form ID using either of the following options:
For single versions, specify the version in the Comment field. You can also select single
versions by specifying the form ID in the Mbr/Obj field. If you select single versions, you
cannot specify *ALL for the same form ID.
For all versions, specify *ALL in the Comment field. If you specify *ALL versions, you cannot
select single versions for the same form ID.
The Comment field supports version IDs up to 10 characters long. Specify the version name in
uppercase letters, for example, *ALL.

Considerations for Soft Coding Items

Implementer supports soft coding items, like other items, with the following additional
The Build List function does not load soft coding items into the Implementer repository;
however, promotion through Implementer updates the repository with the promoted soft
coding items.
You check out and promote soft coding items defined with one of the JDE object codes from
and to environments defined as a PeopleSoft World environments.
To check out the soft coding item types WorldWriter or FASTR, in the Mbr/obj field specify the
version, and in the 10-character Comment field specify the group name.
The member/object name of a User Defined Code soft coding item consists of a four-character
system number and a two-character table name. If the system number is less than four
characters, you must add spaces to complete the four-characters. For example, for a system
number of 55 and a table name of HT, create the member/object name as 55 HT (the number
55, two blank spaces, and the letters HT).
If a development source file has a different format than production and the object code has a
special characteristic of JDE or JDN, Implementer performs the copy file (CPYF) command
with the *NOCHK option.
You cannot check out or promote PeopleSoft World soft coded objects, for example,
DreamWriters and WorldWriters, with an action code of delete.
Compiling soft coded items is not supported as there is no source to compile.
You can promote soft coding items and traditional objects on the same request.
To promote soft coding items to an environment group, the primary environment and
secondary environments must be defined as PeopleSoft World environments.
NOTE A common reason for promotion failures of PeopleSoft World soft coding items is
incorrect library list setup in the Implementer environments. For setup information on this
topic, contact your administrator or see the Implementer 2010 Installation and Administration
From the Workbench press F11=Display comments three times to view PeopleSoft World
member/objects. You can also display comments entered in check out, the Form ID for
WorldWriter and FASTR, and the version reference for DreamWriters.
You can distribute PeopleSoft World soft coding items to remote locations by promoting to

JDE Configuration Page 5

You can distribute PeopleSoft World soft coding items to remote locations by promoting to
remote environments defined in Work with Environments. The remote environments must be
valid PeopleSoft World environments (defined in Work with Environments). This feature
requires installation of the Implementer Receiver and interface objects on each remote system
you distribute to.

Object Codes for Soft Coding Items

Implementer provides the following object codes to manage PeopleSoft World soft coding items.
If needed you can override the common library for all PeopleSoft World soft coding items. To do
this, on the object code overrides panel, select the PeopleSoft World environment with option
2=Change, and press F8=Object Codes.

NOTE Your administrator must activate the object codes (in Work with Object Codes) for
all applicable environments. For details, see the Implementer 2010 Installation and
Administration Guide.

Object Code Description

JDEDDC Data Dictionary.

JDEDWR DreamWriter.
JDEPRO DreamWriter processing option
JDEUDE User Defined Code (UDC).
JDEUDS User Defined Code security, to set up or change update authorization for specific
users, PeopleSoft World user class/group, or *PUBLIC. Allows you to control
which users are authorized to change certain UDC tables.
JDEVOV Vocabulary override.
JDEWCS World Case.
JDEWWR WorldWriter

Archiving Soft Coding Items

You can archive PeopleSoft World soft coding items, such as DreamWriters and Data Dictionary
items, into a common archive library that you specify for the environment.
Once the setup is complete for archive recovery of PeopleSoft World soft coding items, the archive
recovery process works the same as standard archive recovery.
To rollback or recover archived changes, use option 23 from the Implementer Menu, select the
request to recover, and select one or more soft coding items to recover. For detailed information
on this process, see Archive Recovery on page 301.

Managing PeopleSoft World Traditional Items Using the SVR

To manage PeopleSoft World traditional objects, you use object codes with specific characteristics.
For information on the setup requirements, see the Implementer 2010 Installation and Administration
Implementer manages the PeopleSoft World traditional objects: PF, LF, DSPF, PRTF, CLP, and
RPG. This includes updating the PeopleSoft World SVR and using the SVR for compiling.
To compile from the Workbench, use option 14=Compile. The compile library list must contain
the PeopleSoft World product libraries JDFSRC, JDFDATA, and JDFOBJ.

Object Codes for Traditional Objects

Implementer provides the following object codes to manage PeopleSoft World traditional objects.
The traditional objects managed by Implementer with these object codes update the SVR in
PeopleSoft World during check out, promotion, reject, and archive recovery. The objects must
exist as member IDs in the SVR. When working with a new object, you must first create the
member ID in the SVR to enable Implementer updates.

JDE Configuration Page 6

member ID in the SVR to enable Implementer updates.
NOTE Your administrator must activate the object codes (in Work with Object Codes) for
all applicable environments.

Object Code Description

PFJDE Physical file.
LFJDE Logical file.
DSPFJDE Display file.
PRTFJDE Printer file.
CLPJDE CL program.
RPGJDE RPG program.


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