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Dublin School

Spring Comments
Monday, June 8, 2015

Student: Taya Kerwin Advisor: Tiye Cort Course: English 9

Exam Grade: A Trimester Grade: A Academic Engagement Grade: Final Grade: A-
Exceeds Expectations

An often quoted, yet unverified aphorism attributed to William Butler Yeats, neatly summarizes what I hope my
students will embrace throughout their time at Dublin. As countless commencement speakers have asserted,
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." Whether this was paraphrased from Plutarchs
expression that, "The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled," branded by a literary greeting
card company, or actually stated by Yeats himself, the basic sentiment rings true. Ultimately, I hope that
English 9 was not about teaching my students literature, but rather helping them develop their own literacy.

While they may not, in twenty, or even two years, remember the names of the disenfranchised characters in Of
Mice and Men, or how Toni Morrison countered the master narrative in The Bluest Eye, they will know how to
tackle difficult texts, asking, "What does it say? What does it mean? and Why does it matter?" While
terminology like "subordinate clause" and "comma splice" may elude them in a decade, they will be able to
recognize a good sentence when they read one, and write clearly and effectively for a number of different
audiences and purposes. English 9 students embraced the joys of learning and laughing together throughout the
year. Although they will not experience the same dynamic in the future, I hope they will each take a spark from
the fire they ignited together, and share it with future classmates and fellow litterateurs.

A good-natured, smart, and thoughtful student, Taya achieved steady improvement and success throughout the
year in English 9. Although she was never the most vocal member of her class, she did not shy away from
discussion, and contributed insightful analysis of the texts under study. Taya seemed to truly enjoy the books we
read this spring, and wrote impressive analyses about complicated themes and characters on her final exam. I
hope she finds plenty of time to read this summer, as this will not only provide escape and entertainment, but
will also help her continue to improve the clarity and fluidity of her own writing. Tayas sense of humor and
kindness toward others made her a respected peer, while her respectful manner and consistent follow-through
gained the trust of teachers. I feel fortunate to have worked with Taya in the English classroom this year, as she
is a steadfast member of the Dublin community.

Alicia Hammond

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