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© ey Kougurhet Marshes Mnbasinde te AVESN Ss ches Ok RG 99 2013 Dem, 14.93.2013 Madame Ambassadeur de Sa Majesté le Roi a “Que )) peor Ai) ) y Monsieur le Ministre des Aifsizes Etrangéres et de la Coopérasion -Rabat- ys 2 Cab-DGA/T MD-SG4-DG?/4.DG9/1 Destinataire principal Destinataire CC ¢ nonvégien des Objet: Question Nationrle/ Réponse du Max angeres tine question parlementai RE M/L 0? 94da 12 mars 2013 Faisant suite & avon cavoi susmentionné, Pai "honaeur de vous faire parvenir ei joirt, ume traduction de la xéponse da Minisne aorvégion des Afftives Emonges question émenant dune parlementaire norvégienng au sujet du proces Gdeim Lz Préparée par la Direction MENA, avec Inquelle, jsf cu un échange inlense sure sujet, la eéponse du Ministre a soulig né ec qul sult = Les 11 tone cont des agents gouvermementaus. Cedi pour néfiter Mdée agement répandue par les réseaux de soutien su Polisasio, inerominsat Jes Vorees de FOrére. * — Liimplication des otganisations mazocaines des droits de Phomme, dans le suivi clu proces © A critiqué sans pour autent condamoee Je fait que des civils soient jugés vant ua eibaaa! militaize © ‘ua annie du tnbanal est un suiet contro 6 sotroduite par le sé an Maroc et quune réforme a NIDH afin d@abolic Pasage dos wibunaus militises pouc lev jugements iapliquany des Civils © Les programmes ce ls Commission de Vesise font parde intégrale de PAccord entre le Conseil de octroyé 4 nore pays: « pattenaire pour tz democratic» © Le transfert de Tespersise du Consel! de PEurope se: région MENA ayant cspzim démoeratique. Bocope et fe Matoc, en mettant en tile aux pays de la eer dans le processus Jeur disponibitité afin, le Ministre aationed ux ppatlomentaires, Paugmentarion de la contribution ce la Novvége au programme des CBM Haute consideration sa fpr 2 : s A 200 14 MARS 2013 Written questions from Karin S, Woldseth (Progress Party) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Document No. 15:954 (2012-2013) Submitted: 06/03/2013 Sent: 07/03/2013 Repliod: 13/03/2013 by Foraign Minister Espen Barth Fide Question Karin S, Woldseth (Progress Party}: Willthe Foreign (Minister d2 something, to influence Morocco, so shat activists from Western Sehara can get a fair trial anc that contributes to the rule of law and uman rights are uphatd? Reason & couple of weeks ogo, 24 activists fram Western Sahara convicted in mil tary court. 9 of them were ife-long 2né the other between 20 ano 30 yeersin prison This shows that Morocco still doas at follow the European standards in terms of rule of law and human rights. This despite the fact that theyare observers ta the Council with the right to speak, Both the political committee and the legal committee of the Council cf Europe should have nad meetings'n Rabat, Moracco in March andl April 2015, but f have sent a letter to the President of the Coureil of Europe Parkamentery Assembly, where | explain that (find it im proper in view of ste recent developments in Moraceo , to attend mmeetings ina country that does not follew the stanéaids of an institution they would like to be a part of Reply Espen Barth Ede: in Februsry 2013 was 24 Sanraua seatenced by arettary court in Rabat in Morseco for the murder of 11 Moroccan government aflicials and ta have contributed to the riots in connection with the removai of a protest camp near the town af Leayoune in Western Sahara in Gctober 2010, According to a Moroccan humar rights orgasi2aton, all there conweted have anpested the verses Any tgation must be in accerdance with international Auman rights standards. Norway expects that Morocco proviees all dejainees a fair trial. itis particularly crticésable that civillans be Judged in military tuibunals, Norway Fas taken up this therne with Morocean autherities, and we will fallow uo ‘this trial Such use af military tribunals is also controversia! in Morocco. Following demands from avarietyof Moroccan human rights organizations, has Norocco's govesnment-sppointed National Human Rights recently put forwerd » proposal fora reform ofthe swiciary, which will abolish the edraiesion to ndlergo civilians under military coures Norway supports the Moroccan human tights organization Association Merocaine des Droits Humaine (AMDH) wie hove been present throughout the tral ef the 24 Sahrawi. Our embassy also follow the issue closely. When it comes to legal reform, Norway provides support to the Council oF Europe's acvisory boc, the European Commissicn far Democracy [Venice Commission}, through ts fegistation wore in Morocea. Verire Co‘emission laned projects ate included in the agreement between Moroceo and the Euronear.Cauncil, ag part of the Council ot Furone neighoourhesc priorities The Ccurell envisage also assisting Motocco to implement reforms jn the justice lavel. This assistance includes lepal reviowss of draft laws and all other appiicable few’ of ereat imgurtence fer democratic institutions and functions, ineluding human cights such as frecdam of arserbly, freedamn of association and expression. Furtiverrmare, Moracco has status as "parts the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), for democracy" to speak at The Council of Curepe has. central role in efforts to ensure raspact for human rights, democracy and rule of law in our pert of the warld. The Councii of Europe is the premie> forum for regulatory and stanidard-developirent in these areas in Lurope. Norway believes that the transfer of the Council oF Europe's expertise wil be extremely velvable a countries in Narth Africa ard the Middle East whe are nat yet advanced when it comesto this issue, bur expresses willingness °0 do something about it It may alsa ke mentioned thet Nowway earlier this winter have Indicated to UNHCR that we want to increase the Norwegian sunport to the very important confidence-pvilcing work thay de hetween ‘the patties in confilz in Western Sahara

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