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videos in clinical medicine

Diagnosing Otitis Media

Otoscopy and Cerumen Removal
Nader Shaikh, M.D., M.P.H., Alejandro Hoberman, M.D., Phillip H. Kaleida, M.D.,
Dianna L. Ploof, Ed.D., and Jack L. Paradise, M.D.

Otitis media is a general term for middle-ear inflammation and may be classified From the Childrens Hospital of Pitts-
burgh, Division of General Academic Pe-
clinically as either acute otitis media or otitis media with effusion. In both condi-
diatrics, and the University of Pittsburgh
tions, decreased mobility and opacification of the tympanic membrane are present. School of Medicine both in Pittsburgh.
In general, acute otitis media is diagnosed when the tympanic membrane is bulging, Address reprint requests to Dr. Shaikh at
Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh, 3414
and otitis media with effusion is diagnosed when the tympanic membrane is in a
Fifth Ave., Suite 301, Pittsburgh, PA 15213,
neutral position or is retracted (Fig. 1). Mastery of otoscopic examination techniques or at
is necessary to accurately diagnose otitis media and differentiate its forms.1
N Engl J Med 2010;362:e62.
Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Otoscopic examination is obligatory in children who have an upper respiratory tract
infection, who exhibit unaccustomed tugging of the ears, or who have irritability,
difficulty sleeping, fever, otalgia, otorrhea, or hearing loss.

An otoscope with either a surgical or a diagnostic head that has a bright light source
and a movable lens is required. Cerumen removal is most readily accomplished with
the use of an otoscope that has a surgical head, but a diagnostic head may also be
used. Also useful are an appropriately sized blunt ear curette (no smaller than size 0)
and an applicator with a nonserrated, triangular tip (Fig. 2). Metal curettes are
preferable to plastic the rigid and delicate loop on a metal curette allows for
finer dissection.

Proper Positioning
Older children and cooperative younger children can be examined in the sitting
position, either on a parents lap or on the examination table. Uncooperative children
are best examined while recumbent, in either the prone or the supine position. The
head should be firmly immobilized by an assistant. A second assistant, usually the
parent, braces the childs body against the examination table. Depending on the
childs position, one of the assistants must also firmly hold the childs hands.

Cerumen Removal
With the child immobilized and the childs head secured by an assistant, use your
dominant hand to insert the otoscope into the external auditory canal. Once the
otoscope is in the proper position, use your nondominant hand to hold it in place.
Position or partially displace the lens of the otoscope and, using your dominant
hand, carefully insert the blunt ear curette through the speculum and into the ex- Figure 1. Tympanic Membrane
ternal auditory canal. Under direct visualization, advance the loop of the curette Bulging (Panel A), Neutral (Panel B),
around and behind the bolus or flake of cerumen and scoop it out, being careful and Retracted (Panel C).

n engl j med 362;20 may 20, 2010 e62

The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
diagnosing otitis media

not to traumatize the wall of the external auditory canal or the tympanic mem-
brane. If small amounts of cerumen remain and continue to obstruct your view of
the tympanic membrane, tightly wrap the triangular tip of the applicator with a
wisp of dry or alcohol-soaked cotton to create a dry or wet mop. Gently insert the
applicator approximately 0.5 cm into the canal and twist it to wipe away the re-
maining cerumen. This method can also be used to clear otorrhea in children with
acute otitis media who have a ruptured tympanic membrane. Do not grip the cu-
rette or the applicator too tightly between your thumb and forefinger; if the childs
head happens to move despite the assistants best efforts, the instrument should
slide between your fingers rather than striking the childs ear canal or tympanic
membrane. Alternatively, in older children, irrigation may be preferable, especially
if the cerumen is impacted or adherent. A metal ear syringe, or a large plastic sy-
ringe connected to butterfly tubing, is filled with lukewarm water and used to flush
the external auditory canal. Cold water should be avoided, since it is uncomfortable
and may cause nystagmus. Patience and gentleness are essential for successful
completion of the procedure.

Pneumatic Otoscopy
Assess the position of the tympanic membrane by visualizing the manubrium and
the short process of the malleus. When the tympanic membrane is in the neutral
position, the manubrium and the short process are clearly visible. When the tym-
panic membrane is bulging, the short process is not visible and the tympanic mem-
brane appears convex (Fig. 1). When the tympanic membrane is retracted, the
manubrium appears foreshortened and the short process becomes prominent.
Next, assess the translucency of the tympanic membrane. A translucent tym-
panic membrane has a ground-glass appearance and allows visualization of the
underlying middle-ear structures. When middle-ear effusion is present, the tym-
panic membrane appears opaque and visualization of middle-ear landmarks is
Assess the color of the tympanic membrane, which can be affected by underly-
ing middle-ear effusion. An amber color usually indicates the presence of otitis
media with effusion. White or yellow discoloration may be seen in both acute
otitis media and otitis media with effusion. Look for areas of intense erythema,
which in the absence of trauma generally indicates underlying acute inflamma-
tion. When present along with opacification and bulging of the tympanic mem- Figure 2. Blunt Curette and Applicator
brane, this finding supports the diagnosis of acute otitis media. Mild erythema with Triangular Tip.
and injection of the tympanic membrane are nonspecific findings.
Finally, after selecting an otoscope with a diagnostic head, assess the mobility
of the tympanic membrane. The largest speculum that fits comfortably into the
external auditory canal should be used. A common mistake is to use a speculum
that is too small relative to the diameter of the canal. For very large canals, soft-
tipped speculums may be needed. To ensure that there are no leaks in the system,
squeeze the rubber bulb and then place your finger firmly on the tip of the
speculum. If there are no leaks, the bulb will remain deflated until you remove
your finger.
To assess mobility, first insert the otoscope applying no pressure on the bulb.
Then depress the bulb gently to generate positive pressure and observe the degree
of movement of the tympanic membrane away from you. To create negative pres-
sure, insert the otoscope with the bulb partially depressed. Release the bulb, and
observe the degree of movement of the tympanic membrane toward you. Nor-
mally, the tympanic membrane will move briskly in each direction. When middle-
ear effusion is present, as in acute otitis media or otitis media with effusion,

n engl j med 362;20 may 20, 2010

The New England Journal of Medicine

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Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
The new england journal of medicine

References mobility in each direction is usually decreased or absent. The occurrence of im-
1. Paradise JL. Otitis media in infants
and children. Pediatrics 1980;65:917-43.
paired mobility in response to positive pressure and normal mobility in response
Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society. to negative pressure is seen when the tympanic membrane is retracted and sug-
gests the presence of negative pressure in the middle ear, a common and usually
nonpathological condition in young children.

Proper performance of pneumatic otoscopy is critical to the accurate diagnosis of
acute otitis media and otitis media with effusion. To provide optimal care for chil-
dren, clinicians should master the techniques required for accurate determination
of the presence or absence of these frequently occurring conditions.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with the full text of this article at

n engl j med 362;20 may 20, 2010

The New England Journal of Medicine

Downloaded from at GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY on September 29, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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