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Name : I Wayan Andre Wira Prasetya

NIM : 1412021046

Class : 6B


Every person has their own dream to become what they want in the future. Have a good profession is something
that every person and also me want to achieve. Every professions have their own purpose, standard, and also criteria
that should be fulfilled. According to Danniel Bell (1973) profession is an intellectual activity that is learned
including formal or informal training and obtaining certificates issued from responsible group or entity in serving
the community. A profession is called professional if all of the obligations, criteria, purpose and standards of that
profession are capable to implement. Professions can be divided into several fields and one of them is in the field of
education. Education field is one of serious and important field that should be considered because it associated with
knowledge that can be used in forming, directing, and organizing in accordance with the desired goals. It also stated
by John Sewew as cite in Gunawan (2012), education is the main tool to form a character. That why the process of
implementing an education is very important to be considered. For example the implementation of education in
Indonesia. Indonesian government requires a person to take the education process for 9 years. Indonesian government
also provides many varieties of scholarship that is given to families who are less able to pursue an education proses.
Not only in Indonesia but all countries in the world are very concerned about how the education process are

In my opinion if we talk about education, it cannot be separated with a person who is the organizer or mentor
of the education. Teacher is the most influential person in an educational process. There are many definition about
what teacher is. According to Husnul Chotimah as cited in Hisam (2016) teacher is teacher is someone who facilitate
the transition of knowledge from learning resources to learners. Another definition is also stated in Undang Undang
No.14 Tahun 2015 that stated teacher is a person with the main task in educating, teaching, guiding, directing,
training, assessing, and evaluating learners through the formal channels of primary and secondary education. That
why role of teacher is very important and cannot be underestimated. That why in the future I also want become a
good teacher based on the definition from several expert judges before. But in fact there are several problems that is
occur related to teaching profession, in this case is teacher. As what stated in Undang-Undang Guru dan Dosen
(UUGD) a requirement to become a teacher is with minimum education in D4 / S1. If the regulation which is already
exist is work well and all teachers fulfill the criteria so the problem in aspect of professional teacher will not arise.
However the reality there still many problems which is faced by teacher in his/her professionalism that I ever seen
before such as:
1. Many teachers teach without the ability as an educator

In Indonesia the profession as a teacher is still become a favorite job that can be done. They only explain the
material, giving homework without concern whether the students understand the material or not. That why
there are so many people who want become a teacher without having any ability as an educator.

2. Some teachers teach not according to their area of expertise

There are several teachers who teach more than one subject study. For example teacher who expert in biology
also teach in religion subject. There are some reason why that teacher do this thing. Start from cover the
shortage of teachers in one school or just to get more hours to earn the time qualify for certification.

3. Many teachers spend their time outside teaching hours

Many teachers still do not spend much of their time to teach in school. There are several teacher who spend
much of their time outside the school. They do this to find any additional income, because sometimes the salary
of being a teacher is not enough for them.

Based on the problems above it back to the teacher again how they position themselves as a teacher or educator
that should become a good example for their students. In my opinion become a teacher is not easy as what people
think. Not just explain, giving homework and go home, but how they create a good output in this case is students
and how they become a good example for them. There are four competencies that should a teacher has. Competency
in pedagogic, social, personality and professional. In my opinion those of four competencies should be balanced in
order to achieve the purpose of being a teacher. The definition of those competencies will be explained below.

A. Pedagogic Competency

Pedagogic competency is ability to manage the learning of learners that include students understanding,
design and implementation of learning, evaluation of learning, outcomes and development of learners to
actualize their various potentials. There are several aspects that should be considered in pedagogic competency.
First the teacher should now the characteristic of his/her students in order to make a good chemistry and it will
make a good learning process too. Second is the teacher should mastery the theory of learning. The purpose of
this aspect is to increase the quality of learning process by using any variants of theories. Third is curriculum
development. When the teacher conducts the learning process they should prepare about what will she/he gives,
is it relevant with the syllabus or not, etc. That why curriculum development should be mastered by the teacher.
Fourth is Educational Learning Activities. Fifth is Development of Leaners Potential. Six is have a good
communication with the leaners and last is scoring and evaluation to know about the students progress through
the material that was given by the teacher.
B. Social Competency

According to Buchari Alma (2008: 142), social competence is the ability of teachers to communicate and
interact effectively with the school environment and outside the school environment. What is meant by social
competence is the teachers ability as part of the community to communicate and get along effectively with
learners, fellow educators, education personnel, parents / guardians of learners and the surrounding community.
The purpose of this social competency is beside have a good communication with students, the teacher also
should have a good communication with people around the students to support and help the teacher find any
problem and also its solution which may arise beyond the scope of the teacher.

C. Personality Competency

Personality competence is a number of competencies related to personal abilities with all the characteristics
that support the implementation of teacher duties. Can you imagine if a teacher always make a problem? So it
will give a bad impact for his/her students because as we know teacher is a person that should be a good
example or mentor toward his/her students. Teacher's personality has an important contribution towards the
success of education. Teacher's personality also play a very important role in shaping the personalities of
leaners. There are several aspects of personality competency such as: 1) Teacher should act in accordance with
the norms of religion, law, social, and national culture. 2) Showing his/herself as a person who has a good
character that can be a role model for his/her students. 3) Showing his/herself as a steady, stable, mature, wise,
and authoritative person and the last is 4) Showing work ethic, high responsibility, pride of being a teacher,
and confidence.

D. Professional Competency
Professionalism of teachers is the teachers ability to carry out their main duties as an educators include
the ability to plan, perform and implement the skills and skills to fulfill the teacher standard. Professional
competence is used to improve the dignity and teachers role as a learning agent serves to improve the quality
of national education. There are several characteristics of a good professional teacher such as: 1) Has an
extensive and in-depth knowledge of the field of study that will be transformed to learners and to master the
methodology. 2) Has a steady personality, that can be a source of identification especially learners. 3) Able to
demonstrate the ability to communicate with learners, fellow teachers, leaders, and the wider community and
the last is 4) Able to provide the best service with high dedication to achieve human prosperity.

At last whatever profession that you want to be the most important thing that should be considered is you
should be professional. Like my explanation before if I want become a good teacher so I should do all of things
that should be done by a teacher by considering what should the teacher do related to the fourth competency
such as pedagogic, social, personality and professional competency. And also by seeing several problems that
may occur as a teacher it can be our reflection to improve our competency and fully dedicated to our profession.

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