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Confirmed in the Spirit

Lesson 1:

Introduction: Our parents chose to baptize us because they want the best
for us and want us to become disciples of Jesus.
1. Ever felt alone or needed help with a difficult situation? Who did you
turn to?
2. Who did the disciples turn to?

Opening Scriptures: John 14: 15-18 Jesus at the Last Supper makes
a promise to his disciples he will send them an Advocate.
Who is this advocate?

Group Activity:
As a class think of a promise you want to keep while preparing for
confirmation. Remember promises are very important to keep and should be
something meaningful.

Opening Discussion Point:

So, what words or images come to mind when you thing of the Holy Spirit?

Directions: Each group will be assigned one scripture passage and will be
given time to read through and answer the following questions:
1. What are some symbols of the Holy Spirit in the scripture passage?
2. What is the Holy Spirit doing in the scripture?
3. How is it applicable in todays world?

The Spirit in the Old Testament The Spirit in the New Testament
Luke 1:35Group 3: Genesis 2:7Group 2: Genesis 1: 1-2Group 1:

Acts 2: 1-4Group 6: Luke 4: 16-21Group 5: Matthew 3: 16-17Group 4:

The Spirit in the World Today

There are different examples of Gods presence, through

the Holy Spirit, in the bible. He has always been there
for his people and he continues to be here for us today.
The Spirit is present in our lives and his Holy Spirit
works through us and everyone around us; The Spirit
guides our lives.
As Jesus said in John 14: 15-18, we are not being left as

Father, Son, and Spirit with Us

God is our Father who created the world from nothing in order to express his
love for us.
Jesus, God the Son, came to us as a Savior and Redeemer to reunite us with
God and to restore the relationship we broke by our sin.
Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God.
It is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us. The Holy Spirit is God alive in the
world. God the Holy Spirit helps us know we are loved and shows us how to
love others.
Stewardship: Using your talents and resources to help others and the world
like Jesus did. (*This is why you are required to do community service
hours in order to be confirmed)

Spirit-Filled People

The Spirits presence has helped Christians

in every century to live like Jesus and to
become saints. Read how Saint Frances
Cabrini, whose feast day is November 13, felt
the Holy Spirit at work in New York City in
No! The bishop sighed and looked at
Mother Frances Cabrini. No, you dont want
the property across the river. There is no
drinking water.
But Bishop, pleaded Frances, never known
to give up, the children in the orphanage
need fresh air and a place to run. They cant
do it in the crowded house on Fifty-Ninth
Where will you get the money? the bishop asked impatiently.
God will take care. Have faith.
The bishop gave in reluctantly. Frances and her sisters prayed to the Holy
Spirit. They begged from butchers, bakers, rich friends, and merchants.
Eventually they got the money, food, and clothing they needed. After the
orphanage was moved to the newly purchased property, the land was
surveyed and a well was found.
With the guidance of the Spirit, Frances Cabrini was able to help build nearly
70 institutions for those who were poor and suffering. She crossed the ocean
30 times to help people in need, proving that nothing stops a Spirit-filled
Catholic. Saints are ordinary Catholics. They rely on the Holy Spirit and follow
wherever he leads them.

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