New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Student Book 11 Literature Spot 1 To 5

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Studenl Aclivilies

Fv!d*ie ?" Lesn 7, fixercise E Module 7, Less*gt 27, fxercise

Student A Student A
Read the cues betow and check vocabutary. Then, tetl the joke to your Use the Speaking Strategies on page 83 and
partner. take turns to be the tourist and the hotel
. an old coupte go into a caf for a cup of tea; they sit down; a chimpanzee receptionist. When you are the receptionist,
walks in refuse some of the requests potitety. Think
o the chimpanzee is wearing a sujt and carrying a newspaper of other (more difficutt) requests to make.
a the chimpanzee sits down and orders a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich
You are checking jnto a hotel. Prepare to ask for
a the chimpanzee finishes his tea and sandwich, pays and watks out
these things potitel"y.
a the coupte go to a waiter; the woman says,'I've never seen anything like
that before!' . a doubte room on the first ftoor
the waiter rep[ies,'Yes. very strange. He norma[[y has a satad sandwichj . a wake-up catl at 7.30
o a fu[[ English breakfast in your room at 8.15
. a map of the city
*4*dute 5, LessCIn tr 7, HNercise 8, . a taxi at 9.00
A Srisnce Quiz
Student A l,r,l lt*.1 u*adfl fi,n;it i{$;? ;; s !

Ask your partner these questions. The correct answer is underlined. End of Story
1 Who discovered the three laws of motion in the 1.7th century? After that. Holmes exptained a[[ the ctues
a Copernicus b Newton c Galiteo about the hat to Watson. Then Peterson
Who deveLoped the periodic table of elements in chemistry? came into the room carrying an enormous
a Mende[ b Mendeteyev c Mendetssohn diamond which his wife had found inside the
Who discovered the practical uses of radjo waves? goose. Hotmes reatised that this was the
a Sony b Marconi c Hertz famous diamond stoten from a countess
Who discovered that electrjcity existed as a current? when she was staying at a London hotel.
a Ampere b Volta c Faraday Two hotel servants had been involved. One
5 Who proposed the existence of the atom? was the butter, James Ryder and the other
a Rutherford b Einstein c Democritus was John Horner, a ptumber. Horner had
been working in the countess's room when
Can you add a question of your own? Ryder noticed that the djamond had been
sto[en. Since then. Horner had been in
prison for severa[ days.
Medule 5, l-esson 1.9, Exercise 4 Sherlock Hotmes decided to advertise for the
goose and hat in the newspapers. That
Student A
evening a man appeared; it was Baker. Baker
A robot guard dog did not know anything about the diamond
r but he told Hotmes and Watson where he
quite smatt (80 cm high / weight 25 kitos) had bought the goose. They went there and
. made of meta[ (steel and aLuminium)
. saw a man, who turned out to be Ryder, the
moves fast (moves at 40 kph on ftat surfaces)
o hotel butter. asking about the goose. Hotmes
uses wheets (ten smat[ wheels at the bottom)
o invited him back to his house and when
goes up stairs (uses spring action like a kangaroo)
. recognises people and friends (can recognise people's voices)
Hotmes mentjoned the diamond. Ryder
o confessed that he had stolen it. After
detects intruders to a house (uses 3 high-resolution cameras and noise
Horner's arrest, Ryder had gone to his
sensors on its'head')
'bites' intruders or burg[ars (uses two metatlic claws to immobitise sister's house to hide the diamond. There
had been some geese in the garden and
Ryder had put the diamond into its mouth
usefuI for guarding the home (cheaper and more retiab[e than a real
and then asked his sister for this goose for
guard dog; doesn't need to be fed)
Christmas. Later, he had taken the goose
a makes a Loud noise (a loud bark or siren depending on options)
away and kitLed it but there was no diamond
a if probtems, calts for heLp (directty phones the police)
as he had chosen the wrong goose! Holmes
a is it intelLigent? (not reatly - jt relies on programming but cteverer than
had enough proof to put Ryder into prison
the average Rottweiler)
but he decided to let the man go. In the
end, Horner was reteased from prison and
tj,:a:;3Tti 3*, L*sg*ti 37, x*reise 3, A Quiu the diamond returned to the countess.

Answer Key: 1 b, 2 a, 3b, 4 c, 5b, 6 a,7 c, 8 b, 9 a

ise 7 Answers
Module 1, Lesson 1 Module 6, Warm-up, [xerefse 3
Background information about the texts in Lesson
83 and 1. Check your answers to the questionnaire.
Anne Frank (L929-1945) Anne.s Jewish famity moved
otel from
Germany to Holland when Hitler came to powr.
Then. in 1,942, 1 You probabty aren't getting enough steep.
the Germans began interning Jews and the Franks went
into 1 1b Seven or eight hours per night is sufficient for most pe::.:
hiding at the top of the house where Mr Frank had his
office. 1 c You ore a sleepy head, aren,t youl
nake. They weretelped by some Dutch friends and employees of
Mr Frank. The entrance to their ,Secret Annexe, was 2 a Once a day is not enoughl
sk for hidden
a moving bookshelf. They were joined by another famity
by 2 b Once in the morning and once at night is probabty 0K.
their son, Peter. Anne was thirteen at the time and stayed 2 c Very good. Dentists recommend cleaning teeth after
there everyt meaL.
for over two years where she wrote her diary. In August
they were found by the Germans. Anne and her fami[y 3 a You shouLd take up some kind of sporil
deported to Auschwitz and then to Bergen_Belsen, 3 b Good - once a week is better than neverl
where she
died shortty before her 16th birthday. 3 c Excetlent] You must be very fit.

Helen Kelter (1880-1962) was deai blind and severety 4 a Wet[ done] You probabl.y save lots of money on
speech_ dentist bjLLs
impaired when she met her teacher Anne Sutlivan. 4 b WeLt, every now and then js 0K.
taught her to communicate by finger_spelting words. Heten 4 c You shoutd cut downl
Ketler Learnt French. German and Latin and giaduated
from 5 a Good. As they say - an apple a day keeps the doctor
Radctiffe college in the USA. As an adutt. Hten Ketter
wrote and 5 b Very good. Doctors recommend several pieces of fruit perawayl
lectured for the deaf and btind. Her autobiogra phy, The
Story of 5 c You really shou[d try to eat more fresh fruit.
My Life, was pubtished white she was at university.

Modute 1, Lesson 2, Exercise 2 Module 6, Lesson 21., Exercise 2

Answer Key: a - Text 2, b _ Text 3, c _ Text 1 At[ the statements are. unfortunatety, true.

Modute 1, Lesson 2, Exercise 3 Module 6, Culture Corner 3, Exercise 4,

Handwriting analysis A Quiz
connected letters = [ogica[, rationat
Answer Key: 1 d, Z c,3 a, 4 e,5 b
unconnected letters : not very cooperative, individuatistjc
break after 1st letter in a word = a good observer Module 7, Warrn-up, Exercfse L
of peopte A The Serengeti Game park B Rio de Jenerio
large writing = ambitious, ideatistic
writing of average sjze conventional C Hong Kong D The Gatapagos islands
smat[ writing = accurate, a perfectionist
narrow writing = 5fry Modute 8. Culture Corner /r, xencfse 4,
(Information from the British Institute of Graphotogy) A Music Qufz
Answer Key:
Modute 5, Lesson 19, Exercise 1
1 Madonna - USA; 2 Eric Ctapton * UK; 3 Robbie Wjttiams _ UK;
4 Britney Spears - USA; 5 Ricky Martin _ puerto Rico;
Answer Key 6 Enrique lglesias - Spain; 7 Cher _ USA;
8 Elton John - UK; 9 Laura pausini _ Italy;
Computers and robots can do these things: 10 Jon Bon Jovi - USA
. robots and computers can work .in factories;
. robots can ptay footbatl (though not very we[[); every year Modute g, Lesson 33, Exercise L
robot World Cup is hetd;
Answer Key:
r computers can controI cars and p[anes;
o computers can beat us at chess: the wor[d champion
Kasparov was beaten by the computer, Deep BIue.
. computers can compose music; a programme enabLing Module g, Lesson 33, Exercise 4
computers to compose music, has been developed bythe
American cornposer, Wittiam Cope; 5o what was the key to the creatjve outbursts of these
o computers can give us the news (see Exercise 2 in Lesson First of att, Athens, Ftorence and London were al.[ important
Ie); trading centres with surptus money to be spent on cutture.
o computers can speak to us: computers can now simulate
alL acted as culturaI magnets, attracting taiented
sounds of human speech. from far and wide. Above a[t, they were not stable
conservative societies. Att three were dynamic ptaces
However. robots and computers cannot have a real through major changes, bursting with new opportunities
conversation and new
and do not have feeLings (yetl). ideas.
i &nswrs
l*qiu[e tt, l-es*st 57" Hxerc{s* 3" A &er{a F,{*darie *,
r---.-*^:-- 4
L*cc** 3*,
{.x:;{..;5u d
Decide if the War Facts below refer to:
a Wortd War I (1914-18) b Wortd War II (1939-45) c The Vjetnam War (1954-75) Answer Key

Answers'a'show you are assertive.

War Facts You are self-confident and try to
1 The USA ended the war in the Far East by dropping two atomjc bombs on Japan. resolve conflict siLuations in a
2 The main countrjes involved were: Britajn. France and Russia against Germany, Austria. sensibLe and constructjve way.
Hungary and Turkey.
3 he war began when Germany invaded Potand. Answers'b'show that you are very
4 The country was divided into the communjst North, supported by Russia and China, and assertjve but you probably react
the 5outh. supported by the USA. too aggressivety to conftict
5 The main countrjes invotved were: Brjtain, Russia and the USA against Germany. Ita[y and situatio ns.
Answers'c'show you are not
6 Most of the batttes were fought in Belgium and France. assertive. You perhaps Lack setf-
7 The USA secretly bombed Cambodia during the war. confidence; look at the 'a' answers
8 More civilians died than soldiers in this war, including 6 mi[[ion Jews jn concentration camps.
for some ideas on how to react to
9 Poison gas was first used jn this war. conflict situations.
Check your answers on page 134.

Studenl Activilies B

fuiercit* il, fi-essun T" Hxercise E Mociute 5, Lessn T.9" [x*nq:'ise 4 Student B
Student B A robot friend

Read the cues betow and check vocabulary. Then,

. size is variabte (you can choose three options: basketbaLl player,
telt the joke to your partner. normat. chiLd-size)
. made of metal (looks like a traditional robot, with metal head, arms and
r scientists in a laboratory are testing the effects of tegs)
cigarette smoke on rabbits . recognises its owner's moods (uses cameras and sensors to see
. two rabbits escape from the laboratory; have a great facial expressions and body [anguage)
tjme in fietds. eat lovety carrots and lettuce; they a talks to peopte (has a choice of ten languages)
meet lots of rabbit friends a talks about anything (list of options are supptied, e.g. sport, pop
one of the rabbits says. 'I'm going back to the music, fitms)
laboratoryl a reacts to people (its conversation depends on the owner's mood)
a the other rabbit says, 'Why? Are you crazy?' o is a good listener (sympathetic and gives the advjce its owner
a the first rabbit says, 'No, ifs just that I reatty need a wants to hear)

cigarette!' tetls jokes to cheer people up (has 1,000 jokes programmed)

o does personatised homework (teachers can't tetl the difference)
$*rjute 5. f;*essom 17" Nercise &. r does sma[[ domestic chores (e.9. makes your bed, takes the dog out)
. accompanies owner (enjoys the cinema, football matches, etc.)
& $cic**Te* &ffiia o can lose to the owner at a variety of games (e.9. chess, draughts,
Student B
r js it inteltigent? (probabty more so than us)
Ask your partner these questions. The correct
answer is underlined. Modu[e 7" Less*n 27" HxereiEe ? Student B
1 Who discovered the fundamental principles of genetics? Use the Speaking Strategies on page 83 and take turns to be the
a Darwin b Lamark c Mendel
tourist and the hotel receptionist. When you are the receptionist,
2 Who discovered that tight js made up of a mixture of
refuse some of the requests potitety. Think of other (more difficult)
cotoured l.ight?
a Maxwel[ b Einstein c Newton
requests to make.
Who discovered the existence of radioactivity?
You are checking into a hotel. Prepare to ask for these things potitety.
a Bequerel b Pierre Curie c Marie Curie
Who established the principtes for naming and . a room with an en suite bathroom
cLassifuing pl.ants? . a table for twetve in the hotel restaurant at 8.30
a Lamarck b Darwin c Linnaeus . some stamps for postcards
5 Who discovered that the Earth orbits the Sun? . a morning newspaper with your breakfast
a Copernicus b Newton c GatiLeo . information about museums

Can you add a question of your own?


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