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Verification of Asphaltene-Instability-Trend
(ASIST) Predictions for Low-Molecular-Weight

Article in SPE production & operations May 2009

DOI: 10.2118/125203-PA


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3 authors, including:

Jeff Creek Jianxin Wang

Chevron Energy Technology Company, Houst Chevron ETC


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Verification of Asphaltene-Instability-Trend
(ASIST) Predictions for
Low-Molecular-Weight Alkanes
Jefferson L. Creek and Jianxin Wang, Chevron Energy Technology Company, and
Jill S. Buckley, New Mexico Tech

Summary of normal alkanes, and the asphaltenes that appear during depres-
Anticipating when and where asphaltenes may flocculate during surization of a crude oil.
oil production is a key step in successfully preventing or mitigat-
Predictions With Thermodynamic Models. Hirschberg et al.
ing asphaltene problems in the field. Because there will be no
(1984) introduced the use of the Flory-Huggins approach to devel-
deposition without precipitation, mapping of asphaltene stability
opment of thermodynamic models of large asphaltene molecules in
over a wide range of temperature, pressure, and composition is
solution in much smaller solvent species. An improved asphaltene-
required. The ASIST allows the determination of the onset of
solubility model (ASM) was proposed by Wang and Buckley
asphaltene instability to be established with a series of liquid
(2001b). ASM calculations, shown as the solid line in Fig. 1, are
n-alkanes. These data are used to predict asphaltene stability of
compared to measured data points for Mars-P STO. Values of
live fluids by extrapolating the onset condition from the base data
solubility parameter were calculated from measured values of RI
to reservoir conditions by use of a linear extrapolation of the onset
with Eqs. 1 and 2:
solubility parameter vs. square root of the partial molar volume of
the precipitant. This extrapolation has been demonstrated previ-
d 52:042FRI 2:904; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
ously to be accurate for methane and a model oil. The present
work verifies that such an extrapolation is valid for predicting the where FRI is defined as:
asphaltene instability for mixtures of methane, ethane, and pro-
pane with a representative stock-tank oil (STO). The STO was FRI RI 2  1=RI 2 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
combined with known amounts of methane, ethane, or propane.
The asphaltene onset pressure was determined by a combination Deviations from a linear relationship are predicted for higher
of near-infrared (NIR) light scattering and microscopic observa- molar volume normal alkanes, but there is also a decrease in
tion. The onset conditions at ambient pressures were examined for solubility of these materials that reduces their practical interest as
flocculation periods ranging from 20 minutes to 24 hours. Onset far as asphaltene stability is concerned. Prediction for methane,
pressures calculated with the 5-hour ASIST trends compared well ethane, propane, and n-butane is completely consistent with the
with measured onset pressures. extrapolation of ASIST.
Other equation-of-state (EOS) models predict a similar trend
Introduction for onsets induced by liquid alkane precipitants, but a slightly
Asphaltenes are materials in a crude oil that are among the highest different trend for low-molecular-weight precipitants. Calcula-
molecular weight and/or those with the highest degree of polarity tions with perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory (PC-
(Long 1981) and aromaticity (Cimino et al. 1995). These large SAFT) for a model oil composed of 1 wt% asphaltene in toluene
molecules have limited solubility in saturated hydrocarbons, tend (Fig. 2) predict a downward deviation for the low partial-molar-
to form aggregates that are dispersed in crude oils, and form volume end of the trend (Gonzales 2008), a prediction that can be
separate heavy phases in response to changes in pressure, temper- replicated by similar calculations with a commercially available
ature, or composition of the oil mixture. The amount of material tool, Multiflash PC-SAFT (Infochem Computer Services, London,
that separates (asphaltene amount) and the solubility conditions at UK) (Fig. 3). However, the results from methane as a precipitant
which separation occurs (asphaltene-flocculation onset) vary not with PC-SAFT are on trend.
only with the composition of the asphaltenes themselves, but also In a recent publication, Kraiwattanawong et al. (2007) reported
with the size of the paraffinic precipitants, whether these are the an S-shaped curve (Fig. 4) that deviates below ASIST for high-
native crude-oil light ends or added nonsolvents (typically, n- molar-volume precipitants and above ASIST for the light ends.
pentane or n-heptane). This prediction is attributed both to calculations with an in-house
Wang (2000) demonstrated that asphaltene onset conditions modified Hirschberg model (Hirschberg et al. 1984) and to the
defined in terms of the mixture refractive index (RI), which for constant critical onset solubility parameter assumption applied
nonpolar species can be related to the mixture solubility parameter in interpreting automatic titration data. Both onset solubility pa-
(d) (Buckley et al. 1998)changed predictably with molar vol- rameter and oil solubility parameter retrieved from this interpreta-
ume of n-alkane precipitating agents. Extrapolation of the rela- tion may be underestimated (Buckley et al. 2007). Our calculations
tionship established by measurements with liquid n-alkanes to with the original Hirschberg model do not show upward deviation
predict asphaltene instability during depressurization was pro- from ASIST for low-partial-molar-volume precipitants (open cir-
posed (Wang and Buckley 2001a). Numerous successful applica- cles in Fig. 4). Clear experimental verification of the ASIST trend
tions of ASIST (Buckley et al. 2007) have since been published is needed to distinguish between these conflicting predictions and
(e.g., Wang et al. 2004) suggesting that extrapolation of the to further this area of study.
ASIST relationship is reasonable. Nevertheless, direct verification
is needed of the link between asphaltene instability, upon addition Test of Methane-Induced Asphaltene Precipitation From a
Model Oil. Ting (2003) prepared model oils by dissolving 1% of
n-heptane asphaltenes in toluene and combining the resulting
mixture with varying amounts of methane. After equilibration at
Copyright 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers
high pressure, pressure was decreased slowly to determine the
This paper (SPE 125203) was revised for publication from paper OTC 19690, first pre- onset of asphaltene instability as a function of methane concent-
sented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 58 May 2008. Original manu-
script received for review 4 February 2008. Revised manuscript received for review 16
ration by light scattering. The ASIST relationship measured with
September 2008. Paper peer approved 3 October 2008. the asphaltene/toluene mixture at ambient conditions was used to

360 May 2009 SPE Production & Operations

Fig. 2Predicted onset solubility parameter vs. partial molar
Fig. 1ASM calculations predict a linear relationship between volume of precipitant by use of PC-SAFT for a model oil with
onset solubility parameters and vp1/2, where vp is the precipitant 1 wt% asphaltene in toluene (after Gonzales 2008).
partial molar volume. vp data for C1C4 are from CRC Handbook
(Barton 1991.) The precipitation condition varies with the partial
molar volume of the precipitant. However, for precipitants that
are normal liquids at ambient conditions, the partial molar vol- in which mixtures of Lagrave crude oil with three n-alkane pre-
ume can be approximated as the molar volume because of the cipitants were examined microscopically at times ranging from a
incompressible nature of these liquids. T: temperature.
few minutes to 2 weeks (Wang, 2000). The results in Fig. 5 show
the onsets change little after one day of development. An asphaltene
solvent was added to Lagrave before mixing with the precipitants to
predict onset pressures that were very similar to those measured ensure that the starting mixture was free of asphaltene particles. The
(Buckley et al. 2007). present technology calls for heating the STO samples to 50 to 70 C
to redissolve any precipitated asphaltene particles. The solubility
Kinetics of Asphaltene Flocculation. One source of experimen- parameter at the onset of asphaltene precipitation (donset) is much
tal uncertainty in the determination of the onset of asphaltene lower initially than that determined after longer times, and it follows
flocculation is the difference in the time required for the floccula- approximately a logarithmic function of time. Asphaltene precipi-
tion onset at ambient conditions and in high-pressure/high-tem- tation was obvious in mixtures with driving force higher than that
perature tests. The kinetics of asphaltene flocculation can be required for just onset. The onset conditionsmixtures with the
relatively slow if the mixture of oil and the precipitant is near the minimal amount of precipitant required to initiate asphaltene pre-
onset of instability and more rapid as the driving force for phase cipitationare typically approached only a day or more after mix-
separation increases. This effect was demonstrated by Wang ing. In titration experiments, the titrant can be added too rapidly,
(2000) and, recently, in more detail by Maqbool et al. (2008). causing rate-dependent estimates of the onset condition (Hotier and
Fig. 5 demonstrates this effect from a series of onset experiments Robin 1983).

Fig. 3Predicted onset solubility parameter vs. partial molar Fig. 4An S-shaped onset curve was predicted by Kraiwattana-
volume of precipitant by use of a commercial simulation tool, wong et al. (2007) by use of a modified Hirschberg model. Calcu-
multiflash/association model, for the same model oil (1 wt% lations in the current study by use of original Hirschberg model
asphaltene in toluene). yielded a linear trend for the low-partial-molar-volume end.

May 2009 SPE Production & Operations 361

and the results were converted to onset solubility parameter (donset)
with Eqs. 1 and 2.
Fig. 5Apparent onset solubility conditions as a function of
observation time for mixtures of precipitants with Lagrave
crude oil + 30% 1-methylnaphthalene at ambient conditions. Recombined-Oil Onset Measurements. Direct titration of STO
with gas components inside a pressure/volume/temperature (PVT)
cell to find the minimum amount of gas required to trigger the
The rate of depressurization is analogous to the rate of titration. onset of precipitation is a complicated experiment. The gases are
Decreasing the pressure on mixtures of light precipitant and crude compressible, compression can cause changes in temperature, and
oil, comparable to those in this study, increases the volume frac- there is the risk of inhomogeneous mixing, which results in local
tion of precipitant and decreases the solubility parameter of the precipitation.
mixture. If enough precipitant is dissolved in the mixture, floccu- The solids-detection system (SDS) experiment is commercially
lation occurs. Therefore flocculation rate must be considered in the available from Schlumberger Oilphase-DBR (Edmonton, Canada)
experimental design. In addition, depressurization-experiment and has been performed on numerous reservoir-fluid samples dur-
endpoints can be misinterpreted; the onset may occur at a higher ing the past decade (Hammami et al. 2000; Joshi et al. 2001;
pressure than a minimum in absorbance or maximum in transmit- Jamaluddin et al. 2001; Muhammed et al. 2003). In these experi-
tance (Correra et al. 2004). ments, the sample of interest was first conditioned in the single-
phase region. The reservoir was then depressurized stepwise at a
Experimental Materials and Methods specified rate until, typically, the onset of precipitation or the bub-
Crude Oil. STO from the Gulf of Mexico was used in this study. blepoint of the sample was detected by the change in intensity of
Compositional analysis of this STO indicated that contamination transmitted near-IR (NIR) light through a short-path-length view-
by oil-based-drilling-mud fluid was less than the detectable limit ing cell [high-pressure microscope (HPM)]. Periodically, during
(<0.5 wt%). At ambient conditions, the oil sample contained some the depressurization, an aliquot of the phase cell contents was
asphaltene particles that disappeared upon heating at 60 C for circulated into the HPM for NIR transmittance testing and visual
several hours. Wax-appearance temperature for this oil was 24 C observation. This experiment effectively has been an industry stan-
(75 F). No wax crystals were observed at room temperature. Se- dard method for detecting precipitation onset of solids from reser-
lected properties of this oil are summarized in Table 1. voir fluids. We have also carefully considered the difficulties
involved with titrating a mixture with dense phase fluids, and the
Asphaltene Precipitants. Three high-performance liquid-chroma- rate-of-titration issues as well as the cumulative-error issue with
tography (HPLC) grade liquidsn-alkanes, n-heptane (n-C7), n- sequential addition of fluids. The experimental path chosen was to
undecane (n-C11), and n-pentadecane (n-C15), with purity of prepare mixtures with known fraction light precipitant, then exe-
99%were used to establish the ASIST trend. The difference cute an SDS pressure-sweep experiment to determine the onset of
between the partial molar volumes of these components allows asphaltene precipitation at the temperature of interest. We decided
adequate extrapolation of the onset vs. square root of partial molar to perform all experiments at 60 C because that would eliminate
volume. Three gaseous precipitantsmethane (C1), ethane (C2), questions regarding temperature correction of the onset data from
and propane (C3) were selected to verify the ASIST trend valid- STO to reservoir fluid.
ity for predicting asphaltene-precipitation onset. The purity of the Three live recombined oils were prepared by mixing the STO
gases used varied from 96% for methane and ethane to 93% for with methane, ethane, and propane, respectively. Onset measure-
propane. The impurities in these gases were not considered detri- ments were first conducted for STO at 60 C to establish the ASIST
mental to the results of the present experiments. trend and to ensure the original STO was free of precipitated
asphaltenes. The ASIST trend was then used to design the experi-
STO Onset Measurements With Liquid n-Alkanes. A portion ments such that an onset would occur above the bubblepoint pres-
of the STO was used to establish the ASIST trend by measuring sure of the given mixture but yet allow establishment of the single-
the onset of asphaltene precipitation induced by addition of liquid phase depleting curve before the onset of asphaltene precipitation.
n-alkanes, including n-C7, n-C11, and n-C15. Mixtures of oil and The JEFRI phase cell at Schlumberger Oilphase-DBRTM was rated
n-alkanes were prepared with varying volume percentages, soni- to 15,000 psia. The target was to have an onset pressure of less
cated to ensure complete mixing, and stored at 60 C. Three differ- than 10,000 psia in each mixture. ASIST was used to estimate the
ent aging times were chosen to investigate the kinetic effects of best composition for each type of recombined oil to reach this
precipitation (i.e., 20 minutes, 5 hours, and 24 hours). After each target.
storage period, the mixtures were examined with a microscope The recombined oils were first conditioned at 60 C (140 F) and
(maximum 400X magnification) to detect visually any presence of 15,000 psia for 5 days, then filtered through a 0.2-mm filter to
flocculated asphaltenes, as described elsewhere (Buckley and remove any particulates that might have been present in the field
Wang 2002; Wang 2000). Once the onset of precipitation was STO sample, before beginning the SDS tests. Isothermal depressur-
detected, RI of that onset mixture was measured at 60 C by use ization was then conducted, beginning from 15,000 psia, with pres-
of an automatic refractometer (Instrument Index, GPR11-37E), sure decrements of 100 psia per minute with an additional 2 minutes

362 May 2009 SPE Production & Operations

Fig. 6Onsets for the STO induced by n-C7, n-C11, and n-C15 at Fig. 7Onset solubility parameters for the STO induced by
60 C and varying aging times. n-C7, n-C11, and n-C15 at 60 C vary linearly with log(time).

of equilibration between pressure steps. The SDS, equipped with with the partial molar volume of the gas component in solution at
NIR transmittance and HPM photography, was used to detect the the given temperature and pressure. The Chevron Phase Calcula-
onset pressure during depressurization. Light transmittance was tion Program (CPCP), an in-house EOS simulator, was used to
measured continuously, and HPM photographs were taken every generate the bubblepoint-vs.-composition data for the recombined
1,000 psia of pressure change. The photos were analyzed with oils on the basis of STO composition, density, and gas molar
computer software to obtain the particle-size distribution. fraction. The partial molar volume of methane in the recombined
oil at 60 C was calculated as a function of pressure from
Results and Discussion simulated density, formation volume factor (FVF), and gas/oil
STO Asphaltene Stability. Fig. 6 shows the onset for STO ratio (GOR) (Wang and Buckley 2001a; Buckley et al. 2007), as
measured at 60 C with n-C7, n-C11, and n-C15 as the precipitants at shown in Fig. 8. Similar plots were prepared for ethane and
three different aging times. In all three cases, there is a linear corre- propane. It was observed that partial molar volume varies with
lation between onset solubility parameter (donset) and the square root pressure, but was weakly dependent on the molar percentage of
of the molar volume of n-alkane precipitants (vp1/2). Similar to the gas phase in the recombined oils. Consequently, it is expected
Lagrave oil shown in Fig. 5, donset also increases with aging time as that the asphaltene-instability boundary line (onset line) for the
a logarithmic function (Fig. 7) (i.e., mixtures with longer aging time recombined oils during isothermal depressurization should be fair-
appear to be less stable). This kinetic effect is more obvious when the ly independent of the molar concentration of the gas in recom-
mixing time is short; the change of donset from 20 minutes to 5 hours bined oils. The averages of vp1/2 for methane, ethane, and propane
is greater than that from 5 hours to 24 hours. over the simulated pressure range from 100 to 20,000 psia were
approximately 7, 8, and 9 (mL/mol)1/2, respectively. To give an
Predict Onset Pressure for Recombined Oils. As described in idea of how far the ASIST trend needs to be extrapolated to
the Introduction section, it is assumed that the ASIST trends determine the onset condition for dense phase components, Fig. 9
established with n-C7, n-C11, and n-C15 can be extended to low- compares the measured vp1/2 for n-C7, n-C11, and n-C15 with
molecular-weight alkanes such as methane, ethane, and propane,

Fig. 9Example of ASIST extrapolation to obtain onsets for

methane, ethane, and propane on the basis of onsets for the
Fig. 8Calculated square root of partial molar volume for meth- STO induced by n-C7, n-C11, and n-C15 at 60 C and 24-hour
ane in the recombined (STO+methane) oils at 60 C. aging time.

May 2009 SPE Production & Operations 363

Fig. 10Comparison of recombined-oil solubility parameter Fig. 11Comparison of recombined-oil solubility parameter
(STO+C1) with ASIST-extrapolated asphaltene onset line (onset, (STO+C2) with ASIST-extrapolated asphaltene onset line (onset,C2)
C1) to assess asphaltene stability at varying methane concen- to assess asphaltene stability at varying ethane concentration.

calculated average vp1/2 for methane, ethane, and propane with the bined oils, dSTO+C1 is further lowered while donset,C1 remains
ASIST trend obtained from 24-hour aging. approximately unchanged owing to the weak dependence of meth-
The solubility parameters of the recombined oils were calcu- ane partial molar volume on the methane concentration. As a result,
lated as follows: First, the RI of the recombined oils was calculat- the crossover point between dSTO+C1 and donset,C1, which indicates
ed on the basis of the measured RI of the STO, FVF, GOR, and the asphaltene onset pressure (Ponset), moves to pressures above the
molar refraction of gas components (Wang and Buckley 2001a). bubblepoint when the methane fraction is greater than 53 mol%.
This RI was then converted to recombined oil solubility parameter Similarly, the conditions in which the onset pressure and bubble-
by use of Eqs. 1 and 2. To check asphaltene stability during point pressure coincide can be determined for ethane/STO mixtures
depressurization, the calculated recombined-oil solubility param- (43 mol%) and propane/STO mixtures (39 mol%), below which
eters and the asphaltene onset lines were superimposed, as shown there is no asphaltene precipitation over the whole pressure range,
in Figs. 10 through 12, in which the onset lines were estimated on as shown in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively.
the basis of the ASIST trends measured from 24-hour aging. Table 2 summarizes the simulated asphaltene precipitation on-
Fig. 10 shows that when methane molar concentration in the set pressures for recombined oils with varying methane molar
methane/STO mixture is lower than 53 mol%, the whole curve of concentration, with the three different ASIST trends established
recombined-oil solubility parameter (dSTO+C1) is above the onset for different aging times. Similar results for ethane and propane
line (donset,C1), indicating that asphaltenes are stable in solution were modeled and are summarized in Table 3 and Table 4, respec-
over the whole pressure range. At 53 mol% methane, dSTO+C1 is tively. Note the extreme variation in onset pressure with mixture
close to donset,C1 at the bubblepoint; thus, asphaltenes may precipi- maturation time for the propane estimates. The forecast onset for
tate near the bubblepoint. With more methane added to the recom- recombined oil with 60 mol% propane is 1,900 psi at 20 minutes,
4,100 psi at 5 hours, and 6,200 psi at 24 hours. Therefore, matching
the depressurization rate in the SDS test with the aging time in
ASIST tests is crucial if the results are to be comparable.

Measured Onset Pressure for Recombined Oils From SDS

Tests. Three recombined oils were generated, on the basis of the
ASIST calculations. The first oil contained 63.9 mol% methane,
the second oil contained 58.9 mol% ethane, and the third oil
contained 57.0 mol% propane. Each oil was preconditioned, fil-
tered, and charged to the PVT cell to measure isothermal onset
pressure. Figs. 13 through 15 show the measured onset pressures
from each SDS test, compared with the onset pressures predicted
by ASIST modeling from Tables 2 through 4, respectively. For all
three recombined oils, the directly measured onset pressures from
the SDS tests agree with the onset pressure curves predicted from
modeling by use of ASIST trends established from onset tests with
5-hour aging. Table 5 compares the measured onset pressure from
SDS tests with that predicted from ASIST trends with 5-hour aging.
Note that in SDS tests, judging onset point on the basis of variation
of the NIR transmittence curve is not straightforward. HPM parti-
cle-size-distribution analysis can help to improve the accuracy, but
the error in onset pressure is still 500 psi. Each pressure step (100
psia) in the SDS tests lasted 3 minutes. The total times during SDS
Fig. 12Comparison of recombined-oil solubility parameter (STO test, before the onset point was reached, were approximatly 3.6,
+C3) with ASIST-extrapolated asphaltene onset line (onset,C3) to 6.0, and 5.9 hours for recombined oils with methane, ethane, and
assess asphaltene stability at varying propane concentration. propane, respectively.

364 May 2009 SPE Production & Operations

Conclusions precipitants show good agreement when the flocculation time for
Experiments were designed to measure the asphaltene onset con- the asphlatenes in each experiment is comparable. Thus, use of the
ditions for a series of normal alkane precipitants from methane to ASIST method to forecast asphaltene-precipitation-onset condi-
pentadecane and to compare the results with the ASIST method tions for gaseous precipitants has been verified experimentally.
for forecasting onset of asphaltene precipitation. Liquid n-alkanes
were combined with an STO in individual mixtures at 60 C and Nomenclature
subsequently examined microscopically after 20 minutes, 5 hours, P = pressure, psia
and 24 hours. Mixtures of STO with alkanes that are normally
Pb = bubblepoint pressure, psia
gases at ambient conditions were prepared at high pressure and
60 C; onset pressures were measured by use of transmitted-NIR- Ponset = pressure at onset of asphaltene precipitation during
light and high-pressure microscope observation of the phase-cell depressurization, psia
contents. Comparisons of predicted onset pressures on the basis of PRI = RI of the mixture of oil/precipitant at onset of
the ASIST relationship established with liquid n-alkanes extrapo- asphaltene precipitation
lated to determine the onset conditions for the added gaseous T = temperature,  C or  F

May 2009 SPE Production & Operations 365

Fig. 13Comparison of onset pressures from ASIST prediction Fig. 14Comparison of onset pressures from ASIST prediction
and SDS measurements. Recombined oil (STO + 63.9 mol% and SDS measurements. Recombined oil (STO + 58.9 mol%
methane) at 60 C. ethane) at 60 C.

vp = molar volume of n-alkane precipitant, mL/mol
d = solubility parameter, MPa1/2 The authors would like to thank Chevron Corporation for
donset = solubility parameter of oil/precipitant mixture at providing the research funding and oil sample in this study and
onset condition, MPa1/2 for the permission to publish the results. STO characterization and
donset,C1 = solubility parameter of recombined STO/methane oil onset measurements were performed by Petroleum Recovery
at onset condition, MPa1/2 Research Center at New Mexico Tech. Oilphase-DBR, a division
donset,C2 = solubility parameter of recombined STO/ethane oil at of Schlumberger, performed laboratory measurements to detect
the onset pressure for the recombined oils.
onset condition, MPa1/2
donset,C3 = solubility parameter of recombined STO/propane oil
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ference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Victoria, British Jefferson L. Creek is a senior research consultant for the Flow
Columbia, Canada, 1519 June. Assurance Core Team of Chevron Energy Technology Com-
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Muhammed, M., McFadden, J.D., and Creek, J.L. 2003. Asphaltene Pre- Middle Tennessee State University and MS and PhD degrees in
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Ting, P.D. 2003. Thermodynamic stability and phase behavior of asphal- Biochemistry. Jianxin Wang is a lead research scientist at the
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University, Houston, Texas (May 2003). Company in Houston, Texas. He holds a BS degree in physics
Wang, J. 2000. Predicting asphaltene flocculation in crude oils. PhD the- from Peking University in China, and MS and PhD degrees in
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senior scientist and Head of the Petrophysics and Surface
Mexico (April 2000). Chemistry Group at the New Mexico Petroleum Recovery Re-
Wang, J.X. and Buckley, J.S. 2001a. An Experimental Approach to Predi- search Center in Socorro, New Mexico. She holds a BS degree
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SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 1316 Mexico Tech, and a PhD degree in petroleum engineering
February. DOI: 10.2118/64994-MS. from Heriot-Watt University.

May 2009 SPE Production & Operations 367

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