New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Student Book 08 Module 8

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begging, discrimination, domestic viotence,

drugs, homelessness, inequatity, poverty,
racism, unemployment, vandalism, viotent crime
a Fifth century BC Athens was one of the first societies to have a golden age. Philosophy, or
literally the 'search for truth', was born with philosophers like Protagoras, Socrates and
Plato. Hippocrates, 'the father of medicine', the historian Herodotus and others began the
systematic study of the world. With the playwrights Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides
came the birth of serious drama in western culture, attracting thousands to see their
masterful tragedies and comedies. Sculpture and painting both flourished and a great
programme of public building was undertaken, culminating in the magnificent temple of
the Parthenon.
Why did this all happen in Athens and not somewhere else? To start with,
Athens could afford it. The city state of Athens was the greatest trading centre
in the Mediterranean with an empire which provided plentiful food and other
goods. Rich Athenian citizens had plenty of time for leisure and culture as
most of the work in the city was done by slaves and much of the business and
trade conducted by 'metics' or foreigners. Many of these foreigners, such as
Herodotus, were drawn to the cultural magnet of Athens and played a

'!t,:,: ., 1,j"
vital role in the cultural life of the city.
Socially, Athens was in a period of transition between a conservative,
aristocratic society and an urban, commercial society in which citizens
were equal by law. Athens became the first direct democracy in history
where major political decisions were taken by large numbers of citizens.
At the same time, Athenian society was moving away from the old beliefs
in the gods and ancient myths towards values based on rationality and
a belief in human nature


Before you stort Speoking

1 match the cities (a-e) with their golden ages - their periods 3 Wort in your group. Use your notes from
of greatest cultural or technological achievement (1-5). Exercise 2 to tetl each other about your city.
a Los Angetes 7 1760-1830 (the industriaI revotution) Use your own words.
b Rome 2 1950-2000 (the information revolution) Example
c San Francisco 3 1870-1910 (a revolution in painting) The greatest time for art and culture in Athens wos ...
d Manchester 4 1910-1950 (the gotden age of Hottywood)
e Paris 5 50 BC-150 AD (the imperiaI capital.)

Check your answers on page 135. Writing

4 Work in your group. Use the information
Reuding you have coltected to write a paragraph (about
75 words) about the reasons for the three
2 ReaA the Strategies. golden ages. Begin like this:
So what was the key to the creative outbursts in
Reading Strategies: Summarising these three cities? Frst of all, ...
o Read the text to get the general idea and identify Compare your paragraph to the one on page
paragraph topics. 13s.
r Underline the key sentence in each paragraph (often
at the beginning). Then find information that backs it up.
r Write notes of the main points and the key information.
5 tndiuiduatly, read about the other two cities.
Which of the cities in the article would you [ike
Use your own words.
to have visited? Why?

Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the texts Example
(1-3) and uses the Strategies to summarise the main fd like to have gone to Athens because ...

2 tn the lSth century the Itaiian city state of Florence was to

undergo a ftenzy of creativity as the cradle of the
Renaissance. Outstanding painters and sculptors like
Botticelli, Donatello and later Michelangelo and Leonardo da *:T,::":,,t.,;;;;;#ifjil1:i;,
.few.Iears, a dozen thearr.

Vinci rediscovered classical traditions. They aimed, like the

: ffif,,.,j,j*,",:
cLtrdcreO tar.qe
but nor a..,, _ ;
Greeks before them, to create an ideal form of beauty based
on nature. Brunelleschi's breathtaking cathedral dome is just
one example of the architectural splendour of Florence p *n**liliij?:"*:iJmn:i;l;;',,
dudng this period.
Why did this happen in Florence and not in other Italian
cities like Milan, Genoa or Venice? One reason was that
' ;n'-:,',1,&ffii:i"iiii:''Xii:i :l';ry,1.'
What caused this
ttme, London activity to takeplace?
Florence was able to build on the cultural achievements ol ,rr, :,'^lllt:rary dramuc cl
r :; ,
the previous century. The 14th century had not only growing
rt t";'
produced great writers such as petrarch and Dante but also sucn as rhe "piory,'rurJlgtrgoing
il1i; ji'i:
gilted painters like Giotto. Another reason was that Florence
was simply the richest city; its central position made it a
cr rv w a
s u r, o,
n a.-,eo il i i :111."'f :':'#
major trading and industrial city. Florence was also the ;j ff iii:i x,,l*:r,llliu:' I l'r #j
scene of a commercial revolution which saw the Dut traditional
;hri*# I
lonev i'"' ;;;
development of modern banking and accounting. by rhe ne*
As a result, Florentine society was in a state of flux between oe rnade or lost.
A na, I ' "-a q PIdLe wnere lortunes could
the old, stable medieval world and new dynamic a show their ;;;' t;r,i.t'::s,
.emerging, ready," rp.ra","
commercial world. There was greater social mobility than
before with many opportunities for individuals to go up (and I I H:*, j x** J ri :1 i TJ,?;*r.H;
down) socially. The new merchants and bankers had money poor. rh lor ootr,r ,i.r,
to spend and they were not afraid of showing off their new
arorr'l'tr.rirtor #
wealth by building magnificent palaces and lilling them with :.::;:j,i,;#i;;ii.i'ffi Y:i:'i::1jil:ryru;:,f l
superb works of art. Finally, there was an open and tolerant
climate for artists to work in, helped by an increase in the
number of schools and an improved literacy rate.

Vocabulury: Rich Longuoge 7 Comptete the paragraph with words from the texts.

6 Natch the words and expressions from the text In the late 19th century, Paris went through a
(in the box) with the expressions (a-d). I2 age. Great programmes of pubtic building were
and many artists were to the 3
a a great time for art and cutture
cuttural magnet of the city from a[[ over Europe. The
b changing a lot
c reatty good
Impressionist painters were inspired by a
- _
innovations such as photography and their works satisfied
d it was the start of ... -
the 5 demand for art of the weatthy middte
Exampte a on explosion of creativity classes. The city wjls 6 _
economic changes and

8 _
there was greater 7 mobiLity than before.
Fortunes were
- in industryand trade and one
an explosion of creativity, outstanding, way of 9
in a period of transition, a golden age, =--
weatth was through buying paintings.

undergoing dramatic changes, masterful,

In this way, the Paris art market 10 an _
the birth of ..., living through major changes,
iqportant rote in the 11
of creativity that
breathtaking, a frenzy of creativity,
_in this period.
a creative flowering, ... was born, 'J /1
in a state of flux, a burst of literary activity, ,AK
fr j
being revolutionised, magnifi cent, ffi&.
,,','as the cradle of..., sculpture and painting
:lourished, was emerging, bursting with new
deas tonpwtng hnfnt'e
lryirttr+4iry What'golden ages'have there been in the history of
In which of these types of text woutd you expect to your country? Use expressions from the texts to
see 'rich' language? write sentences about them.
:oputar newspapers, quality newspapers, history books.
novels, books about art


ou ropl
Spend, Spend, Spend
any of us in developed societies are in a vicious
circle, We work hard so that we can earn more
money. When we have more money, we spend
Beore you slorl more. Because we spend more, we have to work even
harder. The circle goes round and round. The result is not
1 took at the photos and the titte of increased happiness, but more stress and less free time to
the article. Which three of these things be ourselves and be with our families and friends.
do you think witt not be mentioned in However, there is growing resistance to this consumer
the article? /*r society, especially from young people. Protest groups are
insisting that some of our money be redistributed to the
gl.obat trade, stress and lack of time, $t, third world. Trade unions demand that the Prime Minister
crime and violence, reductions in the rl-t, 1
reduce the working week. They are also suggesting that
working week, work sharing, advertising,
opportunities for leisure, drugs
*y people should share work and thus reduce unemployment.
As a society, it's high time that we took these issues more
seriously. We should insist that advertising is more
2 nead the article and check your controlled, especially advertising aimed at children. We
guesses. should also make sure that there are constructive ways for
young people to use their free time.apart from spending
3 of the writer/s views do you inoney. On a personal level, *. ffffio visit the shops"less
agree and disagree with? and worry less about our image. Above all, we should
remember that 'being' and 'doing' are much more
important than'having'.

Presenlolion l:
Complex Sentences (l ).
Persuosion (Written English) . *. . "'drtueei4&$a

Arrsn: WE IJSE:
4 In th. text underline alt sentences
7 should a (that) + subject + should do something
with the following verbs and
2 ought to b (that) + subject + subjunctive (same
3 insist, demand, form as infinitive, e.g. 'I suggest he goJ)
should. ought to, insist, demand, suggest, suggest c (that) + subject + present tense
it's high time ifs high time d (that) + subject + past tense
e infinitive without 'to'
5 look at the sentences you
underlined in the text. Now form the
rutes by matching 1-4 with a-e.
Grammsr Summaf!|'9, page 148.
, s,n,

Presenlotion 2: Persuosion (Spoken English) 10 neaa the situations. What woutd the
people in brackets say? Use the stronger
6 tirt.n to the dialogue between Grant and Lucy. Answer expressions (*** or ****) from Exercise 7.
these questions.
1 Mark spends atl his pocket money on the [oi::-.
1 Whjch of them buys second-hand ctothes? (Mark's father)
2 Which of them spends a lot of money on ctothes? 2 Peter spends a[[ his free time ptaying
3 Which of them has an evening job? computer games.
4 Which of them is a vegetarian? (Peter's mother)
5 Which of them suggests going to a fitm? 3 Jenny is always borrowing her otder sister's
clothes without asking.
(Jenny's older sister)
O 7 litt"n to the diatogue again and complete the sentences. 4 Elaine watches TV until late at night and
What are the verb forms used after the expressions in botd?
can never get up in the morning.
*** It's about time you going there. (Etaine's parents)
* If I were you, I _ buying atl those expensive 5 lan has got an exam next month and he
c[othes. hasn't done any revision yet.
*** I'd (= 1 would) rather you _ that. (Ian's teacher)
** I think you ought to _ that job.
** I think you should meat yourself. 11 Wort in pairs. Talk about your problems
**** You'd (= you had) better *=- going. and give each other advice. Use the weaker
expressions (*or *") from Exercise 7.
Note: 1-2 stars = weak and polite expressions; 3-4 stars = strong expressions/criticism

$, Grammar Summary 9, page 148. Student A

. you are dreaming about a hol"iday abroad
Proctice but you have no money
r you don't know how to get to know the
8 Comptete the sentences with the words in the [ist. You boy/girt you're interested in
do not need all of them. . you can never find anything in your room
because it is always in a mess
shoutd, ought, suggest, rather, would, insist, better, time, had
1 If I were you, I _ start saving now.
2 You'd get a part-time job.
Student B
3 His boss that he work longer hours.
o you don't know what to buy your best
4 I think you _ to spend more time at home.
friend for his/her birthday
5 You better avoid carrying heavy weights.
. you are very unfit and always feel tired
6 Its _ you started thinking about your future.
o you've lost your friend's favourite CD
7 I'd _ you didn't buy so many gadgets.
I I_ that she open her own bank account.

9 Ur. the beginnings provided and the words in brackets

to paraphrase the sentences.
1 I suggest that he shoutd
He _
change his career ptans.
his career ptans. (better)
Ptease don't ptay music late at night.
fd _ musjc [ate at night. (rather)
The commjttee should manage the funds more carefully.
We _ the funds more carefutly. (insist)
I think it's a good idea to study economics nowadays.
If _ economics. (were)
I think he should start looking for a job.
It's about for a job. (time)
Her teachers made her wear longer skirts.
Her teachers longer skirts. (demand)
I'd prefer you to dress more smartty for work.
I_ more smartly for work. (rather)
Jjm should see a doctor before it gets any worse.
Jim _ a doctor before it gets any worse. (had)

35 Utopio


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Read the Strategies.

Look at the picture of the ideaI society of Utopia.

Listening Strategies:
Guess the answers to some of these questions.

1 Are there any differences between rich and poor

peopte? . When listening to Engtish you witl often hear
2 What leisure activities are there? culturaI references (e.9. to people. ptaces, objects,
3 How democratic is the society? TV programmes, measurements) which you are not
4 What punishments are there? familiar with.
. Use the context of the conversation to try to guess
what they refer to.

: Listen to Sir Thomas More's story about Utopia. Listen to the conversation. Guess what these
Check your answers to Exercise 1. things refer to.
r' 1,=astreet
Listen to the story again. List two things you
would like about Utopia and two things you would 1 The Broadway 7 mjni-London Eye
hate. Would you [ike to live in More's Utopia? Why/ 2 Rotherham 8 Scunthorpe
Why not? 3 the number 23 9 the Barbican/the South Bank
4 a season ticket 10 The Ministry of Sound
5 Jaguars 11 scones
6 EastEnders

O 5 ltrt.n again and complete the Function File with these words 8 rnint about ways of improving ,,'o.r:
and phrases. local community. Write notes about lrese
Lefs, It's time, I'd charge, Why don't they, i think they shoutd, things.
what would be rea[ty great is if, ] wish they'd, They ought to, traffic and transport, historic buildings, :"-..
It's about time, There could be, What about, Itd be a good idea if, and gardens, poltution and the environ're-:
I think ifd be good if they, What we need recreation facitities for young people
(sport/socia [isi n g/cutture), hea lth servi ces,
care for the el.derLy/pooy'homeless
J Making Suggestions
Tentative suggestions Stronger suggestions 9 Worl in pairs. Discuss your suggestions
z 4
with your partner.
O 1 they we had
(J stopped traffic going into more buses. Example
z the centre. 5
_--- put buses A lt's about time we started to look
3 2 after the histoic buildings in our city.
l! lots more every fifteen minutes.
pedestrian streets ... 7 are some B That's true, but I think it'd be better to
3 doing big changes in this place. spend money on ...
something about pubtic 9_makea Tell the ctass about some of your ideas.
transport? decent park?
And 6 they 11
- buil.d a
Both of us think it'd be a good thing to build
were free. decent sports centre ...
72 a new outdoor swimming pool.
peopte set
more for bringing cars up a cultural centre.
- centre.
into the
1o - huu.
spent -.--
some more scones. Vocobulory: Multi-port Verbs with up
money on things for -they
young peopte to do.
13 start a
E, Lexicon, pages 170-176

decent club.
10 Comptete the sentences with these
verbs in the correct form.
go, turn, set, brighten, make, give, dress,
Ptonunciqlion pick, hol"d, take, clean, do

f) 6 listen to eight more suggestions. Which of them sound Why don't they _ up the river
tentative (T) and which sound stronger (S)? Then listen again and _ up that old house next
and repeat the suggestions. to the bridge? It's nearty falting down.
It woutd be a good idea to
Example 1 5 up a theatre group. it woutd
things up a bit in this town. I love
up and I'd like to
Speoking up acting.
7 Work in pairs. Use the rotecards to make suggestions about I was _ up for twenty minutes
how to improve a town. Use suggestions from the Function File in a traffic jam and up late
(! = strong; ? = tentative). for ctass. But the teacher thought I
uD an excuse.
Example The cost of tickets keeps _ up,
A lt's about time they cleaned up the iver! so I _ up taking the bus and
B That's true. And it'd be a good idea if ... started walking to cotlege. Though
sometimes my neighbour _ me
Student A Student B up in the morning and takes me there in
. clean up the river (!) o make more parks (?) her car.
. make pubtjc transport free (?) o increase the number of buses (!)
o make pedestrian streets (l) . buitd more car parks (l)
r charge more for parking (?) . do up the otd houses in the puoTt
. do up the main square (?) centre (?)
.... uN?uon
o build a sports centre (l) . bujtd a new hospitat (!) 'Man is ty natrrre a politicl aninral.'
o create a venue for concerts (?) o set up an Internet caf (?) ristotle
. start a new tibrary (?)
36 Communiculion,Worksho
Dear Editor.
Polly Fisher's articre,rast week
made me consider the pros .
Eefore you start prison sentences in
Th;l;;^nu. n"r,", t"" _rcons of harder
a resolve and I
1 look at the Key Words. ffin"liil#,"lriy"
minds about irrny."rr. r,d ilk"";".;;;;" of my views
Which of the crimes are the on the one hand, it is reaily scandalous
that some rapists and murderers
biggest probtem in your out of prisons after three orfouryears. t are let
society now? faith in the British system of justice. this, many people are losing
What punishments would th";,;;.;;ld bring back
harder sentences criminars are made to pay for what
you give for the crimes?
Manv peopre rtrongt;pto;i;A#;ln - ia"u of 'three strikesthey have done.
- the idea that after committing tt re"
.rim". criminals are rocked up for vou,re out,
KEY WORDS: something must be done to d";.;;;;;s-p"opr" life.
from a life of crime. It is arso
burglary, drug deating, somehow wrong rhur t,
mugging, murder, rape, become like luxurv hoters ,,, trron"y i.-.pent on prisons so that some have
, with tei"i.1*. *a,gyms. Finally, I must admit
shoptifting, theft sometimes understand those who that I
n"n"ue *" should restore capital punishment
the death in this country as in the uSA. It
is *o"r,*,
penatty (capitaI punishment), fam'ies and friends of murder rilti,nJ*rr to think about the wishes of the
fine, prison sentence, on the other hand, punishment J;;rd;;;" demand that justice be done.
seen as an opportuniff for revenge.
soft/hard sentences, we need to help and reform convicted -
life sentence criminals +
members of the communiSr. Personarru, into useful
principle' Despite what many peopre
i" a,"lly against ^ri,n"_
harder sentences in
.u, ."ott"r punishment is judicial
and no better than any other murder
2 Read the letter. Which of .,"*"i*;ffi;;*ii,"u**n,"l,i;ifi
murder 5
the two approaches to ::JJ",,J1:_T,"
prison sentences do you unfair 6
iudiciar mistakes. re ae penarff arso
afects some sections of
support? the community much more than
others. z the uSA,
seems that the death penarty sometimes it
is not as titoety ir
murderer- white as the othei *uv,ounJ.^"' *re victim is brack anrl the
All in all, I'm sure we need to do whai-ever
negative effects of harder sentencing
it takes to consider the positive
b"iu unv finar decisions are made.
wonder what other readers tnint I
at iut-ttii"ru".
Yours faithfully,
Hannah Sutter




3 the sentences tisting arguments from a

discursive essay (1-8) with personal opinions in the [istenlngl Sorrg
letter. 'r,ll''lr. ( at
'_f({h(t, i()4rl JH !1,,1 _' ': ,, .

1 Many peopte feel that harder sentences shoutd be

brought back. I Wtt"t differences are there between your
2 The American system of 'three strikes and you're out' generation and your parents'generation in your
has supporters jn Britain. society? Think about these things:
3 Moreover, some peopte say that conditions in prisons
a tastes in music/clothes
are too soft.
4 There are arguments for the restoration of the death
b attitudes to work and money
c attitudes to marriage
5 The wishes of victims' fami[y and friends possib[y
need to be taken into account. f) 2 list"n to the song. Who do you think said these
6 There are arguments against harder sentences and
things, the father (F) or the son (S)?
capitaI punishment. 1 Ll lt's not time to make a change.
7 It is strongLy fett by many people that capital 2 l) You're sti[[ young, that's your fault.
punishment is the equivalent ofjudiciat murder. 3[] Find a gir[, settle down.
8 Furthermore, the death penalty is seen as savage and 4I] But take your time, thjnk a tot.
an affront to human dignity. 5] For you wil.t stitt be here tomorrow, but your
dreams may not.
4 Reaa the letter again and complete the gaps with 6 [] How can I try to explain, when I do he turns
these [inking words (reason/result). away again.

consequentty so. due to, so much. just because,

7 |) From the moment I coutd talk ] was ordered
to listen.
so that, as a resutt of. in order to
8 j Now there's a way and I know that I have to
go away.

A Discursive Essay (21

9 [l Just retax, take it easy.
10 I I There's so much you have to know.
Write an essay discussing this statement: 11 L i If you want, you can marry.
'The only way to cut crime in our country is to make 12 a Look at me, I am otd but I am happy.
punishment more severej Follow the stages below. 13 l l If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them
you know, not me.

Writing Help 9, page 144. 14 [j I know I have to go.

Stage I O 3 lirt"n again. Answer these guestions.
Look at the letter. List the arguments 'for' and
'against': 1 What do you think the situation is? Why do you
think the son wants to go away?
a the death penatty and hard sentences 2 What is the father's advice?
b punishment as reform 3 How do you think both of them fee[?

Add other arguments and reasons backing them up

(e.9. from your country).

Stage 2
Use your notes to write a ptan of your essay.

Sfoge 3
Use your plan to write the essay.
(ommunicolion Workshops
Before you stwl
ii r r it|it!
i :1... :.. :i :i': !::' | :
1 took at the photo. If
you had to spend two weeks
in a wood without any of the comforts, what woutd
you miss most?
Exampte hot woter

2 Wnicn of these woutd be the biggest survival

probtems for you?

making a fire, finding food, making a shetter, first aid, Problem Solving
finding water, cooking
Make group decisions about how to survive
in the wild. Fotlow the stages below.
f) 3 listen to three peopte on a survival course. Which
of the problems in Exercise 2 are mentioned?
Stoge I
Read the Strategies.

ffih s &&.,afiruwn
Speaking Strategies:
Exaggeration and Understatement Preparing for problem sotving

O 4 Listen again and match the expressions. First, read the information. Don't worry
a It's knee-deep in mud' if you don't know a[[ the vocabutary.
1 it's freezing. a Identify the most important problems.
2 My feet are blocks of ice. b lfs not what you'd catl a Write simpte notes with suggestions/
3 I'm dying a cup of coffee. tropical'
for solutions. Give reasons for them.
4 There are a few stones around ... c Mine are a bit co[d. Think of what you would votunteer
5 lt's huge. d I'm starving! to do.
6 It would take ages ... e It would take a white'
7 lt's quite muddy ... f There are millions'
8 I'm getting a bit peckish. g It's quite big' Use the Strategies to prepare for the task.
h I wou[dn't mind one.
5 Wnicn of the expressions involve exaggeration and which Iask - survive two weeks in a forest in
understatement? Do you use these a lot in your language? gtoups ofthree
Reacting to Suggestions lemperature - maximum e5'C -
Look at the reactions to people's suggestions. Which are minimum 8'C
tquipment - knife, fish hooks, torch,
flint, first aid kit, cooking pot, water
1 Thafs a good idea. bottte, food for one day
2 Surely, it'd be better to explore a bit.
3 0K, [et's do that.
4 Ifs quite big, but I don't see why we have to buiLd it here. Stoge 2
5 Don't you think it would be better near the stream? Look at the expressions in the Function File
6 How come? on page 107 and the Chatroom. Practise
7 Right. I't[ coltect the stones ... making and reacting to suggestions.
8 0K. Why don't we both do that?
9 Surety, we can do that when ifs finished.
Stoge 3
O 6 Pronunciation. Listen to the words said slowty and Work in groups of three. Discuss your survival
then said fast. Which of these sounds disappear or are plans. Decide what you are going to do and
added: /t/,/d/,/r/,/v/? who is going to do different jobs.

1 staft getting 2 Let's start. 3 exptore abit 4 best place Talkhatk

5 for a cup 6 cup of coffee 7 could buitd 8 need people Tel[ the class how you plan to survive. Which
9 some of them 10 before jt 11 bit peckish of the groups in the class do you think has
the best chances of surviving?

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