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The Brotherhood of New Albion Background

The Brotherhood of New Albion
The area around Peterborough was littered with military installations, from army reserve centres to
active army, navy and RAF bases. So, when metal fatigue started to affect the infrastructure of the
world these bases quickly went into lockdown and the scientific facilities here used their clean
environments to preserve technology and begin research into this mysterious bacterium. In the early
day, many of the personnel from these bases were used to quell the riots and civil unrest in the
surrounding are being formed into the 3rd British battle group one of several newly reprioritised
forces consisting of British and allied military personnel. As the situation became worse and national
communication failed the battle group was left to survive by itself, re organising itself and relocating
much of its supplies and infrastructure to a handful of bases with thin proximity of one another, RAF
Wittering, Kendrew Barracks, RAF Alconbury and RAF Molesworth setting up strongholds and
command canters at these basses to better coordinate the battle groups efforts in the area and
centralise their resources and personnel. The battlegroup has trouble keeping law in the outlying
communities such as kings Lynn and rapidly withdraw from several engagements as many personnel
go AWOL to be with their families the battlegroup continues to restructure to better deal with the
ongoing unrest and the rise of the Vine Flu. After the mid spring attack on the Peterborough
cathedral the forces of the 3rd battlegroup take heavy losses from both local infected and gangs,
although their superior technology has been severely compromised by metal fatigue there training
and large supply stocks allow them to maintain an edge above the local gangs and they set up
several safe territories in Stanford and Huntingdon with become the centre of their civilian relief
efforts. The winter of 2015 is bitter and threatens to destroy what is left of the now renamed 1st
Albion The Knights Battlegroups infrastructure so much of its operations and supplies are moved
underground into the bomb and nuclear shelters of the two largest bases, Sierra One (formerly RAF
Molesworth) becomes the battlegroups main scientific research station due to the high amount of
science staff present due to the base being a joint operation between the RAF and the USAF and the
extensive science and medical infrastructure installed by the USAF and November One (Formally
Kendrew Barracks) Becomes the main Operations and logistics centre due to the base being home to
the remnants of the Royal Anglian regiment who were mainly local to the area and therefore
suffered less desertion due to them being on home ground the now fully integrated group was
split into two distinct arms the Combat personnel designated Knights and the Support and
Scientific personnel designated Scribes, rooms of scribes copying down as much of the internets
information as they could before there connections failed, recording all the technical details of the
machines they had access to intent on keeping as much knowledge intact as they could because only
in understanding the past and keeping the knowledge safe could the brotherhood hope to bring
back the civilisation it brought. Groups of knights keeping the scribes safe as they scoured the local
area for more knowledge & information along with the local civilian populous secure, leaving much
of their above ground infrastructure and concentrating on maintaining and expanding their
underground facilities their presence in the local area drops only really being felt by the small
communities between Stanford and Huntingdon. Over the following years the battlegroup fights to
maintain law and order in the area, trading food, medical supplies and protection for working
technology, supplies, knowledge and weaponry needed to keep their underground facilities running
and their libraries stocked. With the infected and outlaws causing trouble soon a divide appears in
the Brotherhood of New Albion about civilian assistance, some feeling that the brotherhood
members should remain solely military and their familys with others believing that to keep up with
the attrition of the infected and to stay active and survive the apocalypse that new blood was
needed, the elders of the brotherhood deliberated on this for a long time and it was eventually
agreed on that a small contingent of knights and scribes volunteers would be sent to Sierra Two to

start an above ground facility in the remnants of RAF Alconbury as an experiment as to whether any
of the civilian populace would be integrated into the brotherhood and better interact with the
emerging groups after years of isolation without giving away their position and endangering the
main brotherhood facilitie. Their Remit was to ascertain the viability of civilian membership of the
brotherhood and to explore the remnants of the United Kingdom for intelligence or research that
could aid in their research while gathering intel on any group or power that had emerged in the ruins
of England without giving away the presents of a larger force. After these volunteers departed the
main bases of sierra one and November one closed their doors and would have limited contact with
the outside world apart from regimented contact drops and limited resupplies, The New
Brotherhood of New Albion would all but be on their own with only the inner circle of original
members knowing the full scope of the operation.

Beliefs and Duties of the Brotherhood of New Albion

The brotherhood serves a dual purpose in the new world, on the first hand they are soldiers knights
of the new age. Defending civilians and bringing civilisation back to the shattered world, safety and
law to those who want it and justice to those who want to be monsters. This is the public face of the
brotherhood the side they show the outside world. But those of sufficient rank is aware of the other
aim of the brotherhood, to collect and safeguard knowledge. It started in the early days when all the
technology that they could keep safe from metal fatigue and that witch they could not they recorded
its function and construction, but there was so much from before the fall that needs to be saved and
remembered so this cant happen again and this is the second cause of the brotherhood. The
members undertaking the great experiment are tasked with not just training a new military force
and protecting the local civilians along with helping the formation of a new government but also in
collecting as much pre-and post-war knowledge as they can and in this task the intricacy of the
brotherhood is revealed. The scribes keep the knight in the field and equipped so they can protect
the civilians, the civilians keep the scribes and knights supplied with resources to protect them and
carry on their duties and the knights protect the civilians as they work but also the scribes as they
scour the ruins of the old world for any knowledge or technical documentations they can find.

Ranks and Uniform

There are several uniforms worn by members of the brotherhood of New Albion, the most
commonly seen are given bellow.

The Knights
The knights are the military arm of the brotherhood of New Albion and contains several ranks. The
rank structure of the knights is given bellow this is of course from the main brotherhood forces that
number many more than the new brotherhood forces only initially containing a handful of men at
arms led by a couple of knights, this is the rank structure that the new brotherhood will adopt as it

Recruit The Basic Entry Level of a civilian into the brotherhood. They must train and prove
themselves to advance. While training the recruit will be watched to see what arm of the
brotherhood they should move into.

Squire After their basic training is complete a recruit can become a squire. This is the basic entry
level of a Legacy into the brotherhood due to them spending their childhood training. The duties of
the squires are to assist the knights and learn from them.

Man, At Arms This is the most common rank for members of the brotherhood knight cast. They
are the line infantry of the brotherhood.

Knight This rank is where a knight begins to earn a name for himself truly a member of the elite
fighting force of the brotherhood, knights lead squads of men at arms or are themselves formed into
small special operations squads.

Paladin A true hero of the brotherhood of New Albion, these soldiers lead squads of knights and
oversea large groups of men at arms.

High Paladin these are the commanders of the brotherhood heading strike teams and garrison

Elder paladin a base commander or battlegroup commander, they sit on the council of elders.

although the uniform for these ranks follows a similar line, there is further distinction between the
knight in that the founding knights or members from founding families wear slightly different
uniform to those who were civilians who have joined. The standard uniform and equipment for a
knight is laid out bellow

Recruits and above are issued with.

Basic Kit
Boots, Black x1 Pair.
Trousers, MTP x1 Pair.
Shirt/T-shirt/Ubacs, Tan x1.
Tabard, Black x1. (optional for recruits and Men at arms)
Hood, Black x1 Optional.
Recruits, Squires & Men at arms are issued with either webbing (Olive or MTP) or Plate
Carrier/Assault Vest(MTP) x1
Knight and above are issued with Plate Carrier/Assault Vest,
MTP x1.

Main Melee weapon x1.
Main Ranged Weapon, Rifle/Carbine/Sub Machine
gun/Shotgun/Support weapon x1.
Shield x1 Optional.

Some brotherhood of New Albion knights also has back up

weapons of several types that they have acquired in the
wasteland. Civilian Knights are not issued fire arm until they
are trained in there use and instead using bows and
crossbows scavenged or created at Sierra Two.

The MTP Elements of a knights uniform are replaced with

olive green counterparts for civilian born knights.

Most of the Brotherhoods weaponry is American based due to

it being more reliable and sturdy than British weapons and
surviving the rigors of the apocalypse and the strain of metal
fatigue better.

Although before the fall the brotherhood was an active military battlegroup the fight against the
shamblers has changed their combat style. With the reduction of enemies with fire arms and rise of
hand to hand combat and opponents trying to bite you they had to find a way to combat this new
form of attack so they searched their archives and decided that the knights of old that they were
now growing more like had the right idea. Covering the body in protection at vital points was now
more important though with the limit of modern ballistic and protective materials but the
abundance of re-enactment armour and workable scrap metal the brotherhood set about savaging
as many suits of armour that they could or creating it from scrap metal left behind after the fall.
Wire now no longer viable for any other purpose was turned into chain shirts that could easily
protect from most of the melee weapons in the wasteland but also a shamblers teeth. Plate metal
was cut and riveted and strapped together using the scavenged armour as a template to create plate
armour. Though heavy to a civilian the brotherhoods soldiers were only slowed slightly by this
additional weight and would soon become accustomed to it and like that the modern ballistic
qualities of the soldiers plate carriers was augmented with medieval armour as they continued to
blur the line between modern soldier and knight of old

Recruits and Squires: Are Issued with basic light armour, either scavenged sports protection or
locally made leather armour. This allows the recruits and squires some level of protection while
setting them apart from the higher ranks.

Men at Arms: at this rank a man at arms is issued

heavy armour from the brotherhoods stores,
normally consisting of a chain shirt and potentially
Brotherhood Plate: basic plate grieves and chain or basic plate bracers.
This armour is a true technical advancement for Knights: at the rank of knight some replace their
the post fall world, taking its design from the chain shirt with a plate breastplate with optional
armour of medieval knights but constructed backplate. They are also issued with Plate grieves
from modern pre-fall materials, it is a
and bracers and Plate Spaulders as well. Some
composite of Kevlar fabrics and light weight
knight opting for the more regal looking fluted
titanium allows and requires a great deal of
time and effort to craft each suit not to mention gothic look other going for a more sturdy and basic
rare and sought-after materials. Though rare look, though whatever there Armor style each one
and bespoke it offers some of the best defence is a deadly opponent.
in the new altered reality that is post fall
Paladin: at this rank the knight continues to cover
England. Only Knights of great deed and merit
are awarded a suit of this custom armour. himself in armour adding cuisses and Boot covers.
Designed to fit around the plate carriers of a sometimes should they have been deemed worthy
knight but cover all other vulnerable areas this he will receive the honour or being clad in
armour incorporates Spaulder, full grieve & Brotherhood Plate, this is plate armour crafted after
bracers as well as cuisses and boot covers along the fall by the scribes of the brotherhood using the
with an additional butt plate this is the ultimate very rare pre-fall ballistic fabrics covered in lighter
post fall armour. and tougher metal allows this armour is tougher
and lighter than the basic plate of the knights.

High Paladin and above: at this rank and above a

knight will most definitely be clad in Brotherhood
plate or ceremonial armour should their role not be
that of front line combat.

The Scribes
The scribes are the scientific and support arm of the brotherhood of New Albion, again containing
several ranks and several specialities. The rank structure of the scribes is given bellow this is of
course from the main brotherhood forces that number many more than the new brotherhood forces
only initially containing a handful of Scribes led by a couple of Proctors this is the rank structure that
the new brotherhood will adopt as it grows.

Recruit The Basic Entry Level of a civilian into the brotherhood. They must train and prove
themselves to advance. While training the recruit will be watched to see what arm of the
brotherhood they should move into.

Initiate After their basic training is complete a recruit can become a Initiate. They will specialise in
one of the three specialities of the scribes. Mechanical, Scientific and Medical, this speciality will
affect their battlefield role and uniform. Although a scribe may cross the boundaries of these
specialities they will hold a main speciality and this is what will determine the sub group they belong

Scribe This is the most common rank for members of the brotherhood Scribe cast.

Proctor At this rank the scribe is becoming a master in his field and will often lead Cells of initiates
and scribes in his sub group.

Senior Proctor These are scribes that have mastered one or more of the scribe specialities and
often lead entire wings of brotherhood scribes.

Elder Proctor a lab commander, production facility commander or hospital commander. they sit on
the council of elders.

Unlike the knights there is no distinction between brotherhood born or civilian born members as
many of the founding member were not originally
military but base personnel that supported the
brotherhood before there reorganisation, so no
distinction was deemed needed during the
inception of the experiment. The standard
uniform and equipment for a scribe is laid out

Boots, Black x1 Pair.

Socks, Black x1 Pair.
Combat Trousers, Black.
Shirt/T-shirt x1. (white for Medical, black for
Mechanical and Light Blue for Scientific).
Trench coat or robe, black.

Main Melee weapon x1.

Side arm, Pistol x1. (though special dispensation
can be given to carry a main weapon as well)
Shield x1 Optional.
Specialist tools and equipment depending on
battlefield role.

Again, civilian Scribes are not issued fire arm until they are trained in there use and instead using
bows and crossbows scavenged or created at Sierra Two.

Scribes tend not to wear armour but those that do normally wear lighter civilian armour
incorporated into their coveralls or assault vest maintaining an appearance of being unarmoured.
Any heavier armour is normally coloured black or in some cases there speciality colour. Again, Most
of the Brotherhoods weaponry is American based due to it being more reliable and sturdy than
British weapons and surviving the rigors of the apocalypse and the strain of metal fatigue better.

Sierra two
The troops and personnel sent to sierra two were all volunteers from the faction of the brotherhood
that believed that integration with survivors was the best way, and although not numerous they are
driven and dedicated to the task. The Contingent of knights was led by Founding Knight attended by
a couple of newly elevated knights and their respective men at arms. Along with the Knight
contingent an under-strength wing of scribes was sent with them lead by a founding Proctor and his
attendant staff.

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