Meal Maker (Soy Chunks) Curry: Ingredients

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Meal maker (Soy Chunks) Curry

1: 2 full cups (half bag) of Soy Chunks

2: 1/4 cup Cumin

3: 1/2 tsp Mustard seeds

4: 1 stick Cinnamon

5: 1 large Onion finely chopped

6: 1/2 tsp Turmeric (Pasupu)

7: 7-8 Curry Leaves

8: 1/4 cup Methi Leaves (optional)

9: 1/2 cup Cilantro

10: 1 tbsp Garam Masala

11: 1 tbsp Coriander Powder

12: 2-3 tbsp Chili Powder (as per spice level)

13: 1 tbsp Ginger Garlic paste

14: Salt as per taste


Cooking Procedure

1. Boil the soy chunks or microwave them for 1 min to soften the soya chunks and
squeeze out the water.Keep it aside.
2. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan
3. Add cumin, mustard seeds and cinnamon stick
4. Once the mustard seeds splutter,add chopped onions to it.
5. Saute

1. the onions till they turn light brown and add Ginger Garlic paste to the mixture
along with turmeric
2. Add red chili powder, salt and stir the mixture
3. To this mixture, add chopped tomato
4. Add chopped curry leaves, methi leaves and stir the mixture till you see the oil
5. Add the soy chunks to this mixture and stir occasionally for 2mins
6. Close the lid and cook on low for 5mins
7. Open the lid,add garam masala,coriander powder and cook for an additional
8. Nutritional Soy chunk Curry is ready to eat but garnish with cilantro to savor the


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