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Name : Rifqi Putera Herwoto

Motion : Children who have reached the age of consent should be allowed to
prosecute parents for past domestic abuse

Stand : Agree

Opinions :

Domestic violence (KDRT) is a social phenomenon that has long been in the
households in the world, including in Indonesia. Based on section 5 PKDRT Law, everyone
is prohibited from domestic violence against people within the scope of their household, such
as physical violence, psychic violence, sexual violence etc. Children whose parents engage in
domestic violence are indirect victims (latent victims). As a result of seeing the actions of
their parents who quarrel with each other can cause negative effects such as chronic stress,
including school difficulties and concentration problems. Perhaps worst of all, they grow up
to be bullies anyway. Males exposed to domestic violence as children are more likely to
engage in domestic violence as adults, and females are more likely to be victims as adults.
Based on The Age of Consent in Indonesia is 16 years old.
The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old
enough to consent to participation in all matters. Based on these fact, children who have
reached the age are allowed to prosecute their parent about domestic abuse. As we know,
domestic abuse is an act that is not appropriate to be done and displayed in front of their
children. Children who have reached the age and are perceived to understand what happens to
their parents can directly interfere in this. Children who have sufficient age and are perceived
to understand what happens to their parents can directly interfere in this. Join the child in this
case as a damper of fires that occur between both parents..
Keterlibatan anak dalam hal ini tergantung dari seberapa jauh tindakan KDRT yang
dilakukan oleh orang tua mereka. Cara damai seperti memberi pengertian kepada kedua
orang tua dapat dilakukan, dengan mengingatkan mereka bahwa ada anak mereka yang
menginginkan keutuhan keluarga dalam damai. Memberikan pengertia terhadap orang tua
bahwa sebagai anak tidak ingin adanya KDRT yang berujung pada tindak kekerasan dan
perpisahan. Namun, sebagai anak apabila tindak KDRT sudah melampaui batas seperti
kekerasan kepada salah satu pihak dan berujung pada anak, sebagai korban dapat melakukan
pengaduan kepada pihak berwajib berdasarkan Pasal 26 ayat 1 UU PKDRT dengan bunyi :
Korban berhak melaporkan secara langsung kekerasan dalam rumah tangga kepada
kepolisian baik di tempat korban berada maupun di tempat kejadian perkara.Anak yang
menjadi korban dapat melakukan. We all know that Domestic Violence is one of the hardest
crimes to process because of the difficulty finding victims willing to testify. But If the charge
is serious enough to be a felony, such as when the violence leads to serious physical harm or
death defendant could face a prison sentence and fines.

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