Shopping Cart Report

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


Regional College for Education Research and Technology,Jaipur

A project Report
Online Shopping Cart
Sukhveer Singh
Sourabh Singh
Vikash Sharma
Yadhunandan Nagar

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of Degree of Bachelor of


Session: 2011-12

Submitted To:
Mr. Kailash Sharma
(Head Of Department)

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


This is certify that the project entitled Online Shopping Cart has been carried
out by Sukhveer Singh,Sourabh Singh,Vikash gupta,Yadhunandan nagar under
our guidance in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
computer science of Rajasthan Technical University,Kota During the acadmic
Year 2011-2012.

To the best of knowledge and belief this work has not been submitted Elsewhere
for the award of any other degree.

Project Guide: Examiner: Head of Department:

Miss. Ruchika Mr. Kailash Sharma

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


This project report is according to the format provided by the Computer Science
and IT department and submitted in order to fulfill the partial requirement for
B.Tech degree. The report contains various DFDs SWDLC and screenshots of
the Online Shopping Cart designed during the summer training session. The
software requirement specification (SRS) is also included in the report in order to
provide complete information. The code is written in ASP.NET and C#.

The site basically consists of three modules- admin, member and guest. Admin
can make changes in the information database, block an user, add new data
where as a member can only add new data. On the other side a guest can only
view the home page of the site.

Throughout the project the complete focus is given on the reliability of the data
which is provided on the site. The process to get the information is easy and user
friendly and the site can be a great source to get information.

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


We acknowledge Mr. Kailash Sharma (HOD CS Department) who provided us

Proper resources and faculty members to comlete our project. We are grearful
to him for his proper guidelines and motivation that make us to complete our
project on time.

We also sincerely acknowledge all faculty members of CS department RCERT

Jaipur, who directed us to complete project within specified period. Our extremely
grateful to them for there kind consent, cooperation and encouragement. We are
greatly motivated by their never ending enthusiasm and motivation. We learnt a
lot while attending their sessions of project.

We also acknowledge Miss. Ruchika Sharma, Who help and guided us

throughout in the completion of this project. She helped us to understand how to
implement a project and also provided continues supervisor of project.

This project has been benefited from many suggestions and comments given by
our friends. Besides it there are some books and online helps we have taken. We
also like to thanks our faculty members from CS department.

Team Members:-

Name Roll no. Sign

Sukhveer Singh 08ERCCS114

Sourabh Singh 08ERCCS113
Vikash Gupta 08ERCCS125
Yadhunandan nagar 08ERCCS131

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


The Project Entitled Online Shopping Cart developed to automate the Shopping
process of the different Shopping category.

On-Line Shopping is becoming quite popular today. The Online Shopping cart
System offering Easy to use, access for 24 hours a day. Online shopping is the
process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-
time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of electronic
commerce. An online shop, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, online
store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services
at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping centre. The process is called
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) online shopping.

Online shopping is rising day by day in India. Because India is the country where
computer users are increasing day by day so as the online shopping trends are
also increasing. This project covers the online selling of cosmetics, fashion
accessories, watches etc. The project shows the product category and then
product details. From the product details, the product can be added to cart and
can be bought.

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

Table of Contents

S.N Name of Topic Page no

1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................8
1.1 Project Overview .........................................................................8
1.2 Scope............................................................................................8


2.1 Introduction.9
2.2 Policy Quality..10
2.3 Service Description...11
2.4 Contact Us..11

3. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE ............................................12-18

3.1 Requirement analysis.12
3.2 Feasibility Study..13
3.3 Analysis....14
3.4 Preliminary Design.14
3.5 System Design.......................................................................15
3.6 Implementation...16
3.7 Acceptance Test Generation....17
3.8 Quality Assurance..17
3.9 Database Conversion....17
3.10 Installation....18
4. ADVANTAGES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM.......................................19
5. ASP.NET ..................................................................................................20-22
6. SOFTWARE/HARDWARE DETAILS .......................................................23

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
6.1 Hardware Specification.............................................................23
6.2 Software Specification..............................................................24


7.1 Use Cases..26

7.1.1 Context Level Diagram..26
7.1.2 First Level DFD Diagram...27
7.1.3 Second level DFD Diagram..28
7.1.4 Login Activity Diagram...29
7.1.5 Implementation View..30
7.2 E-R Diagram...31

10. APPENDICES..33-37
10.1 Home Page33
10.2 Registration Page.34
10.3 Show Products Page...34
10.4 Products detail Page....35
10.5 Login Page.35
10.6 Your Cart Page..36
10.7 Checkout Page..36
10.8 Confirmation Page.37
10.10 About Us Page...37



Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or

services from a seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the
Internet. It is a form of electronic commerce. An online shop, eshop, e-store,
internet shop, web shop, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical
analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a
shopping centre. The process is called Business-to-Consumer (B2C) online

Project Overview:

The shopping cart project needs to create the shopping cart system to organize
the products record and the other information about the customers. How
customers can buy products from website can be recognized from their
username and password.

Online shopping is rising day by day in India. Because India is the country where
computer user's are increasing day by day so as the online shopping trends are
also increasing. This project covers the online selling of cosmetics, fashion
accessories, watches etc. The project shows the product category and then
product details. From the product details, the product can be added to cart and
can be bought.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


2.1 Introduction

Shaperz india is an IT services company focusing on software development,

IT consulting and provides offshore outsourcing solutions to enterprises all
over India. At Shaperz india we believe that in order to benefit from
offshore outsourcing, it is imperative that you continue to control the system.
Our partnership led service approach, addresses the critical components
which ensure a long term successful offshore IT Outsourcing strategy for
our clients.

In the race for technological leadership there are no victories, only

incremental milestones. Technology leaders are looking for partners who
share their business vision, risk and can actually deliver consistent
performance. With Orbit tech., you can be assured of visible benefits with
guaranteed success, because we deliver a successful offshore IT
outsourcing model without fail.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

2.2 Quality policy

PSI has a documented quality management system conforming to ISO

9001:2008 quality system standards. The quality system is followed &
implemented as per the guidelines of ISO 9001:2008 standard. Our
Quality policy is defined as under:
ISO 9001:2008:

As an organization we are focused on developing overall procedural

standards for every business function of the company wherein involving all
our people and customers to provide effective and quality software
development services.

Guided under ISO quality system our comprehensive evaluation &

monitoring system addresses several important issues and helps our
customers in the following ways:
To develop international quality management and quality assurance
Documentation of quality management systems software development
process and methodologies.
Effective delivery and exchange of IT services with focus on total customer
Monitoring and analysis of project management activities to prompt any
bugs and delays.
Analysis and monitoring of IT services so that they are designed delivered
and maintained in accordance with customer specific requirements.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

2.3 Service Description

We possess an excellent team of 20 software engineers, experienced in -
1) Java and Internet technologies
2) Web Applications development
JavaScript, CGI, PERL, PHP, VB script, ActiveX
3) Dot Net Studio (VB.Net, Asp.Net, C#)
4) Web site design.
5) PHP, My SQL, Web Databases
6) Oracle and Visual Basic 6.0
7) SQL Server, Oracle
8) Access, ASP & VB Applications

Our Developers love challenging assignments and are ready to sacrifice

their sleep in exchange for challenging work!

2.4 Contact Us

Contact : Mr Ankit Tiwari

Address : A-44 A,Sector-16,Tonk Road
Noida 201301
Tel. Number : +91-120-2511331
Website :
Email :

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

3.Software Development Life Cycle


Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured sequence of phases for

implementing an information system.
A System/Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a logical process by which
Systems analysts, software engineers, programmers and end-users build
information systems and computer application to solve business problems and
The System/Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used
in project management that describes the stages involved in an information
system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance
of the completed application.
In the software development process we focus on the activities directly related to
the production of the software, for example, design, coding, and testing. A
development process is a sequence of steps. Each step performs a well-defined
activity leading towards the satisfaction of the project goals, with the output of
one step forming the input of the next one.

We have followed the concept of SDLC in the following way:

Requirement analysis
Feasibility Study
Preliminary Design
System Design
Acceptance Test Generation
Quality Assurance
Database Conversion
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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

3.1 Requirement Analysis:

Requirement Analysis is the first phase of the SDLC. First, we need to figure out
what the problem is (analysis)? We must know exactly what we want to do before
we can begin to do it. A clear understanding of exactly what is needed is
necessary for creating a solution.
In this phase Business Analysts (BA), find out what is the problem and what are
requirements and so on. It begins with a request from the user for a new system.
It involves the following:
Identify the requirement for the system.
Clarify deficiencies in the current system.
Identify deficiencies in the current system.
Establish goals and objectives for the new system.
Determine the feasibility for the new system.
Prepare a project charter that will be used to guide the reminder of the project.

3.2 Feasibility Study:

Feasibility Study is basically the test of the proposed system in the light of its
workability, meeting users requirements, effective use of resources and of
course, the cost effectiveness.
It is a set of manual & computerized components for gathering, storing &
processing business data for an organization. It also converts such data useful
decision oriented information.
The main goal of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to achieve the
scope. In the process of feasibility study, the cost and benefits are estimated with
greater accuracy. It has three types:

Operational Feasibility

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

Technical Feasibility

Economic Feasibility

Through Feasibility Study, we can specify User Requirement

Specification (URS) and Software Requirement Specification
(SRS). Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the
survey is expanded to a more detailed feasibility study.
Formation of a project form and appointment of a project leader.

Preparation of System Flow Charts.

Enumerate proposed candidate system.

Describe the characteristics of that candidate system.

Determine and evaluate the performance of that candidate system.

Weight system performance and cost data.

Selection of the best candidate system.


Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and

their relationships within and outside of the system. This activity is also used to
study the system in details. The objective of this step is to develop structured
system specifications for the proposed system. The structured system
specification will be called the Essential Model. It involves:
Detailed study of the system.

Understand the procedure of the system.

Determine the scope of the system.

Define the goals of the proposed system.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is System
Design. The term design describes the final system and the process by which it
is developed. This activity deals with certain design issues that are to be finalized
in consultation with the user. The two most important issues of relevance to the
user are the automation boundary & the human machine interface. The output of
this activity is the user implementation model. This model, in addition to the
essential model defines the following for the system:
Automation Boundary

Report Layout

Workable plan for implementing the candidate system.

Screen layouts for the data entry forms


Information on personnel, money, hardware, facilities, and their

estimated cost must also be available.

System Design involves the transformation of the user implementation model into
software design. The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced
and in what format. Second, input data and master files (database) have to be
designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output.
The design specification of the proposed system consists of the
Database schema Pseudo code for all the modules.

3.5 Coding:

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
After designing the new system/software, the whole system/software is required
to be converted into computer language. Coding the new system/software into
computer programming language does this. It is an important stage where the
defined procedures are transformed into control specifications by the help of a
computer language. This is also called the Programming Phase in which the
programmer converts the program specifications into computer instructions,
which we refer as programs. The programs coordinate the data movement as

and control the entire process in a system/software .

Before actually implementing the new system/software into operations, a test
run of the system/software is done removing all the bugs, if any. It is an
important phase of a successful system. After codifying the whole programs of
the system, a test plan should be developed and run on a given set of test data.
In the system/software testing stage, we check the overall behaviour of the
system/software against the functional and the performance requirements.
There are two type of testing:
White-Box: Internal part (code) of the project is testing.
Black-Box: System behaviour (input/output) is checked.

3.6 Implementation:
After having the user acceptance of the new system/software developed, the
Implementation phase begins.
Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into
practice. In this phase, user can know how to execute the package, how to
enter data and so on.

The implementation phase is less creative then system

design. This activity includes programming, testing &

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
integration of modules into progressively more complete
It is primarily concerned with user training, site
preparation, and file conversion. During the final testing
user acceptance is tested, followed by user training.
System testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the
system to access, update, and retrieve data from new
files. The output of this activity is the complete integrated
Major sub activities






Project character

Design specification


Integrated Systems

3.7 Maintenance:
When the implementation report is submitted, an Maintenance should be
made to determine whether the system/software meets the objectives stated
in the general design report.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
In this phase, users may be able to suggest the easy-to-implement


This activity generated a set of test data that can be used to test the new system
before accepting it. If successful, the program(s) is then run with live data.
Otherwise a diagnostic procedure is used to locate and correct errors in the
Project Character
Quality Assurance test set


This activity involves conversion of data from the existing system (if any) to the
new system.

The objective of this step is to produce a manual, which may be used as a guide
for operating the system.
Project Character
User implementation model
User manual (guide for end user)


Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
This is another activity of the System Development Life Cycle. The change over
from the current system to the new system is done.
Project Character
User manual
Installed system

This project involves all the activities of the System Development Life Cycle
except for the database conversion and installation.

4. Advantages of the proposed System


Identification of need is basic step in software developments. Before starting to

develop software, it is must to know the need of that software. Projects are
initiated for different reasons. The reasons behind need of development of on-
Line are:


Multilevel transmission of information and activities are influenced by process

transactions quickly and efficiently.

Improved processing speed:

Multilevel Information activity required improved processing speed of action.

Faster Information Retrieval:

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
Locating and retrieving information from storage.


The provides Greater accuracy and consistency in saving and

fetching information.

Reduced Costs:

The Perform Publishing related transaction easily The reduces manpower requirement so ultimately affect is cost


In this system performance of any group or individual can be published which

make competitiveness.

Sharing of Information:

The promotes the sharing of information.

5. ASP.NET is the latest version of Microsofts Active Server pages Technology

(ASP). ASP.NET is a unified Web development model that includes the services
necessary for you to build enterprise class web application with a minimum of
coding. is part of .net framework, and when coding you have
access to classes in the .net framework. You can code your applications in any
language compatible with the common language runtime (CLR), including
Microsoft Visual Basic, C#, and Jscript, .Net and J #. These languages enable
you to develop ASP.Net applications that benefit from the common language
runtime, type safety and inheritance and so on.

ASP.NET Includes

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

A page and control framework.

The ASP.NET compiler.
Security Infrastructure.
State-management facilities.
Application configuration.
Health monitoring and performance features.
Debugging support.
An XML web service framework.
Extensible hosting environment and application life cycle management.
An extensible designer environment.

ASP is a server side scripting technology that enables scripts (embedded in web
pages) to be executed by an Internet Server.

ASP is a Microsoft technology.

ASP stands for Active Server Pages.
ASP is a program that runs inside IIS.
IIS stands for Internet Information Services.
IIS comes a free component with Windows 2000.
IIS is also a part of the Windows NT 4.0 Option pack.
PWS is a smaller but fully functional version of IIS.
PWS can be found on your windows 95/98 CD.

ASP file
An ASP file is just the same as an HTML file.
An ASP file can contain text, HTML, XML and scripts.
Scripts in an ASP file are executed on the server.
An ASP file has the file extension .asp.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

ASP 3.0 is the latest version of ASP, but there will never be an ASP 4.0 version.
ASP.NET is the next generation ASP, but its not an upgraded version of
ASP.ASP.NET Framework. Microsoft spent three years rewriting ASP.NET from
the ground up, and ASP.NET is not fully backward compatible with ASP 3.0.

The .NET framework is the infrastructure for the Microsoft .NET platform. The
.NET Framework is an environment for building, deploying and running web
applications and the .NET framework contains a common language runtime and
common class libraries like ADO.NET, ASP.NET and Windows Forms to
provide advanced standard services that can be integrated into a variety of
computer systems.
The.NET framework provides a feature-rich application environment, simplified
development and easy integration between a numbers of different development
The .NET framework is language neutral. Currently it supports C++, C#, Visual
Basic and Jscript. Microsoft Visual Studio .Net is a common development for
the .net framework.

Differences between ASP and ASP.NET

ASP .NET has a better language support, a large set of
new controls and XML based components and better user
ASP.NET provides increased performance by running
compiled code.
ASP.NET is not fully backward compatible with ASP.

New in ASP.NET
Better language support

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
Programmable controls.
Event Driven programming.
XML-Based components.
User authentication, with accounts and roles.
Higher scalability.
Increased performance compiled code.
Easier configuration and deployment.
Not fully ASP compatible.

Language Support
ASP.NET uses the new ADO.NET.
ASP.NET supports full Visual Basic, not VB script.
ASP.NET supports C# and C++.
ASP.NET supports Jscript as before.

ASP.NET Controls
ASP.NET contains a large set of HTML controls. Almost all HTML controls on a
page can be defined as ASP.NET control objects that can be controlled by scripts
.ASP.NET also contains a new set of object oriented input controls , like
programmable list boxes and validation controls. A new data grid control supports
sorting, data paging and everything you expect from a dataset control.

2.2.5 Software/Hardware Details

Hardware Environment (Deployment Server)
PC PC (Windows)
Processor Intel Pentium Processor 4, 2.4GHz or
Hardware Environment (End users PC)

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur
Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
PC PC (Windows)
Processor Intel Pentium Processor, 233 MHz
or equivalent.
HDD 10 MB of free HDD space for
Internet Cache
Internet Connection 56 K Model Connection

Software Environment (Deployment Server)
Operating System MS Windows Server 2003 or higher
Other software SQL Server 2005 or higher, Enterprise Edition
(TBD), Internet Information Server services (IIS
6.0 or higher), .Net Framework 4.0
Web Server Microsoft IIS 6.0
Browser IE 6.0 or IE 7.0
Software Environment (End User)
Operating System Win 2000 / Win XP or higher
Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

ASP.NET 4.0 is being used for developing the web pages.
C#. NET is being used for logic development for the project.
ADO .NET Entity Framework

SQL SERVER 2005 is being used for managing the database at server

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011



Graphical description of a systems data and how the processes transform the
data is known as Data Flow Diagram (DFD). A DFD shows the flow of data
through a system. It views a system as a function that transforms the inputs into
desired outputs. Any complex system will not perform this transformation in a
Single Stop, and the data will typically undergo a series of transformations
before it becomes the output. The DFD aims to capture the transformations that
take place within a system to the input data so that eventually the output data is
produces. The agent that performs the transformation of data form one state to
another is called processes. So the DFD show the movement of data through the
different transformations of processes in the system.

Control information such as record counts, passwords and validation

requirements is not pertinent to a data flow diagram. Meaning full names for data
flows, processes and data stores must be chosen.

To construct the data flow diagrams, we use

Arrows: An arrow identifies the data flow- data in motion. It is a pipeline

through which information flows. All data flow are identified by unique names.
These names are chosen so that they convey some meaning about what the
data is.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

Circles: Circles stands for processes that convert data into information.

Open ended boxes: An open-ended box represents a data store or a

temporary repository of data.

Squares: A square defines a source (originator) or destination of system data.


7.1 Use Cases

7.1.1Context Level Diagram:

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7.1.2 First Level DFD Diagram:

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

7.1.3 Second level DFD Diagram:

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7.1.4 Login Activity Diagram:

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7.1.5 Implementation View:


Request C# Asp.Net

.Net Framework

Operating System

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7.2 E-R Diagram:

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The development of the software includes so many people like user

system developer, user of the system and the management, It is important
to identify the system requirements by properly collecting required data to
interact with the system. Proper design builds upon this foundation give a
blue print, which is actually implemented by the developers.
On realizing the importance of the systematic documentation all the
processes are implemented using a software engineering approach.
Working in a live environment enables one to appreciate the intricacies
involved in the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)).
We have gained a lot of practical knowledge from this project, which we
think, shall make us stand in a good state in the future.


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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011


i. Home page:

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ii. Registration page:

iii. Show Products page:

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iv. Products detail page:

v. Login page:

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

vi. Your Cart page:

vii. Checkout page:

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viii. Confirmation page:

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

ix. About us page:



The software provides good graphical interface for the front end of the database
and a gootd informative interface for the rear end.

Hardware Interface:-

The system should have these hardware requirements

The processor should be at least Pentium 3 or above

The processor speed should be greater than 400 MHz

Ram should be or greater than 512 MB

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011

Software Interfaces:-

The software requires the support of the following softwares for the database and
other requirements

ASP.NET for web interface

Mysql for database

SqlServer 2005

12.Implementation of security mechanisms:

Security is critical in system development. The amount of protection depends on

the sensitivity of the data, the reliability of the user, and the complexity of the
system. The motives behind security are to keep the organization running,
protect data as asset, and seek management support for more installations.
There are three categories of controls in data security

Physical Security (protection from fire, flood, etc.)

Database Integrity
Control Measures (Passwords, Encryption).

Potential threats to system security include errors and omissions,

disgruntled and dishonest employees, fire and natural disasters. Errors and
omissions cause the most damage.

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Project Report Online Shopping Cart 2011
Personal computers have been adding security problem disasters pinpoint
unacceptable exposures and adopt preventive measures as part of a security
plan. The goal is to identify the threat that results in the greatest monetary
losses and provide protection to the appropriate degree.

After system security risks have been evaluated the next step is to select
security measures. These measures are classified as follows:

Identification it is a scheme for identifying persons to the system based

on Something you know such as password or a picture badge Something
you are such as fingerprint or voice print or something you have such as
credit card, key of special terminal.

Dept. of CS RCERT,Jaipur

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