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1) The police rounded up Jimmy, Buddy and Sammy yesterday because one of them was suspected
of having robbed the local bank. The three suspects made the following statements under intensive
Jimmy: Im innocent.
Buddy: Im innocent.
Sammy: Bud is the guilty one.
If only one of the statements turned out to be true, who robbed the bank?
a. Buddy b. Jimmy c. Sammy d. Cannot be determined
Assume Jimmy is the thief. Now Except Buddy statement, remaining two statements became false
which is given in the question. So Jimmy is the thief.

2) Find who among A, B & C is truth-teller, alternator and liar?

A says - I am the truth teller. B says - A is truth teller.
C says - I am alternator.


It is obvious that B and C cannot be truth teller because if B is a truth teller, then he would never say
that A is truth-teller and similarly C will never say he is alternator if he is truth teller. Hence A is truth
Now, Since B said truth about A, hence B cannot be a liar. Hence B is alternator.
So C is liar.

3) Three criminals were arrested for shop lifting. However, when interrogated only one told the
truth in both his statements, while the other two each told one true statement and one lie. The
statements were:
ALBERT: (a) Clive passed the goods.
(b) Bruce created the diversion.
BRUCE: (a) Albert passed the goods.
(b) I created the diversion.
CLIVE: (a) I took the goods out of the shop.
(b) Bruce passed goods.
Who created the diversion?
a. Albert b. Clive c. Bruce d. Either a or c


Let T represents true statement and F represents false statement.

We have to check possibilities and contradictions by assuming one person speaking truth and others
will say truth or lie alternatively.
Assuming Bruce to speak truth
Above mentioned possibility satisfies the conditions as others give contradictions.
So, Albert passed the goods.
Bruce created diversion.
Clive took goods out of shop.

4) Three criminals were arrested for shop lifting. However, when interrogated only one told the
truth in both his statements, while the other two each told one true statement and one lie. The
statements were:
ALBERT: (a) Clive passed the goods.
(b) Bruce created the diversion.
BRUCE: (a) Albert passed the goods.
(b) I created the diversion.
CLIVE: (a) I took the goods out of the shop.
(b) Bruce passed goods.

Using the data from the above question, which of these statements is correct?
(a) Clive created the diversion.
(b) Albert took the goods out of the shop.
(c) Clive passed the goods.
(d) Albert created the diversion.
(e) Albert passed the goods.


Let T represents true statement and F represents false statement.

We have to check possibilities and contradictions by assuming one person speaking truth and others
will say truth or lie alternatively.
Assuming Bruce to speak truth

Above mentioned possibility satisfies the conditions as others give contradictions.

So, Albert passed the goods.
Bruce created diversion.
Clive took goods out of shop.
5) On an Island there live three types of tribes Sachcha, Jhutha and Lota. Sachchas always tell the
truth, Jhuthas always lie and Lotas tell the truth and lie alternating (they can tell truth first or lie
first). Three persons (of different tribes) from this Island give these statements.
GOOD: UGLY is of Sachcha tribe; I am of Lota tribe
BAD : GOOD is of Jhutha tribe; I am of Sachcha Tribe
UGLY: BAD is of Jhutha tribe; I am of Lota tribe.
GOOD belongs which tribe?
a. Sachcha b. Jhutha c. Lota d. Either (a) or (c)


If we assume Good is of Sachcha tribe person, His both statements should be true. But one of his
statement Ugly is of sachcha tribe should be wrong as there is only one shachcha tribe person.
Now assume BAD is of sacha tribe person. Now his second statement is obviously true and His first
statement indicates that Good is of Jutha type which implies that Ugly is of Lota type. Now checking
of the truthfullness of the statements of Good and Ugly, we get Good's both the statements are
wrong and Ugly's one statements is correct and one is wrong. So Good Belong to Jutha tribe.

6) Directions: Chatia, Matia and Toni participated in a race and on of them won the race. They
belong to three different communities - Sororian, Nororian and Cororian. Sororians always speak the
truth, Nororians always lie and Cororians always tell the truth and lie alternatively. (Each of Chatia,
Matia and Toni belongs to one community.)
After the race they gave these statements.
Chatia: 1. I would have won the race if Toni had not obstructed me at the last moment.
2. Toni always speaks the truth.
3. Toni is the winner.
Matia: 1. Chatia won the race.
2. Toni is not a Nororian.
Toni: 1. I hadnt obstructed Chatia at the last moment.
2. Matia won the race.
Toni belongs to which community?
(a) Sororian (b) Nororian
(c) Cororian (d) Either b or c
(e) Cannot say


Assume Matia is truth teller So he is a Sororian. Then chatia is the winner and Toni is Cororian
(Alternator) Which implies Chatia is a false sayer (Nororian)
If we check the truthfullness of the Chatia, We get his all statements are wrong and Toni's one
statement is wrong.
So Toni belongs to Cororian.

7) Directions: Chatia, Matia and Toni participated in a race and on of them won the race. They
belong to three different communities - Sororian, Nororian and Cororian. Sororians always speak the
truth, Nororians always lie and Cororians always tell the truth and lie alternatively. (Each of Chatia,
Matia and Toni belongs to one community.)
After the race they gave these statements.
Chatia: 1. I would have won the race if Toni had not obstructed me at the last moment.
2. Toni always speaks the truth.
3. Toni is the winner.
Matia: 1. Chatia won the race.
2. Toni is not a Nororian.
Toni: 1. I hadnt obstructed Chatia at the last moment.
2. Matia won the race.

Who won the race?

(a) Matia (b) Toni
(c) Sororian (d) Chatia
(e) Cannot say

Assume Matia is truth teller So he is a Sororian. Then chatia is the winner and Toni is Cororian
(Alternator) Which implies Chatia is a false sayer (Nororian) If we check the truthfullness of the
Chatia, We get his all statements are wrong and Toni's one statement is wrong. So Chatia won the

8) While searching for a mechanic, Arun met three locals - Raj, Ravi and Roy - who always gave two
statements to any question. Among them one is truth teller, one is liar and the last one is alternator.
When Arun asked them, "Who among you is the mechanic?", their answers were -
A : I am the Mechanic
: B is a liar
B : I am the Mechanic.
: C is a liar
C : B is the Mechanic.
: A is a liar
Find who among them is a mechanic?


Let's suppose A is truth teller -

Then according to A, B is liar. Hence C would be alternator i.e. his one statement should be true and
other should be false. But in this case his both statements are false. Hence A is not truth teller.
If C is truth teller -
Then acc. to him, A is a liar and B is a mechanic and hence B is alternator. And also we can verify that
B's first statement is true and second is false. Hence this assumption is true and B is the mechanic.

9) While Balbir had his back turned, a dog ran into his butcher shop, snatched a piece of meat off the
counter and ran out. Balbir was mad when he realised what had happened. He asked three other
shopkeepers, who had seen the dog, to describe it. The shopkeepers really didn't want to help
Balbir. So each of them made a statement which contained one truth and one lie.
Shopkeeper Number 1 said: "The dog had black hair and a long tail."
Shopkeeper Number 2 said: "The dog has a short tail and wore a collar."
Shopkeeper Number 3 said: "The dog had white hair and no collar."
Based on the above statements, which of the following could be a correct description?
(1) The dog had white hair, short tail and no collar.
(2) The dog had white hair, long tail and a collar.
(3) The dog had black hair, long tail and a collar.
(4) The dog had black hair, long tail and no collar.

We will have to assume some part of the statement to be true and proceed from there.
Case 1: Assumption is that the dog had black hair
The dog had black hair
=> Short tail (from Shopkeeper number 1)
=> No collar (from Shopkeeper number 3)
Case 2: Assumption is that the dog had white hair
The dog had white hair
=> Long tail (from Shopkeeper number 1)
=> Collar (from Shopkeeper number 3)
So, from the two cases we get two possible conclusions which are:
The dog had black hair, short tail and no collar.

10) If exactly one of these statements is false, which statement is false?

A. Statement D is true.
B. Statement A is false.
C. Statement B is false.
D. Statement C is true.

Since one of the statements is false, it suffices to consider 4 cases, each case assuming one of
statements to be false and then checking if this assumption is consistent with other statements or
Case 1: Statement A is false. This implies Statement D is false. Since no more than one statements
can be false, this assumption is wrong.
Case 2: Statement B is false. This leads to conclusion that A is true, D is true, and C is true. (Looks
Case 3: Statement C is false. This results in conclusion of truthfulness of B, and thus fallacy of A,
which is not possible.
Case 4: Statement D is false. It signifies that C is false, which is invalid.
So the statement which is wrong is Statement B.

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