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This year in who screwed up what we have the Lions in first place with The

Paragon (see What is The Paragon article), as we are in Lions lands for this
Gathering of Nations learning more and fighting this foe will be paramount.
The Fae seem to be upto something strange declaring themselves a Nation
and attacking people with second hand evidence at best, these are strange
political times we live in. (see The Fae Nation article)
Anything in this issue is at least mostly fact; the carved tablet press takes no
responsibility for anything within here due to drunken half-ogres, cut price
lager, cheap labour & printers who are a bit weird.
If you have submissions for future issues please contact the editor.
Hunts in Darkness, Editor
August 1116AF
Those who fell at the hands of our enemies will not be forgotten, we do not weep
for their passing but remember they served Teutonia being the best at what
they did but now they move on to other planes and places (most likely to be
idiots on someone elses turf).
Most likely to say
say:: Im going to visit the Harts.
Least likely to say
say:: I should stay away from this.

Most likely to say: Really?

Least likely to say
say: I miss having meetings.
Most likely to say
say: More Water!
Least likely to say
say:: Stop dancing and get fighting

Most likely to say

say: Sithis Wills It!
Least likely to say
say: Children,
Children, bring me more Children.
Most likely to say
say: Wine, yes please.
Least likely to say
say: I found this on the floor is it yours?

Most likely to say

say: Hmmmm.
Least likely to say
say: Ill
Ill let you off with a caution this time.
This position is currently Vacant.
See Mandu or Caitlyn in the mean time.

Most likely to say

say: Have
Have you asked the Watchers?
Least likely to say
say: Lets go killing.
Underminister to the Minister without Portfolio: Position Vacant

High Ritualist Specialist Clinic

High Mage Vacant! Why cant we keep hold of these!
High Incantor FilthFang
High Channeler - Nephri
High Artisan - Inky (Craftables)
Master of Lines Hunts in Darkness
High Lore Keeper Padre Aldan
High Archivist Envail
Quartermaster: Uncle Shambles

Aide to the Richsmarshal Position Vacant

General Gank, Clan Nuts
General Chewyourfaceoff, Clan Iron Fang
Admiral Obed
Navy Commodores: Marcai

Kaiserstein (The Stoneogre Tribe/Starcrafts/Faculty)

Krahestrom Alliance (Lon Liag, Pizzaros, Scorpians, Teutonian free fae)
Das Dorf

Forsaken Dominion
Black Hand
Clan Dark mace
Das Shoppe
Court of the Serpent
Knights of the Accord
95th Foot and Mouth
Private Partizans
Das Verloren
The Winterguard
The Order of Mortis
Eye of Urasni
Das Boot
Black Lotus
The Breakers

Von Beck
Red Branch
Forest bordering towns in peril
The Town of Stein reports that they have seen many strange creatures fleeing
the Great Forest, this news is still coming in so not many facts are known
but some smoke has been spotted in some locations within the forest.

Mercenary forces in
high demand
Last year we brought you the
breaking news of the
spreading Daemon infestation
within our borders, a general
warning was issued to
Citizens to check their homes
for Daemons just appearing in
These Daemons still seem to be
an issue but as it grows more
and more seemingly out of
control, what can be done? It
seems that cities and towns
have started looking towards
Mercenaries to plug the
perceived gap in our nations
security as the Heroes of our
nation are not to be seen
defending our land but off
travelling the Egg, drinking
tea and eating cake.

Giant eye causing war with Irisia

It seems the Giant floating eye called Ixxil is stoking the fires of war with the
other side of the Egg in the name of the Guilds of Erdreja, visitors from both
Irisia and Teulluria have been spotted in the Heartlands. Whist the Irisians
and the Tellurians dont get on they seem pretty united against the Guilds
and some prick with no legs.
Schism within the Church of Mortis
Things seem to be trouble afoot within the ranks of the holy, reportedly there is
a schism in the Church of Mortis, a new faction of Dunkel Tot following the
ways of Mortis reborn under The Paragon (see What is The Paragon? story).
I tried to interview one of the Dunkel Tot but alas they are busy Judging the
Flesh and Carrying out the Great Purge. What is the nation to do if those
look after our patterns in death are causing that death themselves?
We sent reporter Anderers Rothend to the Crotalus Nex to check on the resting
place of the Liches of Mortis. The last report we had back via Carrion Pigeon
before losing contact was that there was more movement than normal. This is
worrying to say the least.

Milan in housing shortage!

Milan a sparkling city dedicated to beauty, art and fashion has been flooded
with refuges. Any spare housing and buildings have been packed with
families, escaping from the horde of advancing daemons.

The Mayor of Milan said We have presents everywhere making the place look
untidy, when the Fashion House Milan was in demand this would have never
has happened. What will the King do about this?
The Paragon is a name you may have heard about, maybe your saw the ritual
at the Summer Moot (or saw the mob watching it) and are just confused about
it all.

3 Years Ago
The Lions found a box in the void which said "do not open. Terrifying inside",
unfortunately due to a phenomenon now known as because lions they
opened it and inside was The Paragon.

The Paragon during this time was restricted to Lantia while he waited
gaining power to assault the Hartlands. It has been mused by sources that
this was infact a weapon developed by the Lions, otherwise why did they not
ask the Guilds or Factions to help them.

6 Months Ago
He is the ancestor of being the best you can be and was offering training that
people would typically go to the guilds for he, as no one outside of Lions lands
knew much of this or what Paragon was doing it was mostly ignored with
some learning from him. He was able to use that as faith to empower him, in
preparation for what came next.

5 Month Ago
Agents of the paragon tried to set up a temple in Teutonia near Muck but were
driven off by forces loyal to house Von Dorf. Sightings like this have been
reported all over the Hartlands, followers converting to Paragon for power and
Temples being constructed in his name.
1 Month Ago
Something strange started happening to one ancestor in each Hartlands
Pantheons: Ancalime, Blue Lady, Dagda, Isis, Kanchelsis, Morrigan, Mortis,
Pendragon, Rhino & Tyr were all chosen. Followers of the affected Ancestors
started having visions of their Ancestor twisted and changed away from their

Then when Saturday evening of the Summer Moot was in full swing
Paragon followers performed a Ritual. The Chapel was rammed to bursting as
the Faithful of the Heartlands were drawn to the space, feeling their Ancestors
corrupted deep within their Patterns.

The Paragon was forming his own Pantheon, his Perfect Pantheon created to
sap the faith from those of the Heartlands, this pantheon is formed of the
Ancestors he had started to corrupt earlier. the Lions then did 5 rites to
Rhino sending him 250 Thaums of power as they could, this of course went to
The Paragon empowering him even more as the Ritual settled.

The Present Day

We advise anyone who has had training from him or direct contact with his
agent to have their pattern checked for taint or stupidity.

The Corruption has shown itself as a reflection on the affected Ancestral Trees
in Groves, black ivy, showing the representation of the ritual and this new
pantheon bonds.

There is still at least one temple to The Paragon on one of the islands in

We asked the Vipers very own Hunts in Darkness (Who is the chosen of the
Tree of Incantation and the Ancestors and leading expert in the new Groves of
Incantation) how to fight this terrible lantian menace, he recommended: More
Ceremony Not Rites! This will help your Ancestors retain its form and
purpose, whatever you do dont send them power or patterns as this will just
feed The Paragon. Also we can kick Paragon & his followers in the teeth.
Feeling a bit peckish, not time for dinner yet?
Come and get a lovely juicy apple from The
Appleseller. Prices range from a copper to a taal
depending on wealth and your taste in apples.
Usually found on a blanket outside the Guilds or
on a blanket in the Viper faction.
The Apple seller can also help you with your
apple & potion needs.
Welcome to Mr Spookies guide to hiding good! In this I will cover hints/tip,
dressing for success and what to do if you are spotted. By the time you have
finished reading this you will be able to blend into any situation.

This isnt very important, just wing it what can go wrong. This is funny
right? John Warwick has a great sense of humour.

Dress for Success

Get a hood! How else can you be spooky idiot!

Wearing the correct attire to blend into a situation is very important and can
make or break an op, simply think about people you are likely to see about
and try and look like them. Das Shoppe is there for all your disguise needs,
rental prices will apply.
If you want to look a bit like a hart then I like a red worn tabard and a

light coat with a trusty Shemagh.

If you want to say I am spookie but you should just look away I like
the green with brown and fur edging
Always have a Ninja outfit under your normal clothes and practice

ripping off the outer layers so you can disappear into the dark.
Hidden daggers, these are very important so you can surprise your foes,
I can hide 42 daggers on my person and do at all times, just ask me.
Always have at least 7 hats on you at any one time as it changes your

shape in the dark.

This is really important. Believe you are the tree/towns folk/badger and do
what it would do, study them and learn your targets mannerisms.

Look like you know what you are doing, if asked a question you can always
tell them your target family story, this will make them sod off.
If you are spotted by your Target!
Teleport away, if the circle is nearby just jump in a bush (make sure it is not
Shambles first).

Dont get caught
Get a better job so you can send others on Ops
Wear a hood
Learn High Magic

Do you want to know more and to finish this course? Did you think it was
free? These are ancient Elf skills handed down, but fear not the Poison Pen has
got the exclusive rights to the rest of this and for only 4 Taal you too can
learn The Way of The Spooky Ninja.

Are you big enough of a chump hero to get hit by everything in this list?

Remember it only counts if it is in a genuine fight not just asking your

mates to do it, not being affected by it is fine go big or go home.

Strike down Petrify Source of (Un)Life

Crush Harm Blast
Through Mage Bolt Sleep
Cold Fatal Fear
Flame Affect Cursed
Silver Bane Freeze
Enchanted Decay Paralysis
Artefact Disease Halt

It was a lovely sunny day when I arrived to take residence at Das Gasthof for
the weekend. Although my accommodation was not quite ready, I enjoyed
some witty banter with my hosts, Peggy and Alf (Alf seems ok but keeps
looking at me weirdly).

My bell tent was erected, furnished with a rug, chair, a pair of heads on
stakes, a pair of tables, cooking facilities and a lovely hamper. The hamper
contained all the basic pots and cooking tools as well as plates, short sword,
buckler, bowls and cutlery. It also had a charming teapot, tea, lantern and
even a first aid kit for emergencies including a remove disease potion.
Nothing was too much trouble for my hosts, although Alf was quick to quip
that extras were available for a taal each... I wonder just how far he'd go for the
taal! Once furnished with my own bed and clothes, my bell tent was a regular
home from home.

Evenings were pleasant enough, the occasional noise outside as Assassins

traversed the walls but I overheard Its ok. That is Das Gastof. They pay their
taxes leave those ones which is reassuring but worrying as well about Peggy's

I was accommodated in a 4 metre bell tent which was incredibly spacious for a
single traveller, it could easily accommodate a couple or even family, in the
case of The Breakers a whole group! Fantastic weekend, and a lovely haven.
Will use again!
The Destroyer is a Powerful demonic being to our knowledge not fully
manifest upon this plane, or not fully released from a prison of obsidian
somewhere in our plane, likely close to Grax

It has a series of powerful underlings which partook in a ritual of some kind

upon the obsidian prison, it is our belief that when this ritual was complete or
interrupted that parts of the prision shattered and embedded into the
contributors, forming the Stone Tainted Maidens (all may not be female).

Each of the Stone Tainted Maidens encountered so far have been magical,
mineral and demonic creatures. 1 has been destroyed and dedicated to
Voivure, that one to our knowledge was repaired/cured/healed by magic, or
incantations cast at it.

The area around and to the south of Grax has been taken by armies, demonic
militia or powerful demons working or enslaved to The Destroyer. It is
presumed that these forces seek to capture Trieste our pinnacle of demonic
power within our lands.

The minions of the Destroyer include possessed and enslaved teutonic citizens,
summoned demons, the tainted. One is known as the Taker of Names, this
creature bends those who are not weak of mind to do its bidding beguiling
them to its cause. One viper has already slain his kin while bent to this
creatures will and handed The Blackblade to our enemies.

A different Tainted kidnapped Several Vipers and Bears at the Great Empire
Fayre, some form of deal was brokered by the Fae Nation to get their Viper
allies free from this demon. This resulted in any Teutonic members of the
Accord withdrawing their aid from the war effort against The Destroyer.

The Stone Tainted Maiden initially demanded The Cup of the Land. The
Destroyer seeks out Land items It currently holds The Blackblade, It seeks The
Cup. It must not be allowed to acquire our second Land item, it would be wise
for vipers to not discuss the powers of the Cup to those of foreign or unknown
(Editor's note: Residing within the Blackblade is a now little followed
Ancestor known as The Blackblade. As of late, something strange has been
happening to it. Information is required to see if it is the Groves or somethi
the Daemons are doing to the sword.

The Destroyer also had a powerful demonic orb at one of the outposts outside of
Grax, this orb would give any who touched it a demonic possession which
would control the possessed to bring more people to be possessed so to build its
forces within the area. This had a knock on effect that the faithful of V
who were possessed no longer worshipped, leaving Voivure weakened by a
dwindling amount of faith. It is unclear if this was due to a lack of worship or
from a more malignant draw of power by The Destroyer.
With the return of ancient skills to the race of Erdreja (see previous issues for
Awakening information) we are seeing the differing races grouping together
more than they have in the recent past. Most are organising how to Awaken
more of their race but the Fae were always ahead of the curve with this and
have gone as far as opening declaring themselves a Nation. Since then this
has mostly been retracted but their actions dont always say this. Are they
worrying? Is this against the spirit of the Gathering Charter?

What has the Fae Nation actually done though I hear you ask? People say
many things. The Fae Nations key members seem have manipulated at least
two factions (Vipers and Jackals, it is debateable if the Bears were manipulated
from outside) into forming up on the Wolves faction under false pretenses to
further their own goals against the Children of the Hunt, a group in the
Wolves faction, with little to no proof against one of the number Hoof. On
discovering he wasnt there they declared they would have to kill someone else
as that is how it works. All this is after the Fae and Children of the Hunt
had agreed to deal with things After Dark.

The Fae Nation is not being embraced by all Fae though, some even
distancing themselves from it as the political climate over this increases. With
later attacks on innocents Booner (Wolves) and Ami (Unicorns) surely the
darker part of the Scouts guild is to make sure collateral damage doesnt
occur , where will it end?

Small necromantic pixie with GSOH seeks nice lady

for days out, fun, friendship, and maybe more who
knows, we could even raise a family one day? Race
and living/unliving status unimportant. Appreciation
of the colour pink a distinct advantage. Apply in person
or in writing to The Faculty.
Martial guilds - 7-9th of October
We, the Martial Guilds of the Heartlands and Southlands call upon you to
join us on campaign this winter. The island of Verath has been overrun and
tainted by the unliving forces of Eilatan. The Martial Guilds Fortress,
currently under construction on Verath, will be completed at the beginning of
the 10th month of 1116, and what better way to celebrate than by kicking an
ancestor in the teeth?

Healers guild - 28-30th of October

You are invited to attend The Festival of Life, the guild's first ever celebration
of all things Good followed by a guided pilgrimage to help those in need.

The guild will be speaking to the factions to put together a list of missions to
be tackled. We will need healers, physicians, warriors, barbarians, ritualists,
alchemists and all manner of creature to aid us.

Tarantulas nation - 4-6th of November

Several years ago, the Demonfey attempted to escape their prison. They have
however been imprisoned for a long time, and have become patient. They
finally succeeded in gathering the ingredients to unlock their home, and now
we face a force bent on revenge.

The Demonfey may have made the first move, but now it is our chance to
secure a position against them and slow any hope they have of gaining power.
This does not bode to be an easy war so gather your strength, your allies and
your courage.

Jackals nation - 18-20th of November

Zahak, a foul summoner capable of harnessing the power of all four
summoning types, currently rules Persia with an iron fist. The Sandstorm
that ravages the Southlands has certainly impeded his forces' progression and
will have struck a heavy blow to his ranks. Now is the time to capitalise on
this opportunity and strike back at him while he is weakened rebuilding his
shattered empire and distracted keeping those parts of his army that still exist
safe from the Sandstorm.
Hello you lovely people! Your friendly neighbourhood pixie here! I wanted to
use this as an opportunity to tell all those who might be newer to these great
meetings of peoples all about rituals and what we do with them in Teutonia.
Rituals are powerful arcane events, where we can communicate, sometimes
directly, with higher powers from outside this plane of existence ancestors,
demon courts, elemental planes you name it!

How this happens is a bit complicated so, rather than bore you with the
minutiae right now, Ill stick to the short version of a wizard did it. However,
if you are interested in a longer or more accurate explanation, I have a number
of explanatory pamphlets which you are more than welcome to have a copy or a
quick squizz of if Ive run out of spares, just come and tap me on the shoulder.

Now, my wonderful assistant Viktor (he of the matching hat and harassed
expression) will be toddling around with a book this Gathering, noting down
all of our contributors and ritualists, and what they are able to do, so we can
make sure we get everyone who wants to be involved in a circle channelling
ridonkulous amounts of cosmic power (I think this is the point Im supposed to
say muhahahaha!, or something like that.)

So, if you are a ritualist, or a contributor, or you just want to know more
about what us weird arcane types get up to in circles, come and find me or
Viktor. Well make sure that all our ritual times are mentioned in muster,
and youd also be more than welcome to come along and watch an audience
to engage with (or heckle/throw stuff at us) is always very, very welcome, and
really helps us a lot.
The Poison Pens highly skilled Agony Aunt & hero of the people The White
knight answer your questions and problems.

Every time I meet a beautiful woman in Erdreja they run a mile.... Is it because I
wear a mask and talk about Death and my belief in Crom .... Tell me where I'm
going wrong?

Yours fanatically

Dear Disheartened Deathman,

That is troublesome. Your views seem perfectly reasonable to me

(It's terrible to judge someone based on their faith), but I do
believe there is a person in which you can delight in the death
and gore of battle and bloodshed with. Perhaps the Corruptors
Guild can point you in the correct direction?

If you feel that your appearance might be an hinderance, then

it's not wrong to shake your appearance up - Bloody tears seems
to be popular at the moment. Or maybe more obvious decorative
trophies of battle. Show those ladies how violent and retributing
you can been! Or a nice, fluffy pet. They can also make you more

Aunty Posion

I am in AGONY!!! Each day what's left of my rotting heart tears me apart

like a were ripping through its prey. I ask the ancestors to relieve me from this
cage built by my own tears, to strike down the one who has left me like this:
The White Knight.

Every time he passes I swoon, becoming not the fear inspiring unliving terror
I should be, but a disgusting, eyelash-fluttering, blushing little girl (Pathetic
right?). Although I may not sleep, each night I dream of that handsome face
and that un-tarnished white cloak.

Yet I know this match cannot be. Evil flows through my veins where blood
once coursed. He stands as the epitome of Good (I feel disgust at even penning
such a word). Please Auntie Poison, please give me your advice! I beg you to
help me put a stop to a match that is so bad, it's good!

Forever torn,
The Groves of the Ancestors
The Ancestral Groves are our foci to the Plane of Spirit & the Ancestors,
timeless and still in nature, thin places to raw Faith itself, because of this in
the Groves that any form of power expenditure be it Channeled or Cast merely
fails. Each Nation has its own Grove for its Pantheon of Ancestors and
Rockholme is the home to the Prime Grove, where the Ancestors which are more
expansive than just one Pantheon or Nations Grove reside.

Each Grove is made up of

Trees that represent each of
that Nation's ancestors and
a Heart (Central Tree), the
Grove itself that links it to
the Prime Grove. Upon the
trees rest Potential Faith
(Dust), this has been
mistaken in the early days
as unnatural but it is not,
it is a Ancestral
manifestation of Potential
Faith released by the Heart
of the Grove.

The Prime Grove

Within the Prime Grove,
wrapped around the Tree of
Incantation are white and
black vines, the trees new
guardians, White & Dark
Reaver, reborn with new
purpose of protecting Faith
Ceremony (Prayers & Acts of Faith) gives form, purpose and the flow of
Potential Faith to your Ancestor. Without Ceremony an Ancestor will be cut
off from its followers and enter a slumbering state awaiting its faithfuls to
return, or perhaps taking a new role, While reawakening is not simple it is
theoretically possible. Of course Patterns and Power feed and give strength to
your ancestor, without Ceremony there is no form for those Patterns to rest.

Each Heart links its Grove to the Ancestral plane and to Erdreja allowing
worship and acts of faith from outside the grove to feed (and nourish) its trees.
As a by product, releases the Potential Faith in the grove which is then drawn
to the trees of the ancestors, those ancestors less followed gather more dust
than those more followed, too much will slow and stop Patterns getting to the

Everyday Acts of Faith are powerful, for example prayer time of the Jackals or
meetings of your faith itself will cleanse your Ancestors Tree by turning the
Potential Faith into Faith, that then gives strength to your ancestor.

Performing acts of faith within a Grove itself may seem to be a greater

contribution, however this merely displaces Potential Faith rather than
converting it to Faith.




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