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Nikolai / Scott 9
Name Race Variant Ethnicity Sinner Sex Height Weight Eyes Hair DOB
Nikolai Dwarf None Russian Active SIN M 1.6m 90kg Blue Black
Physical Attrib Start Race Enh Total Mental Attrib Start Race Enh Total Special AttributesStart Race Enh Total Special AttributesStart Race Enh Total

Body 6 2 1 9 Charisma 6 6 Initiative (D6) 1D6 1D6 Essence 6 0 -4.7 1.25
Quickness 6 3 9 Intelligence 6 2 8 Reaction 6 1 9 Bio Index 4.252 0 -4.4 -0.1
Strength 6 2 3 11 Willpower 6 1 1 8 Combat Pool 9 12 HOG used? No

Activity Rate Activity Rate Activity Rate Activity Rate Biological signature Race Cyber Bio Total

Walking 9 m/t Swimming 5.4 m/t Standing jump 6 m Ground lift 150 kgs TN for enemy perception 6 1 1 4
Running 27 m/t Climbing 1.5 m/t Running jump 9 m Overhead lift 72 kgs Fatigued after 4 turns of sprinting
First aid TNs Awakened modifier 0 Body rating modifier -2 Bioware modifier 3 Cyber-zombie modifier 0 Total modifier to first aid roll 1

Edges SOTA - Armour (3) BAP - Willpower (2)

Flaws Cranial Bomb (-6) Dossier on file (-3)

Karma Pool 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Active Skills Skillsofts Skillsofts Background Skills No martial art Languages

Athletics 6 Cybertechnology 5 Electronics 5 Corporate Security 6 None Rusian 4
Assault rifle 6 Engineering 5 Electronics B/R 5 Corporate Politics 6 None English 4
Survival 2 Firearms Design 5 Diving 5 Desert Wars 6 None German 4
Stealth 2 Construction 5 Mercenary Groups 6 None Japanese 2
Rifle 3 Forensics 5 Languages Small Unit Tactics 6 None Sperethiel 2
Armour Build/Repair 1 Computer 5 Malasian 2 Paranormal Animals 5 None Spanish 2
Biotech 5 Cantonese 2 Psychology 5 None Korean 2
Ettiquette 5 Salish 2 Magical background 2 None Italian 2
Negotiation 5 Makah 2 Armour design 1 None Mandarin 2
Car 5 Sioux 2 Martial art bonuses
Glider 5 Arabic 2 None
Stealth 5 Maori 2 None

Armour Type Type/Details Con Bal Imp Bal Imp Armour modifications Ballistic Impact
Natural/cyber/bio 99 0 0 5 2
Form fitting Half-body suit 13 3 1 1.5 0.5 Combat Pool Penalty
Base layer Armante Suit (Jacket, Shirt, Slacks, Vest) 12 4 2 4 2 0 0
Top layer 0 0 Quickness Penalty
Helmet / Guard / Shield 0 0 0

Armour Type Type/Details Con Bal Imp Bal Imp Armour modifications Ballistic Impact
Natural/cyber/bio 99 0 0 5 2
Form fitting Full-body suit 12 4 1 4 1 Combat Pool Penalty
Base layer Armour Jacket 10 3 0 1.5 0 0 0
Top layer 0 0 Quickness Penalty
Helmet / Guard / Shield Fore-arm guards 12 0 1 0 1 0

Ranged Weapon Skill Sights Conceal Clip Mode Recoil Short Med Long Ex Code Legal
Smert (Bullpup, HV, Foregrip, 2 mags)Assault rifle SL2 4 40/40 SA/BF/FA 4 50 150 350 750 9M 2-K

Melee / Projectile Weapon Skill Conceal Reach Str Min Weight Short Med Long Ex Damage Legal
Katana Edged 3 1 0 1 NA NA NA NA Str+3M 5-B
Bioware items Stress Grade Bio Index
Cerebral Booster - level 2 Cultured 0.8
Superthyroid Gland Normal 1.4
Muscle augmentation - level 2 Normal 0.8
Muscle Toner - level 2 Normal 0.8
Mnemonic enhancer - level 3 Cultured 0.6

Cyberware items Stress Grade Essence

Skillwires - rating 5, 4 X 75MP bandwidth 1
Titanium Bone Lacing 2.25
Chipjack Expert Driver - rating 3 Alpha 0.24
Multislot Chipjack Alpha 0.28
Smartlink 2 Alpha 0.4
Router with 3 connections Beta 0.078
Cybereyes - Low Light, Flare Compensation, Thermographic 0.5

Fake SIN name Rating Location Permits / notes

Name Level Type Notes
Lt Grissom 1 Cop Was Internal affairs officer - Bottled Demon run
Terry Whorl 0 Supply Sergeant Fort Lewis military base
Gear lists
Item name Rating Notes
Safe House Medium lifestyle, small apartment 1 year lifestyle won in lottery - expires 1/9
Safe House Nuclear bunker in Fort Lewis
Cash Tracker
Date In Out Details Balance
Start 1,000.00 - Starting funds on arrival 1,000.00

Karma pool increments at these values: 1=0 2=10 3=20 4=30 5=40 6=60 7=80 8=100 9=120 10=140 11=180 12=220 13=260 14=300 15=340
Type Description In Out Earnt Spent Pool Remaining
Start Starting Karma Pool 0 0 0 0 1 0
Award Catch up Karma 25 0 25 0 1 25
Karma Pool Karma > Karma Pool 0 2 25 2 3 23
Burnt Thrown grenade 0 1 25 3 3 22
Award Unwilling extraction 4 0 29 3 3 26
Award Movers and Shakers 4 0 33 3 3 30
Karma Pool Karma > Karma Pool 0 1 33 4 4 29
Award King takes Knight 4 0 37 4 4 33
Skills Japanese, Sperethial, Spanish, Italian, Korean (0>1>2) 0 10 37 14 4 23
Skills Mandarin, Cantonese, Salish, Makah, Sioux (0>1>2) 0 10 37 24 4 13
Award Oh Stavros 3 0 40 24 4 16
Award Protecting Captain Retard 7 0 47 24 4 23
Karma Pool Karma > Karma Pool 0 1 47 25 5 22
Burnt Buying successes - fighting the drone 0 3 47 28 5 19
Award Has anyone seen our Stavros 6 0 53 28 5 25
Burnt Buying successes - Milspec troll with MG 0 5 53 33 5 20
Award Starfire (24/7/16) - Red Leather Dogs, The Hunters, Captain Grissom 9 0 62 33 5 29
Karma Pool Karma > Karma Pool 0 1 62 34 6 28
Award Righteous Retribution 2 0 64 34 6 30
Award Bigger Boys did it 4 0 68 34 6 34
Burnt Karma for Cash, middle life style for 1 year, 200k cash, 1 year contract for car 0 15 68 49 6 19
Award The milk run that wasnt 6 0 74 49 6 25
Burnt Karma for cash+gear (40 APDS rounds from Major, other coming) 0 13 74 62 6 12
Award What happened to A42? 2 0 76 62 6 14
Skills Magical background 0>1 0 1 76 63 6 13
Award A43 Where are you 1 0 77 63 6 14
Burnt Spend karma on successes to soak damage 0 7 77 70 6 7
Award Talk or die Ithuliel 5 0 82 70 6 12
Karma Pool Karma > Karma Pool 0 1 82 71 7 11
Award The Jet Set Gang Part 1 6 0 88 71 7 17
Award The Jet Set Gang Part 2 6 0 94 71 7 23
Skills Sioux, Arabic Maori 0>1, then 1>2 with ME3 + Magic background 1>2 0 7 94 78 7 16
Award The Jet Set Gang Part 3 6 0 100 78 7 22
Karma Pool Karma > Karma Pool 0 1 100 79 8 21
Skills Stealth and Survival 0>1, 1>2 0 6 100 85 8 15
Skills Rifle 0>1, 1>2, Armour B/R 0>1, Armour design 0>1 0 5 100 90 8 10
Skills Rifle 2>3 0 4 100 94 8 6
Burnt Arcology run - buying pips / successes 0 6 100 100 8 0
Award Arcology - Getting the kids out 17 0 117 100 8 17
Burnt Arcology run - buying pips / successes 0 14 117 114 8 3
Award Arcology - Escape 8 0 125 114 8 11
Karma Pool Karma > Karma Pool 0 1 125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10
125 115 9 10

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