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C-Company Recruting SOP

Purpose: The purpose of the C-Company Recruiting Chain is to attract high-quality candidates
for C-Company. Through effective communication, organization; and involvement through outt
recruiting personnel, the current Recruiting Institution and Resources will successfully build
relationships with future cadets.
Ensure the longevity of the Outfit through recruitment
Build and maintain relationships with the prospective cadets
To inform prospective cadets on opportunities available in C-Company
To seek out all possible recruiting outlets
Recruiting Officer
Responsible for dissemination of Corps recruiting information
Responsible for all aspects related to the facilitation and follow up with the Spend the
Night With the Corps Program
Keeping the Combined Band Staff recruiting board updated
Be knowledgeable on all recruiting policies and procedures in accordance with Corps
Standards and Procedures
To support the intent and mission of the Combined Band as set forth by the Combined
Band Commander
Recruiting Sergeants
Keeping the outfit recruiting board updated
Organize and create orderly schedules to distribute to Units of runners, SNWC, FFA,
JCAP, etc.
Stay in constant contact with the Combined Band recruiting sergeant
Attend Aggie Band Open House
To support their officer in any capacity.

Basic Rules of Conduct for Recruiters:
No foul language is allowed anytime in front of Spend the Nighters
Recruiters will not speak Corps Lingo without an explanation of what words mean
Cadets are required to behave professionally at all times at recruiting events
Unprofessional behavior will result in removal from the recruiting event. Additional
punishments may be assigned according to the severity of behavior and will be
determined by CBS Recruiting
Any degrading comments toward other outfits heard anywhere in Open Houses will be
dealt with accordingly
Any kind of misconduct must be reported at once to CBS
Spend the Night with the Corps (SNWC)
Purpose: To ensure that the Spend the Nighters become more familiar with C-Compnay
and how the outfit contributes to the overall performance of the Aggie Band.
o Day 1:
1600-1700. Uniform: PT gear: Two cadets for the Band will be
responsible for walking prospects from the Corps Center to the dorm,
dropping off their luggage in the vending machine room, and returning
participants to the Corps Center. While waiting for SNWC prospects, be
engaging and friendly; greet people who walk in and direct them to check-
2000. Uniform: Outfit Cs& Ts: Runners designated by the outfit of that
day according to the schedule will be responsible for picking up prospects
from the Corps Center after the Welcome Program and taking them to the
Aggie Band Hall for outfit presentations.
2020. Aggie Band Open House (ABOH)
2100. Prospect hosts pick up luggage from the vending room and return to
their room with prospects.
o Day 2:
0700-0900. Uniform: UOD.
In the fall semester, all prospects will observe the outfit
PT/Training Time and morning band rehearsal
In the spring semester, all prospects will observe outfit
PT/Training Time and attend a 0800 class with a cadet
0915-0940. Uniform: UOD.
Thurs-Fri: Return prospects to the Corps Center by 0915
Mon-Tues: Return prospects to the Corps Center by 0940
1200. Uniform: UOD. One representative from each outfit picks up
prospects from the Corps Center, escorts them to the dorm, picks up their
luggage, and returns to the Corps Center for checkout
Spend the Day with the Corps (SDWC)
SDWC is held twice each summer and allows rising juniors and seniors in high school
and their parents to visit the Texas A&M campus, attend admissions and financial aid
briefings, and gain a better understanding of what it means to join the Corps of Cadets
Summer Recruiting Company is responsible for supporting SDWC events
Cadets will communicate with their assigned prospects and log notes/comments at least
once per month
Viewing Reports
Assigning prospects
o It is recommended that cadets involved with outfit recruiting are assigned up to
five prospects each; up to fifteen prospects can be assigned to a cadet if necessary
o Sophomore cadets will not be assigned more than two prospects. Freshmen
cadets, in the spring, will not be assigned more than six prospects.
o Prospects will be assigned by a student worker in the Recruiting Operations
Contacting Prospects
Stages of Recruitment: Admissions Stage
Logging comments
o Date and method of contact
o Admissions updates and pertinent discussions
o Recruiting programs
o Change of interest: WJ, PJ, INT, WNJ
o Change in outfit qualification (ROTC preference and major)
o Comments must be in paragraph form
Off the Quad
Cadets may earn recruiting points for participating in recruitment activities for other
campus recruiting organizations while wearing a Corps of Cadets uniform or otherwise
representing the Corps
Organizations/events include, but are not limited to: Aggie Orientation Leader Program,
Aggie Recruitment Committee, Aggie Shadows, ExCEL, High School Leadership
Conference, High School Service Conference, Seniors Experiencing Aggie Life (SEAL),
Student Leaders of Tomorrow (SLOT) Conference, Transfer Information Day, Whoopin
Weekend Conference, etc.
Recruiting Special Events Annex
Note: For special recruiting programs, it is encouraged that cadets who have experienced JCAP,
AEP, etc. as prospects themselves participate in the respective program that they have taken part
in, even if they are not members of their outfits recruiting chain.
Special Events:
o Purpose: The Junior Cadet Accessions Program offers high school juniors and
seniors and A&M transfer students who are involved in JROTC, Civil Air Patrol,
Young Marines, and Sea Cadets a first-hand experience with the Corps of Cadets.
The program is offered once in the fall semester and once in the spring
o Responsibilities:
Combined Band Recruiting Officer
Corps Recruiting Officer(s) will notify the Band Recruiting Officer
of any JCAP cadets that have been assigned to the band and the
schedule of events the prospects will follow. The Combined Band
Recruiting Officer will be in charge of distributing these prospects
to the outfit.
Outfit Recruiting Officer
Outfit Recruiting Officers are notified from the Combined Band
Recruiting Officer about when and where to pick up the JCAP
prospects assigned to their outfits
The Outfit Recruiting Officer will relay the information to the
Outfit Recruiting Sergeant and Corporals
Outfit Recruiting Corporals
Outfit Recruiting Corporals will be in charge of hosting the JCAP
prospects and delivering them to their next event
Hosts will be expected to behave professionally at all times and abide by
the conduct policies outlined in the Recruiting SOP
In past JCAP programs, the Outfit Recruiting Corporals have been
responsible for the prospects from roughly 2000-0700, but this is subject
to change
Purpose: The Aggie Eagle Program (AEP) offers high school juniors and seniors and
transfer students who are Eagle Scouts, Girl Scout Gold Award, or Stars and Stripes
Award recipients a first-hand experience with the Corps of Cadets.
The program is offered once in the Fall semester and once in the spring semester
Combined Band Recruiting Officer
The Recruiting Operations Center (ROC) will notify the Combined Band Recruiting
Officer of any AEP prospects that have been assigned to the band and the schedule of
events the prospects will need to follow.
The combined band recruiting officer will be in charge of distributing these prospects to
the six band outts
Outt Recruiting Officer
Recruiting Officers are notified from the Combined Banc Recruiting Officer about when
and when to pick up the AEP prospects assigned to their outt
The Recruiting Officer will relay the information to the Outt Recruiting Sergeant and
Recruiting Corporals
Recruiting Corporals will be in charge of hosting the AEP prospects and delivering them
to their next event
Hosts will be expected to behave professionally at all times and abide by the conduct
policies outlined in the Recruiting SOP.
In past AEP programs, the outt recruiting corporals have been responsible for the
prospects from roughly 1900-0800 hours, but this is subject to change.
Purpose: The 4H/FFA Program offers high school juniors and seniors and transfer
students involved in 4-H or FFA a rst-hand experience with the Corps of Cadets.
The program is offered once in the Fall semester and once in the Spring semester.
Since the program occurs simultaneously with Spend the Night With the Corps, it follows
the same procedures.
Women/Athlete Only SNWC
Purpose: The Women/Athlete Only SNWC offers high school juniors and seniors and
transfer students who are specically women or athletes a specialized, rst-hand
experience with the Corps of Cadets.
o This program is offered once in the fall semester and once in the spring
o Since the program occurs simultaneously with Spend the Night with the Corps, it
follows the same procedures.
During the Women Only SNWC, only female cadets will be allowed to host the prospects

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