Deixis and Distance

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The word Deixis is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we
do with utterances, which means pointing via language. Any linguistic form used to accomplish
pointing is called a deictic expression. Deictic expressions are also known as indexical. Deictic
expressions are meaningful in a given context. They are among the first words acquired by
children. In order to be interpreted correctly, the speaker and listener have to share the same
context. They are particularly useful in face to face communication. In verbal communication
however, deixis in its narrow sense refers to the contextual meaning of pronouns, and in its
board sense, what the speaker means by particular utterance in a given speech context.

Types of deixis:

1. Person Deixis: any expression used to point a person. Example: me, you, him them.
2. Space/Spatial/Place Deixis: words used to point to a location. Example: here, there.
3. Time/Temporal Deixis: the expression used to point to a time. Example: now, then, tonight,
last week, yesterday.

Deixis is clearly a form of referring that is tied to the speakers context. In English, the
near speaker or proximal terms are this, here, now. the away from speaker or distal
terms are that,there,then.

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