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[ research report ]


Dynamic In Vivo Glenohumeral

Kinematics During Scapular Plane
Abduction in Healthy Shoulders

houlder subacromial impingement syndrome is one of the most symptomatic patients and to result in
common causes of shoulder pain and is thought to be due to additional narrowing of the subacro-
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mial space, which could aggravate symp-

inadequate space for clearance of the rotator cuff tendons during
toms.9,15 These changes could include
arm elevation.9 Various theories have been proposed regarding altered glenohumeral joint kinematics,
the primary mechanism of shoulder impingement, including kinematic such as excessive superior translation of
changes, anatomic abnormality, and degeneration of the rotator cuff the humeral head and inadequate exter-
Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

tendons.9,29,39 Kinematic changes are thought to occur primarily in nal rotation of the humerus.31,34
Many studies have quantified shoul-
der and glenohumeral joint kinematics.
TTSTUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. TTRESULTS: On average, there was 2.1 mm of
Most earlier studies used conventional
TTOBJECTIVES: To measure superior/inferior
initial humeral translation in the superior direction
from the starting position to 105 of humeral eleva- single-plane radiographs,5,7,8,31 which
translation and external rotation of the humerus
tion. Subsequently, an average of 0.9 mm of trans- could not describe 3-D motion of the
relative to the scapula during scapular plane
lation in the inferior direction occurred between shoulder and did not provide dynamic
abduction using 3-D/2-D model image registration
105 and maximum arm elevation. The average kinematics. Three-dimensional dynamic
amount of external rotation of the humerus was
TTBACKGROUND: Kinematic changes in the
assessments have been employed in more
14 from the starting position to 60 of humeral
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

glenohumeral joint, including excessive superior elevation. The humerus then rotated internally recent works to describe shoulder kine-
translation of the humeral head and inadequate ex- an average 9 by the time the shoulder reached matics via radiostereometric analysis,12
ternal rotation of the humerus, are believed to be a maximum elevation. These changes in superior/ magnetic resonance imaging,10,11,32 elec-
possible cause of shoulder impingement. Although inferior translation and external/internal rotation tromagnetic tracking devices,6,19-21,25,26
many researchers have analyzed glenohumeral were statistically significant (P<.001 and P = .001,
or computerized 3-D motion analysis
kinematics with various methods, few articles have respectively), based on 1-way repeated-measures
analysis of variance. systems.37 These 3-D assessments have
assessed dynamic in vivo glenohumeral motion.
TTCONCLUSION: The observed glenohumeral
provided significant new information on
TTMETHODS: Twelve healthy males with a mean
translations and rotations characterize healthy shoulder motions but still have techni-
age of 32 years (range, 27-36 years) were enrolled
in this study. Fluoroscopic images of the dominant shoulder function and serve as a preliminary cal shortcomings. Magnetic resonance
shoulder during scapular plane elevation were foundation for quantifying pathomechanics in the imaging studies do not provide dynamic
taken, and computed tomography-derived 3-D presence of glenohumeral joint disorders. J Orthop kinematics, motion capture with skin-
bone models were matched with the silhouette Sports Phys Ther 2012;42(2):96-104, Epub 25
affixed markers can suffer from soft tis-
of the bones in the fluoroscopic images using October 2011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2012.3584
sue artifacts (skin movement relative to
3-D/2-D model image registration techniques. The TTKEY WORDS: 3-D/2-D registration, arthro-
the bones),6,19,20,25 and studies using bone
kinematics of the humerus relative to the scapula kinematics, computed tomography, imaging,
were determined using Euler angles. impingement pins have limited application outside the
research laboratory setting.4,21,26

Lecturer, Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ichihara, Chiba, Japan. 2Staff Surgeon, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chiba, Chiba, Japan. 3Assistant Professor, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chiba, Chiba,
Japan. 4Director of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Funabashi Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Center, Funabashi, Chiba, Japan. 5Professor, Teikyo University Chiba Medical Center,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ichihara, Chiba, Japan. 6Professor, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chiba, Chiba, Japan.
Associate Professor, University of Florida, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Gainesville, FL. Approval of the study was obtained from the Institutional
Review Board of Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine. The authors and their families did not receive and will not receive any benefits or funding from any commercial
party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article. Address correspondence to Dr Keisuke Matsuki, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Teikyo University Chiba
Medical Center, 3426-3 Anesaki, Ichihara, Chiba 2990111 Japan. E-mail:

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Previous studies have resulted in con- shoulder of each participant (Infinix Ac-
flicting observations of superior/inferior tiv; Toshiba, Tochigi, Japan). The par-
translation of the humeral head during ticipants sat on a chair with the torso at
arm elevation. One study demonstrated an angle approximately 30 to the X-ray
monotonic superior translation of the beam, so that the plane of the scapula
humeral head,33 2 other studies observed was parallel to the image intensifier. El-
the humerus moving first superiorly and evation in the scapular plane was per-
then inferiorly during arm elevation,10,20 formed from the arm at the side, along
and 3 others observed the humerus be- the trunk, to maximum elevation, while
ing essentially fixed with respect to the keeping the elbow fully extended and
glenoid during arm elevation.5,7,12 The the arm externally rotated (thumbs-up
absence of glenohumeral translation is position), at a rate of approximately 2
surprising and counterintuitive, as one seconds per cycle. One cycle was defined
FIGURE 1. Anatomic coordinate systems of the
would expect the deltoid to produce su- as full arm elevation followed by return
humerus and the scapula.18,30 Elevation of the
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perior humeral translation in the early humerus was defined as rotation about the scapular
to the initial position. To allow natural
abduction arcthe so-called setting z-axis and internal/external rotation was defined as arm motion, the participants were not
phasebefore the rotator cuff muscles rotation about the humeral y-axis. Superior/inferior constrained and the speed of motion was
stabilize the joint.7,14 translation was defined as the motion of the humeral not strictly controlled. The participants
origin relative to the scapular origin along the y-axis
There have been only a few articles practiced the activity until they felt com-
Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

of the scapula.
reporting on the movement of external fortable, then 3 cycles of shoulder eleva-
rotation of the humerus relative to the tion were recorded for each shoulder. A
scapula during arm elevation.12,19,21 They sure superior/inferior translation and short pause was taken between cycles to
indicate that the humerus externally ro- external rotation of the humerus relative allow complete relaxation of the shoulder
tates an average of 30. to the scapula during dynamic scapular muscles. Fluoroscopic images of a cali-
Three-D/two-D model image regis- plane elevation. We hypothesized that the bration object were acquired to permit
tration is a 3-D assessment technique humeral head would translate superiorly, computation of the radiographic projec-
utilizing fluoroscopic images and was at least in the early phase of arm elevation, tion parameters and to correct geometric
originally developed to measure in vivo and that humeral external rotation would image distortion.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

total knee arthroplasty kinematics.1,24 be 30 during arm elevation, similar to Computed tomography scans (Infinix
This technique has been applied to natu- what has been reported in previous studies. Activ) of the shoulder were acquired with
ral knee joints,17,27 anterior cruciate liga- a 0.5-mm slice pitch (image matrix, 512
ment-deficient knees,36 and osteoarthritic METHODS 512; pixel size, 0.62 0.62 mm). The
knees.13 Three-D/two-D model image computed tomography images were seg-
registration techniques can provide suf- Participants mented, and 3-D surface models of the

ficient accuracy for noninvasive, dynamic welve healthy males with a proximal humerus and scapula were cre-
kinematic analysis but they use ionizing mean age of 32 years (range, 27-36 ated (ITK-SNAP; Penn Image Comput-
radiation.1,24,27 Several studies of shoulder years) were enrolled in this study. ing and Science Laboratory, Philadelphia,
kinematics using 3-D/2-D model image They had no history of shoulder pain, PA).38 Anatomic coordinate systems were
registration techniques recently have and a radiologist confirmed that plain embedded in each model, according to
been published.2,18,23,30 Nishinaka et al30 radiographs of their shoulders did not reported conventions (Geomagic Studio;
analyzed healthy shoulders and reported show any radiographic abnormalities. All Geomagic USA, Morrisville, NC).18,30 In
that the humeral head monotonically participants provided informed consent, brief, the humeral origin was placed at
translated 1.7 mm superiorly during arm and the protocol for this study was ap- the centroid of the humeral head. The y-
elevation. However, Bey et al2 used bi- proved by the Institutional Review Board axis was parallel to the humeral shaft and
plane fluoroscopy and reported that the of Chiba University. All participants were the z-axis was defined as a line through
humeral head first moved superiorly and right-handed. the intertubercular groove from the ori-
then inferiorly in shoulders with repaired gin. The scapular origin was defined as
rotator cuffs and in the contralateral Image Acquisition and 3-D Modeling the midpoint of the line connecting the
shoulders of the same individuals. Data Fluoroscopic images of scapular plane most superior and inferior bony edges of
on external rotation of the humerus were abduction were recorded at 30 Hz (di- the glenoid, and the y- and z-axes were
not reported. ameter field of view, 406 mm; pixel pointed superiorly and anteriorly, respec-
The purpose of this study was to mea- size, 0.48 0.48 mm) for the dominant tively (FIGURE 1).

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[ research report ]

Humeral Position, mm

R2 = 0.86

FIGURE 2. Three-D/two-D model image registration

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techniques were used to determine the 3-D position

and orientation of the shoulder bones using the 5
custom, open-source software JointTrack (http:// 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Humeral Elevation Angle, deg
Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

Model Image Registration and Data

Processing 120

The 3-D position and orientation of the

humerus and scapula were determined
via model image registration techniques,
Humeral External Rotation Angle, deg

using the open-source software (Joint-
jointtrack) developed in our labora-
tory (FIGURE 2).1,24 The bone model was 100
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

projected onto the distortion-corrected

fluoroscopic image, and its 3-D pose was
iteratively adjusted to match its silhou-
ette with the silhouette of the fluoro-
scopic image. The best-case accuracy of
this matching method was 0.53 mm for
in-plane translation (parallel to image 80
plane), 1.6 mm for out-of-plane transla- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

tion (perpendicular to image plane), and

Humeral Elevation Angle, deg
0.54 for rotations reported in a previous
study on natural knee joints.27 Model im- FIGURE 3. Polynomial regression line fits for a representative participant. (A) Humeral position relative to the
age registration measurements were per- center of the glenoid. Superior translation is indicated by values moving toward zero. (B) External/internal rotation
formed by a single operator (K.M.) using of the humerus.
a series of fluoroscopic images from the
second cycle of the activity. the motion of the humeral origin rela- to 0.96 for translational data (FIGURE 3A
The kinematics of the humerus rela- tive to the scapular origin along the y- and 3B).
tive to the radiographic coordinate sys- axis of the scapula. Kinematic data were
tem and to the scapula were determined individually plotted as a function of the Statistical Analysis
using Cardan angles (z-x-y order).4,19 El- humeral elevation angle, and polynomial Statistical analysis was performed using
evation of the humerus was defined as regression lines were used to calculate PASW Version 17.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago,
rotation about the z-axis, and internal/ interpolating values at each 15 incre- IL), and the level of significance was set
external rotation of the humerus was de- ment of humeral elevation. R2 values of at P<.05. One-way repeated-measures
fined as rotation about its y-axis. Supe- the polynomial regression line fits were analyses of variance and post hoc pair-
rior/inferior translation was defined as 0.90 to 0.99 for rotational data and 0.47 wise comparisons (Tukey) were used for

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Translation, mm

FIGURE 4. Fluoroscopic image of the cadaveric
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shoulder. Five and 6 metallic beads (2 mm, lead)

were placed in the scapula and proximal humerus,

the analysis of rotational and translation- 5

Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

al changes within subjects.

Validation Study With Cadaver 0

To study the accuracy of the 3-D/2-D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

model image registration technique for B

the shoulder, we conducted a validation
study with a cadaveric specimen. One
fresh-frozen shoulder specimen was 60
used for this study. No skin or soft tissue
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

was removed from the specimen, and 5

and 6 metallic beads (2 mm, lead) were 50

placed in the scapula and proximal hu-

merus, respectively. Computed tomogra-
phy scans with 0.75-mm slice thickness
Rotation, deg

(image matrix, 512 512; pixel size, 0.74

0.74 mm) were acquired for the speci-
men (SOMATOM Sensation 16; Siemens
Medical Solutions, Malvern, PA), and
3-D surface models of the bones and im- 20
planted beads were reconstructed. The
scapula was mounted to a radiolucent
fixture, and the humerus was manually 10
abducted at approximately 2 seconds per
cycle. The range of glenohumeral abduc-
tion was from 6 to 37. Images of pas- 0

sive abduction were recorded at 15 frames 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Image Number
per second (field of view, 380 380 mm;
x value, bead model y value, bead model z value, bead model
pixel size, 0.37 0.37 mm) with a biplane x value, bone model y value, bone model z value, bone model
flat-panel imaging system (Allura Xper
FD20/20; Philips Healthcare, Andover, FIGURE 5. Comparison of biplane bead-based and single-plane bone model-based kinematic measurements.
MA) (FIGURE 4). Ten images from 1 abduc- Translations (A) and rotations (B) relative to the image coordinate system are shown.
tion sequence were selected; model image
registration was performed with single-

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[ research report ]
plane images and bone-surface models A
and with biplane images and bead mod-
els, separately, by a single operator (K.M.).
Root-mean-square errors between the
single-plane bone model kinematics and
the biplane bead model kinematics were

Humeral Position, mm
calculated, taking the biplane kinematics 1
as the reference measure.


Accuracy of 3-D/2-D Model Image

Registration 3

he kinematic differences be-
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tween single-plane bone matching

and biplane bead matching for a 4
single fresh-frozen cadaver specimen are Start 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Max
shown in FIGURE 5. Root-mean-square er-
rors in glenohumeral translation were 2
Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

0.47 mm and 1.53 mm for in-plane and

out-of-plane translations, respectively.
Root-mean-square errors in glenohumeral
rotation were 0.76 and 3.72 for in-plane
and out-of-plane rotations, respectively.
Humeral Position, mm

Superior/Inferior Translation of the

On average, a humeral translation of 2.1
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

mm (range, 0.4 to 3.2 mm) in the su-

perior direction occurred from the start-
ing position to 105 of humeral elevation.
This was followed by, on average, a 0.9-
mm (range, 0.9 to 2.9 mm) translation
in the inferior direction throughout the 6
rest of the motion toward maximum arm Start 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Max
elevation (FIGURE 6A). Changes in humer-
al position throughout the movement of Humeral Elevation Angle, deg
humeral elevation were statistically sig-
nificant (P<.001). Post hoc pairwise tests FIGURE 6. Humeral position relative to the center of the glenoid during shoulder scapular abduction. Superior
translation is indicated by values moving toward 0. (A) Means and standard deviations for all 12 shoulders. (B) The
revealed significant differences between individual patterns.
the starting position and all other report-
ed angles, except at 30 of humeral eleva- elevation and inferiorly in the late phase rotated 9 (range, 1 to 20) from 75 to
tion (P<.001 at each point). The humeral in 10 of the 12 shoulders (83%). Two maximum elevation (FIGURE 7A). Changes
superior/inferior position at maximum shoulders showed continuous superior in humeral external/internal rotation
elevation was significantly different from translation with humeral elevation. throughout the movement of humeral el-
the positions at 90 and 105 of humeral evation were statistically significant (P =
elevation (P = .03 and P = .02, respective- External/Internal Rotation of the .001). Post hoc tests revealed significant
ly). Individual patterns of humeral trans- Humerus pairwise differences in humeral rotation
lation are shown in FIGURE 6B. There was On average, 14 (range, 2 to 26) of hu- between the starting position and every
a large amount of variation in the initial meral external rotation occurred from point between 30 and 120 of elevation (P
humeral position; however, the humerus the starting position to 60 of humeral = .02 at 120 and P<.001 at other points).
translated superiorly in the early phase of elevation. The humerus then internally Humeral rotation at every point between

100 | february 2012 | volume 42 | number 2 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy

42-02 Matsuki.indd 100 1/18/2012 3:32:52 PM

A plane fluoroscopy have recently appeared
in several published articles18,23,30; but
the accuracy of these techniques for the
shoulder has not yet been reported. Our
Humeral External Rotation Angle, deg

results comparing kinematics from bi-

100 plane images with metal bead markers
to single-plane images with bone surface
90 models were comparable with the pre-
viously reported accuracy for imaging
of the knee joint.27 These techniques al-
low kinematic analysis of dynamic joint
motion via conventional devices found
in most hospitals and provide accurate
kinematic data without physically inva-
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sive procedures, such as insertion of bone
Start 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Max
Our results show that the humeral
B head translates superiorly in the early
phase of arm elevation, then inferiorly
Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

in the late phase, consistent with our

hypothesis. Although there was great
variation in the absolute amount of trans-
Humeral External Rotation Angle, deg

lation, most shoulders showed similar
motion patterns. The large variation in
translations may be due to differences in
80 shoulder size and variability in definitions
of bone coordinate systems. The initial
amount of humeral rotation affects ten-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

sion in the rotator cuff muscles, capsule,

and glenohumeral ligaments, which also
could affect glenohumeral translations.
In the early phase of elevation (the setting
phase), if rotator cuff muscles do not fully
Start 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Max
offset deltoid force, then dynamic stabil-
ity of the glenohumeral joint may not be
Humeral Elevation Angle, deg fully achieved14 and the humeral head
may translate superiorly.7,20 The result of
FIGURE 7. External/internal rotation of the humerus during shoulder scapular abduction. (A) Means and standard the present study seems to be consistent
deviations for all 12 shoulders. (B) The individual patterns.
with this concept. The humeral head may
position inferiorly at the starting position
45 and 90 of elevation was significantly 11 of the 12 shoulders (92%) reached their due to gravity and translate superiorly in
different from rotation at 135 (P = .005, P maximum external rotation between 40 the early phase of elevation. Then, the
= .001, P = .002, and P = .04, respectively) and 75 of humeral elevation. humeral head may be centralized and
and at maximum elevation (P = .005, P = FIGURE 8 shows 3-D renderings of a stabilized within the glenoid fossa as the
.001, P = .002, and P = .04, respectively). representative shoulder from the lateral rotator cuff muscles are activated. The
The individual patterns of external rota- perspective. small amount of inferior translation in
tion are shown in FIGURE 7B. There was the late phase of shoulder elevation may
great variation in the amount of humeral DISCUSSION be an artifact related to the rotation of
external rotation at the initial position; the humerus. If the humeral coordinate

however, the humerus rotated externally inematic analyses of the shoul- origin is not the center of rotation, there
in the early phase of elevation and inter- der using 3-D/2-D model image will be apparent humeral translation with
nally in the late phase in all shoulders, and registration techniques with single- humeral rotation. However, extreme care

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 42 | number 2 | february 2012 | 101

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[ research report ]
largely responsible for the difference,
because rotational movement is usually
decomposed into rotations about 3 mu-
tually orthogonal axes in a specific order
to describe 3-D motion. It is well docu-
mented that the choice of rotation se-
quence affects the computed rotations.16
Several studies have reported glenohu-
meral kinematics using the same rota-
tion sequence as that used in the present
study.4,19 Braman et al4 analyzed uncon-
strained elevation in healthy shoulders
using electromagnetic tracking devices
fixed to bones with pins and reported
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that the humerus rotated 45 externally,

followed by a slight amount of internal
rotation. Ludewig and Cook19 studied
shoulder kinematics during scapular
plane abduction in subjects with and
Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

without impingement syndrome, using

electromagnetic tracking devices at-
tached to the skin, and reported that the
humerus rotated 6 externally from 60
to 90 of humeral elevation, followed by
a small reversal in the direction of rota-
tion. Although the amount of humeral
external rotation differed among studies,
the studies we did, which employed the
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

same rotation sequence, showed a similar

FIGURE 8. Three-dimensional kinematics of the glenohumeral joint viewed from a lateral direction at (A) 30, (B) pattern of humeral external/internal ro-
60, (C) 90, and (D) 120 of humeral elevation.
tation. In particular, the results reported
by Ludewig and Cook19 were quite simi-
was taken to numerically find the loca- reversal toward internal rotation. This is lar to ours. These observations support
tion of the best-fit sphere for the articular not consistent with the results of previ- our speculation that choice of rotation
surface of the humeral head, to place the ous studies nor with our hypothesis about sequence is largely responsible for the
humeral origin at the center of rotation. humeral rotation. differences in humeral rotation among
There have been only a few studies ad- This discrepancy may be due to dif- studies. Recently, Bonnefoy-Mazure et
dressing external rotation of the humerus ferences in measurement methods, al3 studied 3 different rotation sequences
relative to the scapula during shoulder participants (eg, age, gender, or ethnic for shoulder motion analysis and found
elevation. Hallstrm and Karrholm12 background), or the activity performed that the sequence of abduction, flexion,
reported that 35 of external rotation of (eg, speed of motion, external rotation and external rotation was the best from
the humerus occur during active abduc- position of the humerus at the initial the perspective of both gimbal lock and
tion in healthy shoulders, as measured position, or the plane of elevation). How- amplitude coherence. On this basis, we
by radiostereometric analysis. Ludewig ever, differences in anatomic coordinate chose the abduction-flexion-external ro-
et al21 measured healthy shoulders using systems may be the biggest reason for tation sequence for this study.
electromagnetic tracking devices fixed to the discrepancy. Our anterior axis of the We calculated external rotation of
bones with pins and documented 30 of humerus was directed anterolaterally the humerus using several common ro-
external rotation of the humerus during relative to the axis recommended by the tation sequences, and the results varied
scapular plane abduction. Our results International Society of Biomechanics, 35 dramatically, with the amount of exter-
show that the humerus rotated 15 ex- which might have had some effect on nal rotation ranging from 30 to 130 for
ternally from the starting position to 60 the degree of rotation. We suspect that the same shoulder motion (FIGURE 9). The
of humeral elevation, followed by a small details of the joint-angle calculation are rotation-sequence dependence of joint

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angles is an unavoidable consequence of 250
the method and demands that close at-
tention be paid to this choice when com-
paring results among studies.
Three study limitations should be con- 200

Humeral External Rotation Angle, deg

sidered. First, the participants were all
men within a small age range. Although
gender and age may affect glenohumeral
kinematics, we had to exclude younger
healthy individuals and women because
of exposure to ionizing radiation. Sec-
ond, 3-D/2-D model image registration
techniques using single-plane fluorosco-
py provide poor measurement accuracy
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for out-of-plane translations.27 Because

all reported kinematic parameters are 50
insensitive to out-of-plane translation Start 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Max
errors, there should be no effect on the
Humeral Elevation Angle, deg
kinematics we described. Biplane imag-
Copyright 2012 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. All rights reserved.

ing techniques provide smaller and more z-x-y y-z-y y-x-z

uniform measurement errors,2 but single-
plane methods provide a less restricted FIGURE 9. The differences in external/internal rotation values calculated with 3 different rotation sequences.
field of view and permit more natural This study used the z-x-y order.3,4,19 The y-z-y rotation order is recommended by the International Society of
dynamic activities and less radiation ex- Biomechanics.35
posure. Third, variation in glenohumeral
translation was relatively large compared will provide an objective basis on which inferiorly. The humerus rotated exter-
to the magnitude of translation, and to plan therapeutic interventions and as- nally from the starting position to 60 of
this makes it more difficult to interpret sess their outcomes. Ultimately, quanti- arm elevation and then rotated slightly
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy

the results. The variation could be due tative assessment of dynamic shoulder internally.
largely to the initial humeral position. kinematics will lead to better treatment IMPLICATION: Data on normal gleno-
Participants were instructed to move of shoulder disorders. humeral joint kinematics provide a
their arms in the thumbs-up position, comparative basis to understand the
but humeral external rotation can vary CONCLUSION pathology of shoulder disorders related
with forearm pronation/supination. To to kinematic changes, such as shoulder

allow the participants to move as natu- e analyzed dynamic glenohu- impingement syndrome.
rally as possible, however, we did not meral kinematics in healthy male CAUTION: This study was conducted
strictly control the position. Despite the subjects using 3-D/2-D model with 3-D/2-D model image registra-
variation, we observed a biphasic pattern image registration techniques. The hu- tion techniques that have not yet been
of humeral superior/inferior translation meral head translated superiorly in the fully validated with regard to accuracy
in most shoulders and believe that it is early phase of abduction and then inferi- of measuring shoulder motions. In 3-D
representative of healthy shoulder kine- orly in the late phase. The humerus rotat- kinematic studies, anatomic rotation
matics during arm elevation. ed externally from the starting position values are strongly affected by the math-
In this study, we analyzed only to 60 of arm elevation and then rotated ematical rotational sequence used to
healthy shoulders. Our next step will slightly internally. These observations describe 3-D shoulder motions.
be to evaluate shoulders with disorders will contribute to the understanding of
such as shoulder impingement and ro- normal and pathological glenohumeral ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We thank Hideyuki Kato,
tator cuff tears. It has been suggested kinematics. t RT for data collection. We also thank Shang
that superior translation and inadequate Mu, PhD for developing computer programs
external rotation of the humerus are as- KEY POINTS to analyze the data.
sociated with shoulder impingement syn- FINDINGS: The humeral head translated
drome.9,12,15,19,20,22 Contrasting pathologic superiorly in the early phase of scapular
kinematics to those in healthy shoulders plane abduction and then translated

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 42 | number 2 | february 2012 | 103

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[ research report ]
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