Lesson Idea-Weather

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Instructional Software

Lesson Idea Name: All About Weather

Content: Science-Weather
Grade Level(s): 1st Grade

Content Standard Addressed: S1E1. Students will observe, measure, and communicate weather data to see
patterns in weather and climate. a. Identify different types of weather and the characteristics of each type. b.
Investigate weather by observing, measuring with simple weather instruments (thermometer, wind vane, rain
gauge), and recording weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky conditions, and weather events) in a
periodic journal or on a calendar seasonally. c. Correlate weather data (temperature, precipitation, sky
conditions, and weather events) to seasonal changes

Technology Standard Addressed: 6. Creative Communicator Students communicate clearly and express
themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media
appropriate to their goals. Students: a. choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or communication. b. create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix
digital resources into new creations. c. communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using
a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations. d. publish or present content that
customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

Selected Technology Tool: BrainPop

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable): http://nurturestore.co.uk/how-to-make-a-weather-station

Type of Instructional Software:

Drill and Practice Tutorial Simulation Instructional Game e-books/e-references

Features of this software (check all that apply):

Assessment Monitoring/Reporting
Allows teacher to create customized lessons for students
Multi-user or collaborative functions with others in the class
Multi-user or collaborative with others outside the class
Accessible to students beyond the school day
Accessible via mobile devices
Multiple languages
Safety, security and/or privacy features

Blooms Taxonomy Level(s):

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Exploration Level 3: Infusion Level 4: Integration
Level 5: Expansion Level 6: Refinement

Lesson idea implementation: In this lesson my students will be making their own weather station and use
apps on mobile devices to compare their information they collect against real life meteorologists. The project

Summer 2017_SJB
Instructional Software
will be introduced by talking about the current weather conditions going on will all the rain and wind coming
from the current hurricane. We will then get on BrainPop and watch some of the videos on weather
conditions. They will be able to play around on this program and do some of the activities. Then the students
and I will have a discussion on the types of weather they have experienced and what types of weather they
learned from watching the videos and completing the activities. Next I will explain to them our fun and
exciting lesson planned.
In this lesson we will be observing, recording, comparing, and translating their results into a blog. To start
this off we will get into pairs, which will be decided by going around the room and the students will count up
to 13, this will be done again with the students that do not have a number. The two students that get the
same number will work together. Then the pairs will make their rain gauge and when all groups are finished
we will go outside and place the rain gauges all in a row, labeled 1-13 on the bottom. Each morning for two
weeks we will go outside and check pour rain gauges and record our results in our notebooks. The groups will
go inside and make a bar graph of the results, then check the weather apps on our mobile devices and record
the results from the app. Each day we will add an entry to our classroom blog about becoming
The students will be graded on overall completion each day, for example completing their bar graphs.
There will be two separate bar graphs one for the results they get from their rain gauge and the other graph
will be results from the weather app. We will have a discussion at the end of the two-week period and
discuss our findings with the class as a whole and compare our notes and the information gathered from the
apps. To end the lesson, we will give our last blog entry on the lesson of weather.

Summer 2017_SJB

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