Check Point Test: Q1. It Is Important To Exercise Regularly in Order To Stay Healthy

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Longhill High School

Name: ________________________
Check Point Test
Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Q1. It is important to exercise regularly in order to stay healthy.

(i) State one reason why taking part in regular exercise can improve general health.





(ii) Explain why the amount of exercise carried out might vary between different types
of people.





(Total 3 marks)

Fitness testing is often used as a motivational tool.

State two other reasons why fitness testing is carried out.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 2 marks)

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Longhill High School

Q3.What is meant by the term reaction time?


(Total 1 mark)

Q4. Increased flexibility can help to improve performance.

State what is meant by the term flexibility.


(Total 1 mark)

Q5. There are several basic components of fitness which are important for sports

(i) What is meant by the term power? Give one example from a physical activity.




Physical activity example



(ii) What is meant by the term reaction time? Give one example from a physical

Reaction time



Physical activity example


(Total 4 marks)

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Longhill High School
The Illinois Agility Test is a maximal test that measures agility.

Describe how to carry out this test.




(Total 2 marks)

Q7. Give two examples of where agility is particularly important in physical activities.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________
(Total 2 marks)

Q8. During your GCSE Physical Education course you were required to lead a warm-up or

(i) State one part of your warm-up and describe two reasons why you included it.

Part of warm-up or warm-down _____________________________________

Reason one ____________________________________________________

Reason two ____________________________________________________


(ii) What is lactic acid? Why do you need to remove it during a warm-down?





(Total 5 marks)

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Q9. Describe a suitable warm-down after an intensive training session, and explain how
this would help the performer to recover quickly.












(Total 6 marks)

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M1. (i) Award one mark for a correctly stated reason why taking regular exercise
can generally improve health.

Examples include:

it can help to reduce tension/ stress

it can help to reduce the chance of getting illnesses and disease

it can help to improve sleep and sleep patterns

it can help tone up the body/ lead to improvements in posture

it can improve basic levels of strength

it can improve basic levels of stamina

it can improve basic levels of flexibility

it can improve fitness levels

Accept the above plus any other suitable examples.


(ii) Award up to two marks for correctly explaining why the amount
of exercise carried out, might vary between individuals.

Examples include:

Energy requirements might vary/ due to factors such as

age/ gender/and activity/exercise level/level of performance

The actual physical or psychological condition of an individual

may also vary/ such as possible illness or injury/which could
prevent them from exercising.

Accept the above plus any other suitable examples.


Award one mark for each of the following points up to a maximum of two marks.

To identify strengths and / or weaknesses in a performance (1)

To evaluate the success of a training programme (1)

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To monitor improvement, eg. in strength (1)
To show a starting level of fitness (1)
To inform training requirements (1)
To compare against norms of the group / national averages (1)

Accept any other suitable reason why fitness testing is carried out. Do not credit any
response linked to motivation.

M3.Award one mark for stating what is meant by the term reaction time.

Reaction time is:

how fast or how quickly or the time taken (for the body, or part of the body) to
respond to a stimulus.

Accept appropriate examples, eg time taken by a sprinter at the start of a 100 m

race to move the body after the sound of the starting gun.

M4. Award one mark for stating what flexibility is.

The range of movement at a joint.


M5. (i) Award one mark for being able to state what power is, ie the combination
of the (maximum) amount of speed with the (maximum) amount of strength.

Award one further mark for a correct example such as:

Rugby players pushing in the scrum generating power to push back


Sprinter in athletics pushing off from starting blocks in the start


Accept the above plus any other suitable examples.


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(ii) Award one mark for being able to state what reaction time is,
ie the amount of time taken to respond to something/ the speed
of response to external events.

Award one further mark for a correct example such as:

Fielder catching a ball close to a bat

Racket player responding to a hard hit shot.

Accept the above plus any other suitable examples.


Award one mark for each of the following points up to a maximum of two marks.


10m long 5m wide / 60m in total (1)

Subject starts lying down (on their front) (1)
Subject sprints and weaves around cones (accept diagram) (1)
Time taken / measured in seconds = agility (1)

Accept any other suitable description of how to carry out the Illinois Agility Test.

M7. Any two where the body has to change position / direction such as:

A dodge

A swerve

A sidestep

A somersault

A round off

A tumble turn

A spin

A vault

Jumping and landing / leaping / diving

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A traverse / a smear / a lay-back

Do not accept.names of activities alone


M8. (i) Award one mark for a correctly identified part, and one mark for each
reason for including the exercise.

Parts include:

pulse raising / jogging / cycling / rowing machine / swimming

stretching / mobilising

skills practice

Reasons include:

in order to prevent / avoid injury

to increase heart rate

to gradually increase the body temperature

to increase the range of movement

to be able to gradually increase the effort to full pace

to enable some psychological preparation

to be able to practice some movement skills through the

whole range of movement

Accept the above plus any other suitable examples.


(ii) Award one mark for being able to correctly identify lactic acid as:

a waste material, or poison, which is a by-product of exercise.

Award one further mark for a correct reason for removing it.

Examples include:

it can prevent soreness in the body at a later stage

it can prevent stiffness in the muscles at a later stage

it can cause muscle fatigue at a later stage

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Accept the above plus any other suitable examples.

M9. Award up to two marks for describing a suitable warm-down.

Aerobic phase jogging or walking.

Stretch phase static (or gentle dynamic) stretching/

holding each stretch for 10 seconds.

Each phase should last 5 to 10 minutes.

Award a further four marks for explaining how this would

enable a performer to recover quickly.


reduce the stresses on the body

prevent muscle soreness (DOMS)

allow muscles to relax

gradually decrease body temperature

reduce the chance of dizziness or fainting

stops blood pooling

gradually reduces adrenalin in the blood

stretches or lengthens the muscles

remove lactic acid (from muscles) or waste products

encourage blood flow to previously active muscles

breathing rate reduced

heart rate reduced

reduce carbon dioxide in the body/increase oxygen intake.


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