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Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 < Level 1

Understanding of Explains core concepts with Explains core concepts with Explains core concepts with Explains core concepts with Insufficient
Content (explanation of absolute clarity good clarity some clarity limited clarity evidence
core concepts to peers)
Inclusion of relevant Only highly relevant Only relevant information and Some relevant information and Limited information and/or Insufficient
and important details information with superior good explanations and details some explanations details limited explanations and evidence
explanations and details are are included included details included
Use of Superior use of non-verbals Very good use of non-verbals Some good use of non-verbals Limited understanding and/or Insufficient
non-verbal cues in in presentation including in presentation including including voice- volume, pace, application of non-verbals evidence
sharing circle including voice- volume, pace, pitch; voice- volume, pace, pitch; eye pitch; eye contact; posture including voice- volume,
voice, eye contact, eye contact; posture contact; posture but more practice required pace, pitch; eye contact;
posture posture

Careful word choice and Careful word choice and Some careful word choice but Limited/no consideration of Insufficient
Word presentation structure caters presentation structure considers presentation structure does not word choice and/or evidence
choice and selection of to audience needs audience needs seem to consider audience presentation structure for
presentation structure audience
carefully considers
audience requirements
APPLICATION Outstanding transferring of Positive transferring of Some transferring of Limited transferring of Insufficient
Understanding and knowledge to circle platform knowledge to circle platform knowledge to circle platform knowledge to circle platform evidence
transfer of knowledge to for sharing to demonstrate for sharing to demonstrate and for sharing to demonstrate and for sharing to demonstrate
sharing format and foster learning for self foster learning for self and foster learning for self and and foster learning for self
and peers peers peers. Additional attention and peers. More consideration
required. required.

Use of structure to Some consideration has been Limited consideration has

Outstanding consideration Careful consideration has been Insufficient
enhance meaning and made to how to best present been made to how to best
has been made to how to best made to how to best present evidence
message in presentation present findings to audience findings to audience findings to audience present findings to audience

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