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Name __________________________________________ Hour _____

The Giver
Common Theme TOPICS and Theme STATEMENTS
Theme THE MEssage (an observation about life or humanity)
Theme is an idea the writer wishes to give about a subject.
Theme IS NOT:
o a single word
o the moral of the story
o the problem in the story.
Theme topic + story events THEME STATEMENT

Theme + Events in the story that relate to = Theme

TOPIC the theme topic STATEMENT
memory + The community has one = Memories, good
person hold the memories.
and bad, are to be
No one else in the Community
has the memories. cherished and not
Only Jonas and The Giver
forgotten. It is only
have access to the memories.
through memories
The memories give them
wisdom. that we truly
The memories help them to
understand love.
see the world differently.

The memories help them to

feel love and other emotions.

Without the memories,

everyone else is not truly
experiencing life.

The Giver by Lois Lowry shows memories, good and bad, are to be cherished
and not forgotten. It is only through memories that we truly understand love.
Common Theme TOPICS

Below you will find a list of common theme TOPICS. Which of these theme
TOPICS can be found in The Giver?

childhood family identity

nature race relations truth

fear freedom independence

courage self-improvement memories

patience growing up justice

peace self-reliance equality

death hate violence

patriotism success love

fame helping others war

faith hope loyalty

prejudice trust adversity

Name __________________________________________ Hour _____
The Giver
Common Theme TOPICS and Theme STATEMENTS
Theme THE MEssage (an observation about life or humanity)
Theme is an idea the writer wishes to give about a subject.
Theme IS NOT:
o a single word
o the moral of the story
o the problem in the story.
Theme topic + story events THEME STATEMENT

Theme + Events in the story that relate to = Theme

TOPIC the theme topic STATEMENT
courage + = Some people will risk

everything to stand

up for what is right.

The Giver by Lois Lowry shows that some people will risk everything to stand up
for what is right.
Name __________________________________________ Hour _____
The Giver
Common Theme TOPICS and Theme STATEMENTS
Theme THE MEssage (an observation about life or humanity)
Theme is an idea the writer wishes to give about a subject.
Theme IS NOT:
o a single word
o the moral of the story
o the problem in the story.
Theme topic + story events THEME STATEMENT
Possible THEME TOPICS for The Giver:

Theme + Events in the story that relate to = Theme

TOPIC the theme topic STATEMENT
+ =

Name __________________________________________ Hour _____
The Giver
Common Themes
Write a paragraph about ONE THEME STATEMENT found in The Giver. Use ONE THEME
STATEMENT that youve written as the topic sentence (first sentence) of the paragraph.
Include at least TWO pieces of evidence from the text to support your statement. RACECER.


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