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Table 16-3

Comparison of Linear Discontinuities by Five Methods

Methods Equations used Distance to fault, L ft Remarks

1. Line source solution 166 225.00 Good
2. David and Hawkin 16-7 225.00 Good
3. VanPoollen 16-8 548.00 High value
4. Gray equation 16-10 225.25 Good
5. Exponential integral 16-11 and 210.50 Fairly good
solution 16-12

Pulse Tests
Pulse tests can be used to determine the same information as interference
tests. Pulse tests are not affected by unknown linear trends in reservoir
pressures. Therefore, conducting pulse tests rather than interference tests
is preferable. Jahns22 has provided the relationships among dimensionless
time lag, cycle period, and response amplitude in both graphical and analy-
tical forms. The detailed discussion along with field examples can be found
in Chapter 13. The following relationships can be applied to calculate the
reservoir properties.




General Remarks'. If the reservoir is acting as a homogeneous isotropic

system, reasonable identical values of khlng and 4>cth can be calculated
from several tests in the same areas. If there are big differences among the
calculated values of kh//j,g and those of 4>cth, then a homogeneous aniso-
tropic system should be used.

Example 16-2 26 Analyzing Interference Test in Homogeneous Isotropic

An interference test was conducted in oil well. Water was injected into
well 1 for 48 hr. The pressure response in well 2 (80 ft away) was observed for

S9jnss3jd pajBmore;}

Minimum assumed

Modified values of anisotropic

permeability and major trends

Measured pressures

Figure 16-12a. Calculated versus measured pressures.


Figure 16-12b. Type curve data match.

148 h. The observed pressure data are given in Table 16^4, and the known
well/reservoir properties are given. Determine permeability and porosity of
the formation between the two tested wells.

Solution Figure 16-12b is a plot of Table 16-4 on log-log graph paper of

the same scale of type curves of Figure 13-3.
The match points are:
Calculate formation permeability, k, and porosity from Eqs. 16-19 and 16-20.

To check the accuracy of the above method of analysis, plot (/V[extended Pw)
versus At points as shown in Figure 16-12a. Since the (/>w|extended Pw) versus
At data fall on the curve, the analyses are correct.

Table 16-4
Interference Test Data for Observation well
Pi = Opsig, h = 48h, qw = -185stb/day, fiw = l.OOrb/stb,
juw = 1.00 cP, r = 80 ft, ct = 13.82 x lO^psT 1 , and A = 55 ft

pw Ap = pi - pw At = t\ - 48 Apwest ApAr =
f(hr) (psig) (psig) (hr) (psig) Apwest - Apw

0 0=p/
4.5 23 -23
21.86 83 -83
30.01 96 -96
46.00 121 -121
48.00 Injection Ends
52.00 110 -110 4 126 16
70.00 56 -56 21 140 84
72.00 48 -48 24 142 94
92.00 33 -33 44 156 123
144.00 17 -17 93 182 165
148.00 16 -16 100 183 167
Anisotropic Reservoir Systems
Porosity and thickness are uniform throughout the reservoir. Permeabil-
ity is the same everywhere, but varies with direction. Figure 16-13 shows the
major and minor axes of the permeability and axes of well pattern. Many
formations, such as channel sands, appear to exhibit simple ky-kx aniso-
tropy. Directional permeability has an important effect on planning oil
recovery by cycling. Ramey15 presents a method for estimating anisotropic
reservoir properties from interference data. At least three observation wells
are required for analysis. Figure 16-13 defines the necessary nomenclature.
The active well is located at the origin of coordinate system and the observa-
tion wells are each located at coordinates indicated as (x, y). The anisotropic
analysis requires pressure data from at least three observation wells, assum-
ing that the active well/observation well system is infinite-acting and homo-
geneous with the exception of having anisotropic permeability. Ramey15
shows that the pressure at an observation well is:




In Eq. 16-25
kx = principal permeability in x-direction, mD
ky = principal permeability in ^-direction, mD
kxy = principal permeability in xy-direction, mD
kmin = minimum permeability in x-direction, mD
kmax = maximum permeability in x-direction, mD
9 = angle of orientation, degrees.
The following steps are used to analyze interference test:
Observed pressure data from at least three wells are plotted and
matched to the type curve of Figure 13-3. Each of the three data sets
is matched, so the pressure match point [ApMp, (PD)MP\ *S the same
for all three observation well responses. The time match point
VMP, (tD/r2D)Mp\ wm< be different for each set of observation data.
Rearranging Eq. 16-24 in the form of

Minimum (minor) Observation well at (x,y)
permeability axis

Maximum (major)
permeability axis

Active well
Well pattern coordinates

The minor permeability axis is

oriented at 90 to the major
permeability axis

Figure 16-13. Nomenclatures for anisotropic permeability system.


Average system permeability, mD


Average system permeability, mD (16-29)

Rearranging Eq. 16-25 in the form of


Write the following equations for each observation well match;




where tMp is the same for each well and (tDlrzD)MP is different for each well.
Estimate the average system permeability from Eq. 16-29. There are three
Eqs. 16-32, 16-33, and 16-34 and four unknown, kxx, kyy, kxy, and c/)fioct.
They may be solved simultaneously to obtain kxx, kyy, and kxy, each in terms
of the unknown (f)figct. Then kx, ky, and kxy (in terms of (/)figct) are sub-
stituted into the following equation


Since the right side of the Eq. 16-28 is known from Eq. 16-26, it can be
solved to estimate (J)Ii0Ct- Then we estimate kx, ky, and kxy from their
relationship to (j)fioct- Determine the minimum, maximum directional per-
meability and the angle of orientation by using the following equations:





/3g = gas formation volume factor, bbl/scf
ct = total system effective compressibility, psi" 1
c0 = oil compressibility, psi" 1
cw = water compressibility, psi x
Cj- pore space compressibility, psi" 1
h = net formation thickness, ft
k = average system permeability, mD
kXx maximum (major) principal permeability, mD
kYY = minimum (minor) principal permeability, mD
kxx, kyy, kxy = components of the permeability tensor, mD
Qmax = direction of maximum permeability, Kmax
0min = direction of minimum permeability, Kmin
Total system compressibility can be related to the pore space saturation of
the two phases.


Eq. 16-41 can be used to estimate in-place oil saturation using transient tests.
Important Note: Analysis of more than one interference test in the same
area should, therefore, provide information on the feasibility of using homo-
geneous anisotropic technique. If the match of pressure is the same in
different tests, the technique is applicable. If not, heterogeneous system
analysis should be considered.
The following example will clarify the use of these equations to determine
directional homogeneous anisotropic reservoir properties.

Example 16-3 26 Analyzing Interference Test in Homogeneous Anisotropic

An interference test was run in a 5-spot pattern. At the end of the
injection period, before testing, all wells were shut-in. Test was run at
injection rate of 120stb/day and observing the fluid levels in the five of the
shut-in production wells, during both the injection and the subsequent falloff
period. The test information and reservoir properties are: pt = 265 psi;
/iw = 1 cP; rw = 0.550 ft; f3w = 1 rbl/stb; h = 30 ft; injection rate = qt
= 120stb/day; 0 = 19%; c0 = 7.5 x lO^psi" 1 ; cw = 3.3 x lO^psi" 1 ;
Cf = 3.7 x 1 0 - 6 p s r ! ; API = 37; S0 = 0.25; sw = 0.30; well depth
= 1200 ft. Figure 16-14 shows the well locations. Tables 16-5 and 16-6a
and b give observation pressure data for wells 1, 2, and 3 during the water
injection period. Figure 16-15 shows the well locations.
Estimate homogeneous anisotropic reservoir parameters
Average system permeability, k
Product of (J)(JiCt
Maximum directional permeability, kmax
Minimum directional permeability, kmin
Directions of kmax and kmin
In-place oil saturation

Solution Figure 16-15 shows well pattern, distances, and coordinates in ft,
and Figure 16-14 is a net sand isopatch map. Figure 16-17a shows the
match of the data in Tables 16-5 through 16-6c, to the type curve of Figure
13-3. The match was made, so the pressure match point [(Ap)MP, (PD)MP\ *S
the same for all three responses, while the time match points vary.

r (ft) tDlr2D
Well 1 480 25
Well 2 480 35
Well 3 702 45

Calculate system permeability, k

From the pressure match point for all wells, (PD)MP 0-29 and
(Ap)MP = 10, rearranging Eqs. 16-26 and 16-29, we have:



Figure 16-14. Net sand isopatch map.

Well # 1 Well # 2
0,480 480, 702

Well # 3

Figure 16-15. Well locations for Example 16-2.

Estimate product, <\>\ict

Equations 16-32 through 16-34 now may be used with the time-match data
to write three more equations. Match time was 10 hours and using the
coordinate for each well from Figure 16-16 we have the following:
For Well 1

Table 16-5
Observation Pressure Data
for Well 1

Px,y,t A/I =pt ~Px,y,t

t (hr) (psi) (psi)

34 272
39 273 -8
50 279 -14
78 286 -21
98 291 -26
120 289 -24
188 280 -15
Kyy minor permeability axis Well # 2

Well # 3 Well # Coordinates in ft

1 x,y = 480,0
Injection well 2 x,y = 0,480
3 *,? = 480, 702

Well # 5 Well # 1

Well # 4

Figure 16-16. Coordinates for anisotropic permeability solution.

Table 16-6(a)
Observation Pressure Data for
Well 2

pX, yj Ap = Pi Px, y,t

t (hr) (psi) (psi)

22 270 -5
49 277 -12
71 281 -16
93 286 -21
116 288 -23
124 291 -26
210 284 -19
289 281 -16

Table 16-6(b)
Observation Pressure Data for Well 3

Px,y,t Ap =pi ~Px,y,t

t (hr) (psi) (psi)

28 269 -4
48 271 -6
70 275 -10
94 277 -12
117 282 -17
124 283 -18
190 276 -11
238 272 -7
297 271 -6

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