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[1] Libraries and the Universe of Information on Music OVERVIEW [Music Libraries and Collections ‘hs hook takes sits premise the centrality of rari for msi reser. Libraies owe e wealth of materi Somumecting msifrom al stone periods reptons of he word sees books about music and related subjects sound and video ‘ndings nal formats mansserpts and archival oletions Whsther one vss “iiary physical in perm or vial ia the Interne, aries and the elle ns they house eal stents reseaoher and performer at al eel to pur ‘tc searches for infomation about usc a well a searches fo music se i tibares ares cent to research why do students and esearchers som ios avoid then Amite, bares on be intimidating Te may not be inme= {tions how to id teria even ow ond someone task. Lira sre not bookstores or eae Althogh some public and eadeic irarcs now so wsers to ring eof caps sly pulatons thatthe cups hae ie), ‘any others do ot. fo fh simple reson tht pleas be damaging ote ma "sor the bear forte [Lirayctalogs donot ys operate a the same ray a Google arches. Even tina an ever ncrensng umber of Hat catalogs are Web bas. many ‘ee Gaugle-ype search boxe muse Mares around the mori tl house vas “mount fae tat ar ses ona od fashioned card catlogs Moe ‘oferony stall portion ofthe matrns used bares have Been giz. I. unfortunately lo en or india wha have grown pin he age of the Taine tov hat ll normation avant fo and heefoeall {partner wth brave to rete Webscrchable digital conto (described ate) ‘anno elninae the nee for lrres 2 repostoncae these cena ‘dso he ned or irarians toad ser naeessngandvahtne ee ee ‘This caper provide some basic iaformation onthe vale heer Ictlons and ierent type fleas along with tis on scarce ban enn 4ogs and he Internet for mai research, Gaining some ania eae contort wth one's local rary often makes ieer and law tinal oe ‘ppcoachoter rain with research nga And, of eoune mane cine "esearch projec encourages pursuit of er pro RULES FOR SUCCESSFUL MUSIC LIBRARY USERS ule No. 1: Pester the Librarian (Either in Person, Via Phon ‘Blog, Depending on the Service Offered by the Library) ‘Th int Hem inthe American Libary Associthon' “Code of Ethics” fr teary ‘resonate following"We provide te highew lvelohaeree a eee seule aes ndwctate ube ead soak eee reauet" User sho exper leatom heiesanee one ee isthe cocaine in an ry wheter hewn en Pa ‘eral you ta youre gordo ted nase nae Fle No, 2: Participate ina Reference interview {Ore ofthe pinay roles ta etree ibvarian sto eneag the wer na “refer ence interview" to find om what he she specious peng Wek Seal of syne or ferns intimidation in arcs acs ote ah ralorbrond-bcd questions For crane stent may cone totic Ne ed ack for information boat te Beethoven mons Whes pited ake Srupext _-'msupposed to doa anignmenton lat Beethoven works” Lumeaniay: “I therea specific work you were asked osu Sruwest: “Suing Quartet. op. 13, Jaman: ~Would you lke a co rearing. or information about Secthoven and his ate quartets Soe “Allof the above” With this iflomaton the arin hen abl tp th sr cae app ‘Priate materials, _ 2 (CHAPTER 1 Ubraries and the Universe of Information on Music 3m ule No. 3: Understand the Difference betwoun Answering Fectual Guestions and ExploringThose Questions Requiring ‘More In-Depth Original Research ks uly as 10 find out that Beathoven composed his ate quartets the eats 1824-26 Tiss primacy a factual question question hat pial Bess with ‘who wha where when.” much ore cificu (anda int probly mare Interesting and rewarding) for musicians o explore analytical coments lose ompex late works and the exramusical actors that ad Beethoven to compose Simic wie itis that Natale Maine ofthe Di Chicks publiy rt ized President George Bush in 203 prio tote US. invasion of les, complied (and. gain probably more interesting) to explore how poplar mde formers have engaged in polite contonersies in he pst enlury ule No. 4: Knowledge ofthe Literature about Music ‘and How Its Organized Helps Usors Pose Better Questions Educated users tend to aster questions. By giving more Faianity with he erature about music, students and researchers all levels can work to eng their own question knowing where to ind the answers to facta! question and {ning sense of How more complex qustions hie ben explored y schelane ‘Tiss an opel important eyerenc or stdens who need Wo senty erg esearch projets or her raduatevel theses and seats ‘Ofen very broad topies must be Broken down into manageable units For example. a student wishing o compare the phenomenon of seal hip hop ae _hobaliation of early jaze wll peed to bepn by Yessachng each ope spares. al here are many times when arco esearch wl eves hats see tas beens thorouphiy studied that there ie oad However. the oly wy {ofind out sto ake se journes. which many find to Be que tevantay in uce The Whole Is Greator Than the Sum of Its Parts: Bibliographic Databases and the Library without Walls ‘The technological innovations ofthe fst hal ceatury have made it posible for researchers ain acess olnformstion about hogs of Hiren at from theiroma locates CCompuercaton ovary catalogs began ia he ate 16 when the Cibrasy ‘of Congres and other rary orpanizaton developed sanans of MARC at 4osingor machine-readable exalong The ws of somputrized ato rash {um ed tothe develpmentofe bigrapie databases nobly OCLC (Onkng Computer Library Center and RLIN (Resear Liber Information Networt) ich could be use by liters share etlogi interior lous a et ‘ypesot resource shirng These databases coma lon of bap con "epreseoing the holdings of thousands ol rarix worldwideour-libay wha als an our universe of music iformaton Without the development corp {fending amd shared databases were woul cet travel pel wary sites to search ter paper hase cardeatalogs Few us can a imagine ths Wold. Soe ee ee en ere mee: octe'swortdcat QCLC and RLIN. he two lresttibiorophic datas merged in 206, with QC taking the lea as the primary database provider lor ease oe Nort (worries ong) resco boasts of inaaing ee a on tems in move thas 10008 aries word onCat is freely avails onda athe Internet in many Hane, itishosted vin broader collection of databases tiled FitSemeh Te ae Pats set fsubscpton database ow nl dense apes 5) WorldCat and interlibrary Loan Rericat isa cena ot wey rari and trary uses orienting tema {tat may he hrrowed vin interibrar fon. the procs ouch which eet ater ober res x half of ther wer: Liber have supe a reuuding iri loan requests: some wil alow terse eae nee {terra low requests ile others require hath be onsen ee tame itary. Oten the lending rary charges a mon es fo tc ene Some ibrar py these es sy i hes rgurehe ndeideaing Payment Inca lan requests are ual done rough Rosey sation ne Sa mos raries dono en aud or video recordings amin -s EAL LIFE SCENARIO =) ethap a a est ofthe predominance of starches on the Neb, WorldCat is imtentonaly wer cay vith ts auior hed eee arene ame las nam insted of the more radon! itery wan oreo ‘Tampering up arevin ofthe bok ty Rector Ganiok tng ‘he journal Popul Mase, vot 1 Google (and Others) Work with Libraries ‘Ante eal, Googe as developed sever inportant iniiatives that involve Ptinerships wi raies Google Books {nists 04 Google announces painersip wth ve large escarch bares = Harard Univers, Stanford Univer the Unies of Sachse A (CHAPTER + Librarigs and the Universe of Information an Music. Ste the University of Oxford (Expand. and the New Yor Public Library —todigize millions of volumes inter collections Thi group has nce expanded to seas er large colton such as those at Carnell University ante Unters oe {Caloris well as Europea arnersamong thie Bavalen Sate Lt and Ghen University Liar The project allows complete newing eae iy ime no longer protected by copia ic, books published eee ogy ok seleted viewing for thse ties sl under copyright protection” Goose Boeke ato inks o WorkiCatenries encouraging wef find ale maltese tion when isnot avalabe nda ort Google snot alone is book scanning projects: Micros, Yahoo, Ame on, and he nooo bry organization Open Comentalsies Nie ied the cocoa unsersal arya he Web, (Conpatnans ae aga rade to the thic-entury nc. Lbraty ol Alexa, whch prio Toisas on ire, was considered the orl argon eu) Google Scholar ( This tol allows searches of selected scholarly literature inching “pecrsevcwed pers heses books abtucs and ales” Resencherr shoul some fo ‘38. tat Goope Scolar indexes only portion of the erature shou fore, be ue in conjunction with ther databases (ee Chapter) What's NOT Online {na fem words much of sgniticance not found online. Given the sigan sae OCLC’ WorldCat and the case of searching compuiers tiv eae one {hat isieraphic records forall vary materials can he fooling Tha fe the case however. and in many libra ii sll eceary fo each ek aloo ecard catalog in bok fort When visting alan ln reron ona {he Tntemet check to see how much materi std inthe oaing alg ot how users may access information on the materials that have nok yt ect Nsrted to computer-based bibliographic records (Libraries soe the tos resospctve conversion otefer ote proces of conering card catlog ‘urphie records o formas that an rea vis online saiogs) oar tigi music mantseripts and are printed edtonsarc not welieoree nea tonne databases as many Iirais have no convested thes holdings tao ist computer format Rescarers shoul also ot hat mus hogs of Eenopcan Horas ae ‘et univeraliy found ia WokdCa. One should chock sme othe majo sours ‘varies noted lat, and cons individual cso decay. asec Able resoure isthe Web prtal www thecuropenlbaryirs, wich outed Web arching holding of selected Europcen national tanec Abel {te Library of Congress 23.8 Gateway to Library Catalogs psn toga "950, which provides acest bay extalps rom sd ns ev, Digital Collections Libraries and archives worlwide have ten advantage of gta lestioloie to ‘develop Web sites wth eh collections of txt, images and smd and des thes 16 CHAPTER Libraries andthe Universe of information on Music Digital music collections range frm the Stssbibithck ru Rern's “Beethoven Digha” ep). wth the lent fain ofBeeboven's Symphony an {heliray of Cogs “American Memary Projet Web te einehee ones ‘ction of best musi collections and sound is face fa) Beyond Books: Archives and Archival Collections ‘The lem aries refers to colestions tht document the hor of ‘teated bythe organizations administration throughout ihiter Fe gn tal ach records ny encompass correspondence ander tapubtiched fo tment such 3s birth and marrage recards Becaune ote hata ween allesions they are ically etlogd as groups of materi rather thane ea dua tems as wou be found in a rary catalog Searching seh eens inwone scarching findings or folder hts tat dei the honesea pe asin. See Figure Il for example the fining i forthe Ags De Ste ea ton onthe New York Fue Libary nce Divo Web st: hpsen] ErEleseuchimanesipidnceldendeaeanarssml or gure 1-2 Woy Guthrie Manuscript Cotestion, Library of Congres Americus Foklic Coon ‘nup:imemorylocgovamem/vwghinl Wepre hint ‘The archivist determines the organization of he fldes an then isthe {rte of ach older Fortney for esearch ecnology for pong pied Sling aks on Web ts as developed in ih late THK sowing ae ‘ons to make thee ning ad aval lertroaly’ Examples bene onthe Websites of many of he national bas lated inthe looses ‘Archival materi usual fll nto the broader alcpry et pronase indicating the source clos tn he creator (For turiber dncanion et ince Full No. 5: Do Your Homework with a Thorough Review (of Secondary Sourees before Coneulting Archival Collections ‘Mest mor reference sours ive Leonid Herc ih dato as Moreh, 1918, ‘ocaing this information in bis papers al the Litany of Cone initaee ‘eovaaitrquery hm) woul equi ch diging to aah ea ee {at and probaly uaneeaary une there aconironensy Maspeth eee Mic tows archiva collection usualy appiniments min te aed es Aaa ae reuired to wear ape loves oe flow et pinedus hacen oe the preservation ofthe materia Fle No. 6-Tust but Verity ‘Tulsa there are sometimes dherepaneies between major reference soures limes whoa it is certainly necessary to vei informalon the ores nece ‘materia This ssue wil be explored frther i Chapion ‘CHAPTER 1 Librarian tho Univ FIGURE 1-1 Finding Aid for Anes de Mile Clecton Dance Division, New York Pub Library forth Performing te, enna saehmamsinidreiencnaeds ef nfrmation on Music 7m 8 curren {Ubrarisand the Universe of Information on Mucle FGURE 1-2 nding i for Mood Gute Cotecton, Amen Foie coe rear ere coca gti epee Whore to Find information about Music Libraries The Grove Muse Online ale on “Libaie” aches xelopment of music ibearies world irae arranged by continent and sity The he Printed calleston exons ISM Series fs C "Directory of Music Res {nctudes information on musi rescues a the RISM Series Cent foreach ee 8 detailed history ofthe i With sn extensive ltng oF ing ho inlude often earch Libraries” (ep. 18), is around he word In geacra, ore deal than tone found ‘The chapter on "Catatos of Dock ee CH Mii tas nd Coleco in Vincent earch Material, Sk (New York Schaar [CHAPTER 1 Ubravis and the Universe of inormation on Music. 9 Books. 197), pp 391-496 ss publsho catalogs of Hares and selected special callections alpubetal by oi “The Musi Library Asocition (MLA) the proesioal organization for ims rarcs and muse tariasin te United Stats Founded in 081 MIL cor, reny has L731 members andsubserbers Is journal. Nes ines ates ‘mad iravianship ad collections well book musi aod mediates Fes further information se the eganiations Web ste wweamisicnarynucere The Inematonal Assocation of Music Litwin Archives and Decora tation entes CAML, current as shot 200 inal and nuns ee bars in some 48 countries" Founded in 195: the organization fetes cooperative fnternational projects 1a further acces to mi ibvaiessrehives ted doe "mentation centers around the world. Among is cooperative projets ars te “4 Rs" which have arguably transformed shoany sce to use RUS (Reps ote Interational des Sources Musicale, RILM (Repertoire Inematona de iuéraure musicale), Rid (Réperiiehernatana eenosrephe musa and RIPM (Retraxpectve Inder o Muse Pero tese procs wl Se “dsc n more deta slewhere inthis ok FAME publishes a quartet oural orter Ars Masia wich insudes ‘cies on mui varansip i member counties aswel regular poco many os cooperative projects For further informatio, see te oars ‘eb te: tpstewtan inf Classification Schemes Liraries use standardized casifation schemes to organize materials in thei olletions by subject areas: the lanifaon scheduls mt commonly od ‘ui rare inthe United Stata today include the Library of Congres (LC) {Gasieaton scheme: hips goviestiepefec andthe Deney Dest Csseation (DDC): psn oridewey erionddcopre iiarity with the lssieation scheme ued in optic iby ker {aint vauabiasit may allow the user olocite materi with eae casecane Silly when browsing in an opet-self celestion, Library elscton scence ‘annot be used alone, however: it always petra to rely om the catalog fo ocate materia rhe than solely oa browsing sone might don ketone Even though browsing in open stack callectionsinlibraie or bookstores 'sa wonderful way to discover material serendipitous. impornt {remember than circulating calletione, browsing provides s peta ofthe collection only ata given time. Moterials may be checked out shelved in tho reference area or in another location nth vary. Age ‘the catalog wil provide a much more accurate pisure othe eects #10 CHAPTER Ube ‘TYPES OF LIBRARIES AND SELECTED LISTINGS Public vs. Private, Research vs. Circulating “This section presents a summary of the diferent types of ibvatos i whieh music collections may be found, with brit information on few selected Tiare neath category. This nforration i goneraly lied ote Hbeary = Web site address, significant digital collections created by the library and selected publications ofa biographical nature. Additonal information about the brary maybe found through ts Web seo well asin the sources noted er ler (RISM Series C, Grove Musi Onlin arts and Ducks ist of publisied collection estalogs)Unles others ndested line re aranged alphabet Selly by name of brary within each satan: Lars detin ther ser communities aeses ples hai om the po lation they serve In genera. pli Horr eve th public ina particu om ‘nuniy aa are epi supporied by czas’ a dlrs Nonresients of tht parca commty may nocd to pay spoil cess ees tke materi Oa oF Sccesssubserption databases ‘Universtiy, cllge and conservatory libraries support the aes ofthe schools students ely and staf Funding is provided bythe wvrsy nd i Public university sac a a state colle). tx dollars Some universes, fl conservatory Hares reopen to nonsudens other are no dhe Univers of lformation on Music Library Etiquette The ment important principle of library etiquette it ngs in advance 0 sects policies Mos Ifraries post this information on thee Web sites Asa researcher or student, you ate guaranteed beter reception if yor follow the Ubearys aces poly rather than show up unannounced Users ould aso ‘heck bars hours nd vacation ehedales in advance ofa Ws many European libeais are closed for pat ofthe summer I asa important to check shout ‘sredenilal documents raguied for acess some irae reir letersi Suction for students o seholars to view eure materials See. for example the cos card eegufements for rescuehers at the Bibothegue Natale de Franc: Hof papes!¢Navgairameiverson angio nantes Tsalso important to know the dtintion between research collin and nul eofetons Te oer aly fers toage colton a ane nique ad are materi suchas nanusexps ae eons and arhial ol tome sach materi arly eer create ether ott se communes ia inerifraryToan networks The materials ace housed in lose tack teas ers an browse only by consulting the clon Celt callectins ae these ‘hat nd materials usally 10 membes ofa defined user commit. Mateos ae often artangedon open sack ello fr bring Some large publi varies ‘uch asthe New York Public Library forthe Performing Arts howe esearch and ‘Sealing collections athe sae Pung [CHAPTER 1 Ubearios andthe Universe of information on Mus 11m [National Libraries Nana rari ate government agencies supported by government nds Com- authors and publishers are sometimes quired to depo copies 0 their trois inoush stems of "epyrght depost"s poly tat lp reste vst 0 Tetons of mattis National Herries howe research olctions: aera at tly do nociculat Selected national varie with are mai callscons alas the flowing man Ste Leary (Beyer Stns) ts Deparment hp wwrbnbsmucsen dM 4 The Msi Department ofthe Bavarian Site Liray (te ate brary of Bavaria, one of Germanys [states wth Munich sis cpt ey) serven the ‘copy depos irary foe Bavaria Itcartealy olds more tha 360 mesic ‘unuseits 34700 scores, Tn) sound recordings, and approimatey 13200) {hooks and perodeale "The Bayerische Statsbiblotek alla serves athe ener forthe Getman office of RISM and RIM BayeicheStathibctok Kio der Muskdrcke (Cao Primed Mar: ‘BUA 17 vk Mareen KG Sa, sa lg der MatandcfeBayerche Saitek. 3 ok Manche: Kani de Masih BSB (Calo of Mi Poa Baar “Sie iba Manchen: Sour 19D Kg dr Nose, ih nd Mish (Rovarin Snte “vary Catto of Pine Mass, Booka Pal on Mi) hed Moc KGS (CD ROM) Bern Ststbotok uc res Ml it Maa A pit Torn oseunchoetungsnmus slong ose “The Ber Stata hoe sone ofthe works os signa msi ‘snoscnpis among them the autograph of 8 Bach's May iB minor and St Matti and St John Pasons,Boehone's arth Fifty and Ninh ym onic wells an almost compte collecon of Marstons." Asis ty IM RISM Sern Cinatea “The Staak isthe geste erry a Germany wih souse mater fom Bach oSchuanarae wel a unperallled foto of Gorman printed us om 80-1945" During Hora Wa thay ofthe Bern ttt shodings were dapered aes ast ‘ru urope or safeheupng anne ony rest Bon dented (Asked it ing of ures rata tot sbject provded next) Tae postwar dson of ‘Botinedosepartelitvares i Eas and Wet Bebe tw wee finally und {in 3 and moved to hr present cation i 98 "512 CHAPTER 1 Libraris andthe Univers of infomation on Maric {Selected Sources on Discovery of Mates om the Bain State Libary ‘olwing Wonaor ‘Hi Richard S. “The omer rusian Sate Libra.” Notes 3. (Sp 196: 27-5: ‘alt {aw Nl apr: Moca ecthoven, Back The tah for Thr Lt Mas Condon Hai Harn. Mam ran “Prom Beno Cracow: itech ani Seyoemth Centar ins of alan Scr Vol Musca he agony bay Nas na | ep lames, Drea. “Music Lb in asm Este: Vin 1961" Nes 100.2 (re 92173 Stele, Doi us Gilene “Cil MasA Slt Sete Mia (Gury 2.0 (Srng 198) es ‘hina, Pi The La Beta Manacrp” Noes 3,81 (Spe. 198). 78 ‘Selecta Bein State Library Pabatons ‘Beaks Hein. Cacoms Meer Were der Musi: ne Aung der Msi ‘dung der Sastre Preacher ares Bernt 300 Cobo Komponen vom 31 Oktober 193 bs un 5am P82 Ronn Stnbnbel Peusihr Kates Weataden L Rebbe on lve, Rusia Hans Ginter Kl Lawl on Beco 790-1970, Ate raphe aud Muska d.StasBloikek Pewee Relupboce ese 1-30 ‘Dee 1970im Mendelson Archi der Sasbitoek. Acmhaneocteg® Sansbiiotek Preacher Kaarbests | Belin Stahbbioiet Revecker (eorg. Ditr Handtools de Oren der Saasiblwik Kuba Hus a Luoepas vom aa hs Pa 127 destlansksslog:Sastotes Preah Rass 7 Bela Sevs tik rewscher Kaen 978. ‘Renee each Gey Philp Teme: Astograph nd AbschifonKao, Sst Pear Kates Muscle Kes os Mo tbvehang Ese Ree Handy? Munchen Hose, oh ‘otha Mh Hey autograph and Abe Reg. Sabi Bek Pence Kutt Musa Kaige er Mesaicng ee [ei Hansen Moen G Henle 190, ‘cin amine. Lag on Beton Aa paphe Abc: Kato Sat ‘hotel Preiser Kulture ManaerngKaloge Ree | andes barr Menebuer rae Milton Amado Moca Aucopape und Abc: Katy Stnstorhek Freche Kutrbestz Msebeedng Kalo Ree Hanieincn oe Menebaren 2 Sstbibotok 1 Besin und Biot Jpllost, ed Music Marni of he ‘Suaubboviet eu Bern PresncerKulrest ano te Bible gach a Krakow Munchen KGS, 1956-209 ara) [linen ota ibe in Bern tat were ned the agloion nn at well a mitt the clstn the Sng. ‘Akademi Belin) For cone ing sc pnw ct Sekaseeee ang, Deak (CHAPTER Libraries andthe Univers f Information on Music. 13 Dita Cotectins Besthoven Dial ie sgl sae of Bothven Symphony) itethven athshotek triads ‘he Beta Sate Litrary lo het Mavng. a oie dtabise of poesia ‘Sanuicrit and ters hosed in Europea ues ip hoses hlieleng about Sibitheque Navona Mae Deparment ptr ppsotectowimesgu in Establish in 160, the Deparment de Ia Musiq of Francs Bsithogue ational presently encompasses he liters ofthe Pars Conaeratole and ine Opéra. ts holdings inelude more than 2 milion item among them spfeant manuscripts (suc as the mantsrpts of Macart's Don Giovnn and Besthoncs ‘Appasonata Sonata), autograph ees ab arhivelcalletions (aed ower ie ko seres.s the copyright depos Hear or France thus addi spe he ing of printed and record msi each year, Holdings since 191 se ede Marys online catalog Bo- Opals hplcatlopue bat Selactad Publications loch Miche Aine Lees aographer cnr puree de Magu rac ebegae ana, Se ‘roar, Yond. a colson Seba de Broad 188-1730 caloge (Depart rea ie Mas Re Yn 820. ar: stanton de Ea ‘eorhvil sles Cugwe fond de mage ene del Behe seonale ‘ots ur Sas icatonle de mango ID- Rept Nex tose De Cage Pros 17. ‘ota Fri Cg de aman impinge vant 100 comer ates bib ‘hegs puhlos de Par Pate btn “Main Catering and Cése Grand Clog des mamaria muscu ners {i cones Depron dels rasiqe eA Pars Bag ete ie France io Dial cacti ales ani Inala tactolgipgeasp!T229.MUSAtm Beis ray Mie ‘The British Library in London bounes one ofthe worlds mos extensive oo: ‘cctlns of printed mink and miniseries A dexiption of the Bish Linens ‘usiecolestons founda hp blkcollectonsmunicinetshic ‘Among the many highlghs ofthe Brith Litarysmusiccllectig re the Stefan Zweig Cllaction the Paul Hirsch Colton the Roya Mane Lisroy ‘Colleeon ni more than milion pushed ses in "Pints Minis saloceee, 1874 CHAPTER 1 Libraries and the Universo Information on Muse A detailed nd informative fst of sal and calectons ae sealable at utp akiolesonemsimaceatspeial ml Mos ofthe music mamwserpt Rolin are avaiable online at ip bl ubletaloguesmanesrpv ‘The library's extensive Holdings of printed msi are tein Baile, Law teen. The Catalogue of Printed Munthe British Library 1980.62 ols (New ‘York: KG Sur 1951-67). olding sed in thi catalog ao with ost-198. holdings are found inthe Hibary’s Integrated Caalog™ hp/etalogue Lak! frei name-loin pwr btubesabanesttings Banke A Arthur Ser and Mal Tuner, te Si Sr of Mas ok “ay one its Libary Colon: Praca OW Negabor on Hak are Artur The Bras Larry fin Zl Coleco: Caso ofthe Mui scx Lando: Bis Lita. 19 Selected Dig! Collections ‘The Bish Lines "Thing the Pape softwar los viewers ta ape iene major source dial fr by ttn the pages ofthe ex Among the items featured inthis program i Mozarts on Themate Catalog Vretdhnss ler ener Werke, wil sks wo aus excerpts hp bl abloninegallery Tuptapbooks hu or more information on varie in the Lied Kingdom and Istand, sce “Thompson, Pamela, and Malcolm Lewie Acceso Mae Music Libra ond Archies he Unted Kingdom and ean Carrot Thoms and «Reals Viston ‘forthe Faure Loon: Interational Asan sf Mac Libres Archives rad Documentation Cente, United Kingdom and Irland Branch 208, kya his sie “The national rary of Canad now known a “Cllsctons Catala” (Labary a Aeives Cand asenesecailction of publsed music sound recordings and ‘tchval collects Among the ater we cre of on Gk Gol ‘lune Pal Bley and Oxcar Peterson, ad composers equ ety and Sir Eres ‘Main slated ist of collection nash tp calesonsanads -alwebifiopicindes-eini¢h. The We ate of CletionsCanade lo eases Ielectoncvertn of he Enyce of Misa Canale ep 0), whch part ‘ofthe Canudian Encylopedia eww thecinadaneneyclopedia. oom. { ‘CHAPTER 1 Librarios an tho Unvore f information on usc 15.8 Selected Publication Baral, enn, Stephane Jen, and Maroon Novi Mie Archive th National “ary of Cama as Naor Libary o Cana, 200, Lira of Conarse wet Located in Washington, DC, fhe Library of Congress vst and isin gushed collections of muse tnd mses inaruments were developed through Several important donation and aquest, among them those tom the Eaabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation, the Gerad Clarke Whitall Foundation (wich dated LCs colestion of valuable Staivarus nsrumens). the Serge Kou Ssevitky Musi Foundation, and the Hans Moldenhaver Archives, Compose achiveshousedin the Library of Congres include those of Leonatd Berstla ‘nd Aaron Copland both of these collections are available n dial form Indeed, hasbeen leader inthe developmen of digital collection: an alph etic it of digital musiccoletonsavaale at hpwwelocgovrende ‘Select Pulienions {Gonepondoc of Pon: Lies 111889) te Coleone Mae Dison van of Congress Washington, DCL of Cogs 10 Bary of Conn Mats Thos, Dance Marae Ge Waigon, DC ‘Liar of Canes acer tt f-Slesod Spl Clason he Misi Dison pa 78) [Newsom on and Aired Mano, Phe Rosen Molenkuner Memorial asl Hits Pronars Sore A Gai th sven Washing DC Lire {Congo 300 Ato tulle one pncmoryic yovammemeolecton! ‘aocnhoet tay of Congr: 21250 ena ory Cals A vale meting ot harem avowed te worl xu ete Livay of Congr Web se at IneewebncpvsDstoay ml ce 5) Digital cotections Anmeran Menor projet tomer porno LC Amer ‘in Memory Project pests ileal of est mans wun lx, ap p= Tepepn snd othr mata that ocmca te Aneicn epeons An ‘Spotl if pic econ ound pony x pine IrowsetAllpip Armng the mance found raph he LC Amro ‘Monory pot te re fr afer Shrt Mae S010 0 the Leonard Resin snd Aaron Cop cvs (lob Gateway intricate The erin enpion Wo L's Amer Mews poet Cal Cate ars #16 CHAPTER) Lbrarie and the Universe of nfrmation on Muse Ortensichzche Nationalbiniothek Auetin ational Library ‘Te Austrian National Library (ANB) Music Department houses more than S00 manip hn hoe of such major composes x Beethoven, Bre ner, Haydn, Morar. nd Schubert. Is collection of printed msc (moe than 120,00 er) was espe earch through he danation of Aton va Hib Ken'scllstion of spprosinatey S00 ergnal ad ery printed eons Hobo. en sho. donated his Photopranimarcs, whieh insu photocopies and smbroin of tigen womcrpts The ANB sees et he Copyright cepa {ear for ne publetons in Aust, Selected Puestions Bric, Gant De Masbenung derOsercho Natok und ene Be upc Ha aa Wes Oe Mr, ina Roemary Kalo der Mutha Schifon, Saon Albon Bos ‘fn ln Boy iden anon Quin Bs er Orch aloe Sang Aoohen an Heber er sion de Oris ‘ho Nana mathe Bhd Fasc Hs vom ln ar Ost Digital Cottons “Compo Autopano und Gsheehpenwonbactaeing) Public Libraries with Large Music Collections. (arranged alphabetically by city) Boston Boston Pu Libary ip nw poeta pts hi eaten Public Library's si election inca coe eciltion of aks ae scores aswell arsverl dstingsed spoil calecions Amen theater are the ‘Allo A. Brovn Musk Cecio the Sarge Kousseisky Colleton, the Wales Pi ton Collection the Handel an Haydn Society Colton, ax Muse Program (Cllection hat bouss concert and theater roprans of vena isthe Bestow sea ‘Retrospective holdings are dacamente in: Dictionary Catalog of he Mase Coletion ofthe Boston Pac Libra, 20 vol (Benton: CK. Hal, 1972) Fest ‘Supplement vols (Boston GK. Hall 1977. Chicago ‘Newbery Library anata adil ‘CHAPTER 1 Libraris andthe Univers f information on Music 17 @ ‘The Newberry Libary san independent esearch Horary in Chicago, Ii= oi that functions publi ray for sesearchers It howescetemsive nen. fulating collections of fate books, aps and manuscripts nsaging more than 0,0 music ems shest muse mamatripts theoretical eaties and carly pred elton) Foe father iformaton see rane DoaldW-“Th Newry Lan Chega” Fos Art Mas 16196) Stmaveriel Susan and Jin Dickie “Musi Cllectios a the Newberry Libary” "nes Ais Mas m4 (tee 200) 3722 ‘The New York Public Library for the Performing Ars houses distinguished collections of performing arsmtersncading culating and vesere collec tions mie dance. mn theater, The Rogers and Hommerssin Archives of Record Sound (ane othe resarsh ison) contin mre tan 0,0 ee spdisaa portant repostory of historia reondngs Ciredting collections re ‘allable ony To residents of New York-Reserchcoletons ae availabe to Scholars and feseatchers fom any Local alhough an "ase cards eghred {Goo hipstwwtenyploep research enero te “The Research Libvaries onlin catalog, CATNYR provides access to NYPL Music Division holdings cataloged since 1572 Rtrspestive holdings are doc mented in Diionery Catalog ofthe Muse Collection, New York Pub Library 2d 48 vols. (Boston: GK Hal, 152), Pernt Morgan Library Iipsnumoranibsr or’ Inport ganar! (olin ct) The Pierpont Morgan Libary houses an extraordinary cllecton of music ‘manus nd fst dons nlaingautoepts by Beetoves. Brahms, Mahe Mozart Schubert Schoenberg and many oer composers A detailed description ‘ofthe coletion andi story foun oJ Rigi Turner two-part ala hite Riches i a Lite Room: The Muse Collections inthe Perpont Morgan Library." Notes 85, o. 2 (Dex 1998): 28-326 [pat I): Note 55,003 (March 1098) 587-9 (prt Ian i Mini Colleton the Pirpont Morgan Libra” omes Aris Musa 8,04 (Oet-Dee. 241) 367-1, Prceihie Free Lary of Pitadep ia Inisinorctea hinge ‘The Free Library of Phiadsphi contin sigan holdings of msc ad ance materia with spec collections orchestral musi and samber rase “Te later includes pore than 27 00 that are walle or lou oni Sit foe coaches Hnk pajecnc of aachunianie dopa 1818 CHAPTER? Libraries and the Univeres of Information on Music The Edwin A. Flier Collection of Orchestral Mai, compose of more ‘han 210 td considered tae the world's argo lending bray of ches teal performance mato Holdiogs up to 107 ar listed in The Edin A lsh (Cllection of Orchestral Masi nthe Fee Library of Philadelphia: A Canaaire (Ctag,1920°1977 (sto GX. Hal, 1979), Updated nfration savaabe upto brary ila govicooctonseolecionDotalein University and College Libraries, Conservatory Libraries Some the st signiean muse colleionsin the Usted States ae Found in ui ‘ery college apd coseratory msc varios These libraries evict srve the ‘Shoo! comstiuens (students and fac) and may net be ope to tho general public This titing is ven more selective tan he iting of national orties 5 ters are encouraged to idety materials through WorldCat, rather han eon tasting ibraie iets. Columbia Cage chiego: Cm for Black Music Resear Columbia Cole in Chicago has develope the Center for Black Muse Research (CBMR), whichis “devoted to research, preservation, ad deri. "in of ermation about the hitry of black sion global scale" The cen ‘er ponds extensive esoures for these intrested stu of Aeon American tnd black muse Among its publications are the Itermuonal Distonary of Black Composers 1999) sep. 78 The Eastman Scho of Music’ Siey Litray i comsidered one ofthe agent university muse colletions in the United State, presently holing more than 75.00 stems Founded in 1908 by Hiram Sbey ata mse rary for eet. ‘ont of Rochester, New York, in 192i became pat ofthe Fastman School of ‘Musi which had been etalsed the prior ea. Ent Sebo oe Usery of Resse The itary Quarry ha? (apa oy 82 tery Lien Chaves Lindahl Gathering the Source A Cite Wit Ia ‘Maer Mase transi: yb Honor of Ras Woah eo ed Mans -26 Fests ener, Sumesan, NY Penden Pres "RosntaAlb."A Source Sere are Boks ne Stes nea Mode ‘Me vari: Evy Hono Rul ota, ied by Aled Mane, 27 2 Fst see 8 Stayreraat NY Pendgan Pe 1509 Harvard Universi Edo Kuba Loc Music Library Pe ard eh at etary aes 5 é (CHAPTER Ubrarie andthe Univeres of Information an Music 19m One of heme! distinguished university musica in the Lied Sates Harvard Eds Kuhn Lob Music Libary prosomly bolas ore thse 10,00) ook’ and scores and more than 6.00 resins Hs shame Memon Library uses the ni ben's special ellestioms a wel a iri ed Cases, ff soutes in ocer varies Aner spec collin witha the libay is the ‘Archive of Word Musi, which hous archival field recordings and here fomsicologial materials Harvard the home ofthe US fice of RISME (dpe inernanal dex Sonrces Mase oneal avery of Mast fl Sours oe pp. 176-13) Selected Pblicatons ‘Qua n0.2 (ApH 1999} 368-76 eri rom ie th ke 0 Centar gion Litre a ulin Tertmescabour beta Indiana Universi (1 Ovanttaiely competitive withthe Easiman Schoo of Masi. nina Un seni’ Willa and Guy Cooke Mini Library hol more tan al milion Hm 3,140 books and bound jours, 10162) scorex 222.1777 performance parts "134,40 soundreordings 1,956 i8e08 and 17.983 mirofina The Cook {teary supports ih esearch and performance neds large Schoo of Music ‘n1U's Bloominglon campos This schoo cure has move that 1 tudes nd 16 acy ems Tn akon to ts diction for the demonsrsted strength fe colleen, TU’ Moric Library has also besa leader in teshonlogs developments among ‘music iares inthe United Sates fe was one ofthe founding member of the ‘Associated Misc Livares Group wich fered cooperative cataloging for music lates on he OCLC database te exe: lternstmstste Worle Inter Det Masi Soures"iereferences on many ther musk arc’ Websites Beane litscompeehensive nature and weful ofeaization.” Te Cook Library Va ion proect ausehed in 198, wos one of the fit tl sc tives in the United Sates ha served an x ms! fr similar projects ever since" Indiana Unvest’sAreaves of Tonal Mus tp nna. -urchn), Archives of Atiean Amerion Musca Cults (pentane Suassme) and Latin Amescan Music Centr (pnw mien ca vlan) ce portant esearch centers ia the owt rh Slected Putsiations Davos Mary Was "Indo Unie’ Witla nd Gaye Cook Mae SR eer Sislars. Satnae Vetvecnty’s Niliom nowy 120 CHAPTER 1. bravia and the Univers of Information an Muse ores aed Las Hera od Gr ii, Suns nl Recon atie nian Unive Latin met Mase Cone Bmingu tno Unies University of afomia, Bakley epwoelthber ley ah UStsecton him Univerity of California (UC) Repkley’s Muse Library snoable fo ie ‘extensive holdings including more han 180.00 vols bok a sees ‘5000 sound recordings aswel dningushed collections of are mates The collections were ult in prt by Vinent H. Duckles autor of he lannark Masi Reference and Research Matis (ce p42}. who serves ata Hom arto St Select Pubestion Roberson H.“The Mai Library, Universo Call Rey” itary (Quart Gh 984573 84 ‘Adtonapubliation on th LC: Berkley Mac Libra ave found on is Web sce: pun erkeeyeduMUSHSography hm, Conservatory Librarios Conservator bare typialy serve school tht educate performers: ths thei brary calletions may not have the same typeof pinay source mated inthe uivesiy and college Hare hat support high level scholarly tesa ‘That sid, many conservatory Hirarics hold ifcant eave material and te sures some of which were donated bythe fourdrs or bythe faculty. I he United Sates conservatories cam be further subdivided info then tha re eo eed with ager univers and eoleges (ich a8 Cincinat Clee Coose. ‘tor, which spat of the University of incon or the Peabody Conservatory in alimore part of Johss Hopkins University) an thos tha at independent, ‘sich asthe Cari stitute of Muse and The Joan Schoo In general the ae ined conservatories have moved more quickly 0 develop nie casos king suivante of technology development ia thei parent institutions Tay most Independent conservatories are mortbr of OCLC this making thee hangs ‘ibe trough Worl. [st ene are selected onseratory hms and thet Web st adress: Boston Conservatory (Boston, MA) hupvwvibostonconeratorséi! (Ginenoai College Conservatory (Cincnna OF} bt: mwcom acd? Gris nsitut cf Musie(iadepia PA) upsrycurecdu hin sh The Juifiard Schoo (Mew York NY) hp liarded! (home of the World-enowned hiss Mansnrpt Colson o sk oginl mame pts sletches and annotated eos: eeeod scores monte dilly at ww julliedranwserptetection or) Manhattan School of Musi (New York NY) Btpdfwecmamayeed Mannes Coleg The New Schoo or Muse (New York NY} Seherman Masic Re Nees ee cemnal fos Meiase (ew ‘CHAPTER 1 Libraries nd the Universe of normation on Musle 21 a Now England Conseatory (Boston,MA) hp ene wengundcosertoryedhl Obesin Conservatory of Music (Ober, OH) pw abeinedacon! San Francisco Conservatory of Msi (Sea Franeea,CA) hep iwmsic ed (Church and Monastic Libraries ‘Many ofthe early manuscript soutces documented in RISM ate found in ‘monastery and cathedral libraies The Vatican Libary a Rome isan especially Fic epostory of manuscripts of polyphonic muse For mote dee informe tion on these collections, see the Grove Music Onfine Libraries gril unde “Types of Libraries Monasteries Cathedrals: Other Elsa Iotttons” swell asingiidua brary deseiptions nthe Grove Mase Online tile and RISMSeres © Private Collections ‘The tem print collections refers aletons developed by individual Asis- cassis the Grove Muse Ont ate “Colston, Prvate~ man of thse el. Feetions are eventually housed in institutional rarcxeihcr on a dps ai oF as permanent donatins Examples inl the Rover Owen Lehman collection the Perpont Morgan Library the Willa Schiede Collection of Bach te. als at Prneton University Library, and the la F Brant Beethoven silo at San Jose Stat Universi in Califor The Grave Mate Onine atc sub ‘vided into sections on eaten colecton arranged by county and it) and storia ofetios(aranged by mum of alsin. "Te following selections provide ational information: Fer Span Prt Libra of Mulan and Mase Bray of Cte ops Bares Kaul 87 Coon mes Pre ase Cols: Chg and Copa Ltrs Wan Mt Hrs Pak se 20) ‘ing Apa Some Bria Calor of Mas 1600-180 Cambie, Cambie Univer Pro 68 Pau Sache Foundation [aul Saher Siting) ‘pnp acer sing hdl St sector Pol Sacer (196-8) amassed an extroiaycallston ‘temanuscpsand primary source materia of wentet-cetury coments Hs foundation has pubis catalogs ad inventors oft olding a elle fa. Simi edion of selected publications ‘Composers represented inthe Pal Sache Stiftung include Bela Bartok {Gonrad Hee, Aten Berg Laceno Bera Jan Binet Hartson Bite Pes Boule, Henry Bran, Fite Bran Wily Barbar, Adi Dac, Elo Carts, Heo Bula, VinkoGlokobar Sota Gohulina Hans Werner Henze, Arbus ‘Honoager, Mauricio Kagel, Gyory Lge. Wild ttouawsk Bruno Mater, Frank Marin Conlon Nasearow, Gordo Peas Welpang Rina, Coors ochierg, Kaithoseu Shaper Sorabj, gor Stravinsky, Viktor Ullman, Galinn (#22. CHAPTER 1 brats and the Universe of information on Music Selecta Pueations ‘Soe pnp ter sung hipblaone/ataanstlos Researchers and performersinterested in primary source materials often {ek how to find out where # manuserpt ousted, and how te gain ‘cz0ss to materia in private calietons. The former question can us Sly be anewered by using «composer nematic eatlog (see Chapter 10), ifther sone forthe composer in question. For pre-1800 works, primary souroes can beoested using ISM ise pp. 176-162). Acca to worksin Private collections can offen be achieve by following the same princ los of library etguetealteady described: write ro the ower ofthe co Teeton endir te brary thet houses the collection, and fn out when fd where you may gan acces othe material ‘Se also Chaptar 8: From Manuscript to Printed Elton, "Music Information Centers ‘Mase Infostion Centers (MIC) document and peomotecontamporary use ‘oumtes aroun the worl rom Ausra o Yager The Iternatinal Asoc: ‘Son of Malformation Conte (1AMIC) the umbrella nso for hse ‘Senora Avot 2h [AMIC stad 3 conterin coun ke West provi Eks to MIC member Weh stax which in tum lnk tothe onine ary etlogs Many MICy artelalytose in Europes counties cary ot heir msn by pushing snd rote mis ofthe native composes By searching har line ctl, ‘ers may id new works ox partularinsunents or ensembles See Faure 3 Teshould be mot hat the American Mosk Cente, which the 8. Mic Information Center donated ts brary of scores oe New York Pol Library in 2 Holdings ane found i the CATNY? catalog bplestnypnyploneforarther information see hip:twswamcnevexploreepetoitelitrat 'Sevaleo O'Kelly Eve Mase inrmation Centex” In formation Source Masi ete ty Lens Foreman. 26-39 (Mchen KG Ser 28), TIPS ON SEARCHING LIBRARY CATALOGS “Tn ist ibligraphic tool in any iris catalog: whether no-one «ad cataog format (se), bok formar online Users shoud no that thee ae ‘cera library sytem vendorson the market an intrtaes may var om ray totibrarydepeading upon the ste each ses Library stags shold provide noses to materials by (a iin): [NAME of suibor or composer {TENL of work (es tne explanation of uniform tes) (CHAPTER 1 bares an the Universe of information on Music 23.0 FIGURE 1-3. oland Musi formation Cote stn atl, ¥sBUAS se comenporry mi te ind ode ctng ew Seng [iodecion he (neyo) sorch te ney hme aa Meg a ete (onenperay ane SH me aaa QQ 7 Inpemcenyasectin 1826 CHAPTER 1 Uraries and the Univers of vormation on Music Jn aon oan catalogs usually allow searching by KEYWORD, which ‘may soem tobe the mos natal approach to ase re Tale ih Gore Searches but fot alas the mest fet forma searching in ary eats ‘Thin isbecaue vay ctalogs use somewhat complex system of “alfonso tol" which rect srs rm forms ames ero subjects lined nec ‘og to thse usd er established contentions (See follwing ston, “Unions Tiles) The “authority fh,” a i ealled, may not be available Suing s nod search-Thus search for “Martage” wo find Movars Le Nosed ler (ie form wed in ifrry catalogs) may 01 bing lof the ents sug ‘iin, though keyword searches fypcly sar al emp f the tem’ iticgraphic ect sbjet contents ots ieee) ance beading the presence of welased words is the iingrpi eor dc tt that the item relevant othe wersserch, expecially the search snot caetly somsructed, Fr example search une Global Hip Hop inte Livy of Coe {ess caalog Brings up more than 00) ets that have these words a some part ofthe biogzaphercor Many ofthese ents ane ute elvan te ep suc as Davi Tops Rap Act S-Afcon Ra to Cio Hip Hop (Londen er en's Til 200, However aso bring pack Coils back Life Lesson far ‘he Way Yon Live? Esenial Ingredient for Png Balance an Src (Bigg, fel Beach. FL: Health Communications 207), because the wore gla at ip ‘hop a ound ie diferent parts af the contents nete"Te former Book fr le ‘elvan tthe que the lero. (Phin the erm in guotation mera “Coed ‘ip Hon” or searching ia pase woud kimi the search to tesevant se) Catalog ens themselves should prove infomation on the phyla tes ofthe item: nub of pages issu in ete) publeaton far on (lc of pubication puede) and language of putin Heals hey fatalog sos abo provide aces tothe contens of ular oe mulseompeey more crumonl inthe sinccs and socal senor Mase publications ung ns foum tition include these dealing with setenoe or socal science sh. oR auch as acount psjchoucust,pscbogy and musi an msec ‘in: Cations replaced in parentheses within the en wing author's as name Sit pubtiation and page number The ft of works sted appears atthe cd ‘ofthe paper ands ied” Works cited” or Refetene List= Panentwencat RereRENce (pe 95.45) Rerenences Php R198). Guides Rew Masi dct (ec) Mech Sar H.Style Manuals and Writing Guides Specific to Music Blin, natn A Shr aide Wrhing Abou asic 2 ed New Vn erin 1 ‘CHAPTER 1 Libraris and the Universe of formation on Music 33a Bene Dw Ri a Nin Zn ano rg te Gory es How Woe Abou se The RLM Mana ofS ado Freword by Cal ASkogead nian ty Barbar Dee Mckee New ork Reporte Iiernatoal de Lientre Mase 200 Helm E Eons Alter Laer ndsand Maser anl Procedure Ths, ‘Deon Reach Pap, Bo Rpts Params Tens Comptia Rev Horter:irevor ncn Words A Cha eehingond Wing AB Me Lo ee Asociados tthe Rol St ase Holonsn.D Ker. Wrng Au Mast She She rome Eds of 1Coney Mate Bese: User of Cacia Pee Irie Doar Ines ng bu ode Revie an enage by Mu A, Rade Pind, OAs Pen 19 ‘Wage hie Wing it Ma A nna Chie Abe Upper Sade Rice Ni Prete Ha 7 ‘Wael hur nd Sins Hero sdcon Rte Muse Upper Sade "Rect Pon al 0 Electron Citations {Me newest etions of Turabian, Chicago and MLA include guidelines or ing sos types electronic resources. 30 it sno aly cena To consult ep fate guide for lestoniccitations) aan, Anden and Eugene Kiepitger One AReiree Ge w Ding Ie Sure, 208 pave. Boor Beers eM AK fp owbonsinactas, ‘UiXluand Nay Cate econ SA Handbook fr Cdn lero efor ‘non. nde Melo NI Information Toe. 0% Nall Sanz Rar To Talo: The Calumbi Grito Onl Ske 2a ed New "York Clanbia Unvriy Pra 306 In genera citations for elecieone sours shoud ince the same inor= ‘maton nasil the samo format ition for pit wouter wih the ner. ant addition ofthe wt (item resource loathe date aces —| wy isthe aate secessed important? Units published books, which canbe assumed to be complete 38 of the ate published, the Web isa dynamic resource, ana Wa sites may be Updated or taken down, according to the needs of tho author Indeed, Web ste ctston may nt exist the ext time one locks frie. {#34 CHAPTER 1 broris and the Universo Information on Music Examrie MacDonald lan." Und Soviet Rui A WW Resouces holmsovonenn (aces AGB 287) IV. Help with Software Programs Many sls and universes provide oftware programs that aid students in fr trating relerencesin fcr papers These programs types provad options for a nating citations scoring to the diferent ssl shel TurabianChicag, MLA, Sr APA, Some ofthe most poplar programs ae dnote awe nandotecom Proce: mip wirproctesorn Rojee Mager hips wc cond Although these programs appear 10 make ction format us students should he cation to check the essere to ase thet the coret or fiat hs been selected an ofl i nocscaryirmation propery V.A Selection of Other General Writing and Style Guides Rega vistors to hookstres undoubtedly notice that tho onset of every aca imi yeur gpl ings wave of new pbcatons oid students wing uid pocket thesur and dcnares and ste manuals Te Following ating provides Selection of me andar and widely asspted general waiting guides Srunk fd White's Elem of Silas guked writer a al evel with snp and Staightforword rcs for many generations caching grammatical principe such Sethe ference ben ha al wh. Now nat ea is Rb pane een the orginal 101 edition aye ound onthe Internet. Historian (and Berox ‘Scola Jays Barzun ha also guided writers and researchers one Ihe Seas Ini hs landark books The MoeraResorser an Sipe an Diet. Th a Ine deat ih general enethods of shoes inquiry ane researc, wie he tee dresses approaches to writing. “Azan, he following listings make no tts st comprehensiveness. and stadents ar adie check ith het deortments sa hl facut regarding rosommended texts Baran aque Spl a Di A Rho Writer the New Yor: Ol 2h Baran luqucs and Hey Graf The Moder Race. Beat. CA Thompaon Wadenrth 308 ‘oath Nae Cre Colom and owe M Wiliams. Te Cre of Rech ‘Chip Geo Weng Fang and Pubining ded Cheap Ur oF {Ghcngo Pes 2 Ish he materi nh ook has Bom nore to Tarn Mn 200 Eo: Pec Wri Wik Power Tdi or Masia the Win Proce 2 ‘Newer Ovid Ute Pos 198 a ane rie amd Pa A Tee, Lame Gn a ee Fr (CHAPTER 1 bares end the Universe of information on Music. 35m tic. et Hao or Acad Author hed Cantrle:Cambpe Urry rss Nigicn, Dai SuceshlDieriions and Thee A Gide Gradua Sader Msc on Popa Compe no San Pn: ose Bas 1D ‘te UM Anguesovemon sed Ley Brown Nw Oxf! Dion fr Wes ears he Ese 2 Cae oe Whiten Word Non YarkeOtad Ue fy ren 8 her Maras The lone of Grama New Yok: Main. 1936 ‘Sa Atan My sn Wiliam G-ConwaltNew Yor Tes Mao Sle and Ue oy tN or Tne Books 98 ‘Stk Wiian rond £1 Whe emer of Spe 4 Boston Amand Mace, 9998S eval on te Web tpt.) poy, isnn uitnn and Doug Heme Sinan and Seater anaboo fo Writers hed: per Sede River Ni Peron Pence Hal 207 pwr penal ets 8 in Leen ary-Chie A Handtok for Stat Rex ei New Yr Osforé Uster Sy re 2 LUSINGTHE INTERNET FOR MUSIC RESEARCH ‘Tere are wonderful rious forme etre avilable he Internet There ate abs Web ses wih ied croncou, and ou of dal infomation. How can {hes best oat roevant Web resource eval thm sad se thea appopr stay forrescarch? ‘Searching for Information on the Web Wiscerany not ifieult iofinda Web search engine Indeed, jst as agencaton ‘go Xerox wae equivalent to photocopying. touey Googe bes become #1009 ious wih Web searching. (Needless to sais competitors obj ot ubig= fous identity) With te subeeareh universes af Google Book. Gowple Schl. Google Patents ander tol iary users wil find much of relevance though Careful cated Goole searches ‘Iypes of Search Engines Googe Ba cratered sear cngine, caning htt seaches the Web throeh technology Yahoo ea decor based earch engine, osely defined us one tat ts rans to revi an comp ies Maa egines search ther earch gn ramped wo dogg so, wer com, www kartoaco, Ant wovnnamma com For deal tforation about search engines sce wm “Rarthonsnewatch com “__ Mentacach engine have “Hepserces od wcrin the we of Boolean ors and other search ecniguesonthe ate A each for acompne pe ormer name onthe Web swuay best sclevedby placing the name a qutaton er exmple-Letnard Bertin’ Deke Engen "BB King or-Mary Elige” Although many ofthe more estahshed arta hae thrown oa #36 CHAPTER 1 Lbvaria and the Universe of information on Music ‘Websites erconardbermsicn com, wedkeeliagon com, wr king cm, \wwsnbize com) less wellknown names may ony be repented hy ks their publisher or recor earpany ste A the "fc sts fst mentions ‘usualy Unk to pulser and record compan ies withthe glo lead ses to places where they may parchase males Defiins d Web se ude. ul =unilorm sours lositor othe unigue web address for ech ste ‘Te as prt of he urls sed tongs the pons teatro the we sie cational ination (example: we harvard. es) everett (ext wvoe pO) neti (aa: nv avon om) ‘ru ~otganaton (example we secetymeOroE) ‘el = used for sites that incorporate special yper of networking software (eas mwa net ‘Countries around the world alo se distinc sie examples insu" h=Switertand ‘1 ~ Risin Federation ‘k= United Kingdon Anyone may set up a We sit: doing so requis reisration ofa unique oman nam sualy de (res) through one a he numerous Joma istration companion the weh ICANN (ernet Corporation of Asiabed Nabes and Numbers wwyiann orp) the motor prof ageny charged with manage ‘Web ste areas andthe agencies hat reiter them: Is sii Tner Nic (ovitenie) provides intrmatin om reptered Webaernes Anson cin registra domain with such sizes ss om, og bm nf, oF ne, don hues for goveramentsgences (gor) or educitnalinitutions (ed) a restricted for use by valid government o educational emies, ‘SOME BASIC RULES FOR MUSIC RESEARCH ‘ONTHE INTERNET Intomot Rule no, 1: Understand the difference between free land subscription-nesedWeb resources Although much of wha found onthe loternet may be aes for fee. mn ofthe more scholarly resources arava onl (hough pad subsrpions The later inclaes Grove Muie Online RILMISTOR.sndeorent fone ours ‘When seers ote sch inks om se rh educational ition thee ote Aamesage ating ha acces tothe ste avalon f faculty and students that instaton (CHAPTER 1 Libraries andthe Universe of Information on Music. 37 @ Intemet Rule no. 2 Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate “The ke 1 succesful we ofthe Internet for research in mui ri ay ds pling) caret evakaton of Web tex. Asa elt publshing mecm there i n0 Fedor in chico he later, and Websites may comin Pased, erroncots or outdated information Cetera that may be used f9 evaluate internet sowroes facade 1. Sponsor Who put the site up? sits ust. go om. oF iz? 2. AutorahipeIsthenitor denied onthe st? Ts he's a ecg Schotarinthe field? ‘ Ravionate and content ofthe ste: Whos he purpose ofthe ste? Does the content eppea oe obestive or ithere avons hae? 4. Cameneys" Wen wan os! upsated? Perhaps the clearest examples of the pitfalls of Web searching may be found shes looking for medical information on the Internet A search for fesoures on cancer, eat dtease ath, or any other condition wil tially Tring up inks to drgs sed to treat those cases aswel sinks to more ttc tnd objective information from organinatons such 3 the US. Nitin Institutes of Hesth (oe nin gov) or the American Heart Assocation {wit Americana org) Often the searcher wil aso find inks to blogs wth pos ings rom people who have symptoms ofthe disease or have undergone tet ent Obviouty none ofthis formation sould ake the place of onsuttion mith doctor “The same warnings apy co music research a the lnternet A seat fr information ona composer wil ypiclly being up a Wikipesta art, Unks to books or recoding found on ik toss tented by edbeational inwitutions or wii composer societies (International Gustey Mahler Geselschat:eps/wirwgustav-mablerorg)-and sites created by individuals ‘no may be passionate about the composer and hisher works such as Bruck er for Brocknerites" tpmtv calteribusknerians him Spi ‘sted researchers wl know tobe skeptical about such “an based” stesand rely incom inlortion oad inary ference tol ich as Gone Mane Intemet Rule no. 3: Become familiar with musiespecific ‘Web portals, also known as gatoways or motacitos Coletions of links selected and groupe togeterby experts, gatemay or mst Ses provide gue acco to Web sites in specific dciplines These sites eve os ‘ul liog aphis for esearchers Sloe music speci gateway ses nctide “Amanean Musizcopiesl Society; MWW Sites of Intro Musioogits waeeamenecar money wep Narva University. Onine Resources for Mie Scholes i Ithel bard edurearchigdeskeourevinde a #38 CHAPTER) Litrrie anc the Universe of Information on Muse Note emtegoy for “Digit Muse Caiections hapheldanrdedsresercdes mussrenucetgtl nl Indiana University ede tare Musi Resources New Yor Publ brary forthe Performing Art, Slated Intmot Resouces: Mose ip mwwoypongecrehpa oval Hoioway University of London, Ospariment of Mise The Golan Pages tint ortsans onthe Tiiewmhalacat MaicOntlenpges! Sibelius Academy Music Resouces haw Klugh ‘Yahoo! Entetinment. Music senegal seh ofthese sites rings together Web inks in aro categories Although estremely helpful for guidance muse research gn the Web it shouldbe Dated thar many a these ies contin outdated or “dead is Internet Rule no. 4: Understand that Web resources represent ‘only a portion ofthe vast resources available for music researchers. Never assume that what ane finds on the Web orl sro sero pa aot ore Ee ts Anco Asc sg = EAD arava 2 hte ar ‘ete eit renga 4 Enamplret agin om ‘Sistine acta incewen . Sele « Sphthmatctasinrjor Rc tnd Ms Dye (CHAPTER 1 beavis andthe Universe of formation on Muse. 39. Sante es ABW Sos Dien ofa 11, Brome Nabe, Senn ae ern cee fe Nine itm Aatnenctns et Ste Lia Berkman ection ‘a ‘steizgn ‘sino nr sn ‘Beton cg mas engines 30 vate [Santen Be The Eto of ‘Wee teen) tei Enea Wei

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