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Literature Circle #1

September 19, 2017

Job: Question Master

Group Members: Courtney, Hailey, and Jessica

Book/Text: The Daily 5- Ch. 1-4

Job Description:
Your job is to create 3 questions from each chapter and order them by difficulty. These
questions should be based on important facts or information from the chapters. You will
then write the answer to each question and must include the page number where you
found the answer.

1. Create a flappy graphic organizer that include the questions on the front and the
answer on the other side of each flap.

2. Create a game that can be played with your group members by asking questions
about the chapters and try to answer them correctly. Try to keep score!

Questions & Answers:

Chapter 1- That Was Then, This Is Now

1. What book provides the organizational structure for their every day teaching?

The CAFE Book (page 11)

2. What are the 5 daily tasks?

Read to yourself, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and

spelling/word study (page 10)
3. According to Richard Allington, how many minutes should a child spend in high
success reading per day?
... a minimum of ninety minutes per day (page 10)
Chapter 2- The Core Beliefs
4. Why did the teachers doubt their students ability to read and write for an
extended amount of time, independently prior to The Daily 5?
They did not trust or believe that their students were capable of doing so.
(page 22)
5. What is the new and improved definition for student accountability used in The
Daily 5?

Choosing their own comfortable spots all around the room where they
engage in meaningful reading and writing for extended periods of time.
(page 27)
6. What are the seven Core Beliefs?
Trust and respect
Brain research
Transitions as brain and body breaks
10 steps to independence
(page 22)
Chapter 3- The 10 Steps
7. What are the 3 different memory systems?
Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (page 36)
8. What is the first step to Teaching and Learning Independence?
Identify what is being taught (page 37)
9. Name all for standards used by schools that follow the standard-based grading
system? (page 50)
1. Below standard
2. Approaching standard
3. Meeting standard
Exceeding standard
Chapter 4- What You Need to Begin
10. What should you do if your students are not responding after using your quiet
Above, Pause, Whisper (page 54)
11. What are Icharts and what does the I stand for?
After each component of the Daily 5 is introduced, the whole class will
create an anchor chart that will be posted on the walls. The I stands for
independence (page 61)
12. In order to create a culture for learning and independence, what two components
are needed?
A gathering place and focus lessons (page 59)

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