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KMS: 6th Grade Civics

Mrs. Hargrove,
904-220-1350 ext 130

Dear Students & your Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to 6th Grade Civics! I am looking forward to a great year!

Introduction/ Course Description: The primary content for Civics pertains to the principles, functions, and organization of
government; the origins of the American political system; the roles, rights, responsibilities of United States citizens; and
methods of active participation in our political system. Strong geographic and economic components support our civic
education instruction. You will be reading & researching, writing, mapping & charting as you create an interactive
notebook. You will work both individually and in cooperative groups on assignments. Successful completion of this course
is based on student mastery of 35 performance standards. All students enrolled in 6/7th grade Civics must take the state
End of Course (EOC) computer based exam per FLDOE in May 2018. The test is scored from a range of 1 (lowest) to 5
(highest), and with 3s, 4s, and 5s signaling a passing score. Also mandated by the state is that the EOC Exam is worth 30%
of the student's overall grade.

Educational Materials
School Provided Materials: o inch binder w/ paper- to keep in classroom
Textbook (class set) & On-Line Textbook (interactive notebook)
(Florida Civics, Economics and Geography) o 2-Pocket Folder or 3 ring binder that is shared with
Chapter Workbook other A/B classes
o Pencils/Pens (Black or Blue)
o Ear buds- One set to be used in all classes
Materials you should bring to class: o Colored pencils/ highlighter

Student Evaluation: Assignments are point valued in the following weighted categories: Class Work 30%, Assessments
40%, Notebooks 20%, Quizzes 10%, & Homework 10%. The grade will be configured as follows: Student Points Total
Possible Points x100 = grade. Points given to assignments vary according to length & difficulty. You & your parent/
guardian are responsible for keeping up with your grades by using the Focus portal to access your progress.

Make-up Work due to absence, Late Work Policy, Extra Credit: It is your responsibility to check to see what you have
missed, to ask any questions concerning the work and due dates, and to make sure you have turned in the missing work
by the end of the week to receive a grade. Students have the amount of time absent to complete and turn in work.
Assignments are due when they are due- late work is accepted but penalized. Assignments are NOT accepted after the
end of the current instructional unit. Rare extra credit opportunities will vary.

Plagiarism/ Cheating Policy: Plagiarism is a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as
being your own work. Any work that has been plagiarized or any student that is caught cheating will be subject to: Re-Do
the assignment for a lesser grade or you will receive a zero on the assignment. You could be written up on a referral as
this constitutes a Class 2 offense per Duval County Schools Code of Conduct.

Expectations: Students will be: Prompt Prepared Positive Productive Polite

Behavior: Kernan students adhere to the Student Code of Conduct Handbook and CHAMPs. CHAMPs is a school wide
program that refers to Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, and Participation. CHAMPs guidelines are posted in my
class. You can quickly look on the board to determine if you are exhibiting the expected behavior.

Discipline Plan:
1. Verbal Warning
Cell Phones are off/out of sight.
2. Conference with student
Repeated offenses result in
disciplinary action & will be held
by administration
3. Parent/ Guardian Contact
4. Dean Referral

(Read Syllabus with parent/guardian- sign & return this page to Ms. Hargrove)

Period #________ Student Name (print ) ________________________________________________________

Video Release:

Occasionally, film/videos are used in the classroom in order to illustrate a particular curricular-related concept.

____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos related to
classroom content and subjects.

____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos mentioned
in this letter. I understand alternate learning experiences will be provided for my child while the movie/video is being


I have read and reviewed all of the Sixth Grade Civics information with my child.

Date: ___________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________

Internet Access: Y_____ N _____

Email address:

Any additional info:

*Teacher Wish List*

Candy/ Snack Treats
Clorox-Type wipes
Copy Paper

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