Using ODBC With Stata: Rita Sousa (Rcsousa@bportugal - PT) Rita Sousa (Rcsousa@bportugal - PT)

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Using ODBC with Stata

Rita Sousa (

Bank of Portugal

Center for Mathematics and Applications


ODBC Support
Configuring ODBC
ODBC in Stata
Loading data
Practical Example
Useful Tips
Final Remarks XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) is a standardized set
of function calls that can be used to access data stored in
database management systems.

Stata's odbc command allows us to load, write, and view

data from ODBC sources.

In my presentation I want to show you how to deal with

large databases using the ODBC resources.

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
ODBC Support
Import data from any ODBC data source, such as Oracle,
SQL Server, Access, Excel, MySQL, and DB2.

Export data to new or existing ODBC tables

Execute custom SQL commands

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Configuring ODBC for Windows
Before you start using the odbc command in Stata, you
must first set up a data source name (DSN) in the ODBC
Data Source Administrator.

1. Select Control Panel

2. Select System and Security in the Control Panel

3. Next select Administrative Tools

4. Double-click on Data Sources (ODBC) to open the

ODBC Data Source Administrator
XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Configuring ODBC for Windows

a New DSN

List of User
Data Sources
Names (DSN)

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Configuring ODBC for Windows
Select the appropriate driver
from the list
For example, choose
Microsoft Access Driver

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Configuring ODBC for Windows
Select your MS Access file to be in
the Data Source test that we are
After click OK

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Configuring ODBC for Windows
64-bit Windows ships with two different ODBC Data Source
Administrators, 64-bit and 32-bit

Make sure you are using the correct version according to

your Stata version

Stata provides odbc as the Client interface

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
ODBC in Stata
odbc list produces a list of ODBC data source names to
which Stata can connect

odbc query show a list of table names available from a

specified data source

odbc describe lists column names and datypes

XX Congresso for each
Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

table available

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Loading Data
In Stata we can use some commands to import data stored
in formats different from .dta such as insheet, infix,
import excel, etc.

odbc load reads an ODBC table into memory.

You can load an ODBC table specified in the table() option

or load an ODBC table generated by an SQL Command
specified in the exec() option.

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Loading Data

nuemp nemp turnover

580071 1 21667
581033 8 2171229
581915 1 68694
581952 1 32515
582590 4

odbc load id=nuemp nemp=pemp turnover=vn in 1/5,

table("Table_Test") dsn("test")

odbc load, exec(`"Select top 5 nuemp, pemp as pemp, vn as turnover

From Table_Test") dsn("test") XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Practical Example
Suppose now you want to access data stored in a Sql
Server database.

You have to register your ODBC database with the ODBC

Data Source Administrator:

1. Create a new Data Source

2. Choose Sql Server Driver

3. Specify the name of the server you want to connect

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Practical Example

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Practical Example

Creating the
connection to the
Data Source SPAI

Defining the Loading and

Query statement Saving Data

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Practical Example

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Practical Example

Loading data from

a master table
with information
of enterprises

XX Congresso Merging
da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica
from districts dataset

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Practical Example

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Writing Data
odbc insert writes data from memory to an ODBC table.

The data can change an existing table or create a new

ODBC table.

odbc insert, table("Table_Name") dsn("DSN") insert_options

create create a simple ODBC table

overwrite clear data and write the data in memory to the ODBC table

insert - default mode to append data in memory to the ODBC table

XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica


Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Some Useful Tips
Stata keeps its entire dataset in memory. Usually it is faster
but it can be a disadvantage when your dataset is very
drop any variables you don't need for your analysis
use the same variable names when you are combining
Use compress to optimize variables format
Encode strings
Use the cycles foreach or forvalues to do repeated
XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica
Use preserve and restore to make temporary changes
to datasets 20

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Final Remarks
Stata command odbc allows Stata to load, write, or view
data from ODBC sources.

This command offers a usefu set of function calls that can

be used to access data stored in many different types of
database management systems.

Oracle, SQL Server, Access, Excel, MySQL and DB2 are

some examples of available ODBC data sources.

Statas odbc is a resourceful solution that allow us to query

external databases and insert or update records in those
XX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatstica

Using ODBC with Stata @Rita Sousa III Portuguese Stata Users Group Meeting
Thank you for your attention

Using ODBC with Stata

Rita Sousa (

Bank of Portugal

Center for Mathematics and Applications

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