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Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 10581065

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Bubble size measurement in electrootation

Md. Shahjahan Kaisar Alam Sarkar a,1, G.M. Evans a,, S.W. Donne b
Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
School of Environmental and Life Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A feature of electrootation is the ability to create very ne bubbles, which are known to improve ota-
Available online 22 September 2010 tion performance of ne particles. This study was aimed at determining the hydrogen bubble size gener-
ated as a function of current density and electrode geometry. Experiments were performed in a viewing
Keywords: cell that allowed direct visualization of hydrogen bubbles being generated and transported away from
Electrootation platinum wire electrodes of 90, 120 and 190 lm in diameter. The detached bubble diameters varied
Detached bubble diameter between 15 and 23 lm in diameter, and for each wire diameter, were little inuenced by the applied cur-
Bubble generation rate
rent in the range 150350 A/m2. The measurements were consistent with those predicted from a simple
force balance analysis based on a H2Pt0.2M Na2SO4 contact angle of 0.18. Interestingly, upon detach-
ment, the bubble size increased rapidly, recording up to an 8-fold increase in volume in the rst few mil-
limeters of rise, before approaching the steady state diameter of between 30 and 50 lm in the bulk. This
increase in bubble size was found to be mostly due to the transfer of dissolve hydrogen into growing bub-
ble while moving through the electrolyte super saturated by dissolved hydrogen gas. The equilibrium
bulk diameter was found to be a function of the rate of hydrogen production, bubble nucleation rate,
and dissolved gas concentration eld. Consequently, electrootation cells need to be designed to optimise
the contact between the supersaturated liquid and the rising bubble plume. By doing this, the volumetric
ux of bubbles will be maximised leading to improved otation performance.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Allum (1984) reported that at the time the bubble size in most
industrial otation circuits within Australia were of the order
In the past 40 years there have been numerous studies that 1000 lm. While there have been improvements in overall cell de-
focusing on the otation of ne mineral particles (e.g. Flint and sign since then, the reliance on a mechanical agitator to create
Howarth, 1971; Reay and Ratcliff, 1975; Anfruns and Kitchener, the bubbles has meant that the bubble size produced has remained
1977; Ahmed and Jameson, 1985; Yoon and Luttrell, 1989; Dai et relatively unchanged. Consequently, alternative otation method-
al., 1998; Ramirez and Davis, 2001; Tao, 2004; Nguyen et al., ologies capable of producing bubbles sizes less than 100 lm have
2006; Miettinen, 2007; Waters et al., 2008). For the latest review been investigated, namely dissolved air otation (e.g. Rodrigues
of the literature on ne particle otation see Miettinen et al. and Rubio, 2007; Rubio et al., 2007; Englert et al., 2009) and
(2010). Many of the studies listed have reported that the recovery electrootation.
of particles in the diameter range of 110 lm is increased with The focus of this study is on electrootation, and their have been
decreasing bubble size, which is largely the result of the increased a number of studies involving mineral otation. Raju and Kha-
collision efciency between the particles and the bubbles (e.g. ngaonkar (1984) reported 7481% recovery of 4 lm chalcopyrite
Nguyen and Schulze, 2004; Sarrot et al., 2007). with electrolytically-generated hydrogen bubbles at current den-
While it is widely acknowledged that the recovery of ne parti- sity in the range of 4901470 A/m2. Ketkar et al. (1991) reported
cles is generally enhanced by using ne bubbles, it is also recog- more than 60% recovery of +410 lm quartz with hydrogen bub-
nized that conventional mechanically agitated and sparged bles of 22 lm diameter. Llerena et al. (1996) reported almost
column otation cells produce bubbles that are too large, i.e. greater 100% recovery of 25 lm sphalerite after 4 min of electrootation
than 500 lm, to obtain this benet. The review by Jameson and with mean bubble diameter of 16 2 lm generated using a stain-
less steel screen of wire diameter 115 lm and operated at current
density of 500 A/m2 at solution pH of 4. Han et al. (2006) used
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 2 49215897; fax: +61 2 49216920.
electrootation to generate very ne bubbles with 27 lm mean
E-mail addresses: (M.S.K.A. Sarkar), Geoffrey.Evans@
diameter to obtain 98% recovery of 28 lm occulated kaolin parti- (G.M. Evans), (S.W. Donne). cles. Most recently, Sarkar et al. (2010) obtained more than 70%
Tel.: +61 2 49215573; fax: +61 2 49216920. recovery of 13 lm silica particles with electrolytically-generated

0892-6875/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.S.K.A. Sarkar et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 10581065 1059

hydrogen bubbles less than 40 lm diameter. Other previous studies

include: Mamakov et al. (1969), Romanov et al. (1973), Glembotskii
et al. (1975), Hogan et al. (1979), Setty and Venkatachalam (1997),
and Casqueira et al. (2006). h
The size of bubbles produced by electrootation is inuenced
by a number of factors. Firstly, it depends on the type of electrode
material and its position in the electromotive series (Glembotskii
et al., 1973). Secondly, it is a function of pH, with hydrogen bubbles
being larger in an acidic medium compared to a neutral or alkaline
medium. Similarly, oxygen bubbles attain a minimum size in acidic
medium and increase in diameter with increased pH (Brandon and D
Kelsall, 1985). The detachment size of bubble also depends on the
curvature of the electrode surface (Matov and Lazavenko, 1965). Fig. 1. Geometry for bubble on curved electrode surface.
For a constant current density and pH, detached bubble diameter
has been reported to decrease with decreasing wire (electrode)
of the detaching bubble to the electrode surface. A possible detach-
diameter (Ben Mansour et al., 2007; Glembotskii et al., 1975;
ment condition (Boucher and Evans, 1975; Jones et al., 1999a) oc-
Ketkar et al., 1988). There have been conicting studies investigat-
curs when r=db;d qL  qG gh. If so, then the surface tension
ing the inuence on current density on bubble size. For example,
and buoyancy forces must be equal. Hence, from Eqs. (2) to (3) it
Janssen and Hoogland (1970), Landolt et al. (1970), Sides (1986)
can be shown that:
and Ben Mansour et al. (2007), have all reported a general increase
in hydrogen bubble diameter with increased current density. They u
u 24r sin h
attributed this to bubble coalescence at higher current densities. db;d t ; 5
Conversely, Venczel (1970), Glembotskii et al. (1973) and Ketkar gqL  qG 2 3 cos h  cos3 h
et al. (1988) reported the opposite inuence. Burns et al. (1997)
found no clear trend of bubble diameter as a function of current and
density at values of 40210 A/m2, while Lumanauw (2000) con- x
cluded that mean bubble size increased with increase in current h 1
; 6
1 sin db;d =D
density for a smooth-surface electrode, with the opposite trend ob-
served for rough-surface electrodes. where x is the contact angle. Eqs. (5) and (6) can be solved simul-
The uncertainty in inuences of variables such as electrode cur- taneously to obtain the radius of the detaching bubble for a given
vature, surface preparation, and most importantly current density, electrode radius of curvature, liquid physical properties and contact
have made it difcult to effectively design efcient electrootation angle.
systems for ne particle recovery. This study was aimed at reduc-
ing the uncertainty by investigating the size and ux of hydrogen 2.2. Bubble diameter in the bulk
bubbles produced from wire electrodes as part of the electroota-
tion process. The effect of wire geometry, surface preparation and In electrootation, not all of the hydrogen produced at the cath-
current density on: (1) size and frequency of detaching bubbles ode results in hydrogen bubbles. Instead, a fraction of the hydrogen
and (2) growth of these bubbles as they moved away from the elec- molecules remain dissolved in the electrolyte solution (Glas and
trode surface was measured experimentally and compared with Westwater, 1964; Vogt, 1984). A portion of the dissolved hydrogen
model predictions. Finally, the results are discussed briey in con- gas, however, is diffused into the detached bubble as it rises
text of industrial otation systems. through the solution. The rate, n (mol/s), at which the diffusion
takes place is given by (Jones et al., 1999b):
2. Modelling
SkC b  C sat ; 7
2.1. Bubble detachment diameter
where S is the bubble surface area (m2); k is mass transfer coef-
The detachment diameter, db,d, of a growing bubble from an elec- cient (m/s); Cb is the bulk molar concentration of gas in the liquid
trode surface with radius of curvature, D/2, has been analysed previ- (mol/m3); and Csat is the saturation molar concentration of gas in
ously (Ketkar et al., 1988; Lubetkin, 1994). At low growth rates, the the liquidgas interface (mol/m3), which is a function of the tem-
drag and inertial forces can be ignored, and detachment take place perature of the liquid and the partial pressure of the hydrogen in
when the surface tension (attaching) force, Fr, is equal to the sum the bubble in accordance with Henrys Law. Values for the Henrys
of the buoyancy, FB, and pressure, FP, (detaching) forces, i.e.: Law coefcient for hydrogen gas are given in Lide (2010).
Vogt (1984) provides an expression for the mass transfer coef-
Fr FP FB: 1
cient, i.e.:
Briey, making use of the schematic shown in Fig. 1, the three forces s
can be expressed as: ln2DqG
k ; 8
2tM G C b  C sat
F r pdb;d r sin h; 2
where t is time (s), D is the mass diffusivity of gas (m2/s) and MG is
h i molar mass of the gas (kg/kmol).
F B qL  qG g pdb;d 2 3 cos h  cos3 h=24 ; 3 As mentioned above, a fraction, w, of the total hydrogen pro-
duced by the electrolysis process is initially dissolved into the li-
  quid and diffuses away from the cathode surface. Consequently,
F P psin /D=22 r=db;d  qL  qG gh ; 4
the bulk concentration, Cb, is a function of both time and position.
where r is the liquid surface tension, qL and qG are the density of For a cylindrical wire cathode, the modelling by Carslaw and Jaeger
the liquid and gas, respectively, and h is the height from the top (1959) for heat conduction from a line source can be suitably
1060 M.S.K.A. Sarkar et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 10581065

applied. The concentration (mol/m3) at radial position, r, and time, Table 1

t, from an instantaneous cylindrical source of diameter, D, and Cathode dimensions and current density values.

strength, N (mol/m2), is given by: D (lm) LC (lm) I_

  !   lA A/m2 lA A/m2 lA A/m2
N D r 2 D=22 rD
Cr; t exp Io ; 9 90 5300 228 152 379 253 530 354
t 4D 4Dt 4Dt
120 5250 300 152 500 252 700 354
190 5500 497 151 829 253 1161 354
where Io is the modied Bessel function of the rst kind of order
zero. For a continuous line source, N_ (mol/m2 s), Eq. (9) can be
rewritten as:
 Z t !   Reagent grade sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) with molar concentration
D r 2 D=22 rD dt of 0.2 M. Nitric acid and sodium hydroxide (analytical reagent
Cr; t N_ exp 0 Io :
4D 0 4Dt  t 4Dt  t t  t0
grade) were used to adjust the pH to a value of 9.5. An isosceles
right-angled triangular prism, microscope (ZEISS Stemi 2000-C)
with magnication 100, high speed video (Phantom V 4.0)
For electrootation: arrangement, as shown in Fig. 2, was used to observe the forma-
tion, detachment and rise of individual bubbles. The microscope
N_ wN_ H2 ; 11 was placed in vertical position and the prism was placed under
where N_ H2 is the theoretical molar ux rate (mol/m2 s) of molec- the objective of the microscope. The hypotenuse side of the prism
ular hydrogen produced at the cathode surface, and is given by: had a mirror surface and was supported by a stage in such a way
that the prism produced a horizontal image of the vertical plane
N_ H2 I=Fz;
_ 12 through the axis of the wire. The cell was illuminated using a dou-
ble lens optical ber light source.
where z is the number of electron required to produce 1 mol of gas
(z = 2 for hydrogen), F is Faradays constant (96485.3 C mol1) and I_
3.2. Procedure
is the current density (A/m2) of electrode surface.
In summary, the analysis described above can be used to deter-
The platinum wire was cleaned mechanically by a soft and clean
mine the detachment diameter as a function of electrode curva-
cloth before being immersed in aqua regia (1HNO3:3HCl) for 2 min.
ture, contact angle, interfacial tension and liquid density. For a
After rinsing thoroughly with Millipore water, the wire was placed
given fraction of the total rate of hydrogen production for a given
in the cell. The cell was then lled with 0.1 M HNO3 and electroly-
current density, the rate of bubble production can be obtained
sis was carried out with changing polarity for 3 min. The cathodic
along with the dissolved hydrogen concentration gradient in the
polarity was aimed at removing oxides while the anodic polarity
bulk. From this information the growth and eventual equilibrium
was aimed at removing organics. The procedure was carried out
bubble diameter can be determined.
two times. Experiments were also conducted using a platinised
wire. Platinisation was carried out using a 3% chloroplatinic acid:
3. Experimental 0.2% lead acetate solution at a current density of 350 A/m2 for
5 min. The electrode was then rinsed and stored in Millipore water
3.1. Apparatus prior to use. Prior to the commencement of an experiment the cell
was rinsed thoroughly with Millipore water. It was then lled with
The experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 2. It consisted of an 0.2 M Na2SO4 electrolyte and adjusted to pH 9.5. A stable power
open-top Pyrex glass cell with dimensions 50 mm wide  50 mm source was used to supply a DC current, at densities between
deep  15 mm high, which housed the electrolyte solution and 150 and 360 A/m2 of exposed cathode surface. A summary of the
electrodes. Both the anode and cathode were fabricated from plat- cathode current conditions is given in Table 1.
inum wire (99.99% purity) of different diameters bought from Sig- At the instant the current was applied the experiment was
ma Aldrich were used as electrodes. The anode (oxygen producing deemed to have commenced, i.e. t = 0 s. At t = 30 s after the current
electrode) was placed at the rear corner of the cell, while the cath- commenced, the Phantom V4.0 high speed video camera was used
ode (hydrogen producing electrode) was placed in the front of the to capture images at 1000 fps of the hydrogen bubbles as they
cell to allow viewing of the bubble formation process. The viewing were generated and transported away from the cathode surface.
surface of the cathode, where the bubble formation process was Still images from the video recordings were later analysed using
observed, comprised a horizontal length of approximately 5 mm. OPTIMAS 6.5 software to obtain bubble diameter as a function of
The remainder of the cathode was coated in clear lacquer to insu- time and position relative to the top of the wire.
late it from the solution. The diameters of the cathode wires were
90, 120, and 190 lm. The electrolyte solution comprised Millipore-
4. Results and discussion
ltered water, with specic resistivity of 18.2 MX/cm, and A.C.S.
4.1. Bubble visualization

video Sample images of the hydrogen bubble generation process are

shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that once the bubble detached from
light source the cathode surface (shown as solid symbols) it grew rapidly in size
as it rose through the electrolyte. An 8-fold increase in volume in
lens cell
the rst few millimeters of rise was observed. This was due to a
power supply combination of both hydrostatic pressure variation and mass
transfer of supersaturated hydrogen gas, water vapor and other
cathode anode dissolved gases (oxygen, nitrogen) into the bubble. Also shown
(as open symbols), are the diameters of the bubbles at the point
Fig. 2. Schematic of experimental apparatus. of detachments, db,d, which are projected to have nucleated at
M.S.K.A. Sarkar et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 10581065 1061


db,d (m)
x (m)


0 100 200 300 400
-50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
I (A/m 2)
d b (m)
Fig. 4. Bubble detachment diameter vs current density [Pt: D = () 90, (j) 120, and
Fig. 3. Bubble diameter vs distance from top of electrode [Pt: D = () 90, (j) 120, (d) 190 lm; platinised: D = (s) 190 lm].
and (d) 190 lm; I_ = 354 A/m2; photograph: D = (a) 90, (b) 120 and (c) 190 lm].

Eqs. (5) and (6) were applied, using a tted contact angle, to pre-
distance, xb,d, below the top of the electrode surface (x = 0 m). The
dict the diameter of the bubble at the point of detachment. The
projection was required as many of the generation sites were be-
comparison is given in Table 3, where it can be seen that predic-
low the top of the electrode and it was only possible to view the
tions were within 20% of the experimental values over the range
bubbles once they had risen into the eld of view of the camera.
investigated. The predictions were based on a single tted contact
Consequently, the following expression:
angle, x, of 0.18 for all four wires. This value was consistent with
  those from other studies, which ranged from 0 (Bewig and Zisman,
db x db;d db;d 1  eKxxb;d =db;d ; 13
1965; Brandon and Kelsall, 1985; Gardner and Woods, 1977) to 10
(Gardner and Woods, 1974), depending on the cleaning procedure
was tted to the experimental rising bubble diameter measure- of the platinum surface. Also given in Table 3 is the predicted db,d of
ments to obtain average values for the detachment diameter for 21 lm for a at surface. Again, this value is consistent with Janssen
each wire diameter and range of current densities. The tted values, and Hoogland (1973) who reported a hydrogen bubble size of
including for K and xb,d are given in Table 2. 26 lm produced from a platinum disc electrode of 11.2 mm diam-
It can be seen from Table 2 that xb,d varied between experi- eter at current density of 40 A/m2. Similarly, Han et al. (2002)
ments, reecting the fact that bubbles can nucleate anywhere on reported hydrogen bubbles of 1565 lm produced from a at alu-
the electrode surface. Similarly, the exponent, K, values varied from minium electrode with average diameter of 22 lm.
0.07 to 0.26, resulting in a range of growth rates for the bubbles
once they have detached from the wire. Reasons for the variation 4.3. Bubble nucleation rate
are given later in the paper. While xb,d and K might have varied be-
tween different nucleation sites the projected detachment diame- Hydrogen bubble nucleation rate on the cathode surface is
ter values were quite consistent. shown in Fig. 5 as a function of current density for both the Pt
and platinised wires. It can be seen that bubble nucleation rate
4.2. Bubble diameter at detachment (per m2 of surface area) increased with increasing current density
for all of the wire diameters. This is not surprising, given the in-
The db,d values reported in Table 2 are plotted as a function of crease in hydrogen formation with increasing current while the
current density in Fig. 4. It can be seen that for each wire diameter bubble detachment diameter remained relatively constant. More-
the detachment diameter of the bubble remained relatively con- over, the bubble ux will depend on number of nucleation sites,
stant over the current density range investigated. Similarly, platin- and in accordance with Murakawa (1957), more nucleation sites
isation of the wire surface made little difference to the detachment are expected to become active at higher current density as the
diameter. However, for a given current density the detachment solution adjacent to the electrode surface becomes more supersat-
diameter increased with increasing wire diameter. urated. The intent of investigating the platinised surface was the

Table 2
Fitted coefcients for Eq. (13).

I_ (A/m2) D (lm) Coefcient

K St. dev. db,d (lm) St. dev. xb,d (lm) St. dev.
152 90 0.10 0.03 15.1 1.6 72 56
120 0.25 0.07 18.8 3.9 9 12
190 0.23 0.07 22.8 3.7 69 70
190 (plat) 0.15 0.08 22.6 5.9 46 46
253 90 0.10 0.04 15.1 2.2 68 51
120 0.14 0.03 18.9 3.6 25 27
190 0.26 0.06 23.4 3.8 52 43
190 (plat) 0.10 0.04 20.2 4.3 39 57
354 90 0.14 0.09 15.4 1.9 54 56
120 0.10 0.06 17.3 2.6 36 38
190 0.17 0.05 21.8 3.4 51 41
190 (plat) 0.07 0.02 19.2 2.3 10 14
1062 M.S.K.A. Sarkar et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 10581065

Table 3 50
Average experimental and predicted detached bubble diameter.

D (lm) db,d (lm) Difference (%) 40

a b
Eqs. (5) and (6) Experimental

db,b (m)
90 18.0 15.2 1.4 18
120 18.2 18.3 2.5 1
190c 18.9 21.7 2.9 13 20
1d 21.0
Using tted contact angle of 0.18 deg, which is the average of 0.15, 0.18, 10
0.21 deg for 90, 120, 190 lm wires.
Taken as the average value for the three current densities given in Table 2 (
values are for 95% condence interval).
c 0 100 200 300 400
Average of both platinum and platinised 190 lm wires.
Equivalent to a at surface. I (A/m2)
Fig. 6. Bulk bubble diameter vs current density [Pt: D = () 90, (j) 120, and (d)
190 lm; platinised: D = (s) 190 lm].

The bulk diameter measurements reported in Fig. 6 represent
nb,d (1/m2.s)

an almost order of magnitude increase in the detached bubble vol-

ume. The change in bubble diameter is due to three reasons. Firstly,
the external pressure experienced by the bubble is decreased as it
rises through the liquid, and in accordance with the Laplace equa-
2.E+08 tion will result in expansion of the bubble. For the change in liquid
height during the bubble rise this effect will be small, resulting in
1.E+08 only a few percent increase in volume. Secondly, the bubble will
immediately become saturated with water vapor; but will again
0.E+00 be very small. Thirdly, a portion of the remaining hydrogen that
0 100 200 300 400 was originally produced at the cathode and dissolved directly into
I (A/m 2) the liquid will diffuse into the rising bubble. The high level of
supersaturation of dissolved hydrogen (Mller et al., 1989) is a
Fig. 5. Bubble nucleation rate vs current density [Pt: D = () 90, (j) 120, and (d) strong driving force, and will lead to signicant diffusion of dis-
190 lm; platinised: D = (s) 190 lm].
solved gas into the bubble and large increase in its volume.
In electrootation, a fraction (1  w) of the hydrogen produced
expectation of an increase in nucleation rate as a result of in- is present as bubbles. The fraction will change as a function of dis-
creased nucleation sites created by the platinising process. The re- tance from the top of the cathode wire due to diffusion of the dis-
sults in Fig. 5 support this supposition, with a marked increase in solved hydrogen into the rising bubbles. It can be easily calculated
nucleation rates for the platinised surface. The increase in the rate as the product of the bubble production frequency times the bub-
of bubble production would be of benet for otation processes. ble volume. The results are given in Fig. 7 for the detached and bulk
It can also be seen that bubble nucleation rate increased with bubble diameters for both the platinum and platinised wires at
decreased wire diameter. This was thought due to smaller detach- current densities in the range of 152354 A/m2. It can be seen that
ment diameter of bubble with decreased wire diameter. This smal- at detachment less than 5% of the total hydrogen produced re-
ler diameter bubble (15.1 lm) detached faster than larger diameter sulted in the formation of hydrogen gas in the form of bubbles.
bubble (23.4 lm) and took less amount of dissolved hydrogen be- However, in the bulk, where the bubbles had reached a steady size,
fore detachment. As detachment time is less, more nucleation sites the gas bubble fraction had increased to between 6% and 35%.
are expected in the case of smaller wire diameter. Also, the less The gas bubble fraction increased with increased current den-
amount of hydrogen required for forming the smaller hydrogen sity and increased wire diameter. It can also be seen that in the
bubbles, will leave the cathode surfaces more saturated by dis-
solved hydrogen compared to larger wire diameter cathode. 0.40
4.4. Bubble diameter in the bulk 0.30
As illustrated in Fig. 3, the detached hydrogen bubble rapidly in-
creases in diameter as it rises in the bulk liquid. At some distance, 0.20
typically in the range 5001000 lm, from the cathode surface the 0.15
bubble diameter becomes relatively constant, which we dene as
the bulk diameter, db,b. The average bulk bubble diameter, obtained 0.10
from Eq. (13) and using the corresponding coefcient values given 0.05
in Table 2, has been plotted as a function of current density for
both the platinum and platinised wires in Fig. 6. The trends are 0 100 200 300 400
similar to that for the detachment diameter (see Fig. 4) with db,b:
(1) remaining relatively constant over the current density range
I (A/m2)
investigated; (2) decreasing with decreasing wire diameter; and Fig. 7. Fraction total hydrogen in bubble vs current density [At detachment: Pt:
(3) the platinised wire resulting in smaller bubbles than for the un- D = () 90, (j) 120, and (d) 190 lm; platinised: D = (N) 190 lm; in bulk: Pt: D = (})
treated platinum surface. 90, (h) 120, and (s) 190 lm; platinised: D = (D) 190 lm].
M.S.K.A. Sarkar et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 10581065 1063

bulk the fraction of hydrogen utilised as bubbles was higher for the for the same times at x = 550 lm (for 190 lm Pt wire). These levels
platinised wire. Given that the platinised wire also produced smal- of supersaturation are consistent with the study by Shibata (1978).
ler bubbles (see Fig. 6), and at higher frequency (see Fig. 5), it Also shown in the gure is the position of the bubble overlayed
would seem to be a signicant advantage in electrootation to onto the dissolved gas concentration gradient, generated at
operate with a platinised surface cathode. t = 30 s after the current source was switched on. The bracketed
The bubble diameter in the bulk can be predicted from Eqs. (7) values are the diameter measurements as the bubble rises away
to (12) provided the dissolved gas concentration prole is known. from the wire surface; whereby the increase in diameter due lar-
From Fig. 7, it was shown that the fraction, w, of hydrogen remain- gely to the high levels of supersaturation in the surrounding liquid.
ing in solution was 0.79 (190 lm Pt wire), and 0.83 (90 and 120 lm Knowing the dissolved hydrogen gas concentration prole the
Pt wires). Assuming these values, the concentration prole of dis- model equations can be solved simultaneously to obtain the bub-
solved hydrogen gas, calculated from Eq. (10), for the Pt wires ble diameter as a function of distance from the top surface of the
(90, 120 and 190 lm diameter) and current density of 354 A/m2 electrode. The experimental measurements are compared with
(N_ = 1.833 mmol/m2 s) is shown in Fig. 8. In accordance with un- predicted bubble diameter values in Fig. 9 for the Pt wires at a cur-
steady diffusion theory for a constant ux source, the concentra- rent density of 354 A/m2. There are three predictive curves illus-
tion increases with increasing time at the surface, and decreases trated: Firstly, the prediction using Eq. (13) shows good
with increasing distance away from it. Given that the saturation agreement with the measurements, which is hardly surprising
concentration of hydrogen gas at atmospheric pressure is
0.78 mol/m3, the normalised (C/Csat) corresponding supersatura-
tion values in the gure are: 5, 33 and 52 at the surface 1,000
(x = 0 lm), at times 0, 10 and 30 s, respectively; and 0, 1 and 7
--- = 0.3
800 Eq. (13) ----

x (m)
t = 30s --- = 0.83
x (m)


400 200
t = 10s (28)
200 (24) 0
t = 1s (22) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 d b (m)
0 10 20 30 40
C b (x,t) (mol/m3) 1,000
-- = 0.3
1,000 800 Eq. (13) ----

x (m)

t = 30s
x (m)

--- = 0.83
(34) 400
400 (33)
t = 10s 200
200 (29)
t = 1s
(18) 0
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40
3 d b (m)
Cb (x,t) (mol/m )
Eq. (13) ----
800 800

t = 30s
x (m)
x (m)

600 600
400 (41) 400
t = 10s
(40) --- = 0.79
200 (38)
(34) = 0.35 ----
t = 1s
(29) 200
0 10 20 30 40 0
3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
C b (x,t) (mol/m )
d b (m)
Fig. 8. Dissolved hydrogen gas concentration vs time and distance above wire [Pt
wire; I_ = 354 A/m2; w = 0.79 (D = 190 lm): 0.83 (D = 90 and 120 lm); bubble Fig. 9. Measured and predicted bubble diameter vs distance above wire [Pt wire;
location and diameter (lm): D = () 90, (j) 120, and (d) 190 lm]. I_ = 354 A/m2; measured: D = () 90, (j) 120, (d) 190 lm].
1064 M.S.K.A. Sarkar et al. / Minerals Engineering 23 (2010) 10581065

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