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Lesson Plan/ Rancangan Mengajar

Subject/Mata Pelajaran: THEME: World of Stories Class/Kelas: Date/Tarikh:

UNIT 8: The Prince and The Thieves 4 Cessna Tuesday
ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS: Reading 11th July 2017
Learning Standard Code/Kod Standard Moral Value/Nilai Murni: Cross Curricular Links/Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:
Pembelajaran: 1. Responsible 1. LINGUISTIC

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi Murid

Knowledge / Thinking / Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National
Pengetahuan Skills Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Kemahiran Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir memimpin dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives/Objektif Pembelajaran: Success Criteria/Kriteria Kejayaan:

Able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and 1. pupils can sequence the story based on sentence strips.
non linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials 2. Pupils can answer at least 5 out of 10 questions correctly.
using a range of strategies to construct meaning. 3. Pupils can predict the ending of the story using their own

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary/Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Resources/Sumber:

Refused, Palace, Persuade, Throne, Whispering, Steal, Hypnotise, Lord, Handkerchiefs. Text book

Impact/ Reflection
Lesson Outline/Rangka Pengajaran
Impak/ Refleksi
Starter/ Set Induksi 1.Teacher pastes a picture puzzle on board.
Starter activity to engage students / aktiviti untuk 2. Teacher asks few pupils to come in front and
menarik minat murid (Set Induksi) arrange the puzzle.
inform students of the learning objective/ 3. Teacher asks Wh-questions.
memaklumkan kepada murid tentang objektif 4. Teacher introduces the topic of the day.
stimulate recall of prior learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama 1. Teacher introduces the characters in the story by
explanation of the content/ penerangan using pictures.
kandungan pembelajaran 2. Teacher highlighted a few words that pupils
modelling and demonstrating/ contoh dan tunjuk might not be understand.
cara 3. Teacher explains the meaning of each word.
practise opportunities/ peluang membuat latihan 4. Teacher reads the story and the pupils follow
guidance and feedback/ bimbingan dan maklum after her.
balas berterusan 5. Teacher asks pupils to read the story again.
cater for different learning styles/ bagi pelbagai 6. Teacher asks pupils to work in pairs.
gaya pembelajaran 7. Pupils discuss the ending of the story.
appropriate challenge for all learners/ cabaran 8. Teacher chooses at least 3 pairs to present their
bersesuaian untuk semua murid answers.
opportunities to learn collaboratively/ peluang 9. Pupils get into groups and teacher gives an
untuk belajar secara kolaboratif envelopes.
on-going guidance and feedback (Assessment for 10. Pupils arrange a sentence strips.
Learning)/ bimbingan dan maklum balas 11. Teacher gives task sheet to pupils.
berterusan (Pentaksiran untuk Pembelajaran-AfL) 12. Teacher discuss the answer with pupils.
Plenary/ Penutup 1. Teacher instill moral values.
Looking Back: review and assessment of learning
Looking Forward: identify next steps for learning
An activity to provide closure
Refleksi: kajian dan penilaian pembelajaran
Akan datang: kenal pasti langkah-langkah seterusnya
Aktiviti penutup
Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment
Tindakan susulan murid Pemulihan Pengukuhan Pengayaan

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