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Haley Mulroy

Professor Reilly

EDUC 359

18 September 2017

Learning Styles

My five learning styles are visual, applied, spatial, independent and creative. Visual

learners prefer the use of images, maps, and graphic organizers to understand new information.

They learn well when aided by images, pictures, and spatial organizations of elements. Applied

learners prefer tasks that involve real objects as well as situations. For applied learners practical,

real-life examples are ideal. Another learning style is spatial learning; these learners are able to

visualize or mentally see how things works or how they are positioned in space. They are good

at drawing, assembling or repairing things. Independent learners prefer to work and study alone.

These students are usually self-directed, self-motivated, and goal-oriented. Lastly, creative

learners are imaginative as well as innovative. They prefer to learn through discovery or

experimentation. They are comfortable taking risks and following their hunches.

Knowing an ELL students learning style could be a great advantage especially during the

students transition to a new school and environment. By knowing an ELL students learning

style, it is easier to teach to the student and it is more effective. With the students learning styles,

the child will be able to pick up the lesson quicker. For a visual learner, the teacher should use

graphic organizers, charts, graphs, and diagrams. A study technique for these types of learners is

to highlight important key terms in corresponding colors as well as redrawing pages from

memory. As for applied learners, the teacher could involve learning by doing which includes

real-world skills. For spatial learners they could use their intuition in order to draw or assemble
things as a project. Independent learners can be given assignments that are self-driven. An on-

going independent science project is ideal for this type of learner. Lastly, for creative learners, a

teacher should plan lesson where the students have to create things like a diorama or think up

creative posters for a presentation. Using these strategies, the different types of learners will be

more successful throughout the school year.

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