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Heat Transfer Analysis of Roller Quench System in

Continuous Annealing Line*

By Shuzo FUKUDA,** Naotake YOSHIHARA,** Yutaka OHKUBO,**

Yoshikazu FUKUOKA*** and Shigehiro TAKUSHIMA****

Synopsis rolled steel sheet with tensile strength ranging from

The Water-QuenchSystem developedby NKK has a advantage of pro- 40 to 140 kg/mm2 at low cost, and can also manu-
ducinghigh strength coldrolled steel sheet with low cost. facture drawing quality cold rolled steel sheet with
However, when it is used for theproduction of drawing quality (DQ) superior aging properties with only 1 min overaging
coldrolledsteel sheet, theprocesscan not preventthe excesscooling. There- treatment.2-4~ However, because of the very high
fore, additional energy cost is necessaryto raise the strip temperatureto the cooling rate, this process had a disadvantage when it
temperaturerequiredfor the overaging treatment. To overcomethis dis-
advantage, NKK has newly developedthe Roll Quench (RQ) process was used for the production of drawing quality cold
which does not producethis reheatingenergycost. rolled steel sheet. It is difficult to stop over cooling
The RQ processconsists of cooling the steel strip by contactwith inter- due to the fast cooling rate with previous cooling
nally water-cooledrolls. For the developmentof RQ process, various basic system. This necessitated additional energy costs to
heat transfer data were requestedfor the design of system. Contactthermal raise the strip temperature to the temperature required
conductancebetweenthe surface of strip and roll were investigated. Ther- for the overaging treatment, approximately 400 C.
mal behaviors of roll shell were analyzed through theoretical simulation. Due to the rise in energy prices in recent years, NKK
Mathematical model of the RQ process was established, which is useful has recently developed the Roll Quenching system
for both the design and operation of RQprocess. (RQ) to overcome this disadvantage.5~ As shown in
Fig. 1, the RQprocess cools down the steel strip water-
I. Introduction cooled rolls. The cooling rate of this process is lower
The continuous annealing process with a water than that of WQ; however, it is rapid enough to pre-
quenching system (abbreviated to WQ) known as the cipitate supersaturated solid solution carbon (above
NKK-CAL WQ process, was introduced in 1971. It 100 C/s). Depending on the line speed or the strip
is used in the production of drawing quality (DQ) thickness, the control of the strip temperature at the
cold rolled steel sheet used for the manufacture of termination of the cooling is easily made by adjusting
automobile parts, electric appliances, and other prod- the contact length of the strip with the water-cooled
ucts. The CAL process has been appreciated in the roll. The cooling ability of the RQ process is much
industries. 1) affected by the contact thermal conductance between
The NKK-CAL WQ process, which cools the strip the steel strip and the shell of the roll. There are fluc-
at a very high rate, can produce high strength cold tuations of the contact thermal conductance, due to the

Fig. 1. Line arrangement of the

NKK-CAL RQ system.

Presented to the 106th ISIJ Meeting, October 1983, S1155, at Akita University in Akita. Manuscript received March 28, 1984.
1984 ISIJ
Technical Research Center, Nippon Kokan K.K., Minamiwatarida-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki 210.
Fukuyama Works, Nippon Kokan K.K., Kokan-cho, Fukuyama 721.
K Steel Plant Design Section , Tsurumi Works, Nippon Kokan K.K., Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230.

(734) Research Article

Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (735)

change of the normal pressure between the strip and ow: mean temperature of cooling water (C)
the roll-shell arising from line tension. It is very p : density of strip (kg/m3).
important to keep the cooling ability of RQ process In Eq. (1), oe and o~ are the mean temperature in
constant, and to cool the strip uniformly across the strip thickness. Uo in Eq. (1) is the significant para-
direction of strip width. Moreover, contact and non- meter in designing the RQ process, and it would be
contact between the roll shell and the strip are re- very profitable if, in advance, Uo could be estimated
peated periodically. It is important to predict the from the conditions of the facilities and the operation.
final cooling ability of the RQ process because the When thermal resistances exist as layer-by-layer,
cooling process is an unsteady process. Therefore, equation for the overall heat transfer coefficient U0
we carried out the basic experiment for the contact is known in general. To apply this equation for the
thermal conductance and simulated the thermal shell of the water-cooled roll and the strip in Fig. 2,
behavior of roll-shell by theoretical analysis in order the following equation is obtained.'
to obtain the important information necessary for
design and operation of the RQ process. The knowl- U'- -- 1 d 1 ...............(2)
edge about contact thermal conductance and the r 1 0.5d.
model for the cooling ability of water-cooled roll L +,+L+ -,
w 7 c s

which are shown in this report are very profitable for

operation of our RQ process. A full commercial where, dr: thickness of roll shell (m)
scale RQ system has been installed in No. 2 CAL of he: contact thermal conductance
the Fukuyama Works, and the outline of this system (kcal/m2 . h . C)
is also presented in this report. hw: heat transfer coefficient of cooling water
(kcal/m2 . h . C )
II. Basic Research for Contact Cooling with Ar: thermal conductivity of roll shell
Water-cooled Rolls (kcal/m h. C)
~s: thermal conductivity of strip
1. TheoreticalConsiderations (kcal/m.h.C).
The process of cooling the strip with water-cooled On the other hand, the roll shell is heated by the
rolls was planned using a simplified model of a roll strip at the contact area and cooled down by the
quenching system with one roll as shown in Fig. 2. cooling water at the non-contact area. This heating
The strip is cooled through heat transfer on its con- and cooling process is repeated periodically, so that
tact surface with the roll, conduction heat transfer Uo, which shows the cooling ability of the actual RQ
in the roll shell, and convection heat transfer to the system, is obtained at unsteady thermal states. Con-
cooling water. In such a case, the overall heat trans- trary to this, U, of Eq. (2) is in steady thermal states.
fer coefficient (U0) between the cooling water and the Therefore, Uo and Uo are generally very different
strip can be defined using their actual measured from each other, and it is impossible to predict the
temperatures. cooling ability of the actual process from Eq. (2).
Uo is defined by the following equation (1): Another difficulty in the prediction of Uo is the
uncertainty of the value of contact thermal conduc-
U _ pCd8V In Be-Ow tance he in Eq. (2). It is presumed that the term
Ls od-ew 1/he in Eq. (2) is major compared to the other terms
where, U: overall heat transfer coefficient (l/h, dr/2r, 0.5 d,/A0)and affects mainly to U0. More-
over, as the strip contacts the roll shell at a normal
(kcal/m2 .h.C)
CJ,: specific heat of strip (kcal/kg.C) pressure caused by line tension. The degree of
ds: thickness of strip (m) influence on he is very important because it arises
from the fluctuation of the normal pressure. For
LS: contact length of roll with strip (m)
V: line speed (m/h) these reasons, a series of the basic experiments for
contact thermal conductance was performed, and the
ad : outlet strip temperature (C)
op: inlet strip temperature (C) cooling characteristics of the unsteady process with
the rotation of the water-cooled roll were investigated.

2. Basic Experimentsfor Contact Thermal Conductance

1. Experimental Procedure
To measure the contact thermal conductance he,
the experimental apparatus shown in Fig. 3 was pre-
pared. The apparatus consists of a pair of axisym-
metric metal blocks with the contact surfaces of
10 mm~b for heat transfer. The upper block with
the maximum diameter of 160 mm~b is made of steel
and has an electric heater inside, corresponding to
the high temperature strip. The lower ones with
water-cooled fins are made of steel and copper to
Fig. 2. Heat transfer model of Roll Quench system. correspond to the water-cooled roll shell. These test

Research Article
(736) Transactions Is", Vol. 24, 1984

Fig. 3. Experimental apparatus for contact thermal con-


blocks are surrounded by bricks for thermal insula-

tion. In the cylindrical parts of both blocks with Fig. 4. An example of temperature distribution in test

10 mm diameter, one-dimensional steady heat flux
is generated, and the temperature gradients of both
cylinders are measured by C-A thermocouples which realized. In the case of Fig. 4(a), which is supposed
are inserted into the center of the test blocks. to be a steel roll, the same temperature gradient in
The temperatures of the contact surfaces of both the cylindrical part is obtained in both blocks. How-
blocks are obtained by exterpolation of these measured ever, when the materials of the two blocks are differ-
values. Further, the heat flux q and the contact ent, the temperature gradient is not the same. The
thermal conductance h~ are calculated from the fol- values of the heat fluxes calculated from this data
lowing equations (3) and (4), respectively: coincided well with each other, and reliability of the
experiments were confirmed.
Figure 5 shows the relation between contact thermal
u l
conductance and surface temperature of the upper
~ (e block (supposed to be strip) obtained by Eqs. (3) and
u_Dl) (4). The example corresponding to the copper roll
where, (4 T/4x) : vertical temperature gradient in is Fig. 5(a), and the example of the steel roll is Fig.
5(b). In Fig. 5(a), the heat flux can not depend on
the cylindrical part (C/m)
0: temperature (C) the capacity of the heater. Therefore, the maximum
A: thermal conductivity of test blocks temperature of the contact surface of upper block has
been limited to below 400 C. Normal pressure is
(kcal/m. h. C)
U, l: suffix indicating upper or lower a parameter in both figures.
block. The contact thermal conductance is higher in cop-
The normal pressure at the contact surface was per than in steel, and is dependent much on the
varied by the screw in Fig. 3 being monitored by normal pressure. This should be explained by the
the load cell . The temperatures of the contact difference of hardness between copper and steel.
The relation between contact thermal conductance
heat transfer surfaces of each of the blocks were con-
trolled by the heater current. In this experiment, and normal pressure is shown in Fig. 6. Contact
thermal conductance was expressed by Tachibana as
the roughness of contact surface has been kept con-
stant; 5 pm as Rz (maximum height of peak to peak follows when the surface roughness of both materials
in surface profile). To prevent the oxidation of the are same.8>
contact surfaces, a small amount of nitrogen gas was
injected near the contact surfaces. h - 104 P - -AH. AL 106 9 (5)
(o+23) H~ AEI+AL 20
2. Results of Experiment
An example of the temperature distribution where, HV: Vicker's hardness of smaller one (kg/
measured in the test blocks is shown in Fig. 4. In mm2)
the cylindrical part near the contact surface, the normal pressure (kg/cm2)
temperature distributions are linear. Therefore, it peak-to-peak roughness of contact sur-
is clear that the one-dimensional heat flux has been face; Rz (pm)

Research Article
Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (737)

Fig. 7. Relation between contact thermal conductance

and P 2H.AL
Hy 2H+AL

7 that the form of Eq. (5) is applicable to both the

copper rolls and the steel rolls. The calculated value
of h~ from Eq. (5) is also shown in Fig. 7.
Tachibana has obtained Eq. (5) from the data of
over 15 kg/cm2 normal pressure. Nevertheless, the
results of our experiments showed a tendency to agree
very well with it. Most research works on contact
thermal conductance reported hitherto are concerned
Fig. 5. Relation between contact thermal conductance and with the case of fairly large normal pressures. In
surface temperature of the upper block. continuous annealing line of steel strip, where the
unit tension in the strip is 6 kg/mm2, and the radius
of water-cooled roll is R mm, the normal pressure
P kg/mm2 is expressed by the following equation (6) :
P =100(ds/R) . Q .....................(6)

As P is lower than about 0.6 kg/cm2, because o

is about 3 kg/mm2 at most and R is about 500 mm,
but there is little data of h~ with such a low normal
From the results described above, the following
Eq. (7) is obtained. It predicts the contact thermal
conductance at low normal pressure which has not
been reported.

)+ 2 ...............(
Fig. 6. Relation between contact thermal conductance and
normal pressure. where, Kl, K2: constants determined by the surface
roughness of the roll and the strip
Ag: thermal conductivity of ambient gas (-)
(kcal/m. h. C). Our experimental results and Eq. (7) are very useful
'H : thermal conductivity of material with in predicting the cooling rate of the strip while
higher temperature (kcal/m. h. C) designing the RQ process.
AL: thermal conductivity of material with
lower temperature (kcal/m. h. C) III. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of the
The term (P/HV) [AH.AL/(AHTAL)] in Eq. (5) is Water-cooled Roll
calculated from the thermal conductivity and the
Vicker's hardness of copper and steel at various 1. Analysis of UnsteadyHeat Transfer with the Rotation
temperatures, and is shown in Fig. 7 in relation to the of the Roll
contact thermal conductance. It is evident from Fig. In the cooling process of RQ system, the roll shell

Research Article
(738) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

is heated and cooled periodically. Therefore, the q,w= hw(Ori-Ow)......................(10)

cooling characteristics of the RQ process can not be
where, Orti: temperature of inner surface of roll shell
predicted exactly from Eq. (2), because the roll shell
is in an unsteady thermal state. The theoretical (C)
calculation of the unsteady heat transfer process of Ow: temperature of cooling water (C).
a single water-cooled roll was carried out, and the This calculations were performed with the rotation
overall heat transfer coefficient U0, which should be of the roll, adjusting the heat balance of the system.
obtained in actual process, was estimated. The The flow of the calculations is illustrated in Fig. 8.
calculations have been performed for the heat transfer Figure 9 shows an example of the calculated re-
in the direction of the roll radius, by the finite differ- sults. Under the calculating condition in Fig. 9,
ence method of the one-dimensional differential the temperature change of the roll shell with every
equation with a cylindrical coordinate. Basic differ- rotation converged in a constant pattern about 3 min
ential equation is shown as Eq. (8) : after the start of the cooling. This corresponded to
about the 80th rotation of the water-cooled roll, which
ao. a ao . 1 aOz is a stational thermal cycle. In Fig. 9, the tem-
at __ar2 ar -}---ar-) ............(8)
Z r
perature distribution profiles of the radial direction
in the roll shell at this stational thermal cycle are
where, Cp: specific heat (kcal Jkg. C) shown when the contact angle with strip is 45 and
r : radial co-ordinate (m) 90 deg, at the starting point of contact (inlet) and
t : time (h) the end point of contact (outlet), respectively. The
O: temperature (C) temperature of the outer surface of the roll shell varies
;i : thermal conductivity (kcal/m. h. C) about 30 C between inlet and outlet in this case.
p : density (kg/ m3)
i : suffix indicating roll shell or strip. 2. Influenceof Conditionsof Installation and Operationon
Boundary conditions are as follows : Uo
1) Strip surface not contacted with water-cooled roll From the simulation results mentioned above and
...............radiative and convective heat transfer Eq. (1), the overall heat transfer coefficient Uo of
to surroundings. both the single roll and the plural rolls were obtained.
2) Contact surface of strip and roll shell............... This should correspond to that of actual process.
heat flux q kcal/m2hh is given by Eq. (9) : Hence, we studied the degree of influence which
should be affected by each parameter of the actual
q = h~(Os-Or0)........................(9)
process on U0.
where, Oro: temperature of contact surface of roll 1. Material of Roll Shell and Normal Pressure
shell (C) The relations between Uo and the contact thermal
OS: temperature of contact surface of strip conductance h~ are shown in Fig. 10, with the roll
(C) shell of copper and steel. Uo nearly coincides with
3) Outer surface of roll shell of non-contact with h~ in the copper roll, but in the steel roll, Uo is lower
strip...............same as the outer surface of the than h~ owing to the smaller thermal conductivity of
strip in the case of non-contact strip.
4) Inner surface of roll shell............... heat flux
qw kcal/m2. h is given as convective heat transfer
by cooling water; Eq. (10) :

Fig. 9. Radial temperature distribution

Fig. 8. Calculation flow of the heat transfer model. of roll shell.

Research Article
Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (739)

Fig. 11. Influence of normal pressure on U0.

Fig. 10. Relation between contact thermal conductance

and overall heat transfer coefficient.

the roll shell. In practical operation, the factor

which affects Uo is normal pressure, so the relation-
ship between Uo and the normal pressure P is shown
in Fig. 11. From Fig. 6 and considering that the
normal pressure P in the continuous annealing pro-
cess should be under 0.6 kg/cm2 or so, the variation
of Uo will be about 2.0 % at the copper roll and
about 0.7 % at the steel roll at most, if the strip is
Fig. 12. Influence of heat transfer coefficient of cooling
assured to be in contact with the water-cooled roll. water on U0.
Therefore, the fluctuation of the normal pressure is
not so important to U0, but rather a minor factor.
Further, in Fig. 10, U, calculated by Eq. (2) are
also shown which are much different from the simula-
tion results, indicating that Eq. (2) is not proper to
predict U0.
2. Heat Transfer Coefficientof CoolingWater
Figure 12 shows the influence of the heat transfer
coefficient hw of cooling water on U0. As in the total
thermal process, hw is large enough and not a major
factor, the variation of Uo is only about 7.0 % even
if hw is varied from 5 000 to 10 000 kcal/m2. h. C.
3. Thickness of Roll Shell
Figure 13 shows the relationship between the thick- Fig. 13. Influence of thickness of roll shell on U0.

ness d,, of the roll shell and U0. The degree of change
in Uo is larger in the steel roll, which has a lower
thermal conductivity, than in copper roll.
4. Roll Contact Angle of Strip
The larger the contact angle becomes, the lower
Uo decreases as shown in Fig. 14, and the degree of
change is larger in the steel roll than in the copper
roll. This is because the ratio of the cooling time for
the roll shell decreases with the increase of contact
angle, and the mean temperature of the roll shell
becomes higher. Thermal behavior like this is due to
the unsteady cooling mechanism of the Roll Quench
process. Further, some other parameters have been Fig. 14. Influence of contact angle around a roll on U0.
studied, like the starting temperature of the cooling,
the roll diameter, the line speed, etc. From these
results, we summarized as conclusions: (2) If the contact angle is constant, U0 is not so
(1) The major factors of Uo are as follows: much changed by the roll diameter and the line speed.
i) material of the roll shell, Consequently, in actual process, as the contact angle
ii) thickness of the roll shell, becomes smaller when the roll diameter is large and
iii) contact angle, and the line speed is low, Uo becomes larger.
iv) starting temperature of cooling. (3) In the major factor described above the con-

Research Article
( 740 ) Transactions ISIT, Vol. 24, 1984

tact angle is variable in operation, and much atten- with those predicted by Eq. (11). Both values co-
tion shall be paid to the apportionments of the con- incide very well, showing the reliability of Eq. (11).
tact angle. From this information, we have simplified The relation between the cooling rate and the strip
the model equations of U0 for practical use as Eqs. thickness is shown in Fig. 16. In the thickness range
(11) and (12). of 0.4 to 1.6 mm, the cooling rates are obtained 100
to 450 C/s.
For steel roll; Un = 20.1 ho80d70.220-o.2a........ , ...(11)
For copper roll; U0 = 3.15ho.90d,.
0.0520-0.052.........(12) 3. Product Quality
The cooling rates, obtainable by this quenching
where, dr: thickness of roll shell (mm) system, vary depending upon the strip thickness as
h~: contact thermal conductance shown in Fig. 16.
(kcal/m2 h C) Figure 17 shows the relations of the cooling rate
U0: overall heat transfer coefficient and the aging index (A.L) and the time required for
(kcal/m2 h C) the overaging treatment. Basically, the time required
0: contact angle (deg) for the overaging treatment decreases with the in-
crease of the cooling rate; however, there is little
Iv. Cooling Characteristics in Roll Quench
1. Outline of Roll Quench Process in Actual Production
A full commercial scale RQ system has been in-
stalled in the No. 2 GAL of Fukuyama Works in
February, 1982 (cf.. Fig. 1). The number of water-
cooled roll is five, with roll diameter of 800 mmb.
At first, the combination of the copper roll and the
steel roll was adopted.
However, it was revealed that cooling rate obtained
by the steel roll was higher enough to assure the me-
chanical property of the products with short over-
aging time. Therefore, from the stand-point of the
cost of installation and endurance, all the water- Fig. 15. Relation between overall heat transfer coefficient
obtained in No. 2 CAL and predicted value by the
cooled rolls are now installed with steel. Table 1
Eq. (11).
shows the specifications of the water-cooled roll
equipment of the actual production line. The strip
thermometers have been equipped at the inlet and
outlet of the Roll Quench section, and the water-
cooled roll is fitted with a lifting device to vary the
length of its contact with the strip. This makes
automatic control of the outlet strip temperature
2. CoolingCharacteristics
The overall heat transfer coefficients U~ obtained
in the actual line are shown in Fig. 15 in comparison

Table 1. Specification of RQ.

Fig. 16. Influence of strip th ickness on cooling rate.

Fig. 17. Effect of cool ing rate on A.r.

Research Article
Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (741)

difference in the time required for the overaging Uo of the actual process has been obtained also. A
treatment at the cooling rates from 100 to 400 C/ s. lot of phenomena observed in the actual process can
Thus, it can be said that the water-cooled rolls with be explained from this model of U0, which is useful
respect to the cooling rate are satisfactory. More- for designing and controlling the system.
over, using low carbon capped steel and low carbon A full commercial scale RQ system installed in the
Al-killed steel as materials, the mechanical prop- No. 2 CAL of Fukuyama Works has been operating
erties obtained by this quenching system have been successfully, reducing the reheating energy cost of
investigated. the drawing quality (DQ) of the WQ; CAL process.
As a result, all the cold rolled steel sheets manufac-
tured by the Roll Quench process employing various
heat cycles (CQ, DQ, DDQ) have superior properties REFERENCES
including surface finish and shape equivalent to those 1) S. Osaka, N. Tanaka, K. Matsudo, Y. Fukuoka and H.
of the conventional WQ; CAL process or the batch Ishioka : Iron Steel Eng., (1980), Nov., 67.
annealed steel sheets.5~ 2) K. Araki, S. Fukunaka and K. Uchida: Trans. ISIJ, 17
(1977), 701.
V. Conclusions 3) K. Matsudo, T. Shimomura, K. Osawa, K. Okuyama, M.
To reduce the repeating energy cost for the over- Kinoshita and S. Osaka: Nippon Kokan Technical Report,
aging treatment in WQ; CAL process, a new quench- (1980), No. 84, 14.
4) K. Nakaoka, A. Nishimoto and Y. Hosoya: Trans. ISIJ,
ing system with water-cooled rolls has been de-
21 (1981), 778.
veloped. 5) H. Naemura, T. Jimba, Y. Fukuoka, S. Takushima, M.
In the first stage of the basic research, contact
Jitsukawa and T. Shimomura: Nippon Kokan Technical Re-
thermal conductance, which was an important factor port, Overseas, (1983), No. 38, 1.
in the designing of the system, was studied by experi- 6) T. Jimba, Y. Fukuoka, S. Takushima, T. Shimomura and
mentation. Further, the calculation of the unsteady H. Kobayashi : Tetsu-to-Hagane, 68 (1982), S 1200.
heat transfer with the rotation of the water-cooled 7) E. Eckert and R. Drake: Heat and Mass Transfer,
roll was performed, and the thermal behavior of the McGrall-Hill, New York, (1959), 8.
roll shell has been cleared up. The model equation 8) F. Tachibana: J. Japan Soc. Mech. Eng., 55 (1952), 102.
which predicts the overall heat transfer coefficient

Research Article

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