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Nadhira Sagita Putri1 and Enri Damanhuri2

Department of Environmental Engineering,
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132
1 and

Abstract: Cipayung Landfill is a Depok City landfill that has been operating since 1984. Along with the
increasing population, the received waste in Cipayung Landfill is also increased from 9,900 tonnes/month in
2014 to 13,000 tonnes/month in 2015. Because the landfills capacity has been exceeded, it is predicted that
Cipayung Landfill should be closed immediately. Landfill closure needs to be sustainable and environmentally
friendly. Landfill mining is considered to be an alternative to the landfills closure plan. With landfill mining
activities, the waste that had piled up can be recovered. This study aims to determine the potential of landfill
waste to be used as Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) raw material. By using RDF, waste and greenhouse gas
emissions from fossil fuel incinerator will be reduced. The study was conducted by analyzing the composition of
combustible landfill waste and to compare its characteristics with RDF standars. From 10 sampling points, the
landfill waste from Cipayung Landfill Zone A consists of several combustibles such as paper waste (1.35%),
wood waste (4.94%), textiles waste (8.86%), rubber waste (1.09 %), PP plastic waste (0.4%), PET plastic waste
(1.05%), HDPE plastic waste (0.42%), LDPE plastic waste (23.66%), PS plastic waste (0.57%), and mixed
plastic waste (7.49%). The combustible waste characteristics show that it consists of 29-54% moisture content,
10-28% ash content in 850C, and calorific value of 3800-15600 kcal/kg. Based on comparisons with some
countries and one of Indonesias cement industry RDF standards, Cipayung Landfill waste has the potential to
be used as RDF raw material but it needs further study to reduce the moisture content and to clean the
contaminant like landfill topsoil that existed in the combustible waste to increase the ignition.

Keywords: landfill, landfill mining, refuse derived fuel, final processing site.

Abstrak: TPA Cipayung merupakan tempat pembuangan akhir penduduk Kota Depok yang telah beroperasi
sejak 1984. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, terjadi pula peningkatan penerimaan jumlah
sampah dari rata-rata 9.900 ton/bulan pada tahun 2014 menjadi 13.000 ton/bulan pada tahun 2015. Dengan
jumlah penerimaan sampah yang telah melebihi kapasitas TPA, diprediksikan bahwa TPA Cipayung harus
segera ditutup. Rencana penutupan TPA diharapkan bersifat berkelanjutan serta ramah lingkungan. Landfill
mining dianggap menjadi salah satu alternatif pengolahan sampah yang sesuai untuk penutupan TPA tersebut.
Dengan kegiatan landfill mining, sampah yang telah tertimbun dapat dimanfaatkan kembali. Studi ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui potensi sampah timbunan di TPA Cipayung untuk dijadikan bahan baku Refuse Derived Fuel
(RDF). Penggunaan RDF dapat berkontribusi positif dalam upaya reduksi sampah dan pengurangan emisi gas
rumah kaca yang dihasilkan akibat pembakaran. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan analisa komposisi
sampah combustible yang berada di TPA Cipayung serta membandingkan karakteristiknya dengan standar
RDF. Dari 10 titik sampling, didapatkan komposisi sampah combustible landfill TPA Cipayung zona A sebagai
berikut: sampah kertas (1,35%), sampah kayu (4,94%), sampah tekstil (8,86%), sampah karet (1,09%), sampah
plastik jenis PP (0,4%), sampah plastik jenis PET (1,05%), sampah plastik jenis HDPE (0,42%), sampah plastik
jenis LDPE (23,66%), sampah plastik jenis PS (0,57%), dan sampah plastik jenis campuran (mixed) (7,49%).
Karakteristik sampah combustible yang ditemukan memiliki kadar air 29-54%, kadar abu 850oC 10-28% serta
nilai kalor 3.800-15.600 kkal/kg. Berdasarkan pembandingan dengan beberapa standar negara dan perusahaan
semen di Indonesia, sampah landfill TPA Cipayung memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan bahan baku RDF namun
perlu dilakukan studi lebih lanjut untuk menurunkan kadar air dan membersihkan sampah combustible dari
pengotor seperti tanah penutup yang dapat mempengaruhi keterbakaran sampah tersebut.

Kata kunci: landfill mining, refuse derived fuel, sampah, TPA.


Depok City, West Java, is a developing city in Indonesia with the increasing number
of residential, education, commercial, and services areas. The total population of Depok City
in 2010 reached 1,755,612 inhabitants with population growth of 3.7%. Cipayung Landfill is
the only final waste processing site to Depok City residents that has been in operation since
1984. The volume of waste transported to Cipayung Landfill reaches 600-650 tonnes/day
(Cipayung Landfill, 2016). Along with the increasing population, there is also an increase to
the acceptance of the amount of waste from an average of 9,900 tonnes/month in 2014 to
13,000 tonnes/month in 2015. With limited land and increasing acceptance of waste per year,
it is predicted that the landfill should be closed immediately because the reception of waste
that has exceeded the capacity of the landfill. In the future, it is planned that Depok City will
transport the municipal solid waste to TPPAS Nambo. But it is still being planned so
Cipayung Landfill should still receive the waste from Depok City until TPPAS Nambo ready
to operate. Alternative waste treatment that has been buried is needed to increase the capacity
of Cipayung Landfill. That alternative also needs to be a technology that can recover all the
waste when the landfill is closed. Landfill mining is considered to be one of the alternatives
that is environmentally friendly and it is also one of waste treatment technologies that is
appropriate to deal with these problems because it can enlarge the landfill capacity. In
addition, by implementing landfill mining, landfill waste that has been buried can also be
Final waste processing site is one of the processing steps for waste handling. In
general, the final waste processing that has been carried out until today is by landfilling and
the most carried out type of landfill in Indonesia is open-dumping. Landfilling in general is a
way to dispose waste into the soil that always includes waste management (Damanhuri &
Padmi, 2008). Waste that has been landfilled decomposes either mechanically or by physics,
chemistry, and biology or combination processes. The decomposition process will produce
solids, liquids, and gases as by-products. Immediate biological processes occur in organic
materials shortly after poured into landfill. Physical decomposition occurs due to the
destruction of waste and flushing by water (McBean et al., 1995).
Landfill mining is a strategy to recover the material and energy resources from the
buried waste in order to achieve resource efficiency (Havlin et al., 1999). Some of the
advantages gained from the implementation of landfill mining are prevention of
contamination to ground water due to leachate from waste transportation, creating capacity
for the new landfilling activity, reducing the cost of landfills closure, and the material that is
still valuable e.g. recyclable materials can be recovered and be used again. Basically, the
process of landfill mining consists of three basic stages. Firstly, the material excavation and
then the material that has been excavated will be processed. Lastly the material that has been
excavated and processed will be managed. To excavate the material, it is needed to use the
equipment that commonly used in mining or landfill operations such as backhoe or excavator.
After excavated, materials will be processed in order to meet the objective of landfill mining
itself. Processing could include splitting large sized material, hazardous waste sorting,
filtering soil from the material, and sorting recyclable material or material that has the
potential to become fuel. Mechanical processes can be used to separate the recyclable
materials. Additional processing and management can be determined from the project
objectives, characteristics of excavated materials, cost and processing time, and the potential
market that will use the results of the material obtained (IWCS, 2009). After the landfill
waste goes through the sorting process, metal and construction waste can be recycled, fine
materials can be refined into organic fertilizer (Joseph et al., 2007), high calorific value
materials can be used in waste-to-energy (WTE) technologies such as incineration,

gasification, pyrolysis, plasma technology, or the combination of all technologies (Krook et
al., 2012; Bosmans et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2013).
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) is a fuel produced from waste recycling activities that
produces high heat energy. RDF can be used for the auxiliary fuel of cement kiln or
combustion in coal-fired boilers. RDF production is designed to change the combustible
fraction of municipal solid waste to be fuels so that RDF can contribute positively to the
environment, especially in the effort to reducing the waste and greenhouse gas emissions
produced from fossil fuel combustion. Some of the advantages of processing domestic waste
into RDF are the ease in storage and transport, low emissions of pollutants and the reduction
of excess air during combustion because of the high calorific value which tends to be
constant and homogeny (Caputo and Pelagagge, 2002). RDF can be used as an alternative
fuel or blended with other fuels such as coal. By generating RDF, the existence of both
domestic and industrial waste that have high calorific value can be exploited in large quantity
(Sondari, 2010).
RDF characteristics analysis can be carried out by analysing the MSW characteristics
such as moisture content, ash content and calorific value. Indonesia does not have a RDF
standard so for developing the use of RDF within the country, it is needed to compare the
characteristics to another countries RDF quality standards. The standards will be shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. RDF Quality Standards in European Countries, (Genbebien et al, 2003)

Cement Kiln Standards
Parametre Unit Standard
Italy Spain EURITS Switzerland
% <25 <1 <10
MJkg-1 15 15 25.1-31.4
Net Calorific
Value kcalkg-
1 3,588 >5,000 3,588 6,005-7,512
Ash Content % 20 <<10 5 0.6-0.8

In addition to the European RDF standards, one of the cement industries in Indonesia
has also been using RDF to substitute coal used in the kiln. Table 2 shows the specifications
of one of the cement industries in Indonesia, namely PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.

Table 2. RDF Quality Standard in Indocement, (Indocement, 2016)

No Parametre Unit Specification

Physical Test
1 Particle Size mm (50 x 50)
2 Spesific Gravity wt/vol -
Wet Chemistry
3 Moisture Content %wt 20
4 Calorific Value kcal/kg 3.750

The buried landfill waste in Cipayung Landfill has the potential to produce RDF due
to the volume of landfill that is quite large and the number of potentially combustible waste
composition that can be used as RDF raw materials such as plastics, textiles, paper, rubber,
and wood that have not been utilized. That potential needs a further discussion to prove that
landfill mining can be used as an alternative treatment to utilize the landfill waste for the
landfill closing process. This study became necessary to explore how much the energy
potential of the material at the Cipayung Landfill which can be used as raw material for RDF.


Field Observation

Primary Data Gathering

Secondary Data Gathering

Determining samples in the

Landfill Literature Study

Obtaining samples in the

Data gathering from the related
Checking samples' composition

Checking samples'

Moisture Content

Ash Content

Calorific Value

Data Analysis

Figure 1. Methodology

This research was conducted by carrying out a field survey in Cipayung Landfill,
Depok City, West Java, to determine the condition of the landfill. The literature study was
also carried out to obtain the theory from various previous studies, international journals, text
books as well as websites. Secondary data were obtained from the Department of Cleanliness
and Landscaping of Depok City and Cipayung Landfill. Primary data was obtained in May
2016. Some of the primary data required are waste generation, waste composition and
chemical characteristics such as calorific value and proximate analysis including moisture
content, volatile content, fixed carbon, and ash content.

The landfill waste samples were collected in an inactive zone at Cipayung Landfill. 2
samples were collected from 5 selected vertical points with a distance of 2 meters between
each points. Samples were taken ranging from 4.5 to 13 kg and put into 10 trash bags. After
samples were taken into trash bags, combustible waste were handpicked from each trash bags
and brought into laboratory to be checked for characterization. After that, the waste was dried
at a temperature of 20-30oC with mixing periodically. Drying was needed to facilitate
identification of further types of waste so that the waste can be identified by each
composition accurately. After drying, the waste composition examination was conducted by
measuring the weight of each components then the percentage of each waste composition
could be known. Waste composition was divided into 9 parts, namely humus, plastics, paper,
textiles, wood, rubber, glass, metal, and others. Plastics were divided into several types
namely PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), LDPE (Low
Density Polyethylene), PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PP (Polypropylene), PS (Polystyrene),
Firstly, chemical characteristics measurement was conducted by measuring the
moisture content refers to the SNI 03-1971-1990. Sample was heated in the oven at 105oC
until reaching constant weight. Ash content was obtained by examining the residue that left
after the combustion at both temperature (550oC and 850C). It expressed in %dry weight.
Measurement of calorific value was done by Bomb Calorimeter PARR Type 1261.
After all the composition and characteristic data had been obtained, the data were
analysed and compared to other countries RDF quality standards and Indonesias cement
industry RDF quality standard to determine the potential of landfill waste when used as RDF
raw materials.


3.1 Sampling
The landfill waste samples were excavated in the inactive zone, which was Zone A.
Sampling was carried out at the coordinates point 625'24.5 " South Latitude and 106
47'16.4" East Longitude. There were 5 sampling points. The distance between each point was
2 meters vertically. So there were samples that were obtained at 0-2 meters from the ground,
2-4 meters from the ground, 4-6 meters from the ground, 6-8 meters from the ground, and 8-
10 meters from the ground. Double samples was excavated in each point so 10 samples were
obtained and used in composition analysis. Waste collection is conducted using a hoe and put
in a large trash bag. After the sampling was done, some combustible waste samples were
picked and brought to be checked. The characterization analysis was done in the Laboratory
of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste, Environmental Engineering Program, Bandung
Institute of Technology. Figure 2 shows the location of the sampling point in the inactive


Sampling Location

Scale 1:3.333

Figure 2. Sampling Location

3.2 Composition of Landfill Waste at Cipayung Landfill

From each point, the samples were manually separated into 9 components, namely
humus, plastics, paper, textiles, wood, rubber, glass, metal, and others. Plastics were divided
into several types namely PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate), HDPE (High Density
Polyethylene), LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene), PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), PP
(Polypropylene), PS (Polystyrene), Mixed. Figure 3 shows the waste composition obtained
from this sampling.

Paper Wood
1% 5% Textiles Rubber
9% 1%
0% PET
Humus 1%


Metal 7%
Glass PVC PS
1% 1% 1%

Figure 3 Landfill Waste Composition

Waste can be categorized into combustible waste or non-combustible waste. Because
in this study, it is focused to produce fuel from waste so the highlighted composition is
combustible waste. Combustible waste includes rubber, textiles, wood, paper, and plastic
(Damanhuri & Padmi, 2010). In this study, the plastics were divided into several types
namely PP, PET, HDPE, LDPE, PVC, PS, and mixed. But PVC plastic waste was not
included in the study because of the chlorine content of it that can be dangerous if burned and
emitted to the environment. Based on the data obtained, there were 49.6% combustible waste

consists of paper (1.35%), wood (4.94%), textiles (8.86%), rubber (1.09 %), PP plastic
(0.4%), PET plastic (1.05%), HDPE plastic (0.42%), LDPE plastic (23.66%), PS plastic
(0.57%), and mixed plastic (7.49%). These combustibles have the potentials to be converted
to RDF raw material.

3.3 Moisture Content of Cipayung Landfill Waste

In the utilization of RDF as fuel, high moisture content can reduce the calorific value
(Khan et al., 2009). Higher moisture content also increases the volume of flue gas produced
per energy unit, requiring larger waste heat boilers and flue gas cleaning equipment. High
moisture content also will reduce the combustion temperature, hindering the combustion of
the reaction products resulting in higher emissions and higher fuel quantities
(Demirbas,2004).. The presence of moisture will influence the behaviour of the waste during
the primary conversion stage in a gasification/pyrolysis plant and impact the syngas
After analysing moisture content of each sample, moisture content data was obtained.
Figure 4 shows each compositions moisture content.

Moisture Content (%)

PP PET HDPE LDPE PVC Mixed PS Paper Textile Wood Rubber
Waste Composition

Figure 4. Moisture Content of Cipayung Landfill Waste

The moisture content data obtained ranging from 29.71 to 53.36%. If it was compared
to other countries RDF quality standards such as Italy (<25%), Spain cement kilns (<1%)
and Swiss cement kilns (<10%) RDF quality standards, Cipayung Landfill waste did not
fulfill the requirements. If it was compared to one of cement industries in Indonesia
(Indocement), it also did not meet the requirements needed which is below 20%. High
moisture content in Cipayung Landfill waste was caused by high rainfalls for an average of
2,577 mm/year with the number of rainy days of 222 days/year. The sampling was also
conducted when it was raining on the previous day so it could affect the moisture content in
the excavated waste. Because moisture content can reduce the effectiveness of burning, it is
required to do pre-treatment such as drying to anticipate high levels of moisture content so
that the moisture content can be reduced and meet the RDF quality standards.

3.4 Ash Content of Cipayung Landfill Waste

Ash is the inorganic and incombustible mineral fraction that is left after complete
combustion. The mineral fraction consists of non-combustible minerals such as Silicon,

Aluminium, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Sulphur, and Phosphorus. High
ash content will require an efficient dust removal system to reduce the amount of particulate
emissions. High ash content also indicated low calorific value. The ash content used in this
study was the amount of ash left after combustion at 850C. 850C represents the temperature
which is generally used in the incineration. Figure 5 shows the levels of ash left after
combustion at 850C.



% Ash Content





PP PET HDPE LDPE PVC Mixed PS Paper Textile Wood Rubber
Waste Composition

Figure 5 Ash Content of Cipayung Landfill Waste

From Figure 5, it is known that the ash content of landfill waste that left after
combustion at 850C is ranging from 10.79 to 30.5%. If it was compared to Italy RDF quality
standards which should contain ash content below 20% then only few types of waste that
could meet the standard. They were PP, HDPE, mixed plastic, PS, and wood. But landfill
waste at Cipayung Landfill still did not meet the requirements set by other countries such as
RDF quality standards for cement kilns in Spain, EURITS, and Switzerland. High ash content
caused by top soil contamination in the combustible waste. Top soil contains mineral fraction
that is non-combustible so such contaminant could lowering the actual waste volatility and
ignition which can results to increasing level of ash remaining from combustion.

3.5 Calorific Value of Cipayung Landfill Waste

The calorific value of the fuel is described as the amount of energy produced when
the fuel is burned. The heating value is divided into two namely HHV (High Heating Value)
and LHV (Low Heating Value). LHV is more representative in the depiction of energy
available in the fuel when the fuel is burned in a boiler or furnace. The calorific value of
Cipayung Landfill waste will be shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Cipayung Landfill Waste Calorific Value
By analysing the calorific value using a bomb calorimeter, it was known that the LHV
of various types of waste were ranging from 3,800.19 to 15,697 kcal/kg. This value could
meet Italy, EURITS cement kilns, and Indocement cement kilns RDF quality standards. But
when this value was being compared to Spain cement kilns RDF quality standard that
requires RDF should has calorific value more than 5,000 kcal/kg and Switzerland cement kiln
RDF quality standard that should contains calorific value more than 6,005 kcal/kg, then only
PP, PET, HDPE, LDPE, mixed plastic, PS, paper, and textiles are eligible. From the data
obtained, high calorific value generated by plastic waste. But for plastic waste in PET and
LDPE types, the calorific values are lower than other types. This could be due to the presence
of non-combustible contaminants such as topsoil in the samples.


From the conducted research, it was found that the amount of combustible waste at
Cipayung Landfill reached 49.6% consisting of paper waste (1.35%), wood waste (4.94%),
textiles waste (8.86%), rubber waste (1.09%), PP plastic waste (0.4%), PET plastic waste
(1.05%), HDPE plastic waste (0.42%), LDPE plastic waste (23.66 %), PS plastic waste
(0.57%), and mixed plastic waste (7.49%). In overall, the landfill waste moisture content did
not meet all the requirements for the RDF quality standards that were reviewed. As for the
ash content at 850C combustion which reached 10-28%, some of the landfill waste
compositions had met the Italy RDF quality standards. Those compositions are PP plastic
waste, HDPE plastic waste, mixed plastic waste, PS plastic waste, and wood waste. Calorific
value (LHV) of landfill waste reached 3,835.19-15,697 kcal/kg. The entire composition had
met Italy, EURITS cement kilns and Indocement cement kilns RDF quality standards but for
Spain and Switzerland cement kilns RDF quality standards, only PP plastic waste, PET
plastic waste, HDPE plastic waste, LDPE plastic waste, mixed plastic waste, PS plastic
waste, paper waste, and textiles waste were eligible. To optimize the potential of waste into
RDF, further studies are required to reduce the levels of moisture content e.g by applying
drying. In addition to lower ash content, it is necessary to eliminate mineral fraction
contaminants from the combustible waste. It is also needed to check other parameters e.g.
chlorine content, sulphur content, etc. that are also essential to be noticed on combustion
process especially when it comes to the emission.


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