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Villalobos 1

Domonique Villlalobos
Jennifer Rodrick
Queer Studies 115
September 16,2017

Annotated Bibliographies

Barrall, Kathryn. Representation of LGBTQ Community in Popular Media. University Wire.

Carlsbad. Uloop, Inc. February 19, 2015. Accessed September14,


This article adds to the sex culture discussion, regarding the LGBTQ community. One

main point states that the media is misrepresenting the LGBTQ community. The LGBTQ

community is constantly filled with negative stereotypes and stigmas. From these

stereotypes, the community is slowly to become an alienating factor of disunity.

However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, according to students, there is hope for

a positive outcome. But there are still stigmas and negative depictions concerning all of

the LGTBQ community. In essence, the popular media is a big influence towards the

perceptions of the LGTBQ community.

Constanza-Chock, Sasha, and Chris Schweidler. Toward Transformative Media Organizing:

LGBTQ and Two-Spirit media work in the United States. Media, Culture &Amp:
Villalobos 2

Society. March 1, 2017. Vol.39 (2). 159-184.


Accessed September 14, 2017.

This article discusses a nationwide survey conducted to the LGBTQ community. Much of

the increased advances has made cultural shifts towards the popular media. Such positive

movements has. Then, such research was conducted towards organizations to find data.

From that data, many of the organizations have had a small amount of media funds. F

Such organizations are faced with harm and exposure from social media. It engages

precautionary measures for the planning of security. Based on conclusion, transformative

media organization has become a source of integrating media and cultural motivation. In

essence social media is a powerful tool that can be easily manipulated and turned against.

The LGBTQ community of organizations is continuing to become a popular uprising of


Mcconnell, Elizabeth A., et al. Identity, victimization, and support: Facebook experiences and

mental health among LGBTQ youth. Computers in Human Behavior. November 2017.

Vol 76. 237-244.

Accessed September 14, 2017

This article discusses the use of online platforms, social networks and the process of

coming out. This article is primarily focused on Facebook analysis. Turning to the
Villalobos 3

internet has helped many people navigate and create networks to feel communicated.

Furthermore this article discusses the mental health aspect of victimization and

cyberbullying. Much of the research was supported by multiple studies, statistics,

demographics, and surveys, the intercorrelations produced result. The results proposed

that social networking sites and social context is important to the LGBTQ community.

Its also has become an outlet to protect and secure identity or information from the

outside world. Despite the negative aspects that the LGBTQ community faces,

networking has become a frequent staple in understanding the behind the scenes of the

LGTBTQ youth.

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