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Vocabulary (page 1)
1 1. encourage 5. attend
2. ridiculous 6. motivated
3. compulsory 7. achieve
4. expect
2 Possible answers:
1. Now we live in the city.
2. Its a much slower pace.
3. We have got many friends here.
3 Possible answers:
1. an excuse 4. species of animals
2. a friend 5. dance class
3. the answer 6. students notes
4 1. get into trouble 5. curriculum
2. motivate 6. courage
3. cheat 7. Pay attention
4. revise

Grammar (page 2)
5 1. she had left the party early
2. he was feeling very tired
3. had just arrived
4. I / we liked ice cream
5. he had to study for the test that night
6. Mark was arriving
6 1. Max suggested that we go to the beach. / Max
suggested going to the beach.
2. The thief admitted he had stolen the money. / The
thief admitted stealing the money.
3. Dad warned (me) that he would punish me if I
behaved that way again.
4. Sharon insisted that I apologise to Dean.
5. Ethan wondered where Jim was.
6. Mike complained that the teacher had given them
too much homework.
(page 3)
7 Possible answers:
1. I practise the piano every day
2. I had remembered to take my phone
3. to call her and apologise
4. to study much harder for the next one
5. (that) she and her family were moving

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