359134665-Research-Task-Main 1

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Documentary Production

Vibe Productions has been asked to commission a

variety of factual programmes for More4 aimed at
todays youth and younger generation.

The topic and content of each documentary must

appeal to both males and females between the
ages of 14 and 24

The topics can vary from sport, social media,

appearances, UK education system, Brexit, being
young in the UK, anxiety, fashion, history, politics or
anything else you think the youth of Great Britain
would want to know about.

Questions such as Is being young in the UK really that bad?

Why are todays youth too entitled? Why are you the so-called
Cotton Wool Generation? Does fashion define an age? What does Brexit mean
for your future? Why are more teenagers and young adults diagnosed with
depression now than during the war? or Is the UK education system stuck in the last
century? to name but a few.

Although the topics are serious the content needs to attract a young generation so
the language and style must appeal what would you watch?

Submission Rules

1. Each documentary must have at least 1 interview with someone who is a

witness / expert or has been impacted by the topic
2. It must be presenter lead
3. B-Roll and archive footage
4. Facts (backed up by detailed research)
5. Songs that define your generation (background music)
6. Interviews must be set in the correct location
7. Must be between 3 and 5 minutes (no less and no more)

This assignment covers Unit 1 and Unit 2 and will highlight the skills you have learnt

You must work in groups of 3-4 with the following roles covered

2x Cameramen
1x Editor
1x Lighting and props
1x Location scout
1x Producer

Assessment Criteria

U2LO1: Understand design and research Harvard referencing research

tools, methods and skills used in creative
media production
U2LO2: Understand primary and A variety of internet and book
secondary research sources research
Face to face and survey
U2LO3: Be able to use design and Infographics
research tools, methods and skills to Pitch
inform ideas for creative media
U1LO1: Understand processes and Good use of technical aspects
technical skills used in creative media Good editing skills
production Good interview techniques
U1LO2: Understand the characteristics Good interview techniques
and methods of communication within Documentary that covers the
a media context. correct codes and conventions

Task 1:


In groups, you will be required to research:

The mode of documentary you wish to use

The Topic
The subject (person being interviewed)

Put the research into infographics and a creative Pitch

Task 2:

Pitch your idea to the class and gather feedback

This pitch needs to be engaging and dynamic and you will be graded on your
confidence, presentation skills and ability to answer questions on your topic.

Task 3:

Film your documentary (Interviews to be the first item you film all scripts will come

Task 4:

Edit production

Task 5:

Show your production Your first screening

Deadline for production:

Screenings will take place on Friday 20th October so all productions and planning
must be completed by this date.

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