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Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (2010) 10431049

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Dynamic measurement of lumbar curvature using bre-optic sensors

Jonathan M. Williams a, , Inam Haq b , Raymond Y. Lee a
Department of Life Sciences, Roehampton University, Holybourne Avenue, SW15 4JD, United Kingdom
Mayeld House, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Falmer, University of Brighton, BN1 9PX, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Dynamic continuous measurement of the curvature of the lumbar spine is technically difcult but could
Received 11 February 2010 provide important information about the functions of the spine. A new measurement system using a
Received in revised form 2 July 2010 ribbon of specically modied bre-optic sensors was attached to the back and used to dynamically
Accepted 8 July 2010
measure lumbar surface curvature during exion and lifting. Reliability of the collected data and com-
parison to a video-based system were investigated in thirteen participants for curvature of both the
lower and whole lumbar spine. The coefcients of multiple correlation of repeated measurements of
curvaturetime curves were found to be high, 0.970.98, and all measurements were as reliable as data
Lumbar spine
obtained by the video method (0.930.97). Root mean square error values were below 2.5 for the bre-
Kinematics optic system. Reattachment reliability was found to be excellent (0.910.97) as were comparisons to a
video-based method (0.840.95). It is concluded that the bre-optic motion analysis system is capable
of reliably measuring sagittal lumbar curvature across time and offers the ability to provide information
regarding sequencing and relative motion between specic regions of the lumbar spine.
2010 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and orientate sensors attached to a probe which tracks the spinal
curvature [15]. These techniques commonly measure curvature as
Measurement of lumbar spine curvature and motion has the resultant angle between two tangents often drawn at L1 and
become common place in the clinical assessment of low back pain. S1/2. This resultant angle provides static measurement of lumbar
It provides useful information for the assessment of spinal function curvature or lordosis in a given posture. Therefore no information
[1] and is often used as an outcome measure for clinical inter- is obtained about the time-history of the changes in curvature dur-
vention studies [1,2]. Various measurement methods have been ing movement. Electromagnetic sensors can be attached to the skin
proposed in the past, with varying degree of success. Radiographic with the system continuously recording change in curvature across
measures provide excellent representation of both total and seg- time. Unfortunately however this may be affected by the presence
mental spinal curvature and motion [3], but stereoradiographic of metals, correction for which is complex and time-consuming
techniques to resolve segmental position are complex and time- [18,19] and the system only has a small operating zone resulting in
consuming [4]. Unfortunately, radiographic images are static and a restriction of the motion able to be monitored [19]. Gyroscopic
therefore cannot be used to investigate the dynamic behaviour of systems commonly use sensors placed over the S1 and L1 region
the lumbar spine through time [47] and are further complicated and model the lumbar spine as one 3-degrees of freedom joint and is
by the inherent health risk of repeated X-ray exposure. In light of therefore not able to provide information on spinal shape between
these limitations non-invasive skin mounted systems have been the sensors [17].
developed. Fibre-optic sensors have been used in industry to measure
Commonly used surface techniques to measure lumbar cur- dynamic changes in shape and it is likely that similar technologies
vature include exible curves [810], the spinal mouse [11,12], could be applied to the lumbar spine. Light ow through a speci-
electromagnetic sensors [1316] and gyroscopes [17]. Flexible cally adapted sensor will be modulated by the degree of bend and
curves are used to trace spinal shape onto paper from which cur- therefore light intensity can be used to calculate curvature change.
vature is derived. The spinal mouse uses a wheeled accelerometer If a string of sensors registering this change in light ow were
to continuously record inclination relative to the vertical. Electro- spaced minimally apart then through a process of smoothing, the
magnetic sensors use an electromagnetic emitting source to locate output can produce a curve along the entire ribbon of sensors. The
feasibility of such a tracking method to monitor body movements
has been demonstrated using video game animation and pilot stud-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 020 8392 3539; fax: +44 020 8392 3531. ies have shown small errors during measurements of simulated
E-mail address: (J.M. Williams). joint motion [20]. This attractive tool has the potential of being able

1350-4533/$ see front matter 2010 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1044 J.M. Williams et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (2010) 10431049

Fig. 1. Fibre-optic and video system attachment and resultant sagittal curves during exion.

to dynamically record the curvature of the spine, but its reliability none of them was found to exhibit any spinal motion restriction or
and accuracy need to be established before it can be recommended observable spinal deformities.
for research and clinical use. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the School
The purpose of this investigation was to examine the reliabil- of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University. Written
ity and feasibility of a new bre-optic motion analysis system for consent was obtained following explanation of experimental pro-
the dynamic measurement of lumbar curvature and to compare its cedures and potential risks.
repeatability with a conventional motion analysis system based on
video methods. 2.2. Instrumentation

2. Methods 2.2.1. Fibre-optic system

A series of 8 paired bre-optic sensors, attached to a rib-
2.1. Participants bon of sprung steel (S128048NL ShapetapeTM , Measurand, New
Brunswick, Canada) (size = 480 mm 13 mm 1.3 mm) was used
Thirteen participants (11 male and 2 female, age 25.9 2.6, to measure spinal motion and curvature. These sensors are specif-
mean height = 1.74 0.14 m, mean weight = 76.64 15.3 kg) were ically treated to measure curvature through the measurement of
recruited from Roehampton University. Participants had no history transmitted light intensity. A base reference sensor was attached
of low back pain in the previous twelve months and were excluded securely to the skin overlying S1 with each sensor pair subsequently
if they had any history of spinal surgery, tumours or disorders of the spaced every 60 mm. Position (Cartesian coordinate) data of the
lower or upper limb that may be aggravated by the test procedures. sensors with respect to the base sensor were provided by this sys-
All participants were clinically examined by a physiotherapist, and tem. This was achieved by evaluating the curvature change across
J.M. Williams et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (2010) 10431049 1045

each 60 mm sensing region. The positional data for each sensor Table 1
The mean (sd) CMC for repeated measures of the curvatures of the whole lumbar
was tted with a spline curve to provide a sagittal prole of spinal
spine and lower lumbar spine.
shape (Fig. 1(a)). The bre-optic ribbon was fed into a modied
elastic bandage housing which would allow it to slide inside dur- Flexion Lifting
ing movements of the spine (Fig. 1(a)). Pilot testing showed this Whole lumbar spine (S1L1)
to be the most efcient attachment. The interface box to which Fibre-optic r 0.98 (0.02) 0.98 (0.02)
the base sensor was attached was linked to a personal computer Video r 0.97 (0.02) 0.97 (0.04)

and positional data were captured using software developed by Lower lumbar spine (S1L3)
the company (Measurand Inc, New Brunswick, Canada) at 100 Hz Fibre-optic r 0.97 (0.03) 0.97 (0.03)
Video r 0.93 (0.11) 0.96 (0.03)
and stored for later processing.

2.2.2. Video system

A nine camera, synchronised, three-dimensional optical motion using oor markers to ensure identical start positions and all move-
analysis system was used (Vicon 370). The cameras were positioned ments were completed three times. The data acquired during the
in a ring setup and calibrated prior to all data collection. Reective three trials were averaged. Subjects who tested the bre-optic sys-
markers (diameter 13 mm) were attached to the skin overlying the tem rst then had the bre-optic system removed and proceeded
Anterior Superior Iliac Spines (ASIS) and Posterior Superior Iliac to the video system. Once retesting was complete, the bre-optic
Spines (PSIS), along with eight markers passing superiorly from S1 system was reattached and testing repeated. Subjects who were
at 60 mm intervals (Fig. 1(b)). A local coordinate system origin was assigned to the video system rst completed testing using the video
set up using the ASIS and PSIS markers. The global spatial coordi- system, then the bre-optic system, which was removed and reat-
nates of the spinal markers were transformed, as in the same case tached for nal testing. Therefore, in total, three distinct sets of
as the bre-optic device, with respect to a local coordinate sys- data collection were completed: bre-optic 1st, bre-optic 2nd and
tem xed to the sacrum. The data were tted with a spline curve video.
to provide a sagittal prole of spinal shape (Fig. 1(b)). Motion was
captured at 100 Hz and stored for later analysis. 2.2.4. Data analysis
All raw data were analysed using Matlab (Mathworks, R2008b).
2.2.3. Procedure The position data of the bre-optic and video systems in the sagittal
Participants height and weight were recorded and the location plane, which both refer to the local sacral coordinate system, were
of S1, L3 and L1 spinous processes were identied by the same expe- tted with a piecewise cubic hermite interpolating polynomial
rienced manual therapist. Along spine measurements were taken (Matlab function pchip), and tangents to the curve were calculated
for the distance between S1 and L1, along with S1 and L3 in upright using two consecutive data points at two dened landmarksS1
standing, full exion and once in position about to lift an object (a and the desired lumbar level (L1 or L3). Curvatures of the spine
crate which measured 310 mm 450 mm 450 mm and weighed were derived from the angles between the two tangents. As motion
2 kg), in order to determine the location of L1 or L3 relative to S1 occurs the location of L1 (or L3) changes relative to S1, therefore
at the extreme spinal postures. This enabled the spine to be sepa- curvature across time was adjusted, according to the predicted
rated into the whole lumbar spine and lower lumbar spine. S1L1 location of the lumbar spinal process relative to S1. The predic-
was chosen as it represents the boundary of the lumbar spine and tion was achieved through the determination of the length change
offers easy comparison to existing literature, while S1L3 was cho- (measured difference between the S1L1 (or L3) in standing and
sen to determine if the system could reliably analyse small regions at the extreme of motion) and the determination of curvature
within the lumbar spine. Subjects were assigned randomly (coin change (difference between standing curvature and extreme curva-
toss) to either use the video system or bre-optic system rst. Sub- ture). A scaling factor was then calculated utilising the magnitude
jects were instructed to stand bare foot on assigned markers and of curvature change to determine the appropriate length change.
focus on a wall marker set at 1.5 m high, with arms relaxed by Therefore adjustments to length were made relative to the degree
their side. They were requested to bend forwards as far as possible, of curvature change across time. The above adjustment enabled the
pause for a second before returning upright. Identical instructions calculation of the superior tangent to more accurately follow the L1
were given for bending to lift a crate. The crate was positioned (or L3) segment during motion. Adjusted curvaturetime data were

Fig. 2. The normalised curvature-time curves of one participant for repeated measures reliability of (a) exion, (b) lifting, as recorded by the bre-optic system.
1046 J.M. Williams et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (2010) 10431049

Fig. 3. Mean normalised curvature-time curves with 95% condence bands for (a) exion, (b) lifting, as recorded by the bre-optic system.

calculated following the determination of motion onset and offset.

Motion onsets and offsets were determined by rst identifying a
region of static standing, prior to motion to calculate the resting
mean lumbar curvature and standard deviation. Motion onset was
dened as the point when the curvature remained greater than the
mean plus 3 times the standard deviation for 30 samples. Resultant
curvaturetime plots were time normalised in order to take into
account the differences in speed at which the subjects performed
the movement. The coefcient of multiple correlation (CMC) [21]
and the root mean square (rms) error were calculated to determine
the similarities between the three movement trials. The CMC value
approaches 1 when the curves are similar and 0 if they are dissimi-
lar. Repeated measures reliability for both the whole lumbar spine
(S1L1) and lower lumbar spine (S1L3) for the bre-optic system
and video system were calculated across three repeated movement
trials. Reattachment reliability was measured for both regions using Fig. 4. The mean root mean square (RMS) error associated with measuring motion
with both systems. WLS, whole lumbar spine (S1L1); LLS, lower lumbar spine
the mean time normalised curvaturetime curve for the rst series
(S1L3). Vertical bars represent one standard deviation.
of trials compared to the mean curve of the second series of move-
ment trials collected by the bre-optic system. Finally comparisons
Table 2
between the video and bre-optic systems were calculated by rst The mean (sd) CMC and root mean square (rms) error values for comparisons having
using a paired t-test to check for any difference between rst and removed and reattached the bre-optic system.
second data capture with the bre-optic system. If no signicant
Flexion Lifting
difference was detected, the data would be combined to utilise
the mean of all six trials for the bre-optic system to compare Whole lumbar spine (S1L1)
r 0.97 (0.03) 0.97 (0.05)
with the mean of the three video system trials. Bland and Alt-
rms ( ) 1.9 (1.0) 2.1 (2.0)
man plots were used to compare the level of agreement for peak
curvature. Lower lumbar spine (S1L3)
r 0.94 (0.08) 0.91 (0.14)
rms ( ) 1.6 (1.2) 1.9 (1.8)

3. Results
There was excellent agreement, as noted by high mean CMC
The mean CMC values were found to be excellent across and low rms error values between the bre-optic and video-based
both movements and regions of the lumbar spine (Table 1). The systems for the whole lumbar spine and good agreement for the
bre-optic system offered almost identical consistency across the lower lumbar spine (Table 3).
repeated measures testing for all regions and tasks compared with
the video-based system. The bre-optic system shows excellent
similarity for repeated measures (Fig. 2) and small variability as Table 3
The mean (sd) CMC and rms error values for comparisons of mean bre-optic mea-
displayed by Fig. 3 showing resultant mean curves and 95% con-
sured motions with mean video measured curvatures.
dence bands for repeated measures testing. The condence bands
show the variability in movement patterns. The root mean square Flexion Lifting
error magnitudes for each movement were found to be small across Whole lumbar spine (S1L1)
both systems (Fig. 4). r 0.95 (0.04) 0.94 (0.06)
rms ( ) 3.5 (1.8) 3.4 (2.0)
Reattachment reliability for the bre-optic system was excellent
for both regions and tasks (Table 2). There were no signicant differ- Lower lumbar spine (S1L3)
ences between the rst and second data capture with the bre-optic r 0.86 (0.09) 0.84 (0.11)
rms ( ) 3.2 (1.9) 3.2 (1.4)
system (p = 0.945).
J.M. Williams et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (2010) 10431049 1047

Fig. 5. The difference in peak curvature obtained by the bre-optic and video systems against the mean for the specic movements. = whole lumbar spine;  = lower lumbar
spine, (a) exion, (b) lifting.

Good agreement between the two systems was observed for ues of peak curvature are compared to those of previous studies
peak curvature measurements, as can be seen in the Bland and (Table 4). One interesting nding was that small values of exion
Altman plots of Fig. 5. The accuracy of the bre-optic system as curvature were achieved at the end of the exion range. This sug-
measured by the absolute mean difference for the peak curva- gests that exion is primarily an unfolding of the lordotic curve
ture measured by the two systems for the whole lumbar spine with very little actual kyphosis achieved. The clinical implication
was 2.3 2.3 and 2.5 2.7 and for the lower lumbar spine was of this nding is that during forward bending, a signicant amount
2.7 2.2 and 2.3 2.0 for exion and lifting, respectively. of exion comes from the hips and pelvis; not only from the spine.
The lack of kyphosis during forward exion has also been reported
4. Discussion in previous radiographic studies which provide useful information
about the curvature formed by the underlying vertebrae [22,23].
The results of this study indicate that the bre-optic system is However, previous studies which used skin mounted sensors or
reliable for measuring dynamic lumbar curvature, with the abil- inclinometers [1012,16,23,24] tended to report a larger amount of
ity to resolve spinal shape change across time at multiple spinal kyphosis during forward bending (Table 4). This may be explained
regions. The movementtime behaviour was highly consistent for by skin movement artefact or failing to exclude sacral motion from
all tasks and regions, in fact more consistent than a matched video- that of the lumbar spine, which would then lead to overestimation
based method. The bre-optic system can be reliably removed and of lumbar curvature. The differences in values may also be due to
replaced with data following the removal closely matching that different participant characteristics which would result in highly
previously collected. variable curvature measurements. Differing measurement proto-
The bre-optic system exhibited similar repeatability when cols and verbal instructions could affect the degree of curvature
compared to the video system, for both regions, for the movements achieved as would any physical constraints such as those used by
of exion and lifting. The CMC values approaching 1 for the spinal Ng et al. [24]. Furthermore differing start positions and denitions
curvature measurements show excellent agreement between the of the boundaries of the lumbar spine may further explain some of
two systems. Furthermore the minimal difference for peak curva- the differences [10,23].
ture measurement shows that the bre-optic system is accurate as One attraction of the bre-optic system is that it is simple to use
compared to the video-based system. Importantly this similarity and relatively cheap especially when compared to the video system
was observed even though the data collections were not simul- used in this study. The cost of the bre-optic system used in the
taneous which introduces a level of biological error as it is very present study is in the region of US$45005000, but the exact cost
difcult to move identically for each trial and may explain the small will depend on the desired length and sensor conguration. This is
inconsistencies and errors seen between the systems. certainly much less expensive compared to conventional video sys-
In this study the bre-optic system was shown to be able to tem. The operator does not require more than a few days to become
successfully measure changes in spinal curvature. The average val- competent in the operation of the bre-optic system. Data process-

Table 4
Comparison of the peak curvature measurements of the present study with those in the literature.

Study Methods Region Standing curvature ( ) Flexion peak curvature ( )

Present Fibre-optic L1S1 25 12

Present Video L1S1 29 12
Thoumie et al. [23] Electro-goniometer S110 cm superior 38 22
Thoumie et al. [23] X-ray S110 cm superior 59 5
Mannion et al. [11] Spinal mouse T12S1 32 33
Kellis et al. [12] Spinal mouse T12S1 1924 33 to 42
Dolan and Adams [16] Isotrak L1S1 3335 22 to 26
Ng et al. [24] Inclinometer T12/L1L5/S1 24 28
Youdas et al. [10] Flexicurve T12S2 3956 21 to 29
Burdett et al. [22] Goniometer T12/L1S1 17 16
Burdett et al. [22] X-ray T12S1 50 4
1048 J.M. Williams et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (2010) 10431049

Fig. 6. Sagittal view of two participants during lifting, (a) whole spine view, (b) close-up.

ing can be achieved using the operating software, or customised and resultant continuous representation of spinal shape enable the
software which requires no training and can be used by an average location of the lumbar spinous process to be more accurately fol-
clinician. It is portable, and not effected by the presence of metals, a lowed during motion. The system can be operated up to 110 Hz,
common complaint with electromagnetic systems [18,19] or con- fast enough for the majority of kinematics applications and the
strained by line of sight, as in video-based systems. However the system running with the operating software can provide real-time
real benets lie in the systems ability to measure dynamic change in feedback which could aid the user in monitoring and modifying
spinal curvature, providing the investigator with the ability to study technique and developing position awareness of curvature during
the curvaturetime relationship. As LBP sufferers display altered dynamic movement.
spinal kinematics, especially temporal kinematics the ability to It may be argued that back surface curvature measurement, as
monitor dynamic movement behaviour is essential to observe such used in this and other experimental studies, may not fully repre-
characteristics [25]. Since the bre-optic system provides infor- sent the curvature of the vertebrae. However, clinical assessment
mation along the whole length of the lumbar spine, information may not warrant invasive procedures that allow one to examine
regarding any region of interest can be obtained. This may be partic- the vertebrae directly, and previous work have shown that surface
ularly important as sequencing movement behaviour of the spine measurement does provide an acceptable representation of the true
is highly variable [26] and clinical populations may adopt differing spinal curvature [31,32]. Interpretation of the current ndings may
curvatures at different regions of their lumbar spine [27]. This res- also be limited by the sample size and to the tasks investigated.
olution of curvature across time for any region of the lumbar spine Participants were young and healthy with BMI values below 30.8;
improves the exibility and adaptability, increasing the potential therefore the results may not be completely applicable to elderly or
application of such a system. It enables clinicians and researchers to obese subjects. Further investigation in these populations would be
observe sequencing behaviour of lumbar movement and visualise useful. Limitations of the system relate to the sensitivity of the sys-
regional differences in posture and motion in the sagittal plane. This tem to the base sensor attachment. This is because the bre-optic
is highlighted by Fig. 6 which compares two participants sagittal system calculates the position and orientation of its sensors relative
spinal shape at the moment of lifting. The signicant difference in to this reference. Small sagittal tilts in the orientation of the base
lordosis angle for the whole lumbar spine suggests different move- sensor will be registered as movement of the ribbon. For this reason
ment strategies are being utilised by these individuals (1 compared applications should give extra caution to attaching the base sensor
to 23 curvature). However, this information alone fails to take in correctly which can be time-consuming. A limitation of the present
to account the overall spinal shape. It is evident that subject 12 method is that it did not measure lateral bending or twisting of
has signicant lower lumbar exion during lifting, of a magnitude the trunk, and the present system may not be useful for patients
similar to subject 9 (3 compared to 6 ). This suggests that the with idiopathic or sciatic scoliosis. The problem of the present sys-
lower lumbar movement strategies are similar across these individ- tem is that it comprises a at ribbon which is stiff in bending
uals and that signicant regional differences in movement patterns sideways and cannot follow the shape of the spine if twisted. It
are evident in the lumbar spine. This additional information only is possible that a more exible bre-optic wire be developed in
becomes available through the visualisation of continuous spinal the future. It is suggested that future research could also deter-
shape, which can be offered by the new bre-optic system. Clin- mine the impact of specic variables on dynamic curvature, such
ically this is important as the degree of curvature inuences load as pathology or LBP and how this affects regional sagittal kinematic
sharing across the motion segment [28,29] and also affects the line behaviour which would further the understanding of the function
of action of spinal muscles [30]. This would be of great interest of the spine and be important in the rehabilitation of spinal pain
to not only the clinician studying a painful movement, or the sur- disorders.
geon reviewing the effect of surgery on spine kinematics but also
in sports where the interactions between spinal curvature and per- 5. Conclusion
formance could be analysed. Moreover traditional systems use two
sensors xed to the skin overlying the two spinous processes, com- In conclusion, the bre-optic system described in this study is
monly whilst standing, which due to skin movement fails to closely able to provide highly repeatable surface information regarding
represent the location of the same spinous process at the peak of lumbar curvature. It spans the whole length of the lumbar spine
the movement. The current system due to its attachment at S1 only enabling simultaneous capture of multiple regions of interest and
J.M. Williams et al. / Medical Engineering & Physics 32 (2010) 10431049 1049

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