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Curiculum Vitae

Name : Debby Rahma Putri Evryning

Place/Birth of date : Jakarta, 1 March 1994
Address : Jln. Ulujami Raya Warben Rt.11 Rw.04 No.28
Cipulir, Jakarta Selatan

Phone : 08561381518
Status : Single
Email :


I believe although with my less working experience background I could contribute many good things
and make improvement in the company to achieve the company objective and vision.
I am very interest with both Management Information System and Information Technology scope in
my career.
I consider myself as a self-motivated, positive thinker and dynamic personal.
I am ready to work and cooperate with other people in one team to achieve goal togetherness .

Work Experience

PT.Telkomsel (Sales Associate) , Agustus 2015

PT.Bank DKI (Intership), Mei 2017


Participate on Career Assessment for Global Employability seminar

in 2016

Contribute and Engaged on BINUS Festival of Innovation and Entrepreneurial week

in 2014

Actively Involved at Entrepreneur is Fun event.

This event is one of the BINUS students event that have purpose to develop students soft skills
especially on entrepreneurship
in 2012

Business Analyst, Web Design & Programming (HTML, CSS), Software Installation & Networking,
Back Office (Word, Excel & Power Point)

Non Formal Education

School Web Design, Dumet School

2015 2016

Formal Education

Bina Nusantara University

Faculty of Information System
2011 2015

SMAN 86 Jakarta

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