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Analysis of Data:

Interpretation :
The scores were arranged from highest to lowest. The highest
score(68) subtracted from the lowest score(52) to determine the range.
The range of the score were not too far. Score were added and divided it
to the number of respondents to get the mean. So , the mean of the
scores was 59 to get the deviation. Each deviation were squared and the
sum of the squared deviation was divided by the number of the
respondents to get the standard deviation. The standard deviation was 5 ,
which means to say that the distance between each scores were very

After the informations that being gathered in the past few
weeks , the researchers found out that most of the
respondents were not satisfied with their job and salary but
some were contented and agreed in their ongoing payments
and benefits. The importance of this research , is to know the
different situation of every families . This also gives a
realization to the respondents on how jobs made our lives

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