Finally! FB To Help You Mute Annoying Pals: Why Telling Your Child They're Smart May Not Be Wise

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Finally! FB to help you mute annoying pals Thinkstock

Snooze Option Takes Them Squeezing iPhone X will prevent theft all over the world to join their
chats via Messenger.

Off Your Feed Temporarily I f you squeeze the iPhone X, it will stop people from stealing it,
Apple has said. The phone has security settings that stop the
built-in facial recognition from being used if the buttons on both
The option to Snooze
friends comes on the heels of
a study that concluded hav-
Aatif Sulleyman nu button at the top-right of sides are pressed, according to head of software Craig Federighi. ing hundreds of friends on
an update and select Unfol- The revelation was part of an email he sent to a developer who Facebook might be making

acebook is making it eas- low or Snooze. asked a series of questions about the Face ID technology. A number users ill. Researchers at Re-
ier to ignore your most Snooze is a convenient, of people have voiced concern that someone stealing the phone gis University, US found that
annoying friends. non-permanent alternative to could simply point it in the face of the owner and gain access. people with more friends on
The social network, with completely unfollowing some- Federighi said there are two mitigations against such a thing Facebook suffered from poor-
over 1 billion members, has one which is still an option. happening. If you dont stare at the phone, it wont unlock... Also, if er health, particularly with
created a Snooze option, It can be easy to lose track of you grip the buttons on both sides of the phone when you hand it upper respiratory infections.
which you can use to mute peo- people youve unfollowed, and over, it will temporarily disable FaceID, he added. THE INDEPENDENT The risk of infection was
ple and pages for a certain re-following them if you so also higher for people who re-

Mars mission crew

amount of time, blocking their wish isnt a completely into the Reconnect With Peo- rolled out more widely in the standalone group video chat ported having Facebook-in-
updates from your news feed. straightforward process. ple Youve Unfollowed sec- near future. app, called Bonfire, which al- duced anxiety. This could
You can choose to Snooze You can either head to all tion and browse through the The social network is also lows up to eight friends to en- mean feeling worried when
accounts for 24 hours, or sev- of their profiles individually, list of people youve banished working on a new app, called gage in conversation as well someone doesnt reply to a
en or 30 days.
The feature was first spot-
ted by tech blog Tech-
Crunch. To Snooze an ac-
or launch news feed prefer-
ences, which is well-hidden
inside the column to the left of
the news feed.
from your digital dominion.
Snooze is not yet availa-
ble to all users, as its current-
ly still being tested by Face-
Bonfire, which it hopes will
change how people commu-
nicate online. TechCrunch
reported, Facebook has
as use special effects...
Its currently only said to
be available in Denmark, but,
according to the blog, us-
comment or message, or
doesnt accept your friend re-
quest. General Facebook use,
however, wasnt linked with
back on earth, dig
count, you need to hit the me- From there, you can head book, but it will hopefully ve been quietly testing a new ers... can invite people from poorer health. THE INDEPENDENT
into fruits, eggs
Honolulu: Six Nasa-backed
research subjects who have
tion and danger of a two-to-
three year trip to Mars. The
been cooped up in a Mars-like US space agency hopes to
Parasite plagues attractive to women habitat on a remote Hawaii send humans to the red plan-
volcano since January eme- et by the 2030s. The crew was
world salmon industry London: Listening to music can cause rged from isolation on Sunday. quarantined for eight months
women to perceive a mans face as more at- They devoured fresh-picked on a vast plain below the sum-
S almon have a lousy problem, and the race to
solve it is spanning the globe. A surge of
parasitic sea lice is disrupting salmon farms
tractive, and make her more willing to date
him, a study claims. Researchers from the
tropical fruits and egg strata
after eating mostly freeze-
mit of the Big Islands Mauna
Loa, the worlds largest active
University of Vienna in Austria investigat- dried food while in isolation volcano. All of their commu-
around the world. The tiny lice attach themselves ed the impact of musical exposure on how and some vegetables they nications with the outside
to salmon and feed on them, killing or rendering one evaluates the faces of people from the grew during their mission. world were subjected to a 20-
them unsuitable for dinner tables. Meanwhile, opposite sex. Facial attractiveness is one of The crew of four men and minute delay the time it
wholesale prices of salmon are way up. The lice the most important physical characteris- two women are part of a takes for signals to get from
are actually tiny crustaceans that have infested tics that can influence the choice of a part- AP Mars to Earth. The
salmon farms in the US, Canada, Scotland, Norway ner, said Helmut Leder of the university. crew was tasked
and Chile, major suppliers of the high-protein, Music has been experienced mostly in a with conducting ge-
heart-healthy fish. Scientists and fish farmers are social context, especially before the advent of ological surveys,
working on new ways to control the pests. modern technology. Hence, it is plausible to mapping studies
assume that music could positively influence and maintaining
Giant sea snail plan to rescue Barrier the visual perception of faces, the research- their self-sufficient
Reef: A giant starfish-eating snail could be (Clockwise from above) People attend a pet yoga session at Pet
Rainbow Festa, a pet funeral expo, in Tokyo on Monday; a staffer prays ers said. In their experiment, scientists pre- habitat as if they
unleashed to help save the Great Barrier Reef, sented heterosexual participants with in- were actually living
officials said on Monday, with a trial underway to at the altar for a dog; a volunteer paints a portrait of a cat. In Japan,
caring for pets goes beyond the grave. At Pet Rainbow Fiesta, visitors strumental musical excerpts that varied in on Mars.
breed thousands of the rare species. Predatory their emotional content, followed by the pho- The crew played
crown-of-thorns starfish, which munch coral, are were given a host of options on performing rites for dead pets, including
cremation, constructing a household altar and making offerings of tos of people from the opposite sex with a neu- games designed to
naturally-occurring but have proliferated due to
incense. The basic funeral service fee starts from 95,800 yen (approx. tral facial expression. The face was assessed Crew members inside their facility in Hawaii. measure their com-
pollution at the struggling World Heritage-listed in terms of its attractiveness on a scale, and patibility and stress
Rs 55,000) for a 1kg hamster or bird, and can go up to 114,800 yen Their vinyl-covered Mars-like habitat was
ecosystem. Now, research has shown they avoid
(Rs 66,000)for a 20kg dog, according to a funeral services company. The participants were asked to rate whether they about the size of a small two-bedroom home, levels. To gauge
areas where the Pacific triton sea snail is present.
rituals underscore a Japanese belief that spirits need to be pacified would date the person pictured. PTI had small sleeping quarters for each member their moods, they
plus a kitchen, laboratory and bathroom also wore specially-
designed sensors

Why telling your child theyre smart may not be wise

study designed to understand that measured voice levels
the psychological impacts a and proximity to other people
long-term space mission in the, 1,200 square-foot living
would have on astronauts. space. Weve learned, for one
Olivia Petter cause they are more motiva- them at a much younger age that the harm can go beyond China to take part in a guess- mented these children subse- Its gratifying to know that thing, that conflict, even in
ted. If children believe that than previously theorised, motivation and extend to the ing game. Some of them were quently leaning over to look at the knowledge gained here the best of teams, is going to

hildren who are praised their intelligence can be de- with kids as young as three moral domain. It makes a child praised for their intelligence the answers that had been left from our mission will con- arise, said the projects lead
for their intelligence veloped, rather than it being years old being more likely to more willing to cheat in order while others were praised for on another desk. tribute to the future explora- investigator, University of
are more likely to cheat fixed, they are better show signs of dishonesty if to do well, the development their performance and some Its about giving children tion of Mars, science officer Hawaii professor Kim Binst-
in exams, a study has found. equipped to deal with set- they have received praise for psychologist at University of were not praised at all. The the right kind of praise, ex- Samuel Paylor said. ed. So whats really impor-
Published in Psycholog- backs, Dweck found. their intelligence. Its natu- California, San Diego, said. To children who were praised for plains Kang Lee, co-author of The data they produced tant is to have a crew that,
ical Science, the study builds For example, Dweck advo- ral to tell children how smart acquire their results, the re- their intelligence were asked another study on the conse- will help Nasa select individ- both as individuals and a
on widely-cited research led cates using phrases that per- they are, explained co-author searchers asked 300 children to promise not to cheat by the quences of telling children uals and groups with the group, is really resilient, is
by Stanfords Carol Dweck, petuate constructive criti- Gail Heyman. half aged three, the other researcher, who then left the they had a reputation for being right mix of traits to best able to look at that conflict
who spent 40 years research- cism, like, biology isnt one What our study shows is half aged five in eastern room. A hidden camera docu- intelligent. THE INDEPENDENT cope with the stress, isola- and come back from it. AP
ing the growth mindset, of your best subjects yet,
proving that kids who are rather than biology isnt
praised for their efforts rath- one of your best subjects.
er than their abilities have a The latest research
greater chance at success be- shows that this can affect

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