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1. Module (1) intro (3)

2. Module (1a) ... (6)
3. Module (1b) .. (15)
4. Module (1d) . (28)
5. Module (1e) . (30)
6. Sample Test on module (1) ........ (33)
7. Module (2) intro... (37)
8. Module (2a) . (39)
9. Module (2b) . (47)
10. Module (2c) . (52)
11. Module (2e) (54)
12. Sample Test on module (2) ....... (60)
13. Module (3) intro.. (64)
14. Module (3a) (68)
15. Module (3b) (77)
16. Module (3c) . (86)
17. Module (3e) . (88)
18. Sample Test on module (3) . (95)
19. Module (4) intro ..(100)
20. Module (4a) ..(102)
21. Module (4b) ..(108)
22. Module (4d) ..(111)
23. Module (4f) ...(112)
24. Sample Test on module (4) ..(118)
25. The Story [ Merchant of Venice] ... (122)
26. Time for English . (156)
27. Sample Tests .(165)
28. Final Revision .. (178)

The English Department

Six Primary Class ..

1) Please bring the books according to the following schedule:






Tips for the parents

1- This revision sheet is meant for home study and homework assignments.
2- Parents are kindly asked to follow their kids commitments towards their daily
home works.
3- The revision sheet must be delivered every Sunday for checking .

Module (1)

Intro page (9)

Communication (n) To share information with others by speaking, writing,
Communicate (v) moving your body or any other signal.
A movement of the hands, arms or headto express an
idea or feeling.
To spend time with your friends in order to enjoy
To do something in order to prevent something bad from
A state of disagreement or argument between people,
groups or countries.
To open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply, usually
because you are tired or bored.
To become red in the face usually because you are
To cut your nails with your teeth because you feel
Bite your nails
worried about something.
To curl up your fingers tightly towards your palm to hit
Clench your fist
To move your eyebrows upwards to show surprise or
Raise eyebrow
To move your eyebrows together to show that you are
angry, annoyed or confused.
Impatient x patient Easily annoyed because you have to wait
Confused Unable to think clearly or understand something.
Offended To make someone upset or angry.
Feeling ashamed or shy or uncomfortable in front of
Unsure Not certain or having doubts
Feeling nervous, embarrassed and uncomfortable
especially in front of people that you don't know.

Choose the correct answer:
1-With no telephone or radio equipment, people had no means of (communicate

Communication -connect).
2- Sue (hug-scratched-nodded ) her head. She agreed on the time of the meeting.

3-When Mark asked where the children were, his sister made a (communication-

gesture- blush) in the direction of the beach.

4-I hope Ann's actually doing some work at college, she spends all her time

(conflicting-socializing-confusing) and enjoying herself.

5-The bus driver swerved suddenly to (try-avoid-bite) hitting the cyclist.

6-We wish to decrease the (communicate-conflict-socialize) and violence among teen

students as much as possible.

7- I can't stop (biting-raising-yawning) I very tired, I need to sleep.

8-The old man looked angry, he (bit-clenched-raised) his fist and waved it angrily

at us.
9-I always (hug-blush-bite) with embarrassment when I speak in public.

10-People who (scratch-frown-blush) a lot or usually have expressive faces usually

develop deep lines as they get older.

11-Monika isn't a good teacher, as she is a bit (patient-impatient-pleased) with slow


12-Grandfather gets quite (surprised-confused-embarrassed) sometimes, and doesn't

even know what day it is.

13- Karen sometimes (clenches scratches bites) her head when she is not sure of

the answer.

14- (Frowning Smiling - Yawning) is a good habit. It reflects how friendly you
are. Its also sunna.
15- I am so (offended-confused-worried) by Tom's rude comments that make me

Complete using the words between the brackets:

(scratches -embarrassed-unsure-worried-biting-raised-communicate)
1-I am about which skirt to wear at the party. Can you help me?
2-I am so..about Gina. she has lots of problems, I hope nothing bad

happened to her.

3- Eric always his head when he is confused.

4-Jill is tooto sing in front of all these people.

5-Will you stop..your nails, please?

6-Jack . his eyebrows in surprise when she walked into the room.

7- Parents sometimes find it difficult to with their teenage kids.

Correct the underlined word:

1. You yawn when you get embarrassed.

2. You bite your nails when you start to hit someone.

3. You clench your fist when you are nervous or worried.

4. You frown when you are happy.

5. You raise your eyebrows when you are unsure of your answer.

6. You usually shake hands with your enemies.

7. When I am pleased I usually think about a problem .

Module (1) U.(A)
World gestures

Body talk p.(10)

Abroad in or to a foreign country
Mean To have or represent a particular meaning
To hold someone close to your body with your arms to
show that you love him.
Unacceptable(adj) Something which is wrong to be accepted
X acceptable Satisfactory and able to be agreed upon
To tell someone another person's name the first time that
they meet
Fist(n) A hand with fingers tightly in to express anger
The inside part of your hand from your wrist and the base
of your finger
To move your head up and down to show agreement or
Slightly(adv) Little
The bottom surface of your foot or your shoes which
touches the ground
To do or say something to someone that is rude or
Confusing Unclear or difficult to understand
Harmless(adj) Not able to hurt or cause damage
Stressful(adj) feeling worried or nervous, or under stress or pressure
feeling annoyed or upset or less confident because you
cannot achieve what you want
A place for education after high school where people study
or train to get knowledge
To take a letter or package or. To a particular place or

To have liquid coming out through your skin especially
because you are hot, frightening or exercising.
React (v) To behave in a particular way as a direct result of
Reaction (n) something else

Completely In every way or as much as possible

Whoops An expression of surprise or feeling sorry
Time that you spent working in your job in addition to your
Work Overtime
normal working hours.

To be able to live or deal with a difficult situation usually
Get by
by having just enough of something you need.

Your heart races Your heart beats quickly

To be able to wait calmly and accept difficulties without

Patient with
becoming angry.

To watch, listen or think about something or someone

Pay attention
carefully with interest.

Popular with Known and liked by a lot of people

Feeling angry or unhappy because someone has quality ,

Jealous of
thing or ability that you wish you had

To search ,try to find something or someone in several

Look for

Absorbed in a talk with somebody paying attention to him

Deep in
that you don't notice anything else that is happening around

Be fond of To like, love someone or something

To realize that a situation exists or having knowledge about

Be aware of

Have butterflies in
Feeling nervous about something you are going to do.
your stomach

Choose the correct answer:
1-Mr. Ahmed is very popular (of-with-at) his students. He is sociable and really loved
by all of them.
2-Are you jealous (off-of-from) him because he got the job and you didn't?
3-Sara is very patient (at-with-out) the young learners, she can accept difficulties
without being angry or anxious.
4-Darren isnt interested (in-on-at) knowing more about the services that your firm
5-My cousin earns only enough money from his work to get (on-by-at).
6-Harry wanted the best for his children; good schools, a nice house and trips (board-
abroad -broad).
7-If you don't know what the word (imagines-means-gets), just look it up in the
8-My little niece has a habit of (biting-hugging-insulting) a cushion while she is
watching T.V.
9-Do you know that calling people names is an (acceptable-unacceptable-respectful)
behaviour in all communities.
10-Michael didn't know anybody at the party but the hostess came to rescue her by
(insulting-introducing-connecting) her to a few people.
11-When I suggested to go for a walk, my friends (yawned-nodded-surprised)
12-The angry lady (insulted-hugged-nodded) the bus driver because he hit her car and
it was badly damaged.
13-The system in the university is always (annoying-confusing-insulting) for the new
students as they are not familiar with it.
14-Don't worry, the dog is (harmful-harmless-damaging).He doesnt hurt anyone.
15-Moving to a new house is such a (harmless-stressful-acceptable) situation which
makes you worry a lot.
16-His failure to get the right job is a great (frustration-confusion-offensive) to him.

17- After high school, the students go to the (colleague-college-company) but after
graduation, they have trouble in finding jobs easily.
18-When we are in stressful situations our bodies (react-reform-reuse).
19-It's really (relaxing-annoying-embarrassing) when a train is late and there is no
20-They are working (off time-overtime-on time) to earn extra money for lving.

Complete using these words:

1-The of my shoes left marks all over the carpet.
2-She was clutching a small coin in the .of her hand.
3- They were ..injured in the crash, they didn't have serious injuries.
4-They will orders to the customers' homes.
5-It was getting so hot inside the room that I began to.
6-He'd ..changed, I didn't recognize him.
7- ..! That's the second time I've spilt coffee today.
Write the derivatives of the underlined words:
1-She is popular but her friends get jealous of her
2-The teacher can't accept your behaviour you should apologize for
3-He imagines stories everyday for the children. He has really got a very rich

4-It was really insulting. She made several about my appearance.
5-Gestures differ from one country to another as what you say with your hands at
home can mean something completely in another country.

Choose the right phrase to complete these sentences:

Fond of butterflies in my stomach
Pays attention get by
Heart races deep in conversation

1-Do you speak Spanish? Just enough to
2-My .because I work harder and faster than usual.
3-I think she she listens carefully to what I was saying.
4-Moor was ..with her mother , she didn't notice
anything else that was happening around her.
5-Many people in Britain are gardening, they like doing this
job for a long time.
6- I felt nervous about my first performance, I had .

1-are you going on holiday abroad this year
Punctuation marks
Question mark (?)
Full stop (.)
2-i know enough english to get by
Apostrophe (')
Exclamation mark (!)
3-be careful this is insulting

Module (1) u.(a)
Present simple-present continuous

We use present simple for We use present continuous for

1-Habits/routines. He walks to 1-Actions happening now or around
work. the
2-Timetables. The train arrives at time of speaking
7:00 pm They are watching T.V now.
2-Fixed future arrangements.
* We are having a party this Sunday.
3-Annoying action
* He is always biting his nails.

Some verbs don't have continuous tense because they describe state not an
action. (like-hate-believe,..). He likes tennis.
Some verbs can have continuous tense but with a difference in meaning.
I think he's lying.(=believe) I am thinking of going out.(=considering)

Choose the correct answer:

1-Julie doesn't (likes-like-is liking) Mexican food. It's too spicy.
2-This cake (look-looks-is looking) delicious.
3-I (thinks-am thinking-think) of going out after school today. Fancy joining me?
4-Hannah is looking for a new job (at the moment-every day-yet).
5-The new ice cream flavor (is tasting-tastes-taste) like banana mixed with
6-Nowadays, it (gets-is getting-get) more and more difficult to buy a new home.
7-Brian (travels-is travelling-travel) to Spain every year.
8-Tomorrow, we (go-are going-goes) on a trip to South Africa.
9-(Do-Is-Does) you want to come with us to the cinema?
10-The next train (leave-is leaving-leaves) at 9:30 am.

11- David (has-is having-have) a karate lesson now.
12-The girls (build-are building-built) a snowman at the moment.
13-(Is-Do-Does) he driving to work a lot these days?
14-Dolphins (don't-doesn't-aren't) lay eggs.
15-This new T-shirt (fits-is fitting-fit) him perfectly.


1. The children .. (play) outside now.
2. She usually . (read) the newspaper in the morning.
3. I (do) my homework now.
4. I (eat) my dinner now.
5. . (you / want) a pizza?
6. They .. (watch) TV now.
7. I . (not / like) spaghetti.
8. The baby . (sleep) now.
9. My mother usually . (cook) dinner in the evening.
10. He .. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.
11. She . (not / like) football.
12. Mary .. (listen) to music now.
13. My mother . (always / cook) in the morning.
14. What (you / usually / do) at weekends?
15. Jane (give) a party today because it
(be) her birthday.
16. The lesson (start) at 9 oclock every morning.
17. Adam is in his room now. He . (write) a letter to his pen friend.

Ask questions for the underlined words:

1. ?
George often has a bath four times per week.
2. ?
Mike eats corn-flakes for breakfast every morning.

3. ?
The teacher is writing some examples on the board.
4. ?
Tom is watching a film now.
5. ?
No, My parents never smoke cigarettes.
6. ?
Peter and Rob go to school by service bus.
7. .?
Sam is doing his homework in his room.
8. ?
I read two books every month.

Change these sentences into negative:

1. You know the answer.

2. He has breakfast at 8 oclock.

3. Some schoolgirls wear uniforms

4. she cuts her husbands hair

5. She does her homework everyday.

1-Doug is thinking of buying a new car. (not)

2-My mum makes my favourite chocolate cake every weekend. (last weekend)
3-We have a party for you on Saturday. (now)
4-I can't call people because my mobile phone doesn't work. (Why)

5-No, I am not going out tonight. (Are..?)

6-Jeff feeds the dog every morning. (What)

7-They are swimming in the pool. (Where)

8-The gardener waters the plants twice a week. (How)

9-Fred is walking to school these days to get some exercise. (Why)

10-Claire usually meets her lawyer at 11 am. (not)

11-Right now, he is having coffee. (every morning)

12-They are moving to a new house next year. (When)
13-It takes ten minutes to get work by car. (How)
14-My English session starts at 7:00 am. (When)
15-Yes, I enjoy reading Stephen king novels. (Do)

16-Karren bought a new dress yesterday. (every month)

17-The two brothers usually fight with each other. (now)
18-Jack flies a kite with his young sister. (at the moment)
19-Look, he is riding a bike. (usually)
20-I like reading magazines. (not)

Module (1) U. (B)
Getting to know you

Breaking the ice p.12

To start a nice conversation with somebody you meet for the
Break the ice
1st time
A chance to do something or an occasion when it's easy for
you to do something
Come up Happened unexpectedly, becomes available
Approach(v) To come near or get closer
Fancy To like something or someone
Uncomfortable Unable to feel relaxed or pleased
X comfortable Feeling relaxed or pleased
Get down Something makes you feel unhappy or depressed
Useful piece of information especially about how to do
Bright side of
To look at the good points in a situation which is bad
Hopefully, confident giving cause for hope or confidence
Negative Not hopeful or to consider only the bad side of a situation
something which is helpful or has a good effect to improve
your life.
Sure that you can do something or deal with a situation
Confident (adj)
Confidence (n) To be sure of your abilities or having trust in people
Develop(v) To improve or change into more advanced form
Skill(n) The ability o do something well
Take over To start doing a job or being responsible for something

Giving more attention to something because you want to
Interested in
discover more about it
Things that happened at a particular time in a particular
Worth To be important or useful to have or do
To say that something will happen in the future before it
Serious Extremely bad or not joking
Entertain(v) Something that amuses or interests people
To convince someone with good reasons to do or buy
Inform(v) To tell someone about something or give them information
Narrate(v) To tell a story or describe events as they happened
Talent Natural ability to be good and clever at something
Cheer To give a loud shout to encourage or praise
Responsibility job or duty to be in charge of so that you make decisions
The ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult
Something that is not understood or cannot be explained as
it is strange

Willing x To be happy to do something

Unwilling Unhappy or refuse to do something
Ambition (n) Having strong wish to be successful and powerful
Ambitious (adj) Great desire to be better
Furious Extremely angry
Sensible Based on good judgment or logic
To start doing something or discuss something with
Take up

Traits = character adjectives:
Sociable x shy Friendly or like to spend time with other people
Caring or thinking only about yourself and not about
Selfish x selfless
Sensitive x
Easily upset by the things people say or do
Someone who does what he wants and refuse to change
Stubborn x flexible
his mind
Honest x
Telling the truth and able to be trusted
Optimistic x
Believing that good things will always come true
Reliable x
Can be trusted or depended on
Patient x
Having the ability to wait calmly or accept difficulties
Talented x
Having a good ability or skill to do something
Courageous x
Brave and can act in dangerous situation
Mysterious x
Someone who seems strange or not understood.

Give one word:

1-A description of someone who thinks that everything is going to be fine despite the
problems she is facing. [.]
2- A description of someone who cares only about himself. [.]
3- A description of someone who is often hurt by things people say.
4- A description of someone who loves meeting new people. [.]
5- A description of someone who doesn't feel comfortable around people he doesn't
know. [.]
6- A description of someone who always tells the truth and never lies.

Choose the correct answer:
1-Rose is very (stubborn-patient-impatient) with her pupils. She always takes the
time to explain things they don't understand.
2-Sue is a very (optimistic-stubborn-shy) person. She is unwilling to change her mind
about things.
3-Mark is very (reliable-stubborn-sociable), if he says he'll do something ,then he'll
do it. You can trust him.
4-Sherry is so (sensitive-selfish-insensitive), I have to be careful with what I say
because she gets easily upset about any criticism.
5-At the party, I tried to break the (snow-ice-rock) by offering her a drink but she said
6-You've missed the (skill-opportunity-fancy) to have the job, so good luck for the
next time.
7-A position has come (at-up-on) in the accounts department, it becomes available.
8- I know that what happened is so frustrating, but don't let it get you (down-up-on).
9-My grandfather gave me useful (sides-tips-skills) about the best way to grow
10-There was a very (positive-negative-advantage) response to our new designs,
people seemed very pleased with it.
11-I have complete (confident-confidence-development) in her. She will be perfect
for the job.
12-I am looking for a job which will enable me to (take over-develop-fancy) my
13-The leader took (at-over-of) the responsibility for this project.
14-It is almost impossible to (predict-peruse-avoid) when or where a tornado will
15-We hired a magician to (entertain-react-develop) the children at the birthday
16-We are sorry to (narrate-inform-advice) you that we won't be able to attend the
17-Jack finally achieved his (ambition-ambitious-addition) to become a film director.
18-You said you needed a volunteer- well, I am (willing-unwilling-sensible) to do
this job.
19-Jane is (irresponsible-responsible-responsibility) person. She looks after her
young brother and sister.
20-Bob is a (mystery-mysterious-cheerful) person. He never tells me where he goes
or what he does, he is really strange.

Complete these sentences using these words:
1-Are you that enough people will attend the party?
2-Gibson's at hitting the ball is outstanding.
3-I'd be very to hear more about your work, I want to discover more
about it.
4-The children tried hard to learn how to punishment.
5-Clever salesman can .you to buy things you don't really want.
6-One by one the witnesses the sequences of the events which led
up to the disaster.
7-Everyone clapped and the winners received their medal.
8-They were because they couldn't find no doctors on duty at the

Mark the following adjectives as positive (p) or negative (n):

1- Imaginative ( p) 7- Reliable ( )
2- Talented ( ) 8- sociable ( )
3- Irresponsible ( ) 9- courageous ( )
4- Selfish ( ) 10-furious ( )
5- Optimistic ( ) 11-friendly ( )
6- Shy ( ) 12- carless ( )

Write the antonyms of the underlined words:

1-Mike is a very stubborn child. He does only what he wants even if it is wrong, you
can't change his mind. [.]
2- Ben is the man that you can depend on. He is reliable. [.]
3-I told her to be patient but she insisted on opening the gift before her birthday
party. [.]
4-Charles is so shy. He hates meeting new people. [.]

5-People who are pessimistic always expect that things will go wrong.
6-Fire fighters are courageous. They save people from fire. [.]
7-Tom is selfish. He doesn't care about other people's feelings.[.]
8-My sister always comes up with fantastic new ideas. She is so imaginative.

Supply the missing letters:

1. Ben took the opp _ rt _ nity to talk to his new classmate, although he is usually
emb_r_assed in those situations.
2. He usually av _ ids being late because his bos- is very imp_tient.
3. You need to know how to br _ _k the ic_ in order to start a fr _ _ ndly

Language Function
Forming adjective:

Optimisim + ic =

Sense + ible =


Child + ish =

Act + ive =

How to form adjectives Magic + al =

Rely + able =

Comfort + able =

Courage + ous =

Hope + less =

Correct the words between the brackets:
1-Tom is very. (talent) painter. He paints pictures a lot.
2-Sue is (cheer) person. She is always smiling.
3-John is ..(friend). He is nice to everyone.4-fire fighters are ...
(courage). They save people from fire.
5-Bob is ambitious. He wants to be . (success)
6-My brother is . (mystery). He never tells me where he goes or what he
7- People who are .. (pessimism) always expect that things will go
8-It seem more (sense) to do researches before we start on the
9-I have to be careful with what I say because she is so ..(sense)
10-Jack is an (interest) person. You enjoy sitting with him because he
knows about lots of things.

Module (1) Phrasal verbs:


down up
with with

up out

Come by To visit Sb
Come up with To think of a an idea
Come down with To get an illness
Come up To happen un expectedly
Come out To become available to the public

Complete the following sentences using word(s) in the box:
(Come up-come up with-come down with-come up-come out):
1. Sally .. to see us yesterday at home.
2. Sandy always creative ideas at work.
3. Jack .. flu last week and he didnt come to work.
4. Something. And I had to leave immediately.
5. Amr Dyabs new CD . Every summer.

Underline the correct answer:

1. Sherry came (by-up with-out) the idea of going to the cinema tonight.
2. I felt sorry when I knew that Dalia came (up-out-down with) cancer.
3. Susan left the office because something came (out-by-up) suddenly.
4. Whenever you are free you can come (out-by- down with).
5. The new medicine came (down-up with-out) last week.

Module(1) u.(B)
Infinitive/the-ing form
We use to+ infinitive

To + infinitive Ing form

1-To express purpose. We use ing form
He went out to buy a magazine. 1-As the subject of a sentence.
2-After would like, would prefer, Starting a conversation is not easy.
would love. 2-After like, love, enjoy, don't
I'd like to eat out tonight. mind, dislike, hate.
3-After too/enough. He likes meeting new people.
It's too difficult to talk to her. 3-After avoid, appreciate, consider,
4-After ask, decide, explain, want, continue, deny, fancy, imagine,
hope, expect, promise, refuse,. miss, save, suggest, practice,
He wants to travel abroad. prevent
5-After adjectives. Do you fancy playing tennis?
She was glad to see her friend. 4-After prepositions.
Bare infinitive (infinitive without How about eating out?
to) 5-After expression such as be busy,
After (make-let-modals) it's no use, can't help, can't stand,
He can't see you now. have difficulty in, it's not worth

Angela is busy preparing dinner.

Choose the correct answer:.

1-Peter cant help (being-to be-be) late.
2- Gordon dislikes (get-getting-to get) up early.
3- Jill cant avoid (speak-speaking-to speak) Spanish.
5- Jim didnt take his holiday until June. He delayed (take-to take-taking) it.

6- Jim was speaking French when Bob came in. He stopped (speak-speaking-to
7-Jim wanted (to see-see-seeing) the race. He didnt want to miss it.
8- You may (have-to have-having) an accident if you drive that car. You risk it.
9- I wouldnt like to work in an office. I dont fancy (work-to work-working)
10-Henry is used to (have-having-to have) his lunch late.
11-She hopes (stay-to stay-staying) at St Paul's Primary school for a couple of
12-His parents let him (go-going-to go) to the beach.
13-There is no point (try-to try-trying) to persuade him.
14-It is no use (wait-waiting-to wait) for Liza. She isn't coming.
15-(Attending-Attend-To attend) the opening ceremony at the Olympic Games is
a unique experience that happens ones in a life.

Correct the verb between the brackets:

1.She never admits .. (make) mistakes.
2. Please avoid . (be) alone with him.
3. When you finish .. (do) your homework, call me.
4. Shes considering (be) a member of T.E.D. Club.
5. On Sundays I always practise .. (talk) English with my aunt.
6. Do you fancy .. (play) tennis this afternoon?
7. I dislike . (study) history.
8. I enjoy .. (walk) in the rain.
9.She cant afford .. (buy) a car.
10. I decided .. (go) on Saturday.
11. He refused (see) me again.
12. She seems (be) happy.
13. Jack advised me .. (rent) a new apartment.
14. His teacher encourages him . (study) harder.
15. Lucy pretended (know) the answer to my question.

16. Could you please stop . (make) so much noise?
17. He doesnt let anyone (smoke) in his office.
18. Were going out for dinner. Would you like (join) us?
19. Mrs. Allen promised . (come) tomorrow.
20. My boss expects me .. (complete) this work as soon as possible.

1- Richard took the books home with him. (admitted)

2- Mary wanted to have dinner at a restaurant. (suggested)

3- He came late to school. (apologized)

4. He passed his exam. (succeed)
5. I want to go to London. (look forward)

6. Were thinking of traveling by train. (hope)

7. Do you feel like going for a swim? (fancy)
8. The children are glad to go to the movies. (excited)
9. Bob never talked about his problems. (refused)

10. Henry can make up stories. (good at)

11. I can't speak English well. (difficulty)

12. Jim doesn't like to be interrupted. (can't stand)
13. When Sam got tired, he couldn't work. (stopped)
14. Marry wanted to have dinner at a restaurant. (suggested)
15. I wanted to stay in a top class hotel during my vacation. (decided)

Module (1) u. (d)
Socializing in the UK

Social Etiquette in the UK p. (15)

The formal rules for polite behaviour in a society or in a

social etiquette
particular group
Sense of
Your ability to create or understand funny things
Politeness Behaving in way that is socially accepted
Admiration felt or shown for someone especially for their
good ideas and personal qualities
Reserved Unwilling to talk about your feelings or thoughts
Greeting in which two people shake each other's right
Common x
Usual \ or happening very often
Relative A member of your family
Privacy The ability to keep your personal affairs secret
Topic Subject which is discussed or written about
Politics The activities of the government
Marital status Whether someone is married or not
On time Not to be late or come on the right time
Person who has guests who welcomes them and gives
them food and drink

A bunch of
Group of similar things that are held together
Drop in To visit someone suddenly
Apart from Except for or not including
Casual Happening by chance
Polite friendly conversation which is unimportant
Small talk
between people who don't know each other well
Single Not married

Complete with the right preposition:
1-She kissed her daughter her cheek before she left for work.
2-It is nice to take a bunchflower for your sick friend in the hospital.
3-when you visit someone .home, make sure you are time.
4-A handshake is the most common form....greeting when you meet someone
...the first time.
5-The British are famoustheir language and politeness.
6-You can drop.anytime but you must phone before coming.
Choose the correct answer:
1-Social (economy-etiquette-income) dictates that men cannot sit while women are
2-Jissica managed to keep her (scene-sense-scan) of humour throughout her
frightening experience.
3-The new teachers have to gain the (respect-accept-expect) of their students.
4-She is really a (reserved-sociable- stubborn) woman, she doesn't show her feelings
or thoughts about anything.
5-There weren't many people at her wedding, just close family (relatives-privacy-
6-Jo is very gentle, he is always very (effective-affectionate-polite) toward us.
7-I hate sharing a bedroom with my friends, I never get any (politics-privacy-private).
8-He was a powerful force in British (politics-party-business) who tried to influence
the way the country is governed.
9-Could I ask you about your marital (time-status-wedding)? Yes, I am married.
10-The guests thanked their (hosts-hostage-hostel) for the lovely evening.
Collocations: fill in the correct word from the list:
(Face-marital-pay-look on the bright-start-give-bunch)
1-..attention 2-..a conversation
3-..status 4-..a situation
5-a hug 6-..of flower
7-side of life

Module (1) u.(e)
Are you new here?
Giving personal information

Ask personal questions

I am from Egypt
My sister is single
Yes, we moved in next door last week
I have two brothers and one sister

Answer the missing parts in the following dialogue:

1- Harry :
Marry : Hi! I'm Mary. Mary Newton.
Harry : NiceAre you new here?
Marry : Yes,
Harry : Really, welcome to the neighborhood.

2- Heba : Hi, Hala. Would you like to go out with me?

Hala : Oh! Sorry, I can't .
Heba : .?
Hala : I'm busy studying and preparing myself for the exam.
Heba : When?
Hala : Next week, then we can go anywhere you like.
Heba : That's right

3- Catty : Hello, this is Catty, can I help you?

Ben : .?
Catty : I'm sorry, Mr. Davids in a meeting at the moment.
Ben : ..?
Catty : He is going to finish at four. Can I take a message? Ben : Yes,
Catty : Your phone number is 629 3478, right?
Ben :
Catty : OK, he will call you back.
Ben : Thanks a lot.

Translation into Arabic:
1-My daughter has lots of problems in her school.
2-Dad works as an engineer till now.
3-My sister is an optimistic person.

Translation into English:

. -1

. -2

Writing a paragraph

1- A paragraph is a group of sentences that are joined together by a main point

or idea. A good paragraph should have three main parts:

Topic Sentence
is the first sentence. It should present the main idea of the

Supporting sentences
support or give details on the main idea.

closing sentences
is the last sentence in a paragraph. It should refer to the main
idea in the topic sentence.

Activity; Write a paragraph about the following topic:.

How to break the ice with a new classmate
Write the topic sentence:

Write the supporting sentence:
Write the closing sentence:

Now Write your own composition:

Sample Test - (Module 1)

[1] Choose the correct answer:

1-Dont let this exams grades (get you down boss you around get you by),
because you can benefit from your mistakes.
2- Salma was (coming up deep in conversation jealous) with Ali discussing the
3- He is (hugging yawning smiling) in the session because he didnt sleep well
last night.
4- Ben took the (skill gesture opportunity) to speak to the artist when he went to
the gallery as he admires his painting.
5- He has the habit of (yawning clenching his fist scratching his head) when he is
thinking hard but that looks bad in front of strangers.
6- Anne (always called is always calling always calls) me late at night. It's really
7- Look! The kids (had have are having) a great time chatting with their friends
on the beach.
8- Are you interested in (watches watch watching) the new Indiana Jones film?
9- Pat & Nancy (meet met are meeting) at the bus stop every day.
10- I don't mind (to write writing write) out all the party invitations for you. Just
tell me when you want them by.

[2] Re-write
1-Paul likes sleeping early. (would like)
2-John doesnt talk about himself. (avoid)
3-Tom always studies hard. (not)

4-Hala doesn't always tidy her room. (hate)

5- Ann practiced swimming yesterday . (every day)


[3] Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Mum: ?
Nancy: I was here at home this morning.
Mum: ?
Nancy: I was cleaning the house.
Mum: ?
Nancy: I cleaned my room, the living room and the kitchen.

Mum: Was anyone helping you?
Nancy: ..
Mum: Really? I'm very happy that Amy can be in two places at the same time.
Nancy: Sorry?
Mum: Amy was at the club, practicing tennis.

Reading Comprehension
[4] Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Many people who are looking to get a pet dog get a puppy. There are many
reasons why people get puppies. After all, puppies are cute, friendly, and playful. But
even though puppies make good pets, there are good reasons why you should
consider getting an adult dog instead.
When you get a puppy, you have to teach it how to behave. You have to make
sure that the puppy is housebroken so that it does not go to the bathroom inside the
house. You have to teach the puppy not to jump up on your guests or chew on your
shoes. You have to train the puppy to walk on a leash. This is a lot of work.
On the other hand, when you get an adult dog, there is a good chance that it will
already know how to do all of the previously mentioned things. Many adult dogs
have already been housebroken. Many adult dogs will not jump on or chew things
that you do not want them to jump on or chew. Many adult dogs will be able to walk
on a leash without pulling you to the other side of the street.
Puppies also have a lot of energy and want to play all the time. This can be fun,
but you might not want to play as much as your puppy does. Puppies will not always
sleep through the night or let you relax as you watch television on the couch right
beside you.
On the other hand, most adult dogs will wait on you to play. What is more, they
will sleep when you are sleeping and are happy to watch tv There is one last reason
why you should get an adult dog instead of a puppy. When most people go to the
pound to get a dog, they get a puppy. This means that many adult dogs spend a lot of
time in the pound, and some never find good homes. So if you are looking to get a
dog for a pet, you should think about getting an adult dog. They are good pets who
need good homes.

I) Answer the following questions:

1. Why dont you have to teach adult dogs how to behave?

2. What will puppies do while you are sleeping?

3. Why are adult dogs better regarding playing with them?

II) Choose the right answer:
1. The author apparently thinks that puppies are
A. bad pets because they take too much work to own
B. not as cute as adult dogs
C. friendly, playful, and a lot of work

2. Based on information in the passage, which of the following statements is false?

A. Puppies have a lot of energy.
B. Puppies need a lot of attention.
C. Adult dogs do not need eat very much.

[5] Write a paragraph about
person you admire and why? Or write about a person you will never forget

[6] Guiding words:

Sociable optimistic talented

Link reader [Merchant of Venice]

1- I am not worried . I am certain that you are wrong .That is not why I am

a)Who is the speaker?

b)Who did he speak to?

c)Why was the speaker sad ?

2-Complete the following sentences:

1) Portia was

2) The man who chose the right ..could ,but if a man chose
the wrong .,would never all.

[7] Supply the missing letters:
1-He cle _ ched his fi _t angrily.
2-It was so h _ t when we arrived to the desert that we started to sw _ _ t as soon as
we got off the car.
Hand writing
[8] Copy the following sentence:
Dont cry over spilt milk.

Module (2)
Intro page

Artist (n) Somebody who paints ,draws or make sculptures.

The making of objects, images, music, etc. that are
Art (n)
beautiful or that express feelings
To design or create something that has never been
Invent (v)
made before
Inventor (n) Somebody who has invented sth.
Something which has never been made before, or the
Invention .(n) process of creating something which has never been
made before.
Sb who is trained in the study of numbers and
Mathematician (n)
Discover (v) To find out
Discovery (n) To find information, a place or an object, especially
thing for the first time
Create (v) To make sth. New
The act of creating something, or the thing that is
Creation (n)
Physicist (n) Sb who studies physics or does research in physics.
A theory developed by Einstein about the
Theory of
relativity (phr)
between speed ,space and time.
A radioactive element used in the treatment of
Radium (n)
Gravity (n) The force that causes sth to drop to the ground.

Choose the correct answer from between the brackets1-

1-The { scientist-gravity designer }presented his discovery to the academic
2-The Montgolfier brothers {invented discovered found } the first hot air balloon .
3-Marie curie {discovered painted visited } radium that helped in the treatment of
4- Isaac Newton was a mathematician who discovered {radium-gravity
penicillin}which is defined as the force that causes things to drop to the ground.

5-The Theory of {Radium-Relativity Gravity} was created by Albert Einstein. It is
about the relationship between time, speed and space.
6-My sister {created painted discovered} a lovely picture which was admired by
7-Leonardo da Vinci was an{artist-scientist-doctor}.He painted the Mona Lisa which
was considered as one of the most famous paintings all over the world.
8-Alexander Fleming discovered {penicillin-relativity-radium}that helped a lot in the
field of medicine.
9-Penicillin was a big {discover discovery discoverer}which helped human.
10-Piccaso was a great {art-artist-artistic}who painted a lot of master pieces.

Complete the following sentences using the words given:

Gravity invention-artists-physicist-mathematician-scientist

1-The world changed rapidly after the .of the telephone.

2-He described her as one of the greatest film..of the 20th century.

3-Albert Einstein was a..who created the Theory of Relativity.

4-The force that makes things fall to the ground is defined as .

5-My uncle is a .. He is an expert in mathematics.

6-Mary Curie was a ..who discovered the radium

Module (2) - Unit (a)
A place in history

Clothes and sheets which need to be or have just
Laundry (n.)
been washed.
To move gently and slowly through the air or on
Float (v.)
the surface of the water.
Curious (adj.) Being interested and inquisitive about sth.
Conclusion (n.) The final part of something.
Come to the To decide or agree on sth after considering or
conclusion that. discussing a Situation
Lift (v.) Raise
Craft (n.) A vehicle for travelling on water or through the air.
Capture (v.) To take sth into your possession.
A test done so as to learn sth,. Or to discover if
Experiment (n.)
sth,.works or is true.
To do a test so as to learn sth. or to discover if sth,.
Experiment on (v.)
Works or is true.
Realize (v.) To understand.
Present (v.) Introduce
Safe and Sound Alive and unharmed after being in danger.
Crowd (n.) A large group of people gathered together.
To contain something as a part of something else,
Include (v.)
or to make something part of something else.
Gather (v.) To come together in a group.

Permission (n.) The act of allowing somebody to do something.
Flight (n.) A journey in an aircraft.
Voyage (n.) A long journey, especially by ship.
The act of travelling from one place to another,
Journey (n.)
especially in a vehicle.
To include someone or something in something, or
Involve (v.)
to make them take part in or feel part of it.
Tradition (n) A custom or belief that has existed for a long time.
Along with Together with.
Approval (n.) A formal statement that sth. is accepted.
Notice (v.) To become aware of sth.
Think of To bring to mind or to remember.
Think about To consider sth.

Choose the correct answer from between the brackets :

1- Could you help me {lift- float experiment } this table .I 've got my bag caught under
2- Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were {captured lifted included } as
prisoners .
3- Babies are always {captured curious safe } about everything around them.
4- After three days lost in the mountains ,all the climbers arrived home {crowd-safe and
sound captured }. Nobody was injured or harmed .
5- In the pool, several kids were {presenting floating including }on their backs like
starfish, with their arms and legs stretched out.
6- After listening carefully to his story ,I came to the {experience experiment
conclusion } that Tommy was lying .
7- A{ journey voyage crowd } of about 15,000 attended the concert .
8- According to the Egyptian {experiments traditions approval }.Egyptian people eat
salted fish in Sham El Nessiem.
9- California , {along ahead apart } with Florida and Hawaii , is one of the most
popular US tourist destinations .

10- Mary waved at the man but he didn't seem to {notice run include }.He was busy
talking on the phone.

11-The teacher gave the students a /an {tradition- approval -conclusion } to go outside

their class .

12-Nobody is allowed to go out that room without asking for a{permission chimney


13- I decided to wear casual {cloth clothes crowd }for the party .

14-Ann will go outside to get some fresh {air wind clothes }. It's too hot inside .

15-Students should {lift raise collect }their hand before speaking in is one of

the most important classroom rules .

16-Many people {performed gathered recovered } to watch the show of the first hot air


17- A{ performance craft permission } is a means of transportation in air or water .

18-I have {come reached gone } to a conclusion that she is responsible for that crime.

19-Julia is always { successful curious powerful } to know the whole story.

20-Scientists always do {performances experiments passengers }on animals before

they apply them to the humans.

Choose the correct preposition:

1-Afootball team consists (from / of ) eleven players.

2-Scientists shouldnt experiment (for / on) animals.

3-What happened (with / to) your leg?

4- The walls were covered (of/ with) colourful pictures.

5-She is very proud (at/of) her daughter.She is polite and intelligent.

Give one word for the following sentences:

1-Clothes and sheets which need to be or have just been washed. {..}

2- The final part of something . {...}

3-. A vehicle for travelling on water or through the air. {...}

4-Alive and unharmed after being in danger. {...}

5- A large group of people gathered together. {...}

6-To come together in a group. {}

7-A custom or belief that has existed for a long time. {}

Module (2)
Past simple past continuous

Past simple Past continuous

An action which happened at a
definite time in the past. She
bought a new car last week.
Actions which happened An action which was in progress
immediately one after the other in when another action interrupted it.
the past. First he made a phone Claire was playing football when
call and then he sent a fax. she fell and sprained her ankle.
The past habits or states which are For two or more simultaneous past
now finished. When he was actions. Linda was talking on the
young, he played/used to play the phone while she was driving to
piano. work.
Time expressions: yesterday, then, To give the background description
when, ago, last, in 1989 to events in a story. Yesterday
they went on a picnic. The
weather was fantastic.
Time expressions: while, when,
as, all morning, all day.

Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST:
Break- swim- have- make -sit write-spend- buy drink- lose wash

1. She .. a cake an hour ago.

2. She .. a hat last week.
3. The boy .. a letter yesterday.
4. They . in the sea for an hour.

5. They .. a lot of Coke last night.
6. She her arm last week.
7. He . all his money last week.
8. She a bath two minutes ago.
9. He . his wallet last night.
10. She .. on the old chair a minute ago..

Fill in the blanks with a correct form, the PAST SIMPLE or the PAST

1. He .. (talk) with Mary, when Mrs. Smith came in.

2. They (study) two hours last night.

3. Jane . (sleep) when the telephone rang.

4. As I . (walk) to the lab, I met my friend.

5. We .. (watch) TV last night.

6. The customer (pay) his cheque when he dropped his credit card.

7. The barber . (cut) my hair yesterday.

8. She . (dance) when she hurt her ankle.

9. It . (rain) hard when I got up.

10. It . (rain) hard last night.

Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the SIMPLE
1-When I phoned my friends, they (play).Monopoly.
2-Yesterday at six I (prepare)..dinner.
3-The kids were playing in the garden when it suddenly (begin) rain.
4-While Aron was working in his room, his friends (swim) the pool
5-Sally (eat) dinner last night when someone.. (knock) on the door.
6-I began to study at seven last night. Fred came at seven thirty. I (study)
when Fred .. (come).

7-While I . (study) last night, Jack (drop by) to visit me.
8-My roommates parents ... (call) him last night while
we.. (watch) TV.
9-While he . (fly) off the Miami Coast, the pilot ..
(see) sharks approaching the swimmers.
10- Yesterday Alicia and Gaby .. (go) to the cinema.

Choose the correct answer:

1-I (sleep-was sleeping-slept). I didn't hear you come in.
2-What (do you do-did you do-were you doing) when she called ? I was watching TV
3-We (had-are having-were having) breakfast when she walked into the room.
4-What were you doing when you (heard-were hearing-hear) that noise?
5-When I (walked-was walking-walk) into the busy office, the secretaries were
talking on the phone with customers.
6-What [did you -were you- you were- do you] doing at seven last night?
7-When I saw my uncle yesterday, he (has driven- driving- is driving- was driving)
8-While I (going- go -was going- gone) home yesterday, I met some old friends.
9-Ahmed (tries-tried-was trying) on those shoes last time.
10-Sue didn't (lose-lost-losing) her money at the supermarket.
11-I was having my lunch (when-as-while) my father arrived.
12-As I was walking in the park, a dog (attacked-was attacking-attacks) me.
13- I couldn't catch the school bus because I (wake- was walking-woke) up late.
14-What (were was-had) the name of the play you watched?
15-While Hady (is playing-was playing -played) the guitar, his sister was doing her

1-Ramy was at the hospital yesterday. (Where...?)
2-Yes, we had a concert at our school. (Did.......?)

3-My friends were in the club yesterday. (not)
4-We had a party last month. (not)
5-He played basketball last Saturday. (What......?)
6-The baby was crying because he was hungry. (Why.....?)
7-It rains a lot every winter. (last)
8-I watched a nice film yesterday. (When.....?)
9-They have lunch in that cafe' daily. (an hour ago)
10-I bought a new car and a nice hat. (not)
11- Noha was walking in the garden. It started to rain. (As)

12-My brother played the piano, and at the same time my sister listened to it.
(Just as)

13-He walked down the street. He saw an accident. (when)

14- I watched TV at the same time, my father arrived home. (while)


15-My brother washed the car yesterday and I cleaned the house at the same time.

16-During work, he answered a lot of telephone calls. (When)

17-When my father arrived, I was reading my favourite magazine.


18-John had an accident on his way to the office. (When)

19-When it rained, I was watering the garden. (As)

20-Mike was relaxing in front of the TV when his mum came. (What)

Module (2)
Unit (b) Breakthroughs

Break through an important discovery or event that helps to improve a
(n.) situation or provide an answer to a problem
By mistake By chance = by accident
Turn out to be To prove to be-to happen in an expected way
Bacteria Very small organisms which can cause disease
Sloppy (adj.) Careless
Realize to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly
A soft grey, green or blue substance that forms on food
Mould (n.)
that has gone off.
Destroy (v.) To ruin sth. Completely
Destruction (n.) when something is destroyed
Destructive (adj.) causing damage
Discover (v.) To find out
Make a discovery Find out something new.
Recover from To become well from an illness
Infection (n.) A disease caused by germs or bacteria
Self taught Having learnt a skill by yourself rather than being taught
(adj.) by sb. else.
Power tube Battery backup device
a system which uses radio waves to find the position of
A radar set
objects which cannot be seen
Curious (adj.) interested in learning about people or things around you
a small round curved piece of transparent plastic which
Contact lens
is worn on the surface of your eye to improve your sight
Popcorn kernel A grain of corn

Explode (v.) To cause to burst with great force.
Explosion (n.) when something such as a bomb explodes
Develop (v.) Grow or Change into a more advanced form
Developed (adj.) advanced or powerful
a device used for measuring temperature, especially of
the air or in a person's body

Choose the correct answer:

1-Scientists are hoping for a (experiment-breakthrough-infections) for cancer.
2-Eric has an apology to make to his brother, he is afraid he opened his letter (in-by-
of) mistake.
3-The party turned (on-out-of) to be a huge disappointment as everybody feels sad
when they heard about the accident.
4-Food must be heated to high temperature to kill harmful (bacteria-health-medicine).
5-Jack has (curious-sloppy-destructive) hand writing, he doesnt care about the
mistakes that he makes while he is writing.
6-Oh no! I made a mistake because I didnt (develop-destroy-realize) that I should
write the answers in a separated sheet of paper.
7-Parents are worried about the (destructive-creative-imaginative) effect that violent
films have on their children.
8-Scientists are trying to make a new (discover-breakthrough-discoverer) to help
people protect themselves from infections.
9-The doctors say that it will take him a few weeks to recover (of -from-at) his heart
10-We must tie a bandage around an injury to reduce the risk of (perfection-infection-
11-Hearing her play the piano, you'd never guess she was (self worth-self taught-
self titled) nobody taught her how to play.
12-I can show you what I bought her, I see you're (mysterious-curious-courageous).
13-He turned (out-down-of) the job because it involved too much travelling, I didn't
like it.

14-I usually wear (power tube-contact lens-kernel) but I sometimes wear glasses
when my eyes are tired.
15-A car (exploded-erupted-developed) in a crowded street this morning, killing five
16-I am looking for a job which will enable me to (develop-create-destroy) my skills
and talents.
17-The school is experimenting (in-with-of) new teaching methods.
18-Our teacher asked us not to forget (of-about-from) the presentation tomorrow.
19-Babies are curious (on-at-about) everything around them.

Complete using these words:

(recover -explosion - discovered - curious- destruction)
1-The of the rain forests is a massive disaster that threatens
the future life on the earth.
2-After a routine checkup, Mrs. Smith ..that she had heart
3-It will take several months for mike to from the knee injury.
4-A few .. neighbors came out to see what was going on.
5-Witnesses say that there was an . and then the plane dropped
from the sky.

Re-write the following sentences using the synonym of the underlined words:
1- Scientists usually make scientific tests on animals.
2- Stop being careless , this makes me angry.
3-My uncle got better.
4-I have to improve my language by watching movies.
5-Have you got in touch with any of your friends?

Phrasal verbs with (Turn)

Turn off X Turn on Switch off X Switch on

Turn down Refuse
Turn up To show up / to arrive
Turn out To prove to be / to happen in a certain way.
To go to bed(informal)
Turn in
To take a criminal to the police
To return in the direction you have come from
Turn back
to make someone do this

Complete the following sentences

1. Monica offered her a trip to Australia but she . ..the offer.
2. Mary turned ...late for the party yesterday.
3. It turned that she was copying other peoples work.
4. Could you please turn .the radio? I cant concentrate.
5. I turned the torch and walked into the cave.
6. We must turn .. because of the heavy rain.


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