Statement OF Purpose: We Want To Defeat The Republican Party

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Laest Revision: MAY 2007

A.C.T. believes it’s alsolutely necessary to end the Bush Administration as

quickly as we can; we can not allow the real possibility that Bush will continue to
mislead the nation and things will get worse, far worse.

A.C.T. has members from several political parties and progressive activist groups.
We admire the actions of the newly empowered Democratic party in challenging
Bush and his neo-con warmongers; our goals are the same:

We want to defeat the Republican party.

(See: our Patriot Plan on our Home Page, at:

The group was founded by citizenbfk, in 1984.

Email, at: ; IM: citizenbfk

A.C.T.’s objective is not just to defeat the Republican Party, but to defeat them so
emphatically, so completely that it will ‘send a signal,’ to future political leaders to
never try to mislead and damage our nation the way the current Republican White
House and Administration has been able to do over the last six years.
We sees no greater evil for a political group than to deliberately mislead a nation into wars
based on lies, based on deliberate use of False Intel, based on a steady drumbeat of deception
and propaganda fed on lies, divisiveness and hate.
A.C.T. wants to see the history of these times not the corrupt and evil policies of Bush and his
NeoCons, but rather a victory for the American people, who were able to eventually see through
the lies, use the tools of democracy to change the policies, and firmly defeat the warmongering
Republicans, and maybe even ‘delete,’ their party from our future history books.

We need to overcome these real evil which have become the

greatest danger and threat to ourselves and to the world.

As long as Bush remains in power everyday is a potential day of

danger and more unwanted and unnecessary war madness.

As citizens we want to see our country back on a path of our real

national interest,
not the special interest of USA Oil Fever or blood apartheid Zionism;
but the real needs of the people in our own home nation.

We love our people, our nation, our ideals, our struggles and the soul of
what we inspire to be.

We owe it to ourselves, we owe to our children, to make it clear and

emphatic that such corruption, lies and misdirection of the nation will not
be tolerated without the most dire consequences to those involved.
A.C.T. has three well-thought out and forceful strategies and
tactics to defeat the Republican party.
All potentially ‘earth-shattering’ shake ups, enough to make real
change & political history and demonstrate ‘people power.’

#1.) Recall Republican governors in ALL seven states where this is

[Note: Such a campaign is already ongoing in Nevada]

#2.) Impeach BOTH Bush and Cheney (Cheney first!)

#3.) Work and vote for a Democratic candidate for President in

Defeat all 21 Republican Senators up for re-election. Vote only for
Democrats in the House.

Details and more information about this strategy and tactics can be
found, at:

Discussion and Comments, Members, Friends, etc. can all be found at the Google Group:

Note: this strong demand by millions of Americans is political reality.

On April 24, 2007 Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney were
introduced in Congress. Plus, earlier this month citizens of Nevada
started a campaign to Recall the Republican governor, Jim Gibbons.

Many folks thought this was an impossible idea when it

was first suggested. Now it is being done.
The Full Text of these Articles of Impeachment, can be found on the
Website link to American Citizens Together on the previous page or the
file can be downloaded directly from:

As mentioned, A.C.T. hopes a clear victory over the Republican party can be made so
emphatic that such a misleading of our nation will never happen again and with these tactics
of Recall Impeachment, now happening, such a total defeat is possible
We also hope and believe that working for such an obvious good of ending this misguided
war will lead to other good things for our nation and the world.

We feel this is a sacred honor to be done for ourselves and for our children.
Honor: because it requires us all to reach not only deep inside ourselves and discovering the
conviction that this is something worth fighting for, fighting full-time, fighting full tilt.

We are forced back to the basic ideals and hopes of this country, not the forced-fed lies of
hate and fear we’ve been hearing nothing else about for the last six years, The Global War on
Terror, the war that never ends, the war of alleged Pure US Good against alleged Pure Arab
Evil, the so-called: ‘Evil Doers,’ those who ‘hate freedom,’ and ‘dislike democracy.’

This nation is governed by the people for the people. No one is above the law. No one has
special privilages. No groups start wars just because they want to.
The goals of this nation and the goals of A.C.T. are the same:
Liberty, justice and equality for all.
Freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Equal education. Equal opportunity.
Equal rights to a full life.
We appreciate your interests and any efforts you make in spreading these ideas.

The White House of Cards is Crumbling

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